389 research outputs found

    System level power integrity transient analysis using a physics-based approach

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    With decreasing supply voltage level and massive demanding current on system chipset, power integrity design becomes more and more critical for system stability. The ultimate goal of well-designed power delivery network (PDN) is to deliver desired voltage level from the source to destination, in other words, to minimize voltage noise delivered to digital devices. The thesis is composed of three parts. The first part focuses on-die level power models including simplified chip power model (CPM) for system level analysis and the worst scenario current profile. The second part of this work introduces the physics-based equivalent circuit model to simplify the passive PDN model to RLC circuit netlist, to be compatible with any spice simulators and tremendously boost simulation speed. Then a novel system/chip level end-to-end transient model is proposed, including the die model and passive PDN model discussed in previous two chapters as well as a SIMPLIS based small signal VRM model. In the last part of the thesis, how to model voltage regulator module (VRM) is explicitly discussed. Different linear approximated VRM modeling approaches have been compared with the SIMPLIS small signal VRM model in both frequency domain and time domain. The comparison provides PI engineers a guideline to choose specific VRM model under specific circumstances. Finally yet importantly, a PDN optimization example was given. Other than previous PDN optimization approaches, a novel hybrid target impedance concept was proposed in this thesis, in order to improve system level PDN optimization process --Abstract, page iv

    AI/ML Algorithms and Applications in VLSI Design and Technology

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    An evident challenge ahead for the integrated circuit (IC) industry in the nanometer regime is the investigation and development of methods that can reduce the design complexity ensuing from growing process variations and curtail the turnaround time of chip manufacturing. Conventional methodologies employed for such tasks are largely manual; thus, time-consuming and resource-intensive. In contrast, the unique learning strategies of artificial intelligence (AI) provide numerous exciting automated approaches for handling complex and data-intensive tasks in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design and testing. Employing AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms in VLSI design and manufacturing reduces the time and effort for understanding and processing the data within and across different abstraction levels via automated learning algorithms. It, in turn, improves the IC yield and reduces the manufacturing turnaround time. This paper thoroughly reviews the AI/ML automated approaches introduced in the past towards VLSI design and manufacturing. Moreover, we discuss the scope of AI/ML applications in the future at various abstraction levels to revolutionize the field of VLSI design, aiming for high-speed, highly intelligent, and efficient implementations

    The fuzzy-nets based approach in predicting the cutting power of end milling operations

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    Process planning is a major determinant of manufacturing cost. The selection of machining parameters is an important element of process planning. The development of a utility to show the cutting power on-line would be helpful to programmers and process planners in selecting machining parameters. The relationship between the cutting power and the machining parameters is nonlinear. Presently there is no accurate or simple algorithm to calculate the required cutting power for a selected set of parameters. Although machining data handbooks, machinability data systems, and machining databases have been developed to recommend machining parameters for efficient machining, they are basically for general reference and hard to use as well;In this research, a self-organizing fuzzy-nets optimization system was developed to generate a knowledge bank that can show the required cutting power on-line for a short length of time in an NC verifier. The fuzzy-nets system (FNS) utilizes a five-step self-learning procedure. A generic FNS program consisting of fuzzification and defuzzification modules was implemented in the C++ programming language to perform the procedure. The FNS was assessed before an actual experiment was set up to collect data;The performance of the FNS was then examined for end milling operations on a Fadal VMC40 vertical machining center. The cutting force signals were measured by a three-component dynamometer mounted on the table of the Fadal CNC machine with the workpiece mounted on it. Amplified signals were collected by a personal computer on which an Omega DAS-1401 analog-to-digital (A/D) converter was installed to sample the data on-line. Data sets were collected to train and test the system. The results showed that the FNS possessed a satisfactory range of accuracy with the intended applications of the model. The values of cutting power predicted by the FNS were more accurate than the formula values. Compared to the FNS system, dynamometers and amplifiers are very expensive. Thus, most of them could be replaced with the FNS

    Machine learning support for logic diagnosis

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    Architecting a One-to-many Traffic-Aware and Secure Millimeter-Wave Wireless Network-in-Package Interconnect for Multichip Systems

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    With the aggressive scaling of device geometries, the yield of complex Multi Core Single Chip(MCSC) systems with many cores will decrease due to the higher probability of manufacturing defects especially, in dies with a large area. Disintegration of large System-on-Chips(SoCs) into smaller chips called chiplets has shown to improve the yield and cost of complex systems. Therefore, platform-based computing modules such as embedded systems and micro-servers have already adopted Multi Core Multi Chip (MCMC) architectures overMCSC architectures. Due to the scaling of memory intensive parallel applications in such systems, data is more likely to be shared among various cores residing in different chips resulting in a significant increase in chip-to-chip traffic, especially one-to-many traffic. This one-to-many traffic is originated mainly to maintain cache-coherence between many cores residing in multiple chips. Besides, one-to-many traffics are also exploited by many parallel programming models, system-level synchronization mechanisms, and control signals. How-ever, state-of-the-art Network-on-Chip (NoC)-based wired interconnection architectures do not provide enough support as they handle such one-to-many traffic as multiple unicast trafficusing a multi-hop MCMC communication fabric. As a result, even a small portion of such one-to-many traffic can significantly reduce system performance as traditional NoC-basedinterconnect cannot mask the high latency and energy consumption caused by chip-to-chipwired I/Os. Moreover, with the increase in memory intensive applications and scaling of MCMC systems, traditional NoC-based wired interconnects fail to provide a scalable inter-connection solution required to support the increased cache-coherence and synchronization generated one-to-many traffic in future MCMC-based High-Performance Computing (HPC) nodes. Therefore, these computation and memory intensive MCMC systems need an energy-efficient, low latency, and scalable one-to-many (broadcast/multicast) traffic-aware interconnection infrastructure to ensure high-performance. Research in recent years has shown that Wireless Network-in-Package (WiNiP) architectures with CMOS compatible Millimeter-Wave (mm-wave) transceivers can provide a scalable, low latency, and energy-efficient interconnect solution for on and off-chip communication. In this dissertation, a one-to-many traffic-aware WiNiP interconnection architecture with a starvation-free hybrid Medium Access Control (MAC), an asymmetric topology, and a novel flow control has been proposed. The different components of the proposed architecture are individually one-to-many traffic-aware and as a system, they collaborate with each other to provide required support for one-to-many traffic communication in a MCMC environment. It has been shown that such interconnection architecture can reduce energy consumption and average packet latency by 46.96% and 47.08% respectively for MCMC systems. Despite providing performance enhancements, wireless channel, being an unguided medium, is vulnerable to various security attacks such as jamming induced Denial-of-Service (DoS), eavesdropping, and spoofing. Further, to minimize the time-to-market and design costs, modern SoCs often use Third Party IPs (3PIPs) from untrusted organizations. An adversary either at the foundry or at the 3PIP design house can introduce a malicious circuitry, to jeopardize an SoC. Such malicious circuitry is known as a Hardware Trojan (HT). An HTplanted in the WiNiP from a vulnerable design or manufacturing process can compromise a Wireless Interface (WI) to enable illegitimate transmission through the infected WI resulting in a potential DoS attack for other WIs in the MCMC system. Moreover, HTs can be used for various other malicious purposes, including battery exhaustion, functionality subversion, and information leakage. This information when leaked to a malicious external attackercan reveals important information regarding the application suites running on the system, thereby compromising the user profile. To address persistent jamming-based DoS attack in WiNiP, in this dissertation, a secure WiNiP interconnection architecture for MCMC systems has been proposed that re-uses the one-to-many traffic-aware MAC and existing Design for Testability (DFT) hardware along with Machine Learning (ML) approach. Furthermore, a novel Simulated Annealing (SA)-based routing obfuscation mechanism was also proposed toprotect against an HT-assisted novel traffic analysis attack. Simulation results show that,the ML classifiers can achieve an accuracy of 99.87% for DoS attack detection while SA-basedrouting obfuscation could reduce application detection accuracy to only 15% for HT-assistedtraffic analysis attack and hence, secure the WiNiP fabric from age-old and emerging attacks
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