22,793 research outputs found

    Semantic multimedia remote display for mobile thin clients

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    Current remote display technologies for mobile thin clients convert practically all types of graphical content into sequences of images rendered by the client. Consequently, important information concerning the content semantics is lost. The present paper goes beyond this bottleneck by developing a semantic multimedia remote display. The principle consists of representing the graphical content as a real-time interactive multimedia scene graph. The underlying architecture features novel components for scene-graph creation and management, as well as for user interactivity handling. The experimental setup considers the Linux X windows system and BiFS/LASeR multimedia scene technologies on the server and client sides, respectively. The implemented solution was benchmarked against currently deployed solutions (VNC and Microsoft-RDP), by considering text editing and WWW browsing applications. The quantitative assessments demonstrate: (1) visual quality expressed by seven objective metrics, e.g., PSNR values between 30 and 42 dB or SSIM values larger than 0.9999; (2) downlink bandwidth gain factors ranging from 2 to 60; (3) real-time user event management expressed by network round-trip time reduction by factors of 4-6 and by uplink bandwidth gain factors from 3 to 10; (4) feasible CPU activity, larger than in the RDP case but reduced by a factor of 1.5 with respect to the VNC-HEXTILE

    Mapping web personal learning environments

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    A recent trend in web development is to build platforms which are carefully designed to host a plurality of software components (sometimes called widgets or plugins) which can be organized or combined (mashed-up) at user's convenience to create personalized environments. The same holds true for the web development of educational applications. The degree of personalization can depend on the role of users such as in traditional virtual learning environment, where the components are chosen by a teacher in the context of a course. Or, it can be more opened as in a so-called personalized learning environment (PLE). It now exists a wide array of available web platforms exhibiting different functionalities but all built on the same concept of aggregating components together to support different tasks and scenarios. There is now an overlap between the development of PLE and the more generic developments in web 2.0 applications such as social network sites. This article shows that 6 more or less independent dimensions allow to map the functionalities of these platforms: the screen dimensionmaps the visual integration, the data dimension maps the portability of data, the temporal dimension maps the coupling between participants, the social dimension maps the grouping of users, the activity dimension maps the structuring of end users–interactions with the environment, and the runtime dimensionmaps the flexibility in accessing the system from different end points. Finally these dimensions are used to compare 6 familiar Web platforms which could potentially be used in the construction of a PLE

    A Scalable Tile Map Service for Distributing Dynamic Choropleth Maps

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    In this paper we propose a solution to several key limitations of current web based mapping systems: slow rendering speeds and the restriction of online map viewing to a small number of areal units as well as a limited number of users. Our approach is implemented as a Scalable Tile Map Service that distributes dynamic choropleth maps in real-time through a new caching methodology. This new Map Service lays the foundation for advances in web based applications reliant on dynamic map rendering such as emergency management systems and interactive exploratory spatial data analysis. We present the results of an empirical illustration in which this new methodology is used to facilitate collaborative decision making by visualizing spatial outcomes of simulation results on the fly.

    Web-based Stereoscopic Collaboration for Medical Visualization

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    Medizinische Volumenvisualisierung ist ein wertvolles Werkzeug zur Betrachtung von Volumen- daten in der medizinischen Praxis und Lehre. Eine interaktive, stereoskopische und kollaborative Darstellung in Echtzeit ist notwendig, um die Daten vollständig und im Detail verstehen zu können. Solche Visualisierung von hochauflösenden Daten ist jedoch wegen hoher Hardware- Anforderungen fast nur an speziellen Visualisierungssystemen möglich. Remote-Visualisierung wird verwendet, um solche Visualisierung peripher nutzen zu können. Dies benötigt jedoch fast immer komplexe Software-Deployments, wodurch eine universelle ad-hoc Nutzbarkeit erschwert wird. Aus diesem Sachverhalt ergibt sich folgende Hypothese: Ein hoch performantes Remote- Visualisierungssystem, welches für Stereoskopie und einfache Benutzbarkeit spezialisiert ist, kann für interaktive, stereoskopische und kollaborative medizinische Volumenvisualisierung genutzt werden. Die neueste Literatur über Remote-Visualisierung beschreibt Anwendungen, welche nur reine Webbrowser benötigen. Allerdings wird bei diesen kein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf die perfor- mante Nutzbarkeit von jedem Teilnehmer gesetzt, noch die notwendige Funktion bereitgestellt, um mehrere stereoskopische Präsentationssysteme zu bedienen. Durch die Bekanntheit von Web- browsern, deren einfach Nutzbarkeit und weite Verbreitung hat sich folgende spezifische Frage ergeben: Können wir ein System entwickeln, welches alle Aspekte unterstützt, aber nur einen reinen Webbrowser ohne zusätzliche Software als Client benötigt? Ein Proof of Concept wurde durchgeführt um die Hypothese zu verifizieren. Dazu gehörte eine Prototyp-Entwicklung, deren praktische Anwendung, deren Performanzmessung und -vergleich. Der resultierende Prototyp (CoWebViz) ist eines der ersten Webbrowser basierten Systeme, welches flüssige und interaktive Remote-Visualisierung in Realzeit und ohne zusätzliche Soft- ware ermöglicht. Tests und Vergleiche zeigen, dass der Ansatz eine bessere Performanz hat als andere ähnliche getestete Systeme. Die simultane Nutzung verschiedener stereoskopischer Präsen- tationssysteme mit so einem einfachen Remote-Visualisierungssystem ist zur Zeit einzigartig. Die Nutzung für die normalerweise sehr ressourcen-intensive stereoskopische und kollaborative Anatomieausbildung, gemeinsam mit interkontinentalen Teilnehmern, zeigt die Machbarkeit und den vereinfachenden Charakter des Ansatzes. Die Machbarkeit des Ansatzes wurde auch durch die erfolgreiche Nutzung für andere Anwendungsfälle gezeigt, wie z.B. im Grid-computing und in der Chirurgie

    In-Network View Synthesis for Interactive Multiview Video Systems

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    To enable Interactive multiview video systems with a minimum view-switching delay, multiple camera views are sent to the users, which are used as reference images to synthesize additional virtual views via depth-image-based rendering. In practice, bandwidth constraints may however restrict the number of reference views sent to clients per time unit, which may in turn limit the quality of the synthesized viewpoints. We argue that the reference view selection should ideally be performed close to the users, and we study the problem of in-network reference view synthesis such that the navigation quality is maximized at the clients. We consider a distributed cloud network architecture where data stored in a main cloud is delivered to end users with the help of cloudlets, i.e., resource-rich proxies close to the users. In order to satisfy last-hop bandwidth constraints from the cloudlet to the users, a cloudlet re-samples viewpoints of the 3D scene into a discrete set of views (combination of received camera views and virtual views synthesized) to be used as reference for the synthesis of additional virtual views at the client. This in-network synthesis leads to better viewpoint sampling given a bandwidth constraint compared to simple selection of camera views, but it may however carry a distortion penalty in the cloudlet-synthesized reference views. We therefore cast a new reference view selection problem where the best subset of views is defined as the one minimizing the distortion over a view navigation window defined by the user under some transmission bandwidth constraints. We show that the view selection problem is NP-hard, and propose an effective polynomial time algorithm using dynamic programming to solve the optimization problem. Simulation results finally confirm the performance gain offered by virtual view synthesis in the network

    Methods and design issues for next generation network-aware applications

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    Networks are becoming an essential component of modern cyberinfrastructure and this work describes methods of designing distributed applications for high-speed networks to improve application scalability, performance and capabilities. As the amount of data generated by scientific applications continues to grow, to be able to handle and process it, applications should be designed to use parallel, distributed resources and high-speed networks. For scalable application design developers should move away from the current component-based approach and implement instead an integrated, non-layered architecture where applications can use specialized low-level interfaces. The main focus of this research is on interactive, collaborative visualization of large datasets. This work describes how a visualization application can be improved through using distributed resources and high-speed network links to interactively visualize tens of gigabytes of data and handle terabyte datasets while maintaining high quality. The application supports interactive frame rates, high resolution, collaborative visualization and sustains remote I/O bandwidths of several Gbps (up to 30 times faster than local I/O). Motivated by the distributed visualization application, this work also researches remote data access systems. Because wide-area networks may have a high latency, the remote I/O system uses an architecture that effectively hides latency. Five remote data access architectures are analyzed and the results show that an architecture that combines bulk and pipeline processing is the best solution for high-throughput remote data access. The resulting system, also supporting high-speed transport protocols and configurable remote operations, is up to 400 times faster than a comparable existing remote data access system. Transport protocols are compared to understand which protocol can best utilize high-speed network connections, concluding that a rate-based protocol is the best solution, being 8 times faster than standard TCP. An HD-based remote teaching application experiment is conducted, illustrating the potential of network-aware applications in a production environment. Future research areas are presented, with emphasis on network-aware optimization, execution and deployment scenarios

    Collaborative Content Generation Architectures for the Mobile Augmented Reality Environment

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    The increasing adoption of smartphones by the society has created a new research area in mobile collaboration. This new domain offers an interesting set of possibilities due to the introduction of augmented reality techniques, which provide an enhanced collaboration experience. As this area is relatively immature, there is a lack of conceptualization, and for this reason, this paper proposes a new taxonomy called Collaborative Content Generation Pyramid that classifies the current and future mobile collaborative AR applications in three different levels: Isolated, Social and Live. This classification is based on the architectures related to each level, taking into account the way the AR content is generated and how the collaboration is carried out. Therefore, the principal objective of this definition is to clarify terminology issues and to provide a framework for classifying new researches across this environment
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