1,458 research outputs found

    Elasticity and Petri nets

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    Digital electronic systems typically use synchronous clocks and primarily assume fixed duration of their operations to simplify the design process. Time elastic systems can be constructed either by replacing the clock with communication handshakes (asynchronous version) or by augmenting the clock with a synchronous version of a handshake (synchronous version). Time elastic systems can tolerate static and dynamic changes in delays (asynchronous case) or latencies (synchronous case) of operations that can be used for modularity, ease of reuse and better power-delay trade-off. This paper describes methods for the modeling, performance analysis and optimization of elastic systems using Marked Graphs and their extensions capable of describing behavior with early evaluation. The paper uses synchronous elastic systems (aka latency-tolerant systems) for illustrating the use of Petri nets, however, most of the methods can be applied without changes (except changing the delay model associated with events of the system) to asynchronous elastic systems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Design methodologies for variation-aware integrated circuits

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    The scaling of VLSI technology has spurred a rapid growth in the semiconductor industry. With the CMOS device dimension scaling to and beyond 90nm technology, it is possible to achieve higher performance and to pack more complex functionalities on a single chip. However, the scaling trend has introduced drastic variation of process and design parameters, leading to severe variability of chip performance in nanometer regime. Also, the manufacturing community projects CMOS will scale for three to four more generations. Since the uncertainties due to variations are expected to increase in each generation, it will significantly impact the performance of design and consequently the yield. Another challenging issue in the nanometer IC design is the high power consumption due to the greater packing density, higher frequency of operation and excessive leakage power. Moreover, the circuits are usually over-designed to compensate for uncertainties due to variations. The over-designed circuits not only make timing closure difficult but also cause excessive power consumption. For portable electronics, excessive power consumption may reduce battery life; for non-portable systems it may impose great difficulties in cooling and packaging. The objective of my research has been to develop design methodologies to address variations and power dissipation for reliable circuit operation. The proposed work has been divided into three parts: the first part addresses the issues related with power/ground noise induced by clock distribution network and proposes techniques to reduce power/ground noise considering the effects of process variations. The second part proposes an elastic pipeline scheme for random circuits with feedback loops. The proposed scheme provides a low-power solution that has the same variation tolerance as the conventional approaches. The third section deals with discrete buffer and wire sizing for link-based non-tree clock network, which is an energy efficient structure for skew tolerance to variations. For the power/ground noise problem, our approach could reduce the peak current and the delay variations by 50% and 51% respectively. Compared to conventional approach, the elastic timing scheme reduces power dissipation by 20% − 27%. The sizing method achieves clock skew reduction of 45% with a small increase in power dissipation

    Physical design algorithms for asynchronous circuits

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    Asynchronous designs have been demonstrated to be able to achieve both higher performance and lower power compared with their synchronous counterparts. It provides a very promising solution to the emerging challenges in advanced technology. However, due to the lack of proper EDA tool support, the design cycle for asynchronous circuits is much longer compared with the one for synchronous circuits. Thus, even with many advantages, asynchronous circuits are still not the mainstream in the industry. In this thesis, we provides several algorithms to resolve the emerging issues for the physical design of asynchronous circuits. Our proposed algorithms optimize asynchronous circuits using placement, gate sizing, repeater insertion and pipeline buffer insertion techniques. An incremental maximum cycle ratio algorithm is also proposed to speed up the timing analysis of asynchronous circuits

    Clock Distribution Network Optimization by Sequential Quadratic Programing

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    Clock mesh is widely used in microprocessor designs for achieving low clock skew and high process variation tolerance. Clock mesh optimization is a very diffcult problem to solve because it has a highly connected structure and requires accurate delay models which are computationally expensive. Existing methods on clock network optimization are either restricted to clock trees, which are easy to be separated into smaller problems, or naive heuristics based on crude delay models. A clock mesh sizing algorithm, which is aimed to minimize total mesh wire area with consideration of clock skew constraints, has been proposed in this research work. This algorithm is a systematic solution search through rigorous Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP). The SQP is guided by an efficient adjoint sensitivity analysis which has near-SPICE(Simulation Program for Integrated Circuits Emphasis)-level accuracy and faster-than-SPICE speed. Experimental results on various benchmark circuits indicate that this algorithm leads to substantial wire area reduction while maintaining low clock skew in the clock mesh. The reduction in mesh area achieved is about 33%

    Concurrent optimization strategies for high-performance VLSI circuits

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    In the next generation of VLSI circuits, concurrent optimizations will be essential to achieve the performance challenges. In this dissertation, we present techniques for combining traditional timing optimization techniques to achieve a superior performance;The method of buffer insertion is used in timing optimization to either increase the driving power of a path in a circuit, or to isolate large capacitive loads that lie on noncritical or less critical paths. The procedure of transistor sizing selects the sizes of transistors within a circuit to achieve a given timing specification. Traditional design techniques perform these two optimizations as independent steps during synthesis, even though they are intimately linked and performing them in alternating steps is liable to lead to suboptimal solutions. The first part of this thesis presents a new approach for unifying transistor sizing with buffer insertion. Our algorithm achieve from 5% to 49% area reduction compared with the results of a standard transistor sizing algorithm;The next part of the thesis deals with the problem of collapsing gates for technology mapping. Two new techniques are proposed. The first method, the odd-level transistor replacement (OTR) method, performs technology mapping without the restriction of a fixed library size, and maps a circuit to a virtual library of complex static CMOS gates. The second technique, the Static CMOS/PTL method, uses a mix of static CMOS and pass transistor logic (PTL) to realize the circuit, using the relation between PTL and binary decision diagrams. The methods are very efficient and can handle all ISCAS\u2785 benchmark circuits in minutes. On average, it was found that the OTR method gave 40%, and the Static/PTL gave 50% delay reductions over SIS, with substantial area savings;Finally, we extend the technology mapping work to interleave it with placement in a single optimization. Conventional methods that perform these steps separately will not be adequate for next-generation circuits. Our approach presents an integrated solution to this problem, and shows an average of 28.19%, and a maximum of 78.42% improvement in the delay over a method that performs the two optimizations in separate steps

    Variation and power issues in VLSI clock networks

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    Clock Distribution Network (CDN) is an important component of any synchronous logic circuit. The function of CDN is to deliver the clock signal to the clock sinks. Clock skew is defined as the difference in the arrival time of the clock signal at the clock sinks. Higher uncertainty in skew (due to PVT variations) degrades circuit performance by decreasing the maximum possible delay between any two sequential elements. Aggressive frequency scaling has also led to high power consumption especially in CDN. This dissertation addresses variation and power issues in the design of current and potential future CDN. The research detailed in this work presents algorithmic techniques for the following problems: (1) Variation tolerance in useful skew design, (2) Link insertion for buffered clock nets, (3) Methodology and algorithms for rotary clocking and (4) Clock mesh optimization for skew-power trade off. For clock trees this dissertation presents techniques to integrate the different aspects of clock tree synthesis (skew scheduling, abstract topology and layout embedding) into one framework- tolerance to variations. This research addresses the issues involved in inserting cross-links in a buffered clock tree and proposes design criteria to avoid the risk of short-circuit current. Rotary clocking is a promising new clocking scheme that consists of unterminated rings formed by differential transmission lines. Rotary clocking achieves reduction in power dissipation clock skew. This dissertation addresses the issues in adopting current CAD methodology to rotary clocks. Alternative methodology and corresponding algorithmic techniques are detailed. Clock mesh is a popular form of CDN used in high performance systems. The problem of simultaneous sizing and placement of mesh buffers in a clock mesh is addressed. The algorithms presented remove the edges from the clock mesh to trade off skew tolerance for low power. For clock trees as well as link insertion, our experiments indicate significant reduction in clock skew due to variations. For clock mesh, experimental results indicate 18.5% reduction in power with 1.3% delay penalty on a average. In summary, this dissertation details methodologies/algorithms that address two critical issues- variation and power dissipation in current and potential future CDN

    Algorithmic techniques for nanometer VLSI design and manufacturing closure

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    As Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technology moves to the nanoscale regime, design and manufacturing closure becomes very difficult to achieve due to increasing chip and power density. Imperfections due to process, voltage and temperature variations aggravate the problem. Uncertainty in electrical characteristic of individual device and wire may cause significant performance deviations or even functional failures. These impose tremendous challenges to the continuation of Moore's law as well as the growth of semiconductor industry. Efforts are needed in both deterministic design stage and variation-aware design stage. This research proposes various innovative algorithms to address both stages for obtaining a design with high frequency, low power and high robustness. For deterministic optimizations, new buffer insertion and gate sizing techniques are proposed. For variation-aware optimizations, new lithography-driven and post-silicon tuning-driven design techniques are proposed. For buffer insertion, a new slew buffering formulation is presented and is proved to be NP-hard. Despite this, a highly efficient algorithm which runs > 90x faster than the best alternatives is proposed. The algorithm is also extended to handle continuous buffer locations and blockages. For gate sizing, a new algorithm is proposed to handle discrete gate library in contrast to unrealistic continuous gate library assumed by most existing algorithms. Our approach is a continuous solution guided dynamic programming approach, which integrates the high solution quality of dynamic programming with the short runtime of rounding continuous solution. For lithography-driven optimization, the problem of cell placement considering manufacturability is studied. Three algorithms are proposed to handle cell flipping and relocation. They are based on dynamic programming and graph theoretic approaches, and can provide different tradeoff between variation reduction and wire- length increase. For post-silicon tuning-driven optimization, the problem of unified adaptivity optimization on logical and clock signal tuning is studied, which enables us to significantly save resources. The new algorithm is based on a novel linear programming formulation which is solved by an advanced robust linear programming technique. The continuous solution is then discretized using binary search accelerated dynamic programming, batch based optimization, and Latin Hypercube sampling based fast simulation