1,446 research outputs found

    Fast and robust chromatic dispersion estimation based on temporal auto-correlation after digital spectrum superposition

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    We investigate and experimentally demonstrate a fast and robust chromatic dispersion (CD) estimation method based on temporal auto-correlation after digital spectrum superposition. The estimation process is fast, because neither tentative CD scanning based on CD compensation nor specific cost function calculations are used. Meanwhile, the proposed CD estimation method is robust against polarization mode dispersion (PMD), amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise and fiber nonlinearity. Furthermore, the proposed CD estimation method can be used for various modulation formats and digital pulse shaping technique. Only 4096 samples are necessary for CD estimation of single carrier either 112 Gbps DP-QPSK or 224 Gbps DP-16QAM signal with various pulse shapes. 8192 samples are sufficient for the root-raised-cosine pulse with roll-off factor of 0.1. As low as 50 ps/nm standard deviation together with a worst estimation error of about 160 ps/nm is experimentally obtained for 7 x 112 Gbps DP-QPSK WDM signal after the transmission through 480 km to 9120 km single mode fiber (SMF) loop using different launch powers

    The development of a high speed 3D 2-photon microscope for neuroscience

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    The progress of neuroscience is limited by the instrumentation available to it for studying the brain. At present, there is a serious instrumentation gap between functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) of whole brains and the microscopic scale functional imaging possible with today’s optical microscopes and electrophysiology techniques, such as patch clamping of individual neurons. This thesis describes the development of a new extension to optical microscopy that enables refocusing within 25 microseconds rather than the large fraction of a second possible by moving the sample or objective. The system is capable of refocusing a laser beam that is monitoring activity in 3D samples of live brain tissue 300 times faster than previously possible. This will make practical a new type of optical functional imaging for studying small sub-networks of neurons containing up to about 30,000 neurons at up to 30,000 sub micrometre sized monitored points of interest per second. The thesis describes the development of a detailed design for a new type of 3D scanner that uses Acousto-Optic Deflectors (AODs) to diffractively deflect and focus an intense laser beam beneath a conventional microscope objective. The fluorescence of calcium sensitive dyes in live neurons is used to monitor action potentials conveying signals between neurons. The optical and systems engineering problems and design trade-offs involved are discussed in detail. The results of extensive computer modelling are described and innovative solutions to several key optical physics based engineering problems are explained. The practical problems found in building a prototype machine incorporating these innovations are described and the encouraging first operational results from the machine reported

    Automatic DGD and GVD compensation at 640 Gb/s based on scalar radio-frequency spectrum measurement

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    We demonstrate what we believe to be the first real-time impairment-cancellation system for groupvelocity dispersion (GVD) and differential group delay (DGD) for a 640 Gb/s single-channel signal. Simultaneous compensation of two independent parameters is demonstrated by feedback control of separate GVD and DGD compensators using an impairment monitor based on an integrated all-optical radio-frequency (RF) spectrum analyzer.We show that low-bandwidth measurement of only a single tone in the RF spectrum is sufficient for automatic compensation for multiple degrees of freedom using a multivariate optimization scheme

    Optimisation of dispersion compensating in a long-haul fibre for RF transmission of up to 100Gbit/s by using RZ and NRZ formats

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    With the recent data rate increase it is very challenging to build a fibre optic network that would enable a high data rate transmission over a long haul distance. The signal suffers large degradation over a certain distance due to distortion by the nonlinear effects of the optical fibres. In particular, transmission of high data rates over existing fibre optic systems, while keeping the cost low, avoiding an increase of the system’s complexity and the usage of expensive devices, would be a very challenging task. In this paper, we address this problem by increasing the transmission distance in the fibre optic links for up to 2500km. We have used Standard Single Mode Fibre (SSMF) and Dispersion Compensation Fibre (DCF), where DCF is used as a loss compensator in Radio-Over-Fibre (RoF) systems. A mixture combination of the pre, post and symmetrical fibre compensation schemes were developed to overcome the dispersion in the fibre. We have found that in order to achieve high RF over fibre optic system performance for high data rates and long transmission, there is a requirement to upgrade the optical configuration scheme in a proportional way, by raising the length of the fibre span, compensation span and amplification. We have reported optimised RF over fibre configuration schemes that would have a great impact on reducing the cost, reducing the system’s complexity and avoiding usage of expensive devices, in order to achieve high data rate transmission over existing fibre optic systems

    Signal processing with optical delay line filters for high bit rate transmission systems

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    In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist das globale Kommunikationssystem in einem immer grĂ¶ĂŸerem Maße ein integraler Bestandteil des tĂ€glichen Lebens geworden. Optische Kommunikationssysteme sind die technologische Basis fĂŒr diese Entwicklung. Nur Fasern können die riesige benötigte Bandbreite bereitstellen. WĂ€hrend fĂŒr die ersten optischen Übertragungssysteme die Faser als "flacher" Kanal betrachtet werden konnte, machen WellenlĂ€ngenmultiplex und steigende Übertragungsraten die Einbeziehung von immer mehr physikalischen Effekten notwendig. Bei einer Erhöhung der Kanaldatenrate auf 40 Gbit/s und mehr ist die statische Kompensation von chromatischer Dispersion nicht mehr ausreichend. Die intrinsische Toleranz der Modulationsformate gegenĂŒber Dispersion nimmt quadratisch mit der Symbolrate ab. Daher können beispielsweise durch UmwelteinflĂŒsse hervorgerufene Dispersionsschwankungen die Dispersionstoleranz der Modulationsformate ĂŒberschreiten. Dies macht eine adaptive Dispersionskompensation notwendig, was gleichzeitig auch Dispersionsmonitoring erfordert, um den adaptiven Kompensator steuern zu können. Vorhandene Links können mit Restdispersionskompensatoren ausgestattet werden, um sie fĂŒr HochgeschwindigkeitsĂŒbertragungen zu ertĂŒchtigen. Optische Kompensationstechniken sind unabhĂ€ngig von der Kanaldatenrate. Daher wird eine Erhöhung der Datenrate problemlos unterstĂŒtzt. Optische Kompensatoren können WDM-fĂ€hig gebaut werden, um mehrere KanĂ€le auf einmal zu entzerren. Das Buch beschĂ€ftigt sich mit optischen Delay-Line-Filtern als eine Klasse von optischen Kompensatoren. Die Filtersynthese von solchen Delay-Line-Filtern wird behandelt. Der Zusammenhang zwischen optischen Filtern und digitalen FIR-Filtern mit komplexen Koeffizienten im Zusammenhang mit kohĂ€renter Detektion wird aufgezeigt. Iterative und analytische Methoden, die die Koeffizienten fĂŒr dispersions- und dispersions-slope-kompensierende Filter produzieren, werden untersucht. Genauso wichtig wie die Kompensation von Dispersion ist die SchĂ€tzung der Dispersion eines Signals. Mit Delay-Line-Filtern können die RestseitenbĂ€nder eines Signals genutzt werden, um die Dispersion zu messen. Alternativ kann nichtlineare Detektion angewandt werden, um die Pulsverbreiterung, die hauptsĂ€chlich von der Dispersion herrĂŒhrt, zu schĂ€tzen. Mit gemeinsamer Dispersionskompensation und Dispersionsmonitoring können Dispersionskompensatoren auf die Signalverzerrungen eingestellt werden. Spezielle Eigenschaften der Filter zusammen mit der analytischen Beschreibung können genutzt werden, um schnelle und zuverlĂ€ssige Steueralgorithmen zur Filtereinstellung bereitzustellen. Schließlich wurden Prototypen derartiger faseroptischen Kompensatoren von chromatischer Dispersion und Dispersions-Slope hergestellt und charakterisiert. Die Einheiten und ihr Systemverhalten wird gezeigt und diskutiert.Over the course of the past decades, the global communication system has become a central part of people's everyday lives. Optical communication systems are the technological basis for this development. Only fibers can provide the huge bandwidth that is required. Where the fiber could be regarded as a flat channel for the first optical transmission systems wavelength multiplexing and increasing line rates made it necessary to take more and more physical effects into account. When the line rates are increased to 40 Gbit/s and higher static chromatic dispersion compensation is not enough. The modulation format's intrinsic tolerance for dispersion decreases quadratically with the symbol rate. Thus, environmentally induced chromatic dispersion fluctuations may exceed the dispersion tolerance of the modulation formats. This makes an adaptive dispersion compensation necessary implying also the need for a monitoring scheme to steer the adaptive compensator. Legacy links that are CD-compensated by DCFs can be upgraded with residual dispersion compensators to make them ready for high speed transmission. Optical compensation is independent from the line rate. Hence, increasing the data rates is inherently supported. Optical compensators can be built WDM ready compensating multiple channels at once. The book deals with optical delay line filters as one class of optical compensators. The filter synthesis of such delay line filters is addressed. The connection between optical filters and digital FIR filters with complex coefficients that are used in conjunction with coherent detection could be shown. Iterative and analytical methods that produce the coefficients for dispersion (and also dispersion slope) compensating filters are researched. As important as the compensation of dispersion is the estimation of the dispersion of a signal. Using delay line filters, the vestigial sidebands of a signal can be used to measure the dispersion. Alternatively, nonlinear detection can be used to estimate the pulse broadening which is caused mainly by dispersion. With dispersion compensation and dispersion monitoring, dispersion compensators can be adapted to the signal's impairment. Special properties of the filter in conjunction with an analytical description can be used to provide a fast and reliable control algorithm for setting the filter to a given dispersion and centering it on a signal. Finally, prototypes of such fiber optic chromatic dispersion and dispersion slope compensation filters were manufactured and characterized. The device and system characterization of the prototypes is presented and discussed

    An Inexpensive Liquid Crystal Spectropolarimeter for the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Plaskett Telescope

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    A new, inexpensive polarimetric unit has been constructed for the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (DAO) 1.8-m Plaskett telescope. It is implemented as a plug-in module for the telescope's existing Cassegrain spectrograph, and enables medium resolution (R~10,000) circular spectropolarimetry of point sources. A dual-beam design together with fast switching of the wave plate at rates up to 100Hz, and synchronized with charge shuffling on the CCD, is used to significantly reduce instrumental effects and achieve high-precision spectropolarimetric measurements for a very low cost. The instrument is optimized to work in the wavelength range 4700 - 5300A to simultaneously detect polarization signals in the H beta line as well as nearby metallic lines. In this paper we describe the technical details of the instrument, our observing strategy and data reduction techniques, and present tests of its scientific performance.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in PAS

    Microwave Photonic Applications - From Chip Level to System Level

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    Die Vermischung von Mikrowellen- und optischen Technologien – Mikrowellenphotonik – ist ein neu aufkommendes Feld mit hohem Potential. Durch die Nutzung der VorzĂŒge beider Welten hat die Mikrowellenphotonik viele AnwendungsfĂ€lle und ist gerade erst am Beginn ihrer Erfolgsgeschichte. Der Weg fĂŒr neue Konzepte, neue Komponenten und neue Anwendungen wird dadurch geebnet, dass ein höherer Grad an Integration sowie neue Technologien wie Silicon Photonics verfĂŒgbar sind. In diesem Werk werden zuerst die notwendigen grundlegenden Basiskomponenten – optische Quelle, elektro-optische Wandlung, Übertragungsmedium und opto-elektrische Wandlung – eingefĂŒhrt. Mithilfe spezifischer Anwendungsbeispiele, die von Chipebene bis hin zur Systemebene reichen, wird der elektrooptische Codesign-Prozess veranschaulicht. Schließlich werden zukĂŒnftige Ausrichtungen wie die UnterstĂŒtzung von elektrischen TrĂ€gern im Millimeterwellen- und THz-Bereich sowie Realisierungsoptionen in integrierter Optik und Nanophotonik diskutiert.The hybridization between microwave and optical technologies – microwave photonics – is an emerging field with high potential. Benefitting from the best of both worlds, microwave photonics has many use cases and is just at the beginning of its success story. The availability of a higher degree of integration and new technologies such as silicon photonics paves the way for new concepts, new components and new applications. In this work, first, the necessary basic building blocks – optical source, electro-optical conversion, transmission medium and opto-electrical conversion – are introduced. With the help of specific application examples ranging from chip level to system level, the electro-optical co-design process for microwave photonic systems is illustrated. Finally, future directions such as the support of electrical carriers in the millimeter wave and THz range and realization options in integrated optics and nanophotonics are discussed

    Optical differential phase-shift keyed signal generation, transmission and detection

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    Optical label switching -- Optical performance monitoring -- Multibit delay DPSK demodulation -- OpticalError correction -- FSR optimization -- Free spectral range and optical filtering optimization -- Simulation parameters -- Optical packets -- Performance monitoring -- Multibit delay DQPSK demodulation -- Optical error correction -- Free spectral range and optical filtering optimization

    TTC distribution for LHC detectors

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