5 research outputs found

    Ictal time-irreversible intracranial EEG signals as markers of the epileptogenic zone.

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    OBJECTIVE: To show that time-irreversible EEG signals recorded with intracranial electrodes during seizures can serve as markers of the epileptogenic zone. METHODS: We use the recently developed method of mapping time series into directed horizontal graphs (dHVG). Each node of the dHVG represents a time point in the original intracranial EEG (iEEG) signal. Statistically significant differences between the distributions of the nodes' number of input and output connections are used to detect time-irreversible iEEG signals. RESULTS: In 31 of 32 seizure recordings we found time-irreversible iEEG signals. The maximally time-irreversible signals always occurred during seizures, with highest probability in the middle of the first seizure half. These signals spanned a large range of frequencies and amplitudes but were all characterized by saw-tooth like shaped components. Brain regions removed from patients who became post-surgically seizure-free generated significantly larger time-irreversibilities than regions removed from patients who still had seizures after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Our results corroborate that ictal time-irreversible iEEG signals can indeed serve as markers of the epileptogenic zone and can be efficiently detected and quantified in a time-resolved manner by dHVG based methods. SIGNIFICANCE: Ictal time-irreversible EEG signals can help to improve pre-surgical evaluation in patients suffering from pharmaco-resistant epilepsies.K.S. gratefully acknowledges support by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF 32003B_155950). H.G. gratefully acknowledges support by a Research Grant of the Inselspital Bern. R.G.A. acknowledges funding from the Volkswagen foundation and was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant FIS2014-54177- R). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642563 (R.G.A.). MG gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the EPSRC via grant EP/N014391/1, funding from Epilepsy Research UK via grant number A1007 and was generously supported by a Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Award (WT105618MA)

    EEG synchronization measures are early outcome predictors in comatose patients after cardiac arrest.

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    Outcome prognostication in comatose patients after cardiac arrest (CA) remains a major challenge. Here we investigated the prognostic value of combinations of linear and non-linear bivariate EEG synchronization measures. 94 comatose patients with EEG within 24h after CA were included. Clinical outcome was assessed at 3months using the Cerebral Performance Categories (CPC). EEG synchronization between the left and right parasagittal, and between the frontal and parietal brain regions was assessed with 4 different quantitative measures (delta power asymmetry, cross-correlation, mutual information, and transfer entropy). 2/3 of patients were used to assess the predictive power of all possible combinations of these eight features (4 measures×2 directions) using cross-validation. The predictive power of the best combination was tested on the remaining 1/3 of patients. The best combination for prognostication consisted of 4 of the 8 features, and contained linear and non-linear measures. Predictive power for poor outcome (CPC 3-5), measured with the area under the ROC curve, was 0.84 during cross-validation, and 0.81 on the test set. At specificity of 1.0 the sensitivity was 0.54, and the accuracy 0.81. Combinations of EEG synchronization measures can contribute to early prognostication after CA. In particular, combining linear and non-linear measures is important for good predictive power. Quantitative methods might increase the prognostic yield of currently used multi-modal approaches

    Chow–Liu trees are sufficient predictive models for reproducing key features of functional networks of periictal EEG time-series

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    Seizure freedom in patients suffering from pharmacoresistant epilepsies is still not achieved in 20–30% of all cases. Hence, current therapies need to be improved, based on a more complete understanding of ictogenesis. In this respect, the analysis of functional networks derived from intracranial electroencephalographic (iEEG) data has recently become a standard tool. Functional networks however are purely descriptive models and thus are conceptually unable to predict fundamental features of iEEG time-series, e.g., in the context of therapeutical brain stimulation. In this paper we present some first steps towards overcoming the limitations of functional network analysis, by showing that its results are implied by a simple predictive model of time-sliced iEEG time-series. More specifically, we learn distinct graphical models (so called Chow–Liu (CL) trees) as models for the spatial dependencies between iEEG signals. Bayesian inference is then applied to the CL trees, allowing for an analytic derivation/prediction of functional networks, based on thresholding of the absolute value Pearson correlation coefficient (CC) matrix. Using various measures, the thus obtained networks are then compared to those which were derived in the classical way from the empirical CC-matrix. In the high threshold limit we find (a) an excellent agreement between the two networks and (b) key features of periictal networks as they have previously been reported in the literature. Apart from functional networks, both matrices are also compared element-wise, showing that the CL approach leads to a sparse representation, by setting small correlations to values close to zero while preserving the larger ones. Overall, this paper shows the validity of CL-trees as simple, spatially predictive models for periictal iEEG data. Moreover, we suggest straightforward generalizations of the CL-approach for modeling also the temporal features of iEEG signals

    Seizure prediction : ready for a new era

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    Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge colleagues in the international seizure prediction group for valuable discussions. L.K. acknowledges funding support from the National Health and Medical Research Council (APP1130468) and the James S. McDonnell Foundation (220020419) and acknowledges the contribution of Dean R. Freestone at the University of Melbourne, Australia, to the creation of Fig. 3.Peer reviewedPostprin