324 research outputs found

    Span programs and quantum algorithms for st-connectivity and claw detection

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    We introduce a span program that decides st-connectivity, and generalize the span program to develop quantum algorithms for several graph problems. First, we give an algorithm for st-connectivity that uses O(n d^{1/2}) quantum queries to the n x n adjacency matrix to decide if vertices s and t are connected, under the promise that they either are connected by a path of length at most d, or are disconnected. We also show that if T is a path, a star with two subdivided legs, or a subdivision of a claw, its presence as a subgraph in the input graph G can be detected with O(n) quantum queries to the adjacency matrix. Under the promise that G either contains T as a subgraph or does not contain T as a minor, we give O(n)-query quantum algorithms for detecting T either a triangle or a subdivision of a star. All these algorithms can be implemented time efficiently and, except for the triangle-detection algorithm, in logarithmic space. One of the main techniques is to modify the st-connectivity span program to drop along the way "breadcrumbs," which must be retrieved before the path from s is allowed to enter t.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Polynomial fixed-parameter algorithms : a case study for longest path on interval graphs.

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    We study the design of fixed-parameter algorithms for problems already known to be solvable in polynomial time. The main motivation is to get more efficient algorithms for problems with unattractive polynomial running times. Here, we focus on a fundamental graph problem: Longest Path; it is NP-hard in general but known to be solvable in O(n^4) time on n-vertex interval graphs. We show how to solve Longest Path on Interval Graphs, parameterized by vertex deletion number k to proper interval graphs, in O(k^9n) time. Notably, Longest Path is trivially solvable in linear time on proper interval graphs, and the parameter value k can be approximated up to a factor of 4 in linear time. From a more general perspective, we believe that using parameterized complexity analysis for polynomial-time solvable problems offers a very fertile ground for future studies for all sorts of algorithmic problems. It may enable a refined understanding of efficiency aspects for polynomial-time solvable problems, similarly to what classical parameterized complexity analysis does for NP-hard problems

    Hamilton cycles in 5-connected line graphs

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    A conjecture of Carsten Thomassen states that every 4-connected line graph is hamiltonian. It is known that the conjecture is true for 7-connected line graphs. We improve this by showing that any 5-connected line graph of minimum degree at least 6 is hamiltonian. The result extends to claw-free graphs and to Hamilton-connectedness

    Connectivity and Cycles

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    Variational principle for scale-free network motifs

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    For scale-free networks with degrees following a power law with an exponent τ∈(2,3)\tau\in(2,3), the structures of motifs (small subgraphs) are not yet well understood. We introduce a method designed to identify the dominant structure of any given motif as the solution of an optimization problem. The unique optimizer describes the degrees of the vertices that together span the most likely motif, resulting in explicit asymptotic formulas for the motif count and its fluctuations. We then classify all motifs into two categories: motifs with small and large fluctuations

    Pairs of forbidden induced subgraphs for homogeneously traceable graphs

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    A graph G is called homogeneously traceable if for every vertex v of G, G contains a Hamilton path starting from v. For a graph H, we say that G is H-free if G contains no induced subgraph isomorphic to H. For a family H of graphs, G is called H-free if G is H-free for every H∈H. Determining families of graphs H such that every H-free graph G has some graph property has been a popular research topic for several decades, especially for Hamiltonian properties, and more recently for properties related to the existence of graph factors. In this paper we give a complete characterization of all pairs of connected graphs R,S such that every 2-connected {R,S}-free graph is homogeneously traceable
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