4,795 research outputs found

    Cross-Layer Peer-to-Peer Track Identification and Optimization Based on Active Networking

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    P2P applications appear to emerge as ultimate killer applications due to their ability to construct highly dynamic overlay topologies with rapidly-varying and unpredictable traffic dynamics, which can constitute a serious challenge even for significantly over-provisioned IP networks. As a result, ISPs are facing new, severe network management problems that are not guaranteed to be addressed by statically deployed network engineering mechanisms. As a first step to a more complete solution to these problems, this paper proposes a P2P measurement, identification and optimisation architecture, designed to cope with the dynamicity and unpredictability of existing, well-known and future, unknown P2P systems. The purpose of this architecture is to provide to the ISPs an effective and scalable approach to control and optimise the traffic produced by P2P applications in their networks. This can be achieved through a combination of different application and network-level programmable techniques, leading to a crosslayer identification and optimisation process. These techniques can be applied using Active Networking platforms, which are able to quickly and easily deploy architectural components on demand. This flexibility of the optimisation architecture is essential to address the rapid development of new P2P protocols and the variation of known protocols

    Autonomic Parameter Tuning of Anomaly-Based IDSs: an SSH Case Study

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    Anomaly-based intrusion detection systems classify network traffic instances by comparing them with a model of the normal network behavior. To be effective, such systems are expected to precisely detect intrusions (high true positive rate) while limiting the number of false alarms (low false positive rate). However, there exists a natural trade-off between detecting all anomalies (at the expense of raising alarms too often), and missing anomalies (but not issuing any false alarms). The parameters of a detection system play a central role in this trade-off, since they determine how responsive the system is to an intrusion attempt. Despite the importance of properly tuning the system parameters, the literature has put little emphasis on the topic, and the task of adjusting such parameters is usually left to the expertise of the system manager or expert IT personnel. In this paper, we present an autonomic approach for tuning the parameters of anomaly-based intrusion detection systems in case of SSH traffic. We propose a procedure that aims to automatically tune the system parameters and, by doing so, to optimize the system performance. We validate our approach by testing it on a flow-based probabilistic detection system for the detection of SSH attacks

    A traffic classification method using machine learning algorithm

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    Applying concepts of attack investigation in IT industry, this idea has been developed to design a Traffic Classification Method using Data Mining techniques at the intersection of Machine Learning Algorithm, Which will classify the normal and malicious traffic. This classification will help to learn about the unknown attacks faced by IT industry. The notion of traffic classification is not a new concept; plenty of work has been done to classify the network traffic for heterogeneous application nowadays. Existing techniques such as (payload based, port based and statistical based) have their own pros and cons which will be discussed in this literature later, but classification using Machine Learning techniques is still an open field to explore and has provided very promising results up till now

    Web Workload Generation According to the UniLoG Approach

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    Generating synthetic loads which are suffciently close to reality represents an important and challenging task in performance and quality-of-service (QoS) evaluations of computer networks and distributed systems. Here, the load to be generated represents sequences of requests at a well-defined service interface within a network node. The paper presents a tool (UniLoG.HTTP) which can be used in a flexible manner to generate realistic and representative server and network loads, in terms of access requests to Web servers as well as creation of typical Web traffic within a communication network. The paper describes the architecture of this load generator, the critical design decisions and solution approaches which allowed us to obtain the desired flexibility

    Characterization of P2P IPTV Traffic: Scaling Analysis

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    P2P IPTV applications arise on the Internet and will be massively used in the future. It is expected that P2P IPTV will contribute to increase the overall Internet traffic. In this context, it is important to measure the impact of P2P IPTV on the networks and to characterize this traffic. Dur- ing the 2006 FIFA World Cup, we performed an extensive measurement campaign. We measured network traffic generated by broadcasting soc- cer games by the most popular P2P IPTV applications, namely PPLive, PPStream, SOPCast and TVAnts. From the collected data, we charac- terized the P2P IPTV traffic structure at different time scales by using wavelet based transform method. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work, which presents a complete multiscale analysis of the P2P IPTV traffic. Our results show that the scaling properties of the TCP traffic present periodic behavior whereas the UDP traffic is stationary and lead to long- range depedency characteristics. For all the applications, the download traffic has different characteristics than the upload traffic. The signaling traffic has a significant impact on the download traffic but it has negligible impact on the upload. Both sides of the traffic and its granularity has to be taken into account to design accurate P2P IPTV traffic models.Comment: 27p, submitted to a conferenc

    Relating Query Popularity and File Replication in the Gnutella Peer-to-Peer Network

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    In this paper, we characterize the user behavior in a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing network. Our characterization is based on the results of an extensive passive measurement study of the messages exchanged in the Gnutella P2P file sharing system. Using the data recorded during this measurement study, we analyze which queries a user issues and which files a user shares. The investigation of users queries leads to the characterization of query popularity. Furthermore, the analysis of the files shared by the users leads to a characterization of file replication. As major contribution, we relate query popularity and file replication by an analytical formula characterizing the matching of files to queries. The analytical formula defines a matching probability for each pair of query and file, which depends on the rank of the query with respect query popularity, but is independent of the rank of the file with respect to file replication. We validate this model by conducting a detailed simulation study of a Gnutella-style overlay network and comparing simulation results to the results obtained from the measurement

    A Public Network Trace of a Control and Automation System

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    The increasing number of attacks against automation systems such as SCADA and their network infrastructure have demonstrated that there is a need to secure those systems. Unfortunately, directly applying existing ICT security mechanisms to automation systems is hard due to constraints of the latter, such as availability requirements or limitations of the hardware. Thus, the solution privileged by researchers is the use of network-based intrusion detection systems (N-IDS). One of the issue that many researchers encounter is how to validate and evaluate their N-IDS. Having access to a real and large automation systems for experimentation is almost impossible as companies are not inclined to give access to their systems due to obvious concerns. The few public traffic datasets that could be used for off-line experiments are either synthetic or collected at small testbeds. In this paper, we will describe and characterize a public traffic dataset collected at the HVAC management system of a university campus. Although the dataset contains only packet headers, we believe that it can help researchers, in particular designers of flow-based IDS, to validate their solutions under more realistic conditions. The traces can be found on https://github.com/gkabasele/HVAC_Traces
