218 research outputs found

    Rf sensing and processing methods for noninvasive health monitoring

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    Vulnerable populations include groups of people with a higher risk of poor health as a result of the limitations due to illness or disability. The health issues of vulnerable populations include three categories: physical, psychological, and social. The people with physical issues include high-risk mothers and infants, older adults and others with chronic illnesses and people with disabilities. The psychological issues of vulnerable populations include chronic mental conditions, such as bipolar disorder, major depression, and hyperactivity disorder, as well as substance abuse and those who are suicidal. The social issues in vulnerable populations include those living in abusive families, the homeless, etc. This dissertation concentrates on methods for helping two groups of vulnerable populations, namely, frail older adults and psychiatric hospital patients, to monitor their activity level, respiration rate, sleeping quality, and restless time in bed. In the first part of our work, we investigate a contactless monitoring system for psychiatric patients in a naturalistic hospital setting that can track their motion in bed, estimate the breathing rate of patients during their peaceful sleeping periods, and can be used to estimate a patient's restless time and sleep quality. Specifically, the contactless monitoring system uses a Vayyar Radar system with a carrier frequency of 6.014 GHz to capture all reflections by the FMCW (frequency modulation continuous waveform) signal. The Vayyar Radar system has been installed in a Psychiatric Center to capture 12 nights with over 135 hours of data from 7 patients. A depth camera and a thermal camera have also been installed and are used as the ground truth. The goal is to classify in bed and out of bed classes, quantify restlessness in bed, and determine the breathing rate while patients are lying in bed. We have simulated the psychiatric hospital set-up in the lab, where a respiration belt is used for ground truth, and tested the system with body postures of patients observed in the psychiatric hospital. We estimated respiration rate with different sleep postures, with the aim of investigating a contactless monitoring system for psychiatric patients in the hospital that can estimate the breathing rate of patients during typical sleeping postures, and find the torso area when the patients use other postures, such as reading books in bed or reversing the body on the bed. In the second part of our work, we investigate two methods for learning the room structure via radio wave reflections for longitudinal health monitoring of older adults in a naturalistic home setting. The goal is to use these data as part of a monitoring system that can be easily installed in a home with minimal configuration, for the purpose of detecting very early signs of illness and functional decline. Two studies are conducted using RF (radio frequency) sensing. The first method learns the structure from the RF clutter patterns and uses the beat frequency of the maximum peak in each chirp to calculate the wall position. The second method learns the room structure from active movement patterns and uses the open space between the clusters of active movement patterns to estimate the possible wall locations. Comparing the two results from these methods provides a more robust wall location. In addition, a background filter is designed based on the wall position, and the activity level of people in different rooms is estimated using a fuzzy rule system applied to the RF motion data

    Emotion Recognition using Wireless Signals

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    This paper demonstrates a new technology that can infer a person's emotions from RF signals reflected off his body. EQ-Radio transmits an RF signal and analyzes its reflections off a person's body to recognize his emotional state (happy, sad, etc.). The key enabler underlying EQ-Radio is a new algorithm for extracting the individual heartbeats from the wireless signal at an accuracy comparable to on-body ECG monitors. The resulting beats are then used to compute emotion-dependent features which feed a machine-learning emotion classifier. We describe the design and implementation of EQ-Radio, and demonstrate through a user study that its emotion recognition accuracy is on par with state-of-the-art emotion recognition systems that require a person to be hooked to an ECG monitor. Keywords: Wireless Signals; Wireless Sensing; Emotion Recognition; Affective Computing; Heart Rate VariabilityNational Science Foundation (U.S.)United States. Air Forc

    An inclusive survey of contactless wireless sensing: a technology used for remotely monitoring vital signs has the potential to combating COVID-19

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    With the Coronavirus pandemic showing no signs of abating, companies and governments around the world are spending millions of dollars to develop contactless sensor technologies that minimize the need for physical interactions between the patient and healthcare providers. As a result, healthcare research studies are rapidly progressing towards discovering innovative contactless technologies, especially for infants and elderly people who are suffering from chronic diseases that require continuous, real-time control, and monitoring. The fusion between sensing technology and wireless communication has emerged as a strong research candidate choice because wearing sensor devices is not desirable by patients as they cause anxiety and discomfort. Furthermore, physical contact exacerbates the spread of contagious diseases which may lead to catastrophic consequences. For this reason, research has gone towards sensor-less or contactless technology, through sending wireless signals, then analyzing and processing the reflected signals using special techniques such as frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) or channel state information (CSI). Therefore, it becomes easy to monitor and measure the subject’s vital signs remotely without physical contact or asking them to wear sensor devices. In this paper, we overview and explore state-of-the-art research in the field of contactless sensor technology in medicine, where we explain, summarize, and classify a plethora of contactless sensor technologies and techniques with the highest impact on contactless healthcare. Moreover, we overview the enabling hardware technologies as well as discuss the main challenges faced by these systems.This work is funded by the scientific and technological research council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) under grand 119E39

    Enhancing system performance through objective feature scoring of multiple persons' breathing using non-contact RF approach

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    Breathing monitoring is an efficient way of human health sensing and predicting numerous diseases. Various contact and non-contact-based methods are discussed in the literature for breathing monitoring. Radio frequency (RF)-based breathing monitoring has recently gained enormous popularity among non-contact methods. This method eliminates privacy concerns and the need for users to carry a device. In addition, such methods can reduce stress on healthcare facilities by providing intelligent digital health technologies. These intelligent digital technologies utilize a machine learning (ML)-based system for classifying breathing abnormalities. Despite advances in ML-based systems, the increasing dimensionality of data poses a significant challenge, as unrelated features can significantly impact the developed system’s performance. Optimal feature scoring may appear to be a viable solution to this problem, as it has the potential to improve system performance significantly. Initially, in this study, software-defined radio (SDR) and RF sensing techniques were used to develop a breathing monitoring system. Minute variations in wireless channel state information (CSI) due to breathing movement were used to detect breathing abnormalities in breathing patterns. Furthermore, ML algorithms intelligently classified breathing abnormalities in single and multiple-person scenarios. The results were validated by referencing a wearable sensor. Finally, optimal feature scoring was used to improve the developed system’s performance in terms of accuracy, training time, and prediction speed. The results showed that optimal feature scoring can help achieve maximum accuracy of up to 93.8% and 91.7% for single-person and multi-person scenarios, respectively

    AI enabled RF sensing of Diversified Human-Centric Monitoring

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    This thesis delves into the application of various RF signaling techniques in HumanCentric Monitoring (HCM), specifically focusing on WiFi, LoRa, Ultra-wideband (UWB) radars, and Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radars. Each of these technologies has unique properties suitable for different aspects of HCM. For instance, 77GHz FMCW radar signals demonstrate high sensitivity in detecting subtle human movements, such as heartbeat, contrasting with the capabilities of 2.4GHz/5GHz WiFi signals. The research extends to both large-scale and small-scale Human Activity Recognition (HAR), examining how ubiquitous communication signals like WiFi and LoRa can be utilized for large-scale HAR, while radar signals with higher central frequencies are more effective for small-scale motions, including heartbeat and mouth movements. The thesis also identifies several unresolved challenges in the field. These include the underutilization of spatial spectral information in existing WiFi sensing technologies, the untapped potential of LoRa technology in identity recognition, the sensitivity of millimeterwave radar in detecting breathing and heartbeat against minor movements, and the lack of comprehensive datasets for mouth motion detection in silent speech recognition. Addressing these challenges, the paper proposes several innovative solutions: • A comprehensive analysis of methodologies for RF-based HCM applications, discussing challenges and proposing potential solutions for broader healthcare applications using wireless sensing. • Exploration of communication signals in HCM systems, especially focusing on WiFi and LoRa sensing. It introduces the continuous AoA-ToF maps method to enhance HCM system performance and the LoGait system, which uses LoRa signals for human gait identification, extending the sensing range to 20 meters. • Development of a FMCW radar-based structure for respiration detection, incorporating an ellipse normalization method to adjust distorted IQ signals, reducing the root mean square error by 30% compared to baseline methods. • Collection and analysis of a large-scale multimodal dataset for silent speech recognition and speech enhancement, including designing experiments to validate the dataset’s utility in a multimodal-based speech recognition system

    Bio-Radar Applications for Remote Vital Signs Monitoring

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    Nowadays, most vital signs monitoring techniques used in a medical context and/or daily life routines require direct contact with skin, which can become uncomfortable or even impractical to be used regularly. Radar technology has been appointed as one of the most promising contactless tools to overcome these hurdles. However, there is a lack of studies that cover a comprehensive assessment of this technology when applied in real-world environments. This dissertation aims to study radar technology for remote vital signs monitoring, more specifically, in respiratory and heartbeat sensing. Two off-the-shelf radars, based on impulse radio ultra-wideband and frequency modu lated continuous wave technology, were customized to be used in a small proof of concept experiment with 10 healthy participants. Each subject was monitored with both radars at three different distances for two distinct conditions: breathing and voluntary apnea. Signals processing algorithms were developed to detect and estimate respiratory and heartbeat parameters, assessed using qualitative and quantitative methods. Concerning respiration, a minimum error of 1.6% was found when radar respiratory peaks signals were directly compared with their reference, whereas a minimum mean absolute error of 0.3 RPM was obtained for the respiration rate. Concerning heartbeats, their expression in radar signals was not as clear as the respiration ones, however a minimum mean absolute error of 1.8 BPM for heartbeat was achieved after applying a novel selective algorithm developed to validate if heart rate value was estimated with reliability. The results proved the potential for radars to be used in respiratory and heartbeat contactless sensing, showing that the employed methods can be already used in some mo tionless situations. Notwithstanding, further work is required to improve the developed algorithms in order to obtain more robust and accurate systems.Atualmente, a maioria das técnicas usadas para a monitorização de sinais vitais em contexto médicos e/ou diário requer contacto direto com a pele, o que poderá tornar-se incómodo ou até mesmo inviável em certas situações. A tecnologia radar tem vindo a ser apontada como uma das mais promissoras ferramentas para medição de sinais vitais à distância e sem contacto. Todavia, são necessários mais estudos que permitam avaliar esta tecnologia quando aplicada a situações mais reais. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo o estudo da tecnologia radar aplicada no contexto de medição remota de sinais vitais, mais concretamente, na medição de atividade respiratória e cardíaca. Dois aparelhos radar, baseados em tecnologia banda ultra larga por rádio de impulso e em tecnologia de onda continua modulada por frequência, foram configurados e usados numa prova de conceito com 10 participantes. Cada sujeito foi monitorizado com cada um dos radar em duas situações distintas: respirando e em apneia voluntária. Algorit mos de processamento de sinal foram desenvolvidos para detetar e estimar parâmetros respiratórios e cardíacos, avaliados através de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos. Em relação à respiração, o menor erro obtido foi de 1,6% quando os sinais de radar respiratórios foram comparados diretamente com os sinais de referência, enquanto que, um erro médio absoluto mínimo de 0,3 RPM foi obtido para a estimação da frequência respiratória via radar. A expressão cardíaca nos sinais radar não se revelou tão evidente como a respiratória, no entanto, um erro médio absoluto mínimo de 1,8 BPM foi obtido para a estimação da frequência cardíaca após a aplicação de um novo algoritmo seletivo, desenvolvido para validar a confiança dos valores obtidos. Os resultados obtidos provaram o potencial do uso de radares na medição de atividade respiratória e cardíaca sem contacto, sendo esta tecnologia viável de ser implementada em situações onde não existe muito movimento. Não obstante, os algoritmos desenvolvidos devem ser aperfeiçoados no futuro de forma a obter sistemas mais robustos e precisos

    Signal Processing Contributions to Contactless Monitoring of Vital Signs Using Radars

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    Vital signs are a group of biological indicators that show the status of the body’s life-sustaining functions. They provide an objective measurement of the essential physiological functions of a living organism, and their assessment is the critical first step for any clinical evaluation. Monitoring vital sign information provides valuable insight into the patient's condition, including how they are responding to medical treatment and, more importantly, whether the patient is deteriorating. However, conventional contact-based devices are inappropriate for long-term continuous monitoring. Besides mobility restrictions and stress, they can cause discomfort, and epidermal damage, and even lead to pressure necrosis. On the other hand, the contactless monitoring of vital signs using radar devices has several advantages. Radar signals can penetrate through different materials and are not affected by skin pigmentation or external light conditions. Additionally, these devices preserve privacy, can be low-cost, and transmit no more power than a mobile phone. Despite recent advances, accurate contactless vital sign monitoring is still challenging in practical scenarios. The challenge stems from the fact that when we breathe, or when the heart beats, the tiny induced motion of the chest wall surface can be smaller than one millimeter. This means that the vital sign information can be easily lost in the background noise, or even masked by additional body movements from the monitored subject. This thesis aims to propose innovative signal processing solutions to enable the contactless monitoring of vital signs in practical scenarios. Its main contributions are threefold: a new algorithm for recovering the chest wall movements from radar signals; a novel random body movement and interference mitigation technique; and a simple, yet robust and accurate, adaptive estimation framework. These contributions were tested under different operational conditions and scenarios, spanning ideal simulation settings, real data collected while imitating common working conditions in an office environment, and a complete validation with premature babies in a critical care environment. The proposed algorithms were able to precisely recover the chest wall motion, effectively reducing the interfering effects of random body movements, and allowing clear identification of different breathing patterns. This capability is the first step toward frequency estimation and early non-invasive diagnosis of cardiorespiratory problems. In addition, most of the time, the adaptive estimation framework provided breathing and heart rate estimates within the predefined error intervals, being capable of tracking the reference values in different scenarios. Our findings shed light on the strengths and limitations of this technology and lay the foundation for future studies toward a complete contactless solution for vital signs monitoring

    Novel Radar based In-Vehicle Occupant Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    On the automated analysis of preterm infant sleep states from electrocardiography

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