1,074 research outputs found

    Survey on Path Planning of Mobile Robot with Multi Algorithms

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    Sensible practical environment for path and continuous motion preparation problems usually involves various operational areas coupled with indoor usage comprising of multiple apartments, corridors, a few doors and several static and active obstacles in between. The disintegration of this system into limited areas or regions indicates an effect on the fun preparation of appropriate pathways in a complex setting. Many algorithms are designed to solve problems with narrow passages and with optimal solution for more than one field. Independent mobile robot gadget would have felt the stability of its abilities, the steadfastness and the question of resilience with the project and the implementation of an innovative as well as an efficient plan with the best approach. Navigation algorithms reaching a certain sophistication in the field of autonomous mobile robot, which ensures that most work now focuses on more specialized activities such as efficient route planning and navigation across complex environments. Adaptive way to prepare and maneuver needs to establish learning thresholds, legislation to identify areas and to specify planned requirements of the library. The aim of this survey is studying many algorithms to view the advantage and disadvantage for each method then can use optimal method depended on this study

    An optimized field coverage planning approach for navigation of agricultural robots in fields involving obstacle areas

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    Technological advances combined with the demand of cost efficiency and environmental considerations has led farmers to review their practices towards the adoption of new managerial approaches, including enhanced automation. The application of field robots is one of the most promising advances among automation technologies. Since the primary goal of an agricultural vehicle is the complete coverage of the cropped area within a field, an essential prerequisite is the capability of the mobile unit to cover the whole field area autonomously. In this paper, the main objective is to develop an approach for coverage planning for agricultural operations involving the presence of obstacle areas within the field area. The developed approach involves a series of stages including the generation of field‐work tracks in the field polygon, the clustering of the tracks into blocks taking into account the in‐field obstacle areas, the headland paths generation for the field and each obstacle area, the implementation of a genetic algorithm to optimize the sequence that the field robot vehicle will follow to visit the blocks and an algorithmic generation of the task sequences derived from the farmer practices. This approach has proven that it is possible to capture the practices of farmers and embed these practices in an algorithmic description providing a complete field area coverage plan in a form prepared for execution by the navigation system of a field robot

    Trajectory planning for industrial robot using genetic algorithms

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    En las últimas décadas, debido la importancia de sus aplicaciones, se han propuesto muchas investigaciones sobre la planificación de caminos y trayectorias para los manipuladores, algunos de los ámbitos en los que pueden encontrarse ejemplos de aplicación son; la robótica industrial, sistemas autónomos, creación de prototipos virtuales y diseño de fármacos asistido por ordenador. Por otro lado, los algoritmos evolutivos se han aplicado en muchos campos, lo que motiva el interés del autor por investigar sobre su aplicación a la planificación de caminos y trayectorias en robots industriales. En este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo una búsqueda exhaustiva de la literatura existente relacionada con la tesis, que ha servido para crear una completa base de datos utilizada para realizar un examen detallado de la evolución histórica desde sus orígenes al estado actual de la técnica y las últimas tendencias. Esta tesis presenta una nueva metodología que utiliza algoritmos genéticos para desarrollar y evaluar técnicas para la planificación de caminos y trayectorias. El conocimiento de problemas específicos y el conocimiento heurístico se incorporan a la codificación, la evaluación y los operadores genéticos del algoritmo. Esta metodología introduce nuevos enfoques con el objetivo de resolver el problema de la planificación de caminos y la planificación de trayectorias para sistemas robóticos industriales que operan en entornos 3D con obstáculos estáticos, y que ha llevado a la creación de dos algoritmos (de alguna manera similares, con algunas variaciones), que son capaces de resolver los problemas de planificación mencionados. El modelado de los obstáculos se ha realizado mediante el uso de combinaciones de objetos geométricos simples (esferas, cilindros, y los planos), de modo que se obtiene un algoritmo eficiente para la prevención de colisiones. El algoritmo de planificación de caminos se basa en técnicas de optimización globales, usando algoritmos genéticos para minimizar una función objetivo considerando restricciones para evitar las colisiones con los obstáculos. El camino está compuesto de configuraciones adyacentes obtenidas mediante una técnica de optimización construida con algoritmos genéticos, buscando minimizar una función multiobjetivo donde intervienen la distancia entre los puntos significativos de las dos configuraciones adyacentes, así como la distancia desde los puntos de la configuración actual a la final. El planteamiento del problema mediante algoritmos genéticos requiere de una modelización acorde al procedimiento, definiendo los individuos y operadores capaces de proporcionar soluciones eficientes para el problema.Abu-Dakka, FJM. (2011). Trajectory planning for industrial robot using genetic algorithms [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10294Palanci

    An Improved Robot Path Planning Algorithm

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    Robot path planning is a NP problem. Traditionaloptimization methods are not very effective to solve it. Traditional genetic algorithm trapped into the local minimum easily. Therefore, based on a simple genetic algorithm and combine the base ideology of orthogonal design method then applied it to the population initialization, using the intergenerational elite mechanism, as well as the introduction of adaptive local search operator to prevent trapped into the local minimum and improvethe convergence speed to form a new genetic algorithm. Through the series of numerical experiments, the new algorithm has been proved to be efficiency.We also use the proposed algorithm to solve the robot path planning problem and the experiment results indicated that the new algorithm is efficiency for solving the robot path planning problems and the best path usually can be found

    Mobile robot transportation in laboratory automation

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    In this dissertation a new mobile robot transportation system is developed for the modern laboratory automation to connect the distributed automated systems and workbenches. In the system, a series of scientific and technical robot indoor issues are presented and solved, including the multiple robot control strategy, the indoor transportation path planning, the hybrid robot indoor localization, the recharging optimization, the robot-automated door interface, the robot blind arm grasping & placing, etc. The experiments show the proposed system and methods are effective and efficient

    Heuristic Optimization Algorithms in Robotics

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    Evolucijski algoritam temeljen na off-line planeru putanje za navigaciju bespilotnih letjelica

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    An off-line path planner for Unmanned Air Vehicles is presented. The planner is based on Evolutionary Algorithms, in order to calculate a curved pathline with desired characteristics in a three-dimensional environment. The pathline is represented using B-Spline curves, with the coordinates of its control points being the genes of the Evolutionary Algorithm artificial chromosome. The method was tested in an artificial three-dimensional terrain, for different starting and ending points, providing very smooth pathlines under difficult constraints.Predstavljen je off-line planer putanje za bespilotne letjelice. Planer je temeljen na evolucijskim algoritmima za proračun zakrivljene putanje sa željenim karakteristikama u 3D prostoru. Putanja je predstavljena pomoću B-spline krivulja, gdje su koordinate kontrolnih točaka geni umjetnih kromosoma evolucijskih algoritama. Metoda je provjerena na umjetnom 3D prostoru s različitim početnim i konačnim točkama, gdje su dobivene vrlo glatke putanje uz zadovoljenje strogih ograničenja

    Hybrid approaches for mobile robot navigation

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    The work described in this thesis contributes to the efficient solution of mobile robot navigation problems. A series of new evolutionary approaches is presented. Two novel evolutionary planners have been developed that reduce the computational overhead in generating plans of mobile robot movements. In comparison with the best-performing evolutionary scheme reported in the literature, the first of the planners significantly reduces the plan calculation time in static environments. The second planner was able to generate avoidance strategies in response to unexpected events arising from the presence of moving obstacles. To overcome limitations in responsiveness and the unrealistic assumptions regarding a priori knowledge that are inherent in planner-based and a vigation systems, subsequent work concentrated on hybrid approaches. These included a reactive component to identify rapidly and autonomously environmental features that were represented by a small number of critical waypoints. Not only is memory usage dramatically reduced by such a simplified representation, but also the calculation time to determine new plans is significantly reduced. Further significant enhancements of this work were firstly, dynamic avoidance to limit the likelihood of potential collisions with moving obstacles and secondly, exploration to identify statistically the dynamic characteristics of the environment. Finally, by retaining more extensive environmental knowledge gained during previous navigation activities, the capability of the hybrid navigation system was enhanced to allow planning to be performed for any start point and goal point