13 research outputs found

    Evaluation of indoor penetration loss and floor loss for a DVB-H signal at 514 MHz

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    In this paper, indoor penetration loss and floor loss for a DVB-H signal at 514 MHz retransmitted by a gap filler are investigated. Measurements in 14 different houses (detached houses, semidetached houses, terraced houses and apartments) and 121 rooms have been performed for three different radiated power levels. Rooms have been categorized according to their location with respect to the gap filler (same room, adjacent rooms, non-adjacent rooms, other floors, and outdoor locations). It is shown that the distribution of the room penetration loss is lognormal. A comparison with existing models is made and a model for penetration through different floors is proposed

    Simple indoor path loss prediction algorithm and validation in living lab setting

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    A simple heuristic algorithm has been developed for an accurate prediction of indoor wireless coverage, aiming to improve existing models upon multiple aspects. Extensive measurements on several floors in four buildings are used as validation cases and show an excellent agreement with the predictions. As the prediction is based on the free-space loss model for every environment, it is generally applicable, while other propagation models are often too dependent on the environment upon which it is based. The applicability of the algorithm to a wireless testbed network in a living lab setting with WLAN 802.11b/g nodes is investigated by a site survey. The results can be extremely useful for the rollout of indoor wireless networks

    The planning and optimisation of DVB-H radio network

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    In the DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcasting - Handheld) radio network planning, there are details that lack final consensus in the scientific field. The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to investigate advanced DVB-H radio network planning and optimisation. This dissertation presents the results of measurement techniques, network coverage and quality estimation, technological and economical optimisation, as well as error correction and single frequency network performance. The outcome includes proposed DVB-H radio network planning and optimisation methods that can be applied to the further investigation of detailed parameters in the radio link budget. There are also case studies that show the functionality of the presented methods with typical performance values. Based on comparative investigations, a process chart was created for DVB-H radio network planning and optimisation. The process blocks can be applied in a typical DVB-H network deployment, for the initial high-level phase as well as in the detailed network planning and optimisation phase. Using this process, the most relevant items were selected for in-depth studies. The investigations are presented in the annexed publications. The reminder was revised by comparative literature studies. The structure of the thesis follows the designed process charts. The main focus of this dissertation is the development of DVB-H radio network planning methodologies. One of the goals was to investigate the radio interface measurements, their post-processing and analysis. This can provide a guide to the selection of the appropriate values as a function of the radio channel type. An additional goal is the controlled management of over-sized single frequency network areas through the balancing of elevated SFN interference levels and related SFN gains. The development of a radio path loss simulator is the basis for these studies. The case results are presented as a function of the relevant radio parameter values, transmitter power levels and site antenna heights, both in theoretical and realistic network layouts. In addition to these topics, this document also investigates selected electro-magnetic compatibility, human exposure safety zones and radio coverage estimations. Also the balancing of technical radio parameters and network costs in order to complete the planning process steps is covered

    Experimental statistical channel modelling for advanced wireless communication systems in indoor environments

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    Draadloze communicatiesystemen voor mobiele telefonie en draadloos internet zijn onmisbaar geworden in het dagelijkse leven. De grootste troef van draadloze communicatie over bedrade communicatie is de toegenomen mobiliteit. Draadloze communicatie heeft evenwel ook één groot nadeel, namelijk de onzekerheid over de kwaliteit van de link tussen zender en ontvanger. Waar bedrade communicatie een doorgedreven ontwerp van het kanaal tussen zender en ontvanger (d.i. de kabel) toelaat, is het ontwerp van het draadloze kanaal (d.i. de omgeving) bijna onmogelijk. Desondanks kunnen wel modellen van de propagatie van draadloze signalen opgesteld worden voor verschillende types omgevingen. Deze modellen laten toe om de betrouwbaarheid en de performantie van een draadloze link in te schatten. Modellering van draadloze propagatie voor indooromgevingen is het algemeen onderwerp van dit proefschrift. De propagatiemodellering in dit proefschrift betreft drie types indooromgevingen, nl. industriële en kantooromgevingen, en de omgeving binnen in een voertuig. De modellering bestaat uit statistische modellen gebaseerd op veldmetingen in deze omgevingen. Verschillende parameters van draadloze signalen worden onderzocht, zoals de variabiliteit van het signaalvermogen met de afstand en in de tijd, het signaalbereik, de dispersie in het tijdsdomein, de dispersie in het spatiaal domein en het vermogensverlies bij propagatie van buiten naar binnen een voertuig

    Potentzia domeinuko NOMA 5G sareetarako eta haratago

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    Tesis inglés 268 p. -- Tesis euskera 274 p.During the last decade, the amount of data carried over wireless networks has grown exponentially. Several reasons have led to this situation, but the most influential ones are the massive deployment of devices connected to the network and the constant evolution in the services offered. In this context, 5G targets the correct implementation of every application integrated into the use cases. Nevertheless, the biggest challenge to make ITU-R defined cases (eMBB, URLLC and mMTC) a reality is the improvement in spectral efficiency. Therefore, in this thesis, a combination of two mechanisms is proposed to improve spectral efficiency: Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) techniques and Radio Resource Management (RRM) schemes. Specifically, NOMA transmits simultaneously several layered data flows so that the whole bandwidth is used throughout the entire time to deliver more than one service simultaneously. Then, RRM schemes provide efficient management and distribution of radio resources among network users. Although NOMA techniques and RRM schemes can be very advantageous in all use cases, this thesis focuses on making contributions in eMBB and URLLC environments and proposing solutions to communications that are expected to be relevant in 6G

    Characterization of coverage and indoor penetration loss of DVB-H signal of indoor gap filler in UHF band

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    In this paper, the required radiated power of a DVB-H gap filler for good indoor coverage at 514 MHz in different types of houses is determined. A new criterion for the electric-field value and carrier-to-interference-plus-noise ratio corresponding with good reception is proposed. Measurements in 14 different houses (detached houses, semidetached houses, terraced houses and apartments) and 121 rooms have been performed for three different radiated power levels. Indoor penetration of a DVB-H signal at 514 MHz is investigated for the different categories and a measurement methodology is proposed. Rooms have been categorized according to their location with respect to the gap filler (same room, adjacent rooms, non-adjacent rooms, other floors, and outdoor locations). It is shown that the distribution of the room penetration loss is lognormal. A comparison with existing models is made and a model for penetration through different floors is proposed

    Semi-automatic liquid filling system using NodeMCU as an integrated Iot Learning tool

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    Computer programming and IoT are the key skills required in Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0). The industry demand is very high and therefore related students in this field should grasp adequate knowledge and skill in college or university prior to employment. However, learning technology related subject without applying it to an actual hardware can pose difficulty to relate the theoretical knowledge to problems in real application. It is proven that learning through hands-on activities is more effective and promotes deeper understanding of the subject matter (He et al. in Integrating Internet of Things (IoT) into STEM undergraduate education: Case study of a modern technology infused courseware for embedded system course. Erie, PA, USA, pp 1–9 (2016)). Thus, to fulfill the learning requirement, an integrated learning tool that combines learning of computer programming and IoT control for an industrial liquid filling system model is developed and tested. The integrated learning tool uses NodeMCU, Blynk app and smartphone to enable the IoT application. The system set-up is pre-designed for semi-automation liquid filling process to enhance hands-on learning experience but can be easily programmed for full automation. Overall, it is a user and cost friendly learning tool that can be developed by academic staff to aid learning of IoT and computer programming in related education levels and field