13 research outputs found

    Computational analysis of a 9D model for a small DRG neuron

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    Small dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons are primary nociceptors which are responsible for sensing pain. Elucidation of their dynamics is essential for understanding and controlling pain. To this end, we present a numerical bifurcation analysis of a small DRG neuron model in this paper. The model is of Hodgkin-Huxley type and has 9 state variables. It consists of a Nav\mathrm{_v}1.7 and a Nav\mathrm{_v}1.8 sodium channel, a leak channel, a delayed rectifier potassium and an A-type transient potassium channel. The dynamics of this model strongly depends on the maximal conductances of the voltage-gated ion channels and the external current, which can be adjusted experimentally. We show that the neuron dynamics are most sensitive to the Nav\mathrm{_v}1.8 channel maximal conductance (gˉ1.8\bar{g}_{1.8}). Numerical bifurcation analysis shows that depending on gˉ1.8\bar{g}_{1.8} and the external current, different parameter regions can be identified with stable steady states, periodic firing of action potentials, mixed-mode oscillations (MMOs), and bistability between stable steady states and stable periodic firing of action potentials. We illustrate and discuss the transitions between these different regimes. We further analyze the behavior of MMOs. Within this region, bifurcation analysis shows a sequence of isolated periodic solution branches with one large action potential and a number of small amplitude peaks per period. A closer inspection reveals more complex concatenated MMOs in between these periodic MMOs branches, forming Farey sequences. Lastly, we also find small solution windows with aperiodic oscillations, which seem to be chaotic. The dynamical patterns found here as a function of different parameters contain information of translational importance as their relation to pain sensation and its intensity is a potential source of insight into controlling pain

    On Musical Self-Similarity : Intersemiosis as Synecdoche and Analogy

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    Self-similarity, a concept borrowed from mathematics, is gradually becoming a keyword in musicology. Although a polysemic term, self-similarity often refers to the multi-scalar feature repetition in a set of relationships, and it is commonly valued as an indication for musical ‘coherence’ and ‘consistency’. In this study, Gabriel Pareyon presents a theory of musical meaning formation in the context of intersemiosis, that is, the translation of meaning from one cognitive domain to another cognitive domain (e.g. from mathematics to music, or to speech or graphic forms). From this perspective, the degree of coherence of a musical system relies on a synecdochic intersemiosis: a system of related signs within other comparable and correlated systems. The author analyzes the modalities of such correlations, exploring their general and particular traits, and their operational bounds. Accordingly, the notion of analogy is used as a rich concept through its two definitions quoted by the Classical literature—proportion and paradigm, enormously valuable in establishing measurement, likeness and affinity criteria. At the same time, original arguments by Benoît B. Mandelbrot (1924–2010) are revised, alongside a systematic critique of the literature on the subject. In fact, connecting Charles S. Peirce’s ‘synechism’ with Mandelbrot’s ‘fractality’ is one of the main developments of the present study

    Engineering Education and Research Using MATLAB

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    MATLAB is a software package used primarily in the field of engineering for signal processing, numerical data analysis, modeling, programming, simulation, and computer graphic visualization. In the last few years, it has become widely accepted as an efficient tool, and, therefore, its use has significantly increased in scientific communities and academic institutions. This book consists of 20 chapters presenting research works using MATLAB tools. Chapters include techniques for programming and developing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), dynamic systems, electric machines, signal and image processing, power electronics, mixed signal circuits, genetic programming, digital watermarking, control systems, time-series regression modeling, and artificial neural networks

    A Link to the Math. Connections Between Number Theory and Other Mathematical Topics

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    Number theory is one of the oldest mathematical areas. This is perhaps one of the reasons why there are many connections between number theory and other areas inside mathematics. This thesis is devoted to some of those connections. In the first part of this thesis I describe known connections between number theory and twelve other areas, namely analysis, sequences, applied mathematics (i.e., probability theory and numerical mathematics), topology, graph theory, linear algebra, geometry, algebra, differential geometry, complex analysis, physics and computer science, and algebraic geometry. We will see that the concepts will not only connect number theory with these areas but also yield connections among themselves. In the second part I present some new results in four topics connecting number theory with computer science, graph theory, algebra, and linear algebra and analysis, respectively. [...] In the next topic I determine the neighbourhood of the neighourhood of vertices in some special graphs. This problem can be formulated with generators of subgroups in abelian groups and is a direct generalization of a corresponding result for cyclic groups. In the third chapter I determine the number of solutions of some linear equations over factor rings of principal ideal domains R. In the case R = Z this can be used to bound sums appearing in the circle method. Lastly I investigate the puzzle “Lights Out” as well as variants of it. Of special interest is the question of complete solvability, i.e., those cases in which all starting boards are solvable. I will use various number theoretical tools to give a criterion for complete solvability depending on the board size modulo 30 and show how this puzzle relates to algebraic number theory

    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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