464 research outputs found

    Focal Spot, Summer/Fall 2009

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    Stand-Alone Artificial Intelligence for Breast Cancer Detection in Mammography: Comparison With 101 Radiologists.

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    BACKGROUND: Artificial intelligence (AI) systems performing at radiologist-like levels in the evaluation of digital mammography (DM) would improve breast cancer screening accuracy and efficiency. We aimed to compare the stand-alone performance of an AI system to that of radiologists in detecting breast cancer in DM. METHODS: Nine multi-reader, multi-case study datasets previously used for different research purposes in seven countries were collected. Each dataset consisted of DM exams acquired with systems from four different vendors, multiple radiologists' assessments per exam, and ground truth verified by histopathological analysis or follow-up, yielding a total of 2652 exams (653 malignant) and interpretations by 101 radiologists (28 296 independent interpretations). An AI system analyzed these exams yielding a level of suspicion of cancer present between 1 and 10. The detection performance between the radiologists and the AI system was compared using a noninferiority null hypothesis at a margin of 0.05. RESULTS: The performance of the AI system was statistically noninferior to that of the average of the 101 radiologists. The AI system had a 0.840 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.820 to 0.860) area under the ROC curve and the average of the radiologists was 0.814 (95% CI = 0.787 to 0.841) (difference 95% CI = -0.003 to 0.055). The AI system had an AUC higher than 61.4% of the radiologists. CONCLUSIONS: The evaluated AI system achieved a cancer detection accuracy comparable to an average breast radiologist in this retrospective setting. Although promising, the performance and impact of such a system in a screening setting needs further investigation

    Models of breast lesions based on three-dimensional X-ray breast images

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    This paper presents a method for creation of computational models of breast lesions with irregular shapes from patient Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) images or breast cadavers and whole-body Computed Tomography (CT) images. The approach includes six basic steps: (a) normalization of the intensity of the tomographic images; (b) image noise reduction; (c) binarization of the lesion area, (d) application of morphological operations to further decrease the level of artefacts; (e) application of a region growing technique to segment the lesion; and (f) creation of a final 3D lesion model. The algorithm is semi-automatic as the initial selection of the region of the lesion and the seeds for the region growing are done interactively. A software tool, performing all of the required steps, was developed in MATLAB. The method was tested and evaluated by analysing anonymized sets of DBT patient images diagnosed with lesions. Experienced radiologists evaluated the segmentation of the tumours in the slices and the obtained 3D lesion shapes. They concluded for a quite satisfactory delineation of the lesions. In addition, for three DBT cases, a delineation of the tumours was performed independently by the radiologists. In all cases the abnormality volumes segmented by the proposed algorithm were smaller than those outlined by the experts. The calculated Dice similarity coefficients for algorithm-radiologist and radiologist-radiologist showed similar values. Another selected tumour case was introduced into a computational breast model to recursively assess the algorithm. The relative volume difference between the ground-truth tumour volume and the one obtained by applying the algorithm on the synthetic volume from the virtual DBT study is 5% which demonstrates the satisfactory performance of the proposed segmentation algorithm. The software tool we developed was used to create models of different breast abnormalities, which were then stored in a database for use by researchers working in this field

    Deep learning algorithms for tumor detection in screening mammography

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    Population-wide mammography screening was fully implemented in Sweden in 1997. The implementation has helped to identify breast cancer at earlier stages and thereby lowered mortality by 30-40%. However, it still has its limitations, many studies have shown a discrepancy between radiologist when assessing mammographic examinations. Additionally, women with very dense breasts have a lower mammographic sensitivity and cancers are easily missed. There is also a shortage on breast radiologists and the workload is increasing due to more women being screened. These challenges could be addressed with the help of artificial intelligence systems. The artificial intelligence system can serve both as an assistant to replace one radiologist in a double-reading setting and as a tool to triage women with a high risk of breast cancer for additional screening using other modalities. In this thesis we used data from two cohorts: the cohort of screen aged women (CSAW) and the ScreenTrust MRI cohort. The primary objectives were to establish performance benchmarks based on radiologists recorded assessments (study I), compare the diagnostic performance of various AI CAD systems (study II), investigate differences and similarities in false assessments between AI CAD and radiologists (study III), and evaluate the potential of artificial intelligence in triaging women for complementary MRI screening (study IV). The data for studies I-III were obtained from CSAW, while the data for study IV were obtained from the MRI ScreenTrust cohort. CSAW is a collection of data from Stockholm County between the years of 2008 and 2015. Study I was a retrospective multicenter cohort study that examined radiologist performance benchmarks in screening mammography. Operating performance was assessed in terms of abnormal interpretation rate, false negative rate, sensitivity, and specificity. Measures were determined for each quartile of radiologists classified according to performance, and performance was evaluated overall and by different tumor characteristics. The study included a total of 418,041 women and 1,186,045 digital mammograms, and involved 110 radiologists, of which 24 were defined as high-volume readers. Our analysis revealed significant differences in performance between highvolume readers, as well as a variability in sensitivity based on tumor characteristics. This study was presented during the 2019 annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, and was awarded the Trainee research prize that same year. Study II was a retrospective case-control study that evaluated the performance of three commercial algorithms. We performed an external evaluation of these algorithms and compared the retrospective mammography assessments of radiologists with those of the algorithms. Operating performance was determined in terms of abnormal interpretation rate, false negative rate, sensitivity, specificity and the AUC. The study included 8,805 women, of whom 740 women had cancer, and a random sample of 8,066 healthy controls. There were 25 radiologists involved. For a binary decision, the cutpoint was defined by the mean specificity of the original first-reader radiologists (96.6%). Our findings showed that one AI algorithm outperformed the other AI algorithm and the original first-reader radiologists. This study was presented during the 2020 annual meeting of the European Society of Radiology. Study III was a retrospective case-control study that evaluated the differences and similarities in false assessments between an artificial intelligence system and a human reader in screening mammography. In this study we included 714 screening examinations for women diagnosed with breast cancer and 8,003 randomly selected healthy controls. The abnormality threshold was predefined from study II. We examined how false positive and false negative assessments by AI CAD and the first radiologist, were associated with breast density, age and tumor characteristics. Our findings showed that AI makes fewer false negative assessments than radiologists. Combining AI with a radiologist resulted in the most pronounced decrease in false negative assessments for high-density women and women over the age of 55. This study was presented at the 2021 annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America. Study IV is a randomized clinical trial that aims to investigate the effect of applying deep learning methods to select women for MRI-based breast cancer screening. The study examines how effectively AI can identify women who should be offered a complementary MRI screening based on their likelihood of having cancer that is not visible on regular mammography. The results reported in this thesis are preliminary and based on examinations from April 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022. During the indicated time period, 481 MRI examinations have been completed, and 28 cancers have been detected, yielding a cancer detection rate of 58.2 per 1,000 examinations. Although, the trial is still ongoing, the inter-rim results suggest that using AI-based selection for supplemental MRI screening can lead to a higher rate of cancer detection than that reported for density-based selection methods. In conclusion, we have shown that the use of AI for breast cancer detection can increase precision and efficiency in mammography screening