185 research outputs found

    Image preprocessing in classification and identification of diabetic eye diseases

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    Diabetic eye disease (DED) is a cluster of eye problem that affects diabetic patients. Identifying DED is a crucial activity in retinal fundus images because early diagnosis and treatment can eventually minimize the risk of visual impairment. The retinal fundus image plays a significant role in early DED classification and identification. An accurate diagnostic model’s development using a retinal fundus image depends highly on image quality and quantity. This paper presents a methodical study on the significance of image processing for DED classification. The proposed automated classification framework for DED was achieved in several steps: image quality enhancement, image segmentation (region of interest), image augmentation (geometric transformation), and classification. The optimal results were obtained using traditional image processing methods with a new build convolution neural network (CNN) architecture. The new built CNN combined with the traditional image processing approach presented the best performance with accuracy for DED classification problems. The results of the experiments conducted showed adequate accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity. © 2021, The Author(s)

    A new technique for cataract eye disease diagnosis in deep learning

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    Automated diagnosis of eye diseases using fundus images is challenging because manual analysis is time-consuming, prone to errors, and complicated. Thus, computer-aided tools for automatically detecting various ocular disorders from fundus images are needed. Deep learning algorithms enable improved image classification, making automated targeted ocular disease detection feasible. This study employed state-of-the-art deep learning image classifiers, such as VGG-19, to categorize the highly imbalanced ODIR-5K (Ocular Disease Intelligent Recognition) dataset of 5000 fundus images across eight disease classes, including cataract, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration. To address this imbalance, the multiclass problem is converted into binary classification tasks with equal samples in each category. The dataset was preprocessed and augmented to generate balanced datasets. The binary classifiers were trained on flat data using the VGG-19 (Visual Geometry Group) model. This approach achieved an accuracy of 95% for distinguishing normal versus cataract cases in only 15 epochs, outperforming the previous methods. Precision and recall were high for both classes – Normal and Cataract, with F1 scores of 0.95-0.96. Balancing the dataset and using deep VGG-19 classifiers significantly improved automated eye disease diagnosis accuracy from fundus images. With further research, this approach could lead to deploying AI (Artificial intelligence)-assisted tools for ophthalmologists to screen patients and support clinical decision-making

    Image Quality Improvement of Medical Images using Deep Learning for Computer-aided Diagnosis

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    Retina image analysis is an important screening tool for early detection of multiple dis eases such as diabetic retinopathy which greatly impairs visual function. Image analy sis and pathology detection can be accomplished both by ophthalmologists and by the use of computer-aided diagnosis systems. Advancements in hardware technology led to more portable and less expensive imaging devices for medical image acquisition. This promotes large scale remote diagnosis by clinicians as well as the implementation of computer-aided diagnosis systems for local routine disease screening. However, lower cost equipment generally results in inferior quality images. This may jeopardize the reliability of the acquired images and thus hinder the overall performance of the diagnos tic tool. To solve this open challenge, we carried out an in-depth study on using different deep learning-based frameworks for improving retina image quality while maintaining the underlying morphological information for the diagnosis. Our results demonstrate that using a Cycle Generative Adversarial Network for unpaired image-to-image trans lation leads to successful transformations of retina images from a low- to a high-quality domain. The visual evidence of this improvement was quantitatively affirmed by the two proposed validation methods. The first used a retina image quality classifier to confirm a significant prediction label shift towards a quality enhance. On average, a 50% increase of images being classified as high-quality was verified. The second analysed the perfor mance modifications of a diabetic retinopathy detection algorithm upon being trained with the quality-improved images. The latter led to strong evidence that the proposed solution satisfies the requirement of maintaining the images’ original information for diagnosis, and that it assures a pathology-assessment more sensitive to the presence of pathological signs. These experimental results confirm the potential effectiveness of our solution in improving retina image quality for diagnosis. Along with the addressed con tributions, we analysed how the construction of the data sets representing the low-quality domain impacts the quality translation efficiency. Our findings suggest that by tackling the problem more selectively, that is, constructing data sets more homogeneous in terms of their image defects, we can obtain more accentuated quality transformations

    Application of deep learning techniques for biomedical data analysis

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    Deep learning and machine learning methods have been used for addressing the problems in the biomedical applications, such as diabetic retinopathy assessment and Parkinson's disease diagnosis. The severity of diabetic retinopathy is estimated by the expert's examination of fundus images based on the amount and location of three diabetic retinopathy signs (i.e., exudates, hemorrhages, and microaneurysms). An automatic and accurate system for detection of these signs can significantly help clinicians to make the best possible prognosis can result in reducing the risk of vision loss. For Parkinson's disease diagnosis, analysis of a speech voice is considered as the earliest symptom with the advantage of being non-intrusive and suitable for online applications. While some reported outcomes of the developed techniques have shown the good results and ongoing progress for these two applications, designing new algorithms is a thriving research field to overcome the poor sensitivity and specificity of the outcomes as well as the limitations such as dataset size and heuristic selection of the network parameters. This thesis has comprehensively studied and developed various deep learning frameworks for detection of diabetic retinopathy signs and diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. To improve the performance of the current systems, this work has had an investigation on different techniques: (i) color space investigation, (ii) examination of various deep learning methods, (iii) development of suitable pre/post-processing algorithms and (iv) appropriate selection of deep learning architectures and parameters. For diabetic retinopathy assessment, this thesis has proposed the new color space as the input for the deep learning models that obtained better replicability compared with the conventional color spaces. This has also shown the pre-trained model can extract more relevant features compared to the models which were trained from scratch. This has also presented a deep learning framework combined with the suitable pre and post-processing algorithms that increased the performance of the system. By investigation different architectures and parameters, the suitable deep learning model has been presented to distinguish between Parkinson's disease and healthy speech signal

    Computational Analysis of Fundus Images: Rule-Based and Scale-Space Models

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    Fundus images are one of the most important imaging examinations in modern ophthalmology because they are simple, inexpensive and, above all, noninvasive. Nowadays, the acquisition and storage of highresolution fundus images is relatively easy and fast. Therefore, fundus imaging has become a fundamental investigation in retinal lesion detection, ocular health monitoring and screening programmes. Given the large volume and clinical complexity associated with these images, their analysis and interpretation by trained clinicians becomes a timeconsuming task and is prone to human error. Therefore, there is a growing interest in developing automated approaches that are affordable and have high sensitivity and specificity. These automated approaches need to be robust if they are to be used in the general population to diagnose and track retinal diseases. To be effective, the automated systems must be able to recognize normal structures and distinguish them from pathological clinical manifestations. The main objective of the research leading to this thesis was to develop automated systems capable of recognizing and segmenting retinal anatomical structures and retinal pathological clinical manifestations associated with the most common retinal diseases. In particular, these automated algorithms were developed on the premise of robustness and efficiency to deal with the difficulties and complexity inherent in these images. Four objectives were considered in the analysis of fundus images. Segmentation of exudates, localization of the optic disc, detection of the midline of blood vessels, segmentation of the vascular network and detection of microaneurysms. In addition, we also evaluated the detection of diabetic retinopathy on fundus images using the microaneurysm detection method. An overview of the state of the art is presented to compare the performance of the developed approaches with the main methods described in the literature for each of the previously described objectives. To facilitate the comparison of methods, the state of the art has been divided into rulebased methods and machine learningbased methods. In the research reported in this paper, rulebased methods based on image processing methods were preferred over machine learningbased methods. In particular, scalespace methods proved to be effective in achieving the set goals. Two different approaches to exudate segmentation were developed. The first approach is based on scalespace curvature in combination with the local maximum of a scalespace blob detector and dynamic thresholds. The second approach is based on the analysis of the distribution function of the maximum values of the noise map in combination with morphological operators and adaptive thresholds. Both approaches perform a correct segmentation of the exudates and cope well with the uneven illumination and contrast variations in the fundus images. Optic disc localization was achieved using a new technique called cumulative sum fields, which was combined with a vascular enhancement method. The algorithm proved to be reliable and efficient, especially for pathological images. The robustness of the method was tested on 8 datasets. The detection of the midline of the blood vessels was achieved using a modified corner detector in combination with binary philtres and dynamic thresholding. Segmentation of the vascular network was achieved using a new scalespace blood vessels enhancement method. The developed methods have proven effective in detecting the midline of blood vessels and segmenting vascular networks. The microaneurysm detection method relies on a scalespace microaneurysm detection and labelling system. A new approach based on the neighbourhood of the microaneurysms was used for labelling. Microaneurysm detection enabled the assessment of diabetic retinopathy detection. The microaneurysm detection method proved to be competitive with other methods, especially with highresolution images. Diabetic retinopathy detection with the developed microaneurysm detection method showed similar performance to other methods and human experts. The results of this work show that it is possible to develop reliable and robust scalespace methods that can detect various anatomical structures and pathological features of the retina. Furthermore, the results obtained in this work show that although recent research has focused on machine learning methods, scalespace methods can achieve very competitive results and typically have greater independence from image acquisition. The methods developed in this work may also be relevant for the future definition of new descriptors and features that can significantly improve the results of automated methods.As imagens do fundo do olho são hoje um dos principais exames imagiológicos da oftalmologia moderna, pela sua simplicidade, baixo custo e acima de tudo pelo seu carácter nãoinvasivo. A aquisição e armazenamento de imagens do fundo do olho com alta resolução é também relativamente simples e rápida. Desta forma, as imagens do fundo do olho são um exame fundamental na identificação de alterações retinianas, monitorização da saúde ocular, e em programas de rastreio. Considerando o elevado volume e complexidade clínica associada a estas imagens, a análise e interpretação das mesmas por clínicos treinados tornase uma tarefa morosa e propensa a erros humanos. Assim, há um interesse crescente no desenvolvimento de abordagens automatizadas, acessíveis em custo, e com uma alta sensibilidade e especificidade. Estas devem ser robustas para serem aplicadas à população em geral no diagnóstico e seguimento de doenças retinianas. Para serem eficazes, os sistemas de análise têm que conseguir detetar e distinguir estruturas normais de sinais patológicos. O objetivo principal da investigação que levou a esta tese de doutoramento é o desenvolvimento de sistemas automáticos capazes de detetar e segmentar as estruturas anatómicas da retina, e os sinais patológicos retinianos associados às doenças retinianas mais comuns. Em particular, estes algoritmos automatizados foram desenvolvidos segundo as premissas de robustez e eficácia para lidar com as dificuldades e complexidades inerentes a estas imagens. Foram considerados quatro objetivos de análise de imagens do fundo do olho. São estes, a segmentação de exsudados, a localização do disco ótico, a deteção da linha central venosa dos vasos sanguíneos e segmentação da rede vascular, e a deteção de microaneurismas. De acrescentar que usando o método de deteção de microaneurismas, avaliouse também a capacidade de deteção da retinopatia diabética em imagens do fundo do olho. Para comparar o desempenho das metodologias desenvolvidas neste trabalho, foi realizado um levantamento do estado da arte, onde foram considerados os métodos mais relevantes descritos na literatura para cada um dos objetivos descritos anteriormente. Para facilitar a comparação entre métodos, o estado da arte foi dividido em metodologias de processamento de imagem e baseadas em aprendizagem máquina. Optouse no trabalho de investigação desenvolvido pela utilização de metodologias de análise espacial de imagem em detrimento de metodologias baseadas em aprendizagem máquina. Em particular, as metodologias baseadas no espaço de escalas mostraram ser efetivas na obtenção dos objetivos estabelecidos. Para a segmentação de exsudados foram usadas duas abordagens distintas. A primeira abordagem baseiase na curvatura em espaço de escalas em conjunto com a resposta máxima local de um detetor de manchas em espaço de escalas e limiares dinâmicos. A segunda abordagem baseiase na análise do mapa de distribuição de ruído em conjunto com operadores morfológicos e limiares adaptativos. Ambas as abordagens fazem uma segmentação dos exsudados de elevada precisão, além de lidarem eficazmente com a iluminação nãouniforme e a variação de contraste presente nas imagens do fundo do olho. A localização do disco ótico foi conseguida com uma nova técnica designada por campos de soma acumulativos, combinada com métodos de melhoramento da rede vascular. O algoritmo revela ser fiável e eficiente, particularmente em imagens patológicas. A robustez do método foi verificada pela sua avaliação em oito bases de dados. A deteção da linha central dos vasos sanguíneos foi obtida através de um detetor de cantos modificado em conjunto com filtros binários e limiares dinâmicos. A segmentação da rede vascular foi conseguida com um novo método de melhoramento de vasos sanguíneos em espaço de escalas. Os métodos desenvolvidos mostraram ser eficazes na deteção da linha central dos vasos sanguíneos e na segmentação da rede vascular. Finalmente, o método para a deteção de microaneurismas assenta num formalismo de espaço de escalas na deteção e na rotulagem dos microaneurismas. Para a rotulagem foi utilizada uma nova abordagem da vizinhança dos candidatos a microaneurismas. A deteção de microaneurismas permitiu avaliar também a deteção da retinopatia diabética. O método para a deteção de microaneurismas mostrou ser competitivo quando comparado com outros métodos, em particular em imagens de alta resolução. A deteção da retinopatia diabética exibiu um desempenho semelhante a outros métodos e a especialistas humanos. Os trabalhos descritos nesta tese mostram ser possível desenvolver uma abordagem fiável e robusta em espaço de escalas capaz de detetar diferentes estruturas anatómicas e sinais patológicos da retina. Além disso, os resultados obtidos mostram que apesar de a pesquisa mais recente concentrarse em metodologias de aprendizagem máquina, as metodologias de análise espacial apresentam resultados muito competitivos e tipicamente independentes do equipamento de aquisição das imagens. As metodologias desenvolvidas nesta tese podem ser importantes na definição de novos descritores e características, que podem melhorar significativamente o resultado de métodos automatizados

    Retinal blood vessel segmentation: methods and implementations

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    Since the retinal blood vessel has been acknowledged as an indispensable element in both ophthalmological and cardiovascular disease diagnosis, the accurate segmentation of the retinal vessel tree has become the prerequisite step for automatic or computer-aided diagnosis systems. This thesis, therefore, has investigated different works of image segmentation algorithms and techniques, including unsupervised and supervised methods. Further, the thesis has developed and implemented two systems of the accurate retinal vessel segmentation. The methodologies explained and analyzed in this thesis, have been selected as the most efficient approaches to achieve higher precision, better robustness, and faster execution speed, to meet the strict standard of the modern medical imaging. Based on the intensive investigation and experiments, this thesis has proposed two outstanding implementations of the retinal blood vessel segmentation. The first implementation focuses on the fast, accurate and robust extraction of the retinal vessels using unsupervised techniques, by applying morphology-based global thresholding to draw the retinal venule structure and centerline detection to extract the capillaries. Besides, this system has been designed to minimize the computing complexity and to process multiple independent procedures in parallel. The second proposed system has especially focused on robustness and accuracy in regardless of execution time. This method has utilized the full convolutional neural network trained from a pre-trained semantic segmentation model, which is also called the transfer deep learning. This proposed method has simplified the typical retinal vessel segmentation problem from full-size image segmentation to regional vessel element recognition. Both of the implementations have outperformed their related works and have presented a remarkable scientific value for future computer-aided diagnosis applications. What’s more, this thesis is also a research guide which provide readers with the comprehensive knowledge on how to research on the task of retinal vessel segmentation

    Retinal blood vessel segmentation: methods and implementations

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    Since the retinal blood vessel has been acknowledged as an indispensable element in both ophthalmological and cardiovascular disease diagnosis, the accurate segmentation of the retinal vessel tree has become the prerequisite step for automatic or computer-aided diagnosis systems. This thesis, therefore, has investigated different works of image segmentation algorithms and techniques, including unsupervised and supervised methods. Further, the thesis has developed and implemented two systems of the accurate retinal vessel segmentation. The methodologies explained and analyzed in this thesis, have been selected as the most efficient approaches to achieve higher precision, better robustness, and faster execution speed, to meet the strict standard of the modern medical imaging. Based on the intensive investigation and experiments, this thesis has proposed two outstanding implementations of the retinal blood vessel segmentation. The first implementation focuses on the fast, accurate and robust extraction of the retinal vessels using unsupervised techniques, by applying morphology-based global thresholding to draw the retinal venule structure and centerline detection to extract the capillaries. Besides, this system has been designed to minimize the computing complexity and to process multiple independent procedures in parallel. The second proposed system has especially focused on robustness and accuracy in regardless of execution time. This method has utilized the full convolutional neural network trained from a pre-trained semantic segmentation model, which is also called the transfer deep learning. This proposed method has simplified the typical retinal vessel segmentation problem from full-size image segmentation to regional vessel element recognition. Both of the implementations have outperformed their related works and have presented a remarkable scientific value for future computer-aided diagnosis applications. What’s more, this thesis is also a research guide which provide readers with the comprehensive knowledge on how to research on the task of retinal vessel segmentation