889 research outputs found

    Deep Active Learning Explored Across Diverse Label Spaces

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    abstract: Deep learning architectures have been widely explored in computer vision and have depicted commendable performance in a variety of applications. A fundamental challenge in training deep networks is the requirement of large amounts of labeled training data. While gathering large quantities of unlabeled data is cheap and easy, annotating the data is an expensive process in terms of time, labor and human expertise. Thus, developing algorithms that minimize the human effort in training deep models is of immense practical importance. Active learning algorithms automatically identify salient and exemplar samples from large amounts of unlabeled data and can augment maximal information to supervised learning models, thereby reducing the human annotation effort in training machine learning models. The goal of this dissertation is to fuse ideas from deep learning and active learning and design novel deep active learning algorithms. The proposed learning methodologies explore diverse label spaces to solve different computer vision applications. Three major contributions have emerged from this work; (i) a deep active framework for multi-class image classication, (ii) a deep active model with and without label correlation for multi-label image classi- cation and (iii) a deep active paradigm for regression. Extensive empirical studies on a variety of multi-class, multi-label and regression vision datasets corroborate the potential of the proposed methods for real-world applications. Additional contributions include: (i) a multimodal emotion database consisting of recordings of facial expressions, body gestures, vocal expressions and physiological signals of actors enacting various emotions, (ii) four multimodal deep belief network models and (iii) an in-depth analysis of the effect of transfer of multimodal emotion features between source and target networks on classification accuracy and training time. These related contributions help comprehend the challenges involved in training deep learning models and motivate the main goal of this dissertation.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Multimodal Affective State Recognition in Serious Games Applications

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    A challenging research issue, which has recently attracted a lot of attention, is the incorporation of emotion recognition technology in serious games applications, in order to improve the quality of interaction and enhance the gaming experience. To this end, in this paper, we present an emotion recognition methodology that utilizes information extracted from multimodal fusion analysis to identify the affective state of players during gameplay scenarios. More specifically, two monomodal classifiers have been designed for extracting affective state information based on facial expression and body motion analysis. For the combination of different modalities a deep model is proposed that is able to make a decision about player’s affective state, while also being robust in the absence of one information cue. In order to evaluate the performance of our methodology, a bimodal database was created using Microsoft’s Kinect sensor, containing feature vectors extracted from users' facial expressions and body gestures. The proposed method achieved higher recognition rate in comparison with mono-modal, as well as early-fusion algorithms. Our methodology outperforms all other classifiers, achieving an overall recognition rate of 98.3%

    Time-Distributed Attention-Layered Convolution Neural Network with Ensemble Learning using Random Forest Classifier for Speech Emotion Recognition

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    Speech Emotion Detection (SER) is a field of identifying human emotions from human speech utterances. Human speech utterances are a combination of linguistic and non-linguistic information. Nonlinguistic SER provides a generalized solution in human–computer interaction applications as it overcomes the language barrier. Machine learning and deep learning techniques were previously proposed for classifying emotions using handpicked features. To achieve effective and generalized SER, feature extraction can be performed using deep neural networks and ensemble learning for classification. The proposed model employed a time-distributed attention-layered convolution neural network (TDACNN) for extracting spatiotemporal features at the first stage and a random forest (RF) classifier, which is an ensemble classifier for efficient and generalized classification of emotions, at the second stage. The proposed model was implemented on the RAVDESS and IEMOCAP data corpora and compared with the CNN-SVM and CNN-RF models for SER. The TDACNN-RF model exhibited test classification accuracies of 92.19 percent and 90.27 percent on the RAVDESS and IEMOCAP data corpora, respectively. The experimental results proved that the proposed model is efficient in extracting spatiotemporal features from time-series speech signals and can classify emotions with good accuracy. The class confusion among the emotions was reduced for both data corpora, proving that the model achieved generalization

    Efficient smile detection by Extreme Learning Machine

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    Smile detection is a specialized task in facial expression analysis with applications such as photo selection, user experience analysis, and patient monitoring. As one of the most important and informative expressions, smile conveys the underlying emotion status such as joy, happiness, and satisfaction. In this paper, an efficient smile detection approach is proposed based on Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). The faces are first detected and a holistic flow-based face registration is applied which does not need any manual labeling or key point detection. Then ELM is used to train the classifier. The proposed smile detector is tested with different feature descriptors on publicly available databases including real-world face images. The comparisons against benchmark classifiers including Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) suggest that the proposed ELM based smile detector in general performs better and is very efficient. Compared to state-of-the-art smile detector, the proposed method achieves competitive results without preprocessing and manual registration

    Multimodaalsel emotsioonide tuvastamisel põhineva inimese-roboti suhtluse arendamine

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneÜks afektiivse arvutiteaduse peamistest huviobjektidest on mitmemodaalne emotsioonituvastus, mis leiab rakendust peamiselt inimese-arvuti interaktsioonis. Emotsiooni äratundmiseks uuritakse nendes süsteemides nii inimese näoilmeid kui kakõnet. Käesolevas töös uuritakse inimese emotsioonide ja nende avaldumise visuaalseid ja akustilisi tunnuseid, et töötada välja automaatne multimodaalne emotsioonituvastussüsteem. Kõnest arvutatakse mel-sageduse kepstri kordajad, helisignaali erinevate komponentide energiad ja prosoodilised näitajad. Näoilmeteanalüüsimiseks kasutatakse kahte erinevat strateegiat. Esiteks arvutatakse inimesenäo tähtsamate punktide vahelised erinevad geomeetrilised suhted. Teiseks võetakse emotsionaalse sisuga video kokku vähendatud hulgaks põhikaadriteks, misantakse sisendiks konvolutsioonilisele tehisnärvivõrgule emotsioonide visuaalsekseristamiseks. Kolme klassifitseerija väljunditest (1 akustiline, 2 visuaalset) koostatakse uus kogum tunnuseid, mida kasutatakse õppimiseks süsteemi viimasesetapis. Loodud süsteemi katsetati SAVEE, Poola ja Serbia emotsionaalse kõneandmebaaside, eNTERFACE’05 ja RML andmebaaside peal. Saadud tulemusednäitavad, et võrreldes olemasolevatega võimaldab käesoleva töö raames loodudsüsteem suuremat täpsust emotsioonide äratundmisel. Lisaks anname käesolevastöös ülevaate kirjanduses väljapakutud süsteemidest, millel on võimekus tunda äraemotsiooniga seotud ̆zeste. Selle ülevaate eesmärgiks on hõlbustada uute uurimissuundade leidmist, mis aitaksid lisada töö raames loodud süsteemile ̆zestipõhiseemotsioonituvastuse võimekuse, et veelgi enam tõsta süsteemi emotsioonide äratundmise täpsust.Automatic multimodal emotion recognition is a fundamental subject of interest in affective computing. Its main applications are in human-computer interaction. The systems developed for the foregoing purpose consider combinations of different modalities, based on vocal and visual cues. This thesis takes the foregoing modalities into account, in order to develop an automatic multimodal emotion recognition system. More specifically, it takes advantage of the information extracted from speech and face signals. From speech signals, Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients, filter-bank energies and prosodic features are extracted. Moreover, two different strategies are considered for analyzing the facial data. First, facial landmarks' geometric relations, i.e. distances and angles, are computed. Second, we summarize each emotional video into a reduced set of key-frames. Then they are taught to visually discriminate between the emotions. In order to do so, a convolutional neural network is applied to the key-frames summarizing the videos. Afterward, the output confidence values of all the classifiers from both of the modalities are used to define a new feature space. Lastly, the latter values are learned for the final emotion label prediction, in a late fusion. The experiments are conducted on the SAVEE, Polish, Serbian, eNTERFACE'05 and RML datasets. The results show significant performance improvements by the proposed system in comparison to the existing alternatives, defining the current state-of-the-art on all the datasets. Additionally, we provide a review of emotional body gesture recognition systems proposed in the literature. The aim of the foregoing part is to help figure out possible future research directions for enhancing the performance of the proposed system. More clearly, we imply that incorporating data representing gestures, which constitute another major component of the visual modality, can result in a more efficient framework