7,561 research outputs found

    Real Time Automatic Number Plate Recognition Using Morphological Algorithm

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    The rising increase of up to date urban and national road networks over the last three decades become known the need of capable monitoring and management of road traffic. Expected techniques for traffic measurements, such as inductive loops, sensors or EM microwave detectors, endure from sober shortcomings, luxurious to install, they demand traffic distraction during installation or maintenance, they are massive and they are unable to notice slow or momentary stop vehicles. On the divergent, systems that are based on video are simple to install, use the existing infrastructure of traffic observation. Currently most reliable method is through the detection of number plates, i.e., automatic number plate recognition (ANPR), which is also branded as automatic license plate recognition (ALPR), or radio frequency transponders. The first revalent step of information is finding of moving objects in video streams and background subtraction is a very accepted approach for foreground segmentation. Next step is License plate extraction which is an essential stage in license plate recognition for automatic transport system. We are planned for two ways for removal of license plates and comparing it with other existing methods. The Extracted license plates are segmented into particular characters by means of a region-based manner. The recognition scheme unites adaptive iterative thresholding with a template matching algorithm. The method is strong to illumination, character size and thickness, skew and small character breaks. The main reward of this system is its real-time capability and that it does not require any extra sensor input (e.g. from infrared sensors) except a video stream. This system is judged on a huge number of vehicle images and videos. The system is also computationally extremely efficient and it is appropriate for others related image recognition applications. This system has broad choice of applications such as access control, ringing, border patrol, traffic control, finding stolen cars, etc. Furthermore, this technology does not need any fitting on cars, such as transmitter or responder

    Parking lot monitoring system using an autonomous quadrotor UAV

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    The main goal of this thesis is to develop a drone-based parking lot monitoring system using low-cost hardware and open-source software. Similar to wall-mounted surveillance cameras, a drone-based system can monitor parking lots without affecting the flow of traffic while also offering the mobility of patrol vehicles. The Parrot AR Drone 2.0 is the quadrotor drone used in this work due to its modularity and cost efficiency. Video and navigation data (including GPS) are communicated to a host computer using a Wi-Fi connection. The host computer analyzes navigation data using a custom flight control loop to determine control commands to be sent to the drone. A new license plate recognition pipeline is used to identify license plates of vehicles from video received from the drone

    Rotation-invariant features for multi-oriented text detection in natural images.

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    Texts in natural scenes carry rich semantic information, which can be used to assist a wide range of applications, such as object recognition, image/video retrieval, mapping/navigation, and human computer interaction. However, most existing systems are designed to detect and recognize horizontal (or near-horizontal) texts. Due to the increasing popularity of mobile-computing devices and applications, detecting texts of varying orientations from natural images under less controlled conditions has become an important but challenging task. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm to detect texts of varying orientations. Our algorithm is based on a two-level classification scheme and two sets of features specially designed for capturing the intrinsic characteristics of texts. To better evaluate the proposed method and compare it with the competing algorithms, we generate a comprehensive dataset with various types of texts in diverse real-world scenes. We also propose a new evaluation protocol, which is more suitable for benchmarking algorithms for detecting texts in varying orientations. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our system compares favorably with the state-of-the-art algorithms when handling horizontal texts and achieves significantly enhanced performance on variant texts in complex natural scenes

    Vehicle license plate detection and recognition

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    "December 2013.""A Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School at the University of Missouri In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science."Thesis supervisor: Dr. Zhihai He.In this work, we develop a license plate detection method using a SVM (Support Vector Machine) classifier with HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) features. The system performs window searching at different scales and analyzes the HOG feature using a SVM and locates their bounding boxes using a Mean Shift method. Edge information is used to accelerate the time consuming scanning process. Our license plate detection results show that this method is relatively insensitive to variations in illumination, license plate patterns, camera perspective and background variations. We tested our method on 200 real life images, captured on Chinese highways under different weather conditions and lighting conditions. And we achieved a detection rate of 100%. After detecting license plates, alignment is then performed on the plate candidates. Conceptually, this alignment method searches neighbors of the bounding box detected, and finds the optimum edge position where the outside regions are very different from the inside regions of the license plate, from color's perspective in RGB space. This method accurately aligns the bounding box to the edges of the plate so that the subsequent license plate segmentation and recognition can be performed accurately and reliably. The system performs license plate segmentation using global alignment on the binary license plate. A global model depending on the layout of license plates is proposed to segment the plates. This model searches for the optimum position where the characters are all segmented but not chopped into pieces. At last, the characters are recognized by another SVM classifier, with a feature size of 576, including raw features, vertical and horizontal scanning features. Our character recognition results show that 99% of the digits are successfully recognized, while the letters achieve an recognition rate of 95%. The license plate recognition system was then incorporated into an embedded system for parallel computing. Several TS7250 and an auxiliary board are used to simulIncludes bibliographical references (pages 67-73)

    License plate localization based on statistical measures of license plate features

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    — License plate localization is considered as the most important part of license plate recognition system. The high accuracy rate of license plate recognition is depended on the ability of license plate detection. This paper presents a novel method for license plate localization bases on license plate features. This proposed method consists of two main processes. First, candidate regions extraction step, Sobel operator is applied to obtain vertical edges and then potential candidate regions are extracted by deploying mathematical morphology operations [5]. Last, license plate verification step, this step employs the standard deviation of license plate features to confirm license plate position. The experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve high quality license plate localization results with high accuracy rate of 98.26 %
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