2,553 research outputs found

    Characterizing Modular Ontologies

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    International audienceSince large monolithic ontologies are di cult to handle and reuse ontology modularization has attracted increasing attention. Several approaches and tools have been developed to support ontology modularization. Despite these e orts, a lack of knowledge about characteristics of modularly organized ontologies prevents further development. This work aims at characterizing modular ontologies. Therefore, we analyze existing modular ontologies by applying selected metrics from software engineering in order to identify recurring structures, i.e. patterns in modularly organized ontologies. The contribution is a set of four patterns which characterize modularly organized ontologies

    A Novel Approach to Automate Complex Software Modularization Using a Fact Extraction System

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    Complex software systems that support organizations are updated regularly, which can erode system architectures. Moreover, documentation is rarely synchronized with the changes to the software system. This creates a slew of issues for future software maintenance. To this goal, information extraction tools use exact approaches to extract entities and their corresponding relationships from source code. Such exact approaches extract all features, including those that are less prominent and may not be significant for modularization. In order to resolve the issue, this work proposes an enhanced approximate information extraction approach, namely, fact extractor system for Java applications (FESJA) that aims to automate software modularization using a fact extraction system. The proposed FESJA technique extracts all the entities along with their corresponding more dominant formal and informal relationships from a Java source code. Results demonstrate the improved performance of FESJA, by extracting 74 (classes), 43 (interfaces), and 31 (enumeration), in comparison with eminent information extraction techniques

    Software Metrics for Package Remodularisation

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    There is a plethora of software metrics \cite{Lore94a, Fent96a, Hend96a, Han00a, Lanz06a} and a large amount of research articles. Still there is a lack for a serious and practically-oriented evaluation of metrics. Often metrics lack the property that the software reengineer or quality expert can easily understand the situation summarized by the metrics. In particular, since the exact notion of coupling and cohesion is complex, a particular focus on such point is important. In the first chapter of the present document, we present a list of software metrics, that are commonly used to measure object-oriented programs. In the second chapter we present our proposition for package metrics that capture package aspects such as information hiding and change impact limits

    An overview of Mirjam and WeaveC

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    In this chapter, we elaborate on the design of an industrial-strength aspectoriented programming language and weaver for large-scale software development. First, we present an analysis on the requirements of a general purpose aspect-oriented language that can handle crosscutting concerns in ASML software. We also outline a strategy on working with aspects in large-scale software development processes. In our design, we both re-use existing aspect-oriented language abstractions and propose new ones to address the issues that we identified in our analysis. The quality of the code ensured by the realized language and weaver has a positive impact both on maintenance effort and lead-time in the first line software development process. As evidence, we present a short evaluation of the language and weaver as applied today in the software development process of ASML

    Crosscutting, what is and what is not? A Formal definition based on a Crosscutting Pattern

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    Crosscutting is usually described in terms of scattering and tangling. However, the distinction between these concepts is vague, which could lead to ambiguous statements. Sometimes, precise definitions are required, e.g. for the formal identification of crosscutting concerns. We propose a conceptual framework for formalizing these concepts based on a crosscutting pattern that shows the mapping between elements at two levels, e.g. concerns and representations of concerns. The definitions of the concepts are formalized in terms of linear algebra, and visualized with matrices and matrix operations. In this way, crosscutting can be clearly distinguished from scattering and tangling. Using linear algebra, we demonstrate that our definition generalizes other definitions of crosscutting as described by Masuhara & Kiczales [21] and Tonella and Ceccato [28]. The framework can be applied across several refinement levels assuring traceability of crosscutting concerns. Usability of the framework is illustrated by means of applying it to several areas such as change impact analysis, identification of crosscutting at early phases of software development and in the area of model driven software development

    Applications of Multi-view Learning Approaches for Software Comprehension

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    Program comprehension concerns the ability of an individual to make an understanding of an existing software system to extend or transform it. Software systems comprise of data that are noisy and missing, which makes program understanding even more difficult. A software system consists of various views including the module dependency graph, execution logs, evolutionary information and the vocabulary used in the source code, that collectively defines the software system. Each of these views contain unique and complementary information; together which can more accurately describe the data. In this paper, we investigate various techniques for combining different sources of information to improve the performance of a program comprehension task. We employ state-of-the-art techniques from learning to 1) find a suitable similarity function for each view, and 2) compare different multi-view learning techniques to decompose a software system into high-level units and give component-level recommendations for refactoring of the system, as well as cross-view source code search. The experiments conducted on 10 relatively large Java software systems show that by fusing knowledge from different views, we can guarantee a lower bound on the quality of the modularization and even improve upon it. We proceed by integrating different sources of information to give a set of high-level recommendations as to how to refactor the software system. Furthermore, we demonstrate how learning a joint subspace allows for performing cross-modal retrieval across views, yielding results that are more aligned with what the user intends by the query. The multi-view approaches outlined in this paper can be employed for addressing problems in software engineering that can be encoded in terms of a learning problem, such as software bug prediction and feature location

    A computer model to differentiate skidder and cable-yarder based road network concepts on steep slopes

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    Road spacing on slpes depends on the underlying off-road transportation technology. One major decision in road network planning is to determine under what terrain conditions ground- or cable based extraction systems should be applied. The present investigation aims to develop a road spacing model for steep slope conditions and to implement a total cost model for skidder and cableyarder based road network concepts. The study analyzes transportation and road geometry to specify the relationship between road density, slope gradient, and road spacing. Production functions for skidder and yarder-systems make it possible to derive transportation cost as a function of road density and slope gradient. A total cost function integrates road building cost, harvesting strategy, and production economics to derive optimal road density for the two network concepts. The difference between the cost levels at optimum road density is an indicator for differentiating cable and skidder-based extraction systems. The model was implemented as a Visual Basic add-in for Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software. This flexible approach makes future adaptations and changes very easy due to the modular concept. The validity of the model is limited to the production functions of the underlying off-road transportation technologies. Future work needs to develop production functions for the state-of-the-art technologies and to improve the road building cost mode