80 research outputs found

    Comparison of multi-distance signal level difference Hjorth descriptor and its variations for lung sound classifications

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    A biological signal has the multi-scale and signals complexity properties. Many studies have used the signal complexity calculation methods and multi-scale analysis to analyze the biological signal, such as lung sound. Signal complexity methods used in the biological signal analysis include entropy, fractal analysis, and Hjorth descriptor. Meanwhile, the commonly used multi-scale methods include wavelet analysis, coarse-grained procedure, and empirical mode decomposition (EMD). One of the multi-scale methods in the biological signal analysis is the multi-distance signal level difference (MSLD), which calculates a difference between two signal samples at a specific distance. In previous studies, MSLD was combined with Hjorth descriptor for lung sound classification. MSLD has the potential to be developed by modifying the fundamental equation of MSLD. This study presents the comparison of MSLD and its variations combined with Hjorth descriptor for lung sound classification. The results showed that MSLD and its variations had the highest accuracy of 98.99% for five lung sound data classes. The results of this study provided several alternatives for multi-scale signal complexity analysis method for biological signals

    CNN-XGBoost fusion-based affective state recognition using EEG spectrogram image analysis

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    Recognizing emotional state of human using brain signal is an active research domain with several open challenges. In this research, we propose a signal spectrogram image based CNN-XGBoost fusion method for recognising three dimensions of emotion, namely arousal (calm or excitement), valence (positive or negative feeling) and dominance (without control or empowered). We used a benchmark dataset called DREAMER where the EEG signals were collected from multiple stimulus along with self-evaluation ratings. In our proposed method, we first calculate the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) of the EEG signals and convert them into RGB images to obtain the spectrograms. Then we use a two dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in order to train the model on the spectrogram images and retrieve the features from the trained layer of the CNN using a dense layer of the neural network. We apply Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) classifier on extracted CNN features to classify the signals into arousal, valence and dominance of human emotion. We compare our results with the feature fusion-based state-of-the-art approaches of emotion recognition. To do this, we applied various feature extraction techniques on the signals which include Fast Fourier Transformation, Discrete Cosine Transformation, Poincare, Power Spectral Density, Hjorth parameters and some statistical features. Additionally, we use Chi-square and Recursive Feature Elimination techniques to select the discriminative features. We form the feature vectors by applying feature level fusion, and apply Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) classifiers on the fused features to classify different emotion levels. The performance study shows that the proposed spectrogram image based CNN-XGBoost fusion method outperforms the feature fusion-based SVM and XGBoost methods. The proposed method obtained the accuracy of 99.712% for arousal, 99.770% for valence and 99.770% for dominance in human emotion detection.publishedVersio

    First evidence that intrinsic fetal heart rate variability exists and is affected by hypoxic pregnancy.

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    KEY POINTS: We introduce a technique to test whether intrinsic fetal heart rate variability (iFHRV) exists and we show the utility of the technique by testing the hypothesis that iFHRV is affected by chronic fetal hypoxia, one of the most common adverse outcomes of human pregnancy complicated by fetal growth restriction. Using an established late gestation ovine model of fetal development under chronic hypoxic conditions, we identify iFHRV in isolated fetal hearts and show that it is markedly affected by hypoxic pregnancy. Therefore, the isolated fetal heart has intrinsic variability and carries a memory of adverse intrauterine conditions experienced during the last third of pregnancy. ABSTRACT: Fetal heart rate variability (FHRV) emerges from influences of the autonomic nervous system, fetal body and breathing movements, and from baroreflex and circadian processes. We tested whether intrinsic heart rate variability (iHRV), devoid of any external influences, exists in the fetal period and whether it is affected by chronic fetal hypoxia. Chronically catheterized ewes carrying male singleton fetuses were exposed to normoxia (n = 6) or hypoxia (10% inspired O2 , n = 9) for the last third of gestation (105-138 days of gestation (dG); term ∼145 dG) in isobaric chambers. At 138 dG, isolated hearts were studied using a Langendorff preparation. We calculated basal intrinsic FHRV (iFHRV) indices reflecting iFHRV's variability, predictability, temporal symmetry, fractality and chaotic behaviour, from the systolic peaks within 15 min segments in each heart. Significance was assumed at P < 0.05. Hearts of fetuses isolated from hypoxic pregnancy showed approximately 4-fold increases in the Grid transformation as well as the AND similarity index (sgridAND) and a 4-fold reduction in the scale-dependent Lyapunov exponent slope. We also detected a 2-fold reduction in the Recurrence quantification analysis, percentage of laminarity (pL) and recurrences, maximum and average diagonal line (dlmax, dlmean) and the Multiscale time irreversibility asymmetry index. The iHRV measures dlmax, dlmean, pL and sgridAND correlated with left ventricular end-diastolic pressure across both groups (average R2  = 0.38 ± 0.03). This is the first evidence that iHRV originates in fetal life and that chronic fetal hypoxia significantly alters it. Isolated fetal hearts from hypoxic pregnancy exhibit a time scale-dependent higher complexity in iFHRV.British Heart Foundatio

    Photoplethysmography based atrial fibrillation detection: an updated review from July 2019

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a prevalent cardiac arrhythmia associated with significant health ramifications, including an elevated susceptibility to ischemic stroke, heart disease, and heightened mortality. Photoplethysmography (PPG) has emerged as a promising technology for continuous AF monitoring for its cost-effectiveness and widespread integration into wearable devices. Our team previously conducted an exhaustive review on PPG-based AF detection before June 2019. However, since then, more advanced technologies have emerged in this field. This paper offers a comprehensive review of the latest advancements in PPG-based AF detection, utilizing digital health and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions, within the timeframe spanning from July 2019 to December 2022. Through extensive exploration of scientific databases, we have identified 59 pertinent studies. Our comprehensive review encompasses an in-depth assessment of the statistical methodologies, traditional machine learning techniques, and deep learning approaches employed in these studies. In addition, we address the challenges encountered in the domain of PPG-based AF detection. Furthermore, we maintain a dedicated website to curate the latest research in this area, with regular updates on a regular basis

    Classificação automática de batidas cardíacas utilizando parâmetros de hjorth.

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    Este trabalho apresenta métodos para processamento de sinais de eletrocardiograma (ECG), visando realizar a classificação automática de batidas cardíacas com bom desempenho e baixo custo computacional. Em especial, uma nova abordagem para a extração de características é apresentada, na qual o sinal de ECG é caracterizado por valores de intervalos entre batidas (intervalos R-R), dados de amplitude do sinal e, principalmente, parâmetros de Hjorth. Os parâmetros de Hjorth foram utilizados anteriormente em uma variedade de áreas de pesquisa, especialmente para caracterização de sinais cerebrais, mas sua aplicação no processamento de sinal de ECG é ainda pouco explorada. Além disso, este trabalho introduz uma nova estratégia para a solução do problema de segmentação de batidas cardíacas, que evita que informações de batidas adjacentes à batida de interesse sejam levadas em consideração, aumentando o desempenho de classificação. Para o teste das técnicas propostas, utilizou-se o banco de dados norte-americano MIT-BIH de arritmias e classificadores do tipo máquina de vetor de suporte (SVM). Recomendações da Associação para o Avanço da Instrumentação Médica (AAMI) foram seguidas, de modo que o trabalho pudesse ser comparado a outros trabalhos importantes recentes. O modelo proposto apresenta índices de desempenho compatíveis ou superiores a cinco outros trabalhos de metodologia semelhante utilizados para comparação, que compõem o estado da arte nesse campo. Os resultados obtidos nos testes indicam que as técnicas propostas neste trabalho podem ser aplicadas com sucesso ao problema da classificação automática do batimento cardíaco. Além disso, esta nova abordagem tem baixo custo computacional, o que permite sua posterior implementação em dispositivos de hardware com recursos limitados, como FPGA, sistemas embarcados e circuitos integrados

    Vauvojen unen luokittelu patja-sensorilla ja EKG:lla

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    Infants spend the majority of their time asleep. Although extensive studies have been carried out, the role of sleep for infant cognitive, psychomotor, temperament and developmental outcomes is not clear. The current contradictory results may be due to the limited precision when monitoring infant sleep for prolonged periods of time, from weeks to even months. Sleep-wake cycle can be assessed with sleep questionnaires and actigraphy, but they cannot separate sleep stages. The gold standard for sleep state annotation is polysomnography (PSG), which consist of several signal modalities such as electroencephalogram, electrooculogram, electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyogram, respiration sensor and pulse oximetry. A sleep clinician manually assigns sleep stages for 30 sec epochs based on the visual observation of these signals. Because method is obtrusive and laborious it is not suitable for monitoring long periods. There is, therefore, a need for an automatic and unobtrusive sleep staging approach. In this work, a set of classifiers for infant sleep staging was created and evaluated. The cardiorespiratory and gross body movement signals were used as an input. The different classifiers aim to distinguish between two or more different sleep states. The classifiers were built on a clinical sleep polysomnography data set of 48 infants with ages ranging from 1 week to 18 weeks old (a median of 5 weeks). Respiration and gross body movements were observed using an electromechanical film bed mattress sensor manufactured by Emfit Ltd. ECG of the PSG setup was used for extracting cardiac activity. Signals were preprocessed to remove artefacts and an extensive set of features (N=81) were extracted on which the classifiers were trained. The NREM3 vs other states classifier provided the most accurate results. The median accuracy was 0.822 (IQR: 0.724-0.914). This is comparable to previously published studies on other sleep classifiers, as well as to the level of clinical interrater agreement. Classification methods were confounded by the lack of muscle atonia and amount of gross body movements in REM sleep. The proposed method could be readily applied for home monitoring, as well as for monitoring in neonatal intensive care units.Vauvat nukkuvat suurimman osan vuorokaudesta. Vaikkakin laajasti on tutkittu unen vaikutusta lapsen kognitioon, psykomotoriikkaan, temperamenttiin ja kehitykseen, selkeää kuvaa ja yhtenäistä konsensusta tiedeyhteisössä ei ole saavutettu. Yksi syy tähän on että ei ole olemassa menetelmää, joka soveltuisi jatkuva-aikaiseen ja pitkäkestoiseen unitilan monitorointiin. Vauvojen uni-valve- sykliä voidaan selvittää vanhemmille suunnatuilla kyselyillä ja aktigrafialla, mutta näillä ei voi havaita unitilojen rakennetta. Kliinisenä standardina unitilojen seurannassa on polysomnografia, jossa samanaikaisesti mitataan mm. potilaan elektroenkelografiaa, elektro-okulografiaa, elektrokardiografiaa, electromyografiaa, hengitysinduktiivisesta pletysmografiaa, happisaturaatiota ja hengitysvirtauksia. Kliinikko suorittaa univaiheluokittelun signaaleista näkyvien, vaiheille tyypillisten, hahmojen perusteella. Työläyden ja häiritsevän mittausasetelman takia menetelmä ei sovellu pitkäaikaiseen seurantaan. On tarvetta kehittää tarkoitukseen sopivia automaattisia ja huomaamattomia unenseurantamenetelmiä. Tässä työssä kehitettiin ja testattiin sydämen syke-, hengitys ja liikeanalyysiin perustuvia koneluokittimia vauvojen unitilojen havainnointiin. Luokittimet opetettiin kliinisessa polysomnografiassa kerätyllä datalla 48 vauvasta, joiden ikä vaihteli 1. viikosta 18. viikkoon (mediaani 5 viikkoa). Vauvojen hengitystä ja liikkeitä seurattiin Emfit Oy:n valmistamalla elektromekaaniseen filmiin pohjatuvalla patja-sensorilla. Lisäksi ECG:lla seurattiin sydäntä ja opetuksessa käytettiin lääkärin suorittamaa PSG-pohjaista luokitusta. Esikäsittelyn jälkeen signaaleista laskettiin suuri joukko piirrevektoreita (N=81), joihin luokittelu perustuu. NREM3-univaiheen tunnistus onnistui parhaiten 0.822 mediaani-tarkkuudella ja [0.724,0.914] kvartaaleilla. Tulos on yhtenevä kirjallisuudessa esitettyjen arvojen kanssa ja vastaa kliinikkojen välistä toistettavuutta. Muilla luokittimilla univaiheet sekoituivat keskenään, mikä on oletattavasti selitettävissä aikuisista poikeavalla REM-unen aikaisella lihasjäykkyydellä ja kehon liikkeillä. Työ osoittaa, että menetelmällä voi seurata vauvojen uniluokkien oskillaatiota. Järjestelmää voisi käyttää kotiseurannassa tai vastasyntyneiden teholla unenvalvontaan

    Artefact detection and removal algorithms for EEG diagnostic systems

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    The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a medical technology that is used in the monitoring of the brain and in the diagnosis of many neurological illnesses. Although coarse in its precision, the EEG is a non-invasive tool that requires minimal set-up times, and is suitably unobtrusive and mobile to allow continuous monitoring of the patient, either in clinical or domestic environments. Consequently, the EEG is the current tool-of-choice with which to continuously monitor the brain where temporal resolution, ease-of- use and mobility are important. Traditionally, EEG data are examined by a trained clinician who identifies neurological events of interest. However, recent advances in signal processing and machine learning techniques have allowed the automated detection of neurological events for many medical applications. In doing so, the burden of work on the clinician has been significantly reduced, improving the response time to illness, and allowing the relevant medical treatment to be administered within minutes rather than hours. However, as typical EEG signals are of the order of microvolts (μV ), contamination by signals arising from sources other than the brain is frequent. These extra-cerebral sources, known as artefacts, can significantly distort the EEG signal, making its interpretation difficult, and can dramatically disimprove automatic neurological event detection classification performance. This thesis therefore, contributes to the further improvement of auto- mated neurological event detection systems, by identifying some of the major obstacles in deploying these EEG systems in ambulatory and clinical environments so that the EEG technologies can emerge from the laboratory towards real-world settings, where they can have a real-impact on the lives of patients. In this context, the thesis tackles three major problems in EEG monitoring, namely: (i) the problem of head-movement artefacts in ambulatory EEG, (ii) the high numbers of false detections in state-of-the-art, automated, epileptiform activity detection systems and (iii) false detections in state-of-the-art, automated neonatal seizure detection systems. To accomplish this, the thesis employs a wide range of statistical, signal processing and machine learning techniques drawn from mathematics, engineering and computer science. The first body of work outlined in this thesis proposes a system to automatically detect head-movement artefacts in ambulatory EEG and utilises supervised machine learning classifiers to do so. The resulting head-movement artefact detection system is the first of its kind and offers accurate detection of head-movement artefacts in ambulatory EEG. Subsequently, addtional physiological signals, in the form of gyroscopes, are used to detect head-movements and in doing so, bring additional information to the head- movement artefact detection task. A framework for combining EEG and gyroscope signals is then developed, offering improved head-movement arte- fact detection. The artefact detection methods developed for ambulatory EEG are subsequently adapted for use in an automated epileptiform activity detection system. Information from support vector machines classifiers used to detect epileptiform activity is fused with information from artefact-specific detection classifiers in order to significantly reduce the number of false detections in the epileptiform activity detection system. By this means, epileptiform activity detection which compares favourably with other state-of-the-art systems is achieved. Finally, the problem of false detections in automated neonatal seizure detection is approached in an alternative manner; blind source separation techniques, complimented with information from additional physiological signals are used to remove respiration artefact from the EEG. In utilising these methods, some encouraging advances have been made in detecting and removing respiration artefacts from the neonatal EEG, and in doing so, the performance of the underlying diagnostic technology is improved, bringing its deployment in the real-world, clinical domain one step closer