10,886 research outputs found

    Collusion in Peer-to-Peer Systems

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    Peer-to-peer systems have reached a widespread use, ranging from academic and industrial applications to home entertainment. The key advantage of this paradigm lies in its scalability and flexibility, consequences of the participants sharing their resources for the common welfare. Security in such systems is a desirable goal. For example, when mission-critical operations or bank transactions are involved, their effectiveness strongly depends on the perception that users have about the system dependability and trustworthiness. A major threat to the security of these systems is the phenomenon of collusion. Peers can be selfish colluders, when they try to fool the system to gain unfair advantages over other peers, or malicious, when their purpose is to subvert the system or disturb other users. The problem, however, has received so far only a marginal attention by the research community. While several solutions exist to counter attacks in peer-to-peer systems, very few of them are meant to directly counter colluders and their attacks. Reputation, micro-payments, and concepts of game theory are currently used as the main means to obtain fairness in the usage of the resources. Our goal is to provide an overview of the topic by examining the key issues involved. We measure the relevance of the problem in the current literature and the effectiveness of existing philosophies against it, to suggest fruitful directions in the further development of the field

    Achieving reliability and fairness in online task computing environments

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorWe consider online task computing environments such as volunteer computing platforms running on BOINC (e.g., SETI@home) and crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk. We model the computations as an Internet-based task computing system under the masterworker paradigm. A master entity sends tasks across the Internet, to worker entities willing to perform a computational task. Workers execute the tasks, and report back the results, completing the computational round. Unfortunately, workers are untrustworthy and might report an incorrect result. Thus, the first research question we answer in this work is how to design a reliable masterworker task computing system. We capture the workers’ behavior through two realistic models: (1) the “error probability model” which assumes the presence of altruistic workers willing to provide correct results and the presence of troll workers aiming at providing random incorrect results. Both types of workers suffer from an error probability altering their intended response. (2) The “rationality model” which assumes the presence of altruistic workers, always reporting a correct result, the presence of malicious workers always reporting an incorrect result, and the presence of rational workers following a strategy that will maximize their utility (benefit). The rational workers can choose among two strategies: either be honest and report a correct result, or cheat and report an incorrect result. Our two modeling assumptions on the workers’ behavior are supported by an experimental evaluation we have performed on Amazon Mechanical Turk. Given the error probability model, we evaluate two reliability techniques: (1) “voting” and (2) “auditing” in terms of task assignments required and time invested for computing correctly a set of tasks with high probability. Considering the rationality model, we take an evolutionary game theoretic approach and we design mechanisms that eventually achieve a reliable computational platform where the master receives the correct task result with probability one and with minimal auditing cost. The designed mechanisms provide incentives to the rational workers, reinforcing their strategy to a correct behavior, while they are complemented by four reputation schemes that cope with malice. Finally, we also design a mechanism that deals with unresponsive workers by keeping a reputation related to the workers’ response rate. The designed mechanism selects the most reliable and active workers in each computational round. Simulations, among other, depict the trade-off between the master’s cost and the time the system needs to reach a state where the master always receives the correct task result. The second research question we answer in this work concerns the fair and efficient distribution of workers among the masters over multiple computational rounds. Masters with similar tasks are competing for the same set of workers at each computational round. Workers must be assigned to the masters in a fair manner; when the master values a worker’s contribution the most. We consider that a master might have a strategic behavior, declaring a dishonest valuation on a worker in each round, in an attempt to increase its benefit. This strategic behavior from the side of the masters might lead to unfair and inefficient assignments of workers. Applying renown auction mechanisms to solve the problem at hand can be infeasible since monetary payments are required on the side of the masters. Hence, we present an alternative mechanism for fair and efficient distribution of the workers in the presence of strategic masters, without the use of monetary incentives. We show analytically that our designed mechanism guarantees fairness, is socially efficient, and is truthful. Simulations favourably compare our designed mechanism with two benchmark auction mechanisms.This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks Institute and the Spanish Ministry of Education grant FPU2013-03792.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería MatemáticaPresidente: Alberto Tarable.- Secretario: José Antonio Cuesta Ruiz.- Vocal: Juan Julián Merelo Guervó

    Result Integrity Check for MapReduce Computation on Hybrid Clouds

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    Abstract — Large scale adoption of MapReduce computations on public clouds is hindered by the lack of trust on the participat-ing virtual machines, because misbehaving worker nodes can compromise the integrity of the computation result. In this paper, we propose a novel MapReduce framework, Cross Cloud MapRe-duce (CCMR), which overlays the MapReduce computation on top of a hybrid cloud: the master that is in control of the entire computation and guarantees result integrity runs on a private and trusted cloud, while normal workers run on a public cloud. In order to achieve high accuracy, CCMR proposes a result integrity check scheme on both the map phase and the reduce phase, which combines random task replication, random task verification, and credit accumulation; and CCMR strives to reduce the overhead by reducing cross-cloud communication. We implement our ap-proach based on Apache Hadoop MapReduce and evaluate our implementation on Amazon EC2. Both theoretical and experi-mental analysis show that our approach can guarantee high result integrity in a normal cloud environment while incurring non-negligible performance overhead (e.g., when 16.7 % workers are malicious, CCMR can guarantee at least 99.52 % of accuracy with 33.6 % of overhead when replication probability is 0.3 and the credit threshold is 50)

    A data quarantine model to secure data in edge computing

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    Edge computing provides an agile data processing platform for latency-sensitive and communication-intensive applications through a decentralized cloud and geographically distributed edge nodes. Gaining centralized control over the edge nodes can be challenging due to security issues and threats. Among several security issues, data integrity attacks can lead to inconsistent data and intrude edge data analytics. Further intensification of the attack makes it challenging to mitigate and identify the root cause. Therefore, this paper proposes a new concept of data quarantine model to mitigate data integrity attacks by quarantining intruders. The efficient security solutions in cloud, ad-hoc networks, and computer systems using quarantine have motivated adopting it in edge computing. The data acquisition edge nodes identify the intruders and quarantine all the suspected devices through dimensionality reduction. During quarantine, the proposed concept builds the reputation scores to determine the falsely identified legitimate devices and sanitize their affected data to regain data integrity. As a preliminary investigation, this work identifies an appropriate machine learning method, linear discriminant analysis (LDA), for dimensionality reduction. The LDA results in 72.83% quarantine accuracy and 0.9 seconds training time, which is efficient than other state-of-the-art methods. In future, this would be implemented and validated with ground truth data


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    Due to the increasing amount of spam email traffic, email users are in increasing danger, while email server resources are becoming overloaded. Therefore, it is necessary to protect email users, but also to prevent SMTP system overload during spam attacks. The aim of this paper is to design and implement an autoscalable distributed anti-spam SMTP system based on a Proof of work concept. The proposed solution extends SMTP protocol in order to enable the evaluation of client’s credibility using the Proof of work algorithm. In order to prevent resource overload during spam attacks, the antispam SMTP system will be implemented in a distributed environment, as a group of multiple anti-spam SMTP server instances. Kubernetes architecture will be used for system distribution, configured with the possibility of autoscaling the number of anti-spam SMTP server instances depending on the system load. The implemented system will be evaluated during a distributed spam attempt, simulated by a custom made traffic generator tool. Various performance tests will be given: (1) The proposed system’s impact on client’s behaviour and the overall amount of spam messages, (2) The performance of the undistributed anti-spam SMTP server during spam attack, in terms of resource load analysis (3) Autoscaling demonstration and evaluation of proposed distributed system’s performance during spam attack. It will be shown that the proposed solution has the possibility of reducing the amount of spam traffic, while processing tens of thousands of simultaneous SMTP client requests in a distributed environment

    Crowd guilds: Worker-led reputation and feedback on crowdsourcing platforms

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    Crowd workers are distributed and decentralized. While decentralization is designed to utilize independent judgment to promote high-quality results, it paradoxically undercuts behaviors and institutions that are critical to high-quality work. Reputation is one central example: crowdsourcing systems depend on reputation scores from decentralized workers and requesters, but these scores are notoriously inflated and uninformative. In this paper, we draw inspiration from historical worker guilds (e.g., in the silk trade) to design and implement crowd guilds: centralized groups of crowd workers who collectively certify each other’s quality through double-blind peer assessment. A two-week field experiment compared crowd guilds to a traditional decentralized crowd work model. Crowd guilds produced reputation signals more strongly correlated with ground-truth worker quality than signals available on current crowd working platforms, and more accurate than in the traditional model

    Trusted community : a novel multiagent organisation for open distributed systems

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    Guided self-organisation in open distributed systems

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