5,164 research outputs found


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    Nonlinear Differential Equations Satisfied by Certain Classical Modular Forms

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    A unified treatment is given of low-weight modular forms on \Gamma_0(N), N=2,3,4, that have Eisenstein series representations. For each N, certain weight-1 forms are shown to satisfy a coupled system of nonlinear differential equations, which yields a single nonlinear third-order equation, called a generalized Chazy equation. As byproducts, a table of divisor function and theta identities is generated by means of q-expansions, and a transformation law under \Gamma_0(4) for the second complete elliptic integral is derived. More generally, it is shown how Picard-Fuchs equations of triangle subgroups of PSL(2,R) which are hypergeometric equations, yield systems of nonlinear equations for weight-1 forms, and generalized Chazy equations. Each triangle group commensurable with \Gamma(1) is treated.Comment: 40 pages, final version, accepted by Manuscripta Mathematic

    Properties of generalized univariate hypergeometric functions

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    Based on Spiridonov's analysis of elliptic generalizations of the Gauss hypergeometric function, we develop a common framework for 7-parameter families of generalized elliptic, hyperbolic and trigonometric univariate hypergeometric functions. In each case we derive the symmetries of the generalized hypergeometric function under the Weyl group of type E_7 (elliptic, hyperbolic) and of type E_6 (trigonometric) using the appropriate versions of the Nassrallah-Rahman beta integral, and we derive contiguous relations using fundamental addition formulas for theta and sine functions. The top level degenerations of the hyperbolic and trigonometric hypergeometric functions are identified with Ruijsenaars' relativistic hypergeometric function and the Askey-Wilson function, respectively. We show that the degeneration process yields various new and known identities for hyperbolic and trigonometric special functions. We also describe an intimate connection between the hyperbolic and trigonometric theory, which yields an expression of the hyperbolic hypergeometric function as an explicit bilinear sum in trigonometric hypergeometric functions.Comment: 46 page

    Positive convolution structure for a class of Heckman-Opdam hypergeometric functions of type BC

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    In this paper, we derive explicit product formulas and positive convolution structures for three continuous classes of Heckman-Opdam hypergeometric functions of type BCBC. For specific discrete series of multiplicities these hypergeometric functions occur as the spherical functions of non-compact Grassmann manifolds G/KG/K over one of the (skew) fields F=R,C,H.\mathbb F= \mathbb R, \mathbb C, \mathbb H. We write the product formula of these spherical functions in an explicit form which allows analytic continuation with respect to the parameters. In each of the three cases, we obtain a series of hypergroup algebras which include the commutative convolution algebras of KK-biinvariant functions on GG

    Moduli spaces of flat tori and elliptic hypergeometric functions

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    In the genus one case, we make explicit some constructions of Veech on flat surfaces and generalize some geometric results of Thurston about moduli spaces of flat spheres as well as some equivalent ones but of an analytico-cohomological nature of Deligne-Mostow, which concern the monodromy of Appell-Lauricella hypergeometric functions. In the twin paper arXiv:1604.01812, we follow Thurston's approach and study moduli spaces of flat tori with conical singularities and prescribed holonomy by means of geometrical methods relying on surgeries for flat surfaces. In the present paper, we study the same objects making use of analytical and cohomological methods, more in the spirit of Deligne-Mostow's paper.Comment: 156 pages, 20 figures. Preliminary version. Comments are welcom

    The Chazy XII Equation and Schwarz Triangle Functions

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    Dubrovin [Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 1620, Springer, Berlin, 1996, 120-348] showed that the Chazy XII equation y2yy+3y2=K(6yy2)2y'''- 2yy''+3y'^2 = K(6y'-y^2)^2, KCK \in \mathbb{C}, is equivalent to a projective-invariant equation for an affine connection on a one-dimensional complex manifold with projective structure. By exploiting this geometric connection it is shown that the Chazy XII solution, for certain values of KK, can be expressed as y=a1w1+a2w2+a3w3y=a_1w_1+a_2w_2+a_3w_3 where wiw_i solve the generalized Darboux-Halphen system. This relationship holds only for certain values of the coefficients (a1,a2,a3)(a_1,a_2,a_3) and the Darboux-Halphen parameters (α,β,γ)(\alpha, \beta, \gamma), which are enumerated in Table 2. Consequently, the Chazy XII solution y(z)y(z) is parametrized by a particular class of Schwarz triangle functions S(α,β,γ;z)S(\alpha, \beta, \gamma; z) which are used to represent the solutions wiw_i of the Darboux-Halphen system. The paper only considers the case where α+β+γ<1\alpha+\beta+\gamma<1. The associated triangle functions are related among themselves via rational maps that are derived from the classical algebraic transformations of hypergeometric functions. The Chazy XII equation is also shown to be equivalent to a Ramanujan-type differential system for a triple (P^,Q^,R^)(\hat{P}, \hat{Q},\hat{R})

    Modular Solutions to Equations of Generalized Halphen Type

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    Solutions to a class of differential systems that generalize the Halphen system are determined in terms of automorphic functions whose groups are commensurable with the modular group. These functions all uniformize Riemann surfaces of genus zero and have qq--series with integral coefficients. Rational maps relating these functions are derived, implying subgroup relations between their automorphism groups, as well as symmetrization maps relating the associated differential systems.Comment: PlainTeX 36gs. (Formula for Hecke operator corrected.