415 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Performance of Surface-based Biosensors by AC Electrokinetic Effects - a Review

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    Miniaturized surface based biosensors are a cost effective and portable means for the sensing of biologically active compounds. With advents in micro- and nanotechnology, the design of surface based biosensors can be adapted for various detection goals and for integration with multiple detection techniques. In particular, the issue of pathogen detectio

    Micromachines for Dielectrophoresis

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    An outstanding compilation that reflects the state-of-the art on Dielectrophoresis (DEP) in 2020. Contributions include: - A novel mathematical framework to analyze particle dynamics inside a circular arc microchannel using computational modeling. - A fundamental study of the passive focusing of particles in ratchet microchannels using direct-current DEP. - A novel molecular version of the Clausius-Mossotti factor that bridges the gap between theory and experiments in DEP of proteins. - The use of titanium electrodes to rapidly enrich T. brucei parasites towards a diagnostic assay. - Leveraging induced-charge electrophoresis (ICEP) to control the direction and speed of Janus particles. - An integrated device for the isolation, retrieval, and off-chip recovery of single cells. - Feasibility of using well-established CMOS processes to fabricate DEP devices. - The use of an exponential function to drive electrowetting displays to reduce flicker and improve the static display performance. - A novel waveform to drive electrophoretic displays with improved display quality and reduced flicker intensity. - Review of how combining electrode structures, single or multiple field magnitudes and/or frequencies, as well as variations in the media suspending the particles can improve the sensitivity of DEP-based particle separations. - Improvement of dielectrophoretic particle chromatography (DPC) of latex particles by exploiting differences in both their DEP mobility and their crossover frequencies


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    Controlled manipulation of synthetic particles and biological cells from a complex mixture is important to a wide range of applications in biology, environmental monitoring, and pharmaceutical industry. In the past two decades microfluidics has evolved to be a very useful tool for particle and cell manipulations in miniaturized devices. A variety of force fields have been demonstrated to control particle and cell motions in microfluidic devices, among which electrokinetic techniques are most often used. However, to date, studies of electrokinetic transport phenomena have been primarily confined within the area of microchannels. Very few works have addressed the electrokinetic particle motion at the reservoir-microchannel junction which acts as the interface between the macro (i.e., reservoir) and the micro (i.e., microchannel) worlds in real microfluidic devices. This Dissertation is dedicated to the study of electrokinetic transport and manipulation of particles and cells at the reservoir-microchannel junction of a microfluidic device using a combined experimental, theoretical, and numerical analysis. First, we performed a fundamental study of particles undergoing electrokinetic motion at the reservoir-microchannel junction. The effects of AC electric field, DC electric field, and particle size on the electrokinetic motion of particles passing through the junction were studied. A two-dimensional numerical model using COMSOL 3.5a was developed to investigate and understand the particle motion through the junction. It was found that particles can be continuously focused and even trapped at the reservoir-microchannel junction due to the effect of reservoir-based dielectrophoresis (rDEP). The electrokinetic particle focusing increases with the increase in AC electric field and particle size but decreases with the increase in DC electric field. It was also found that larger particles can be trapped at lower electric fields compared to smaller counterparts. Next, we utilized rDEP to continuously separate particles with different sizes at the reservoir-microchannel junction. The separation process utilized the inherent electric field gradients formed at the junction due to the size difference between the reservoir and the microchannel. It was observed, that the separation efficiency was reduced by inter-particle interactions when particles with small size differences were separated. The effect of enhanced electrokinetic flow on the separation efficiency was investigated experimentally and was observed to have a favorable effect. We also utilized rDEP approach to separate particles based on surface charge. Same sized particles with difference in surface charge were separated inside the microfluidic reservoir. The streaming particles interacted with the trapped particles and reduced the separation efficiency. The influences from the undesired particle trapping have been found through experiments to decrease with a reduced AC field frequency. Then, we demonstrated a continuous microfluidic separation of live yeast cells from dead cells using rDEP. Because the membrane of a cell gets distorted when it loses its viability, a higher exchange of ions results from such viability loss. The increased membrane conductivity of dead cells leads to a different Claussius-Mossoti factor from that of live cells, which enables their selective trapping and continuous separation based on cell viability. A two-shell numerical model was developed to account for the varying conductivities of different cell layers, the results of which agree reasonably with the experimental observations. We also used rDEP to implement a continuous concentration and separation of particles/cells in a stacked microfluidics device. This device has multiple layers and multiple microchannels on each layer so that the throughput can be significantly increased as compared to a single channel/single layer device. Finally, we compared the two-dimensional and three-dimensional particle focusing and trapping at the reservoir-microchannel junction using rDEP. We observed that the inherent electric field gradients in both the horizontal and vertical planes of the junction can be utilized if the reservoir is created right at the reservoir-microchannel junction. Three-dimensional rDEP utilizes the additional electric field gradient in the depth wise direction and thus can produce three-dimensional focusing. The electric field required to trap particles is also considerably lower in three-dimensional rDEP as compared to the two-dimensional rDEP, which thus considerably reduces the non-desired effects of Joule heating. A three-dimensional numerical model which accounted for the entire microfluidic device was also developed to predict particle trajectories

    Development of laplace approach and RC-Model for spheroid in travelling wave electric field

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    Thesis (Ph.D., Physics)--Prince of Songkla University, 200


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    Dielectrophoresis (or DEP) is an important phenomenon which is induced when a dielectric particle is placed in a non-uniform electric field. The force generated by DEP has been exploited for various micro and nano fluidics applications like positioning, sorting and separation of particles involved in medical diagnostics, drug discovery, cell therapeutics, biosensors, microfluidics, nanoassembly, particle filtration etc. The integration of DEP systems into the microfluidics enables inexpensive, fast, highly sensitive, highly selective, label-free detection and also the analysis of target bioparticles. This work aims to provide a complete compilation of the factors affecting the DEP force. It elucidates the underlying mechanisms using COMSOL Multiphysics and sheds new insight into the mechanisms for the separation and sorting of different types of particles. This research identifies the problems in the literature and uses COMSOL to analyze the impact of these problems on the end results. It examines four factors that affect the DEP force: physical conditions, electrode setup, properties of the particles and suspension medium. Moreover, it analyzes the influence of the Clausius-Mossotti factor (CM factor) and its cross-over upon the magnitude and direction of the DEP force. From the analysis, it becomes clear that particle size not only affects the magnitude of the DEP force but also the conductivity of the particle. This factor, which is largely ignored, could lead to a shift in the crossover frequency. Shell model plays an important role in determining the dielectric properties of particles that are not homogenous. In such a situation assuming uniform dielectric properties may lead to inconclusive results. The presence of an electric double layer surrounding a particle affects the conductivity of the particle. Also, assuming DEP force to be the only force acting on a particle suspended in a non-uniform electric field leads to errors in the end results. This research provides knowledge on the basic characteristics of the DEP force and its mechanism. It provides a better understanding by examining numerous works carried out in the past and brings out the problems and their consequences

    Dielectrophoretic characterization of particles and erythrocytes

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    Medical lab work, such as blood testing, will one day be near instantaneous and inexpensive via capabilities enabled by the fast growing world of microtechnology. In this research study, sorting and separation of different ABO blood types have been investigated by applying alternating and direct electric fields using class=SpellE\u3edielectrophoresis in microdevices. Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) microdevices, fabricated by standard photolithography techniques have been used. Embedded perpendicular platinum (Pt) electrodes to generate forces in AC dielectrophoresis were used to successfully distinguish positive ABO blood types, with O+ distinguishable from other blood types at \u3e95% confidence. This is an important foundation for exploring DC dielectrophoretic sorting of blood types. The expansion of red blood cell sorting employing direct current insulative class=SpellE\u3edielectrophoresis (DC-iDEP) is novel. Here Pt electrodes were remotely situated in the inlet and outlet ports of the microdevice and an insulating obstacle generates the required dielectrophoretic force. The presence of ABO antigens on the red blood cell were found to affect the class=SpellE\u3edielectrophoretic deflection around the insulating obstacle thus sorting cells by type. To optimize the placement of insulating obstacle in the microchannel, COMSOL Multiphysics® simulations were performed. Microdevice dimensions were optimized by evaluating the behaviors of fluorescent polystyrene particles of three different sizes roughly corresponding to the three main components of blood: platelets (2-4 µm), erythrocytes (6-8 µm) and leukocytes (10-15 µm). This work provided the operating conditions for successfully performing size dependent blood cell insulator based DC dielectrophoresis in PDMS microdevices. In subsequent studies, the optimized microdevice geometry was then used for continuous separation of erythrocytes. The class=SpellE\u3emicrodevice design enabled erythrocyte collection into specific channels based on the cell’s deflection from the high field density region of the obstacle. The channel with the highest concentration of cells is indicative of the ABO blood type of the sample. DC resistance measurement system for quantification of erythrocytes was developed with single PDMS class=SpellE\u3emicrochannel system to be integrated with the DC- class=SpellE\u3eiDEP device developed in this research. This lab-on-a-chip technology application could be applied to emergency situations and naturalcalamities for accurate, fast, and portable blood typing with minimal error

    Dielectrophoretic characterization of particles and erythrocytes

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    Medical lab work, such as blood testing, will one day be near instantaneous and inexpensive via capabilities enabled by the fast growing world of microtechnology. In this research study, sorting and separation of different ABO blood types have been investigated by applying alternating and direct electric fields using class=SpellE\u3edielectrophoresis in microdevices. Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) microdevices, fabricated by standard photolithography techniques have been used. Embedded perpendicular platinum (Pt) electrodes to generate forces in AC dielectrophoresis were used to successfully distinguish positive ABO blood types, with O+ distinguishable from other blood types at \u3e95% confidence. This is an important foundation for exploring DC dielectrophoretic sorting of blood types. The expansion of red blood cell sorting employing direct current insulative class=SpellE\u3edielectrophoresis (DC-iDEP) is novel. Here Pt electrodes were remotely situated in the inlet and outlet ports of the microdevice and an insulating obstacle generates the required dielectrophoretic force. The presence of ABO antigens on the red blood cell were found to affect the class=SpellE\u3edielectrophoretic deflection around the insulating obstacle thus sorting cells by type. To optimize the placement of insulating obstacle in the microchannel, COMSOL Multiphysics® simulations were performed. Microdevice dimensions were optimized by evaluating the behaviors of fluorescent polystyrene particles of three different sizes roughly corresponding to the three main components of blood: platelets (2-4 µm), erythrocytes (6-8 µm) and leukocytes (10-15 µm). This work provided the operating conditions for successfully performing size dependent blood cell insulator based DC dielectrophoresis in PDMS microdevices. In subsequent studies, the optimized microdevice geometry was then used for continuous separation of erythrocytes. The class=SpellE\u3emicrodevice design enabled erythrocyte collection into specific channels based on the cell’s deflection from the high field density region of the obstacle. The channel with the highest concentration of cells is indicative of the ABO blood type of the sample. DC resistance measurement system for quantification of erythrocytes was developed with single PDMS class=SpellE\u3emicrochannel system to be integrated with the DC- class=SpellE\u3eiDEP device developed in this research. This lab-on-a-chip technology application could be applied to emergency situations and naturalcalamities for accurate, fast, and portable blood typing with minimal error

    AC Electrokinetic Manipulation of Microfluids and Particles using Orthogonal Electrodes

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    AC electrokinetics (ACEK) is a promising technique to manipulate micro/bio-fluids and particles. It has many advantages over DC electrokinetics for its low applied voltage, portability and compatibility for integration into lab-on-a-chip devices. This thesis focuses on the design of a multi-functional orthogonal microelectrode system that induces ACEK effect for manipulation of microfluids and particles. Orthogonal electrode configuration used in this research can achieve maximum non-uniform electric field distribution, resulting in strong fluid and particle motion. In the experiments, three types of microflow fields were observed by changing the applied electric signals. Three ACEK processes, capacitive electrode polarization, Faradaic polarization, and AC electrothermal effect are proposed to explain the different flow patterns, respectively. Equivalent circuit model extracted from the impedance measurement helps to determine the optimal condition for ACEK implementation. Both numerical simulation and experimental results are presented and discussed in this thesis. Well controlled ACEK flow help transport target cells to the trapping site, which greatly enhanced the trapping efficiency by dielectrophoresis (DEP), thus long range particle manipulation can be achieved. Together with ACEK effect and pressure driven mechanism, a flow-through system based on orthogonal electrodes is created, which can be used to pump fluids and concentrate bio-particles so as to be able to handle solutions in large volume with low concentration. This simple and easily fabricated setup can be integrated as one component to form potential lab-on-a-chip devices

    Improving the Design and Application of Insulator-Based Dielectrophoretic Devices for the Assessment of Complex Mixtures

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    Dielectrophoresis (DEP) is an electrokinetic (EK) transport mechanism that exploits polarization effects when particles are exposed to a non-uniform electric field. This dissertation focused on the development of high-performance insulator-based DEP (iDEP) devices. A detailed analysis of the spatial forces that contribute to particle movement in an iDEP device is provided. In particular, this analysis shows how particle size and shape affects the regions where particles are likely to be retained due to dielectrophoretic trapping. The performance of these trapping regions was optimized using a systematic approach that integrates the geometrical parameters of the array of insulating structures. Devices that decrease the required electrical potential by ~80% where found. The optimization strategy enabled the detection of structures that promote and discourage particle trapping. By combining the best and worst structures in a single asymmetric structure, a novel iDEP device was designed. This device selectively enriches the larger particles in a sample and drives the smaller particles away from the enrichment region. A quick enrichment and elution of large cells was achieved. This is important when dealing with samples containing eukaryotic cells, which can be harmed by the electrical treatment. Yeast cells were successfully separated from polystyrene particles in under 40 seconds using this device and a high cell viability of 85% was achieved. Finally, an enhancement of traditional iDEP devices is proposed, where some insulating posts are replaced by conducting structures. That is, insulating and conductive posts are intimately combined within the same array. The performance of this hybrid device is presented to show the advantage of using insulating structures with microelectrodes in the same array to dominate particle movement