5 research outputs found

    Analisis Performa Pre-Trained Model Convolutional Neural Network dalam Mendeteksi Penyakit Tuberkulosis

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    Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan salah satu penyakit berbahaya yang dapat menular lewat udara dan sering menyebabkan kematian apabila tidak cepat ditangani. Penyakit TB bisa disembuhkan dengan deteksi dini sehingga penderita dapat segera mendapatkan pengobatan yang tepat. Metode Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) digunakan untuk mendeteksi penyakit TB melalui foto rontgen dada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan model CNN yang mampu menghasilkan performa paling baik dalam mendeteksi penyakit TB. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan lima pre-trained model yang telah disediakan oleh Keras yaitu ResNet50, DenseNet121, MobileNet, Xception, InceptionV3, dan InceptionResNetV2. Perbedaan ukuran gambar yag digunakan pada saat pelatihan dan pengujian juga akan dianalisis pengaruhnya terhadap nilai akurasi yang dihasilkan dan waktu komputasinya. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa model DenseNet121 mampu menghasilkan nilai akurasi tertinggi dalam mendeteksi penyakit TB, yaitu 91,57%. Sedangkan model MobileNet merupakan model dengan waktu komputasi tercepat untuk semua ukuran gambar yang diuji. Semakin besar ukuran citra maka semakin tinggi nilai akurasinya, namun di sisi lain waktu komputasi juga akan semakin lama.  Abstract Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the dangerous disease that can be transmitted through the air and often causes death if not treated quickly. This illness can be cured with early detection, so that sufferers can immediately get the right treatment. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method is used to detect TB disease through chest X-rays. This study aims to determine which CNN model is able to produce the best performance in detecting TB disease. Testing was carried out using five pre-trained models provided by Keras namely ResNet50, DenseNet121, MobileNet, Xception, InceptionV3, and InceptionResNetV2. The difference in image size used during training and testing will also be analyzed for its effect on the resulting accuracy value and its computation time. The test results showed that the DenseNet121 model was able to produce the highest accuracy value in detecting TB disease, namely 91.57%. Meanwhile, the MobileNet model is the model with the fastest computation time for all image sizes tested. The bigger the image size, the higher the accuracy value, but on the other hand the computation time will also be longer

    Chest X-ray enhancement to interpret pneumonia malformation based on fuzzy soft set and Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence

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    Image enhancement algorithms are commonly used to increase the contrast and visual quality of low-dose x-ray images. This paper proposes an automated enhancement method using soft fuzzy sets with a new decision-making scheme based on Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence for the visual interpretation of pneumonia malformation in low-dose x-ray images, called as XEFSDS. The XEFSDS model first generates an original source x-ray image into a complementary image, then each original and complement image is applied to the characterized image object and background areas of fuzzy space. The S-function is utilized to define fuzzy soft sets for the classification of gray level ambiguity in both images, and hence a decision criterion via Dempster-Shafer approach and fuzzy interval has been adapted to discriminate uncertainties on the pixel intensity and the spatial information. Modified membership grade operations have been performed on each object/background area, and Werner's AND/OR operator (an aggregation operator) has been utilized to build a new membership function from two modified membership functions. Finally, an enhanced image is obtained from the new membership function via defuzzification. Experiments on different pneumonia X-ray images demonstrate that the XEFSDS scheme produces better results than the existing methods. To show the advantages of the XEFSDS scheme, we have executed a segmentation based examination on enhanced image for the detection of pneumonia malformation as well as abnormal lobe (lobar pneumonia) or bronchopneumonia.Web of Science86art. no. 10588