205 research outputs found

    Estimation of Sparse MIMO Channels with Common Support

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    We consider the problem of estimating sparse communication channels in the MIMO context. In small to medium bandwidth communications, as in the current standards for OFDM and CDMA communication systems (with bandwidth up to 20 MHz), such channels are individually sparse and at the same time share a common support set. Since the underlying physical channels are inherently continuous-time, we propose a parametric sparse estimation technique based on finite rate of innovation (FRI) principles. Parametric estimation is especially relevant to MIMO communications as it allows for a robust estimation and concise description of the channels. The core of the algorithm is a generalization of conventional spectral estimation methods to multiple input signals with common support. We show the application of our technique for channel estimation in OFDM (uniformly/contiguous DFT pilots) and CDMA downlink (Walsh-Hadamard coded schemes). In the presence of additive white Gaussian noise, theoretical lower bounds on the estimation of SCS channel parameters in Rayleigh fading conditions are derived. Finally, an analytical spatial channel model is derived, and simulations on this model in the OFDM setting show the symbol error rate (SER) is reduced by a factor 2 (0 dB of SNR) to 5 (high SNR) compared to standard non-parametric methods - e.g. lowpass interpolation.Comment: 12 pages / 7 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communicatio

    Channel Estimation for Wireless OFDM Communications

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    Channel estimation in massive MIMO systems

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    Last years were characterized by a great demand for high data throughput, good quality and spectral efficiency in wireless communication systems. Consequently, a revolution in cellular networks has been set in motion towards to 5G. Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is one of the new concepts in 5G and the idea is to scale up the known MIMO systems in unprecedented proportions, by deploying hundreds of antennas at base stations. Although, perfect channel knowledge is crucial in these systems for user and data stream separation in order to cancel interference. The most common way to estimate the channel is based on pilots. However, problems such as interference and pilot contamination (PC) can arise due to the multiplicity of channels in the wireless link. Therefore, it is crucial to define techniques for channel estimation that together with pilot contamination mitigation allow best system performance and at same time low complexity. This work introduces a low-complexity channel estimation technique based on Zadoff-Chu training sequences. In addition, different approaches were studied towards pilot contamination mitigation and low complexity schemes, with resort to iterative channel estimation methods, semi-blind subspace tracking techniques and matrix inversion substitutes. System performance simulations were performed for the several proposed techniques in order to identify the best tradeoff between complexity, spectral efficiency and system performance

    Time of Arrival and Angle of Arrival Estimation of LTE Signals for Positioning Applications

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    With the increase of services that need accurate location of the user, new techniques that cooperate with the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are necessary. Toward this objective, this thesis presents our research work about the estimation of the time of arrival (TOA) and of the angle of arrival (AOA) exploiting modern cellular signals. In particular, we focus on the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard, and in particular uplink and downlink reference signals are exploited to this purposes. The current release of the 3GPP LTE specification supports a UTDOA localization technique based on the Sounding Reference Signal (SRS). In real environments, however, user equipments (UE) are rarely set up to transmit this particular signal. The main original contribution of this thesis consists in a new TOA estimation method based on uplink transmission. In particular, we explore the possibility of performing radio localization exploiting the uplink Demodulation Reference Signal (DM-RS), which is always sent by UEs during data transmission. Real uplink transmissions are modeled in simulations and the performance of known algorithms like SAGE and IAA-APES are evaluated for TOA estimation. A new method to estimate the initial conditions of the SAGE algorithm is proposed and the estimation performance in uplink scenarios is evaluated. The analysis revealed that the proposed method outperforms the non-coherent initial conditions estimation proposed in the literature, when uplink transmission are used. Then, the benefits of our proposal are evaluated and the feasibility of TOA estimation exploiting the DM-RS is demonstrated by means of experiments using real DM-RS signals generated by an LTE module. A second original contribution is given by AOA estimation. In particular, the independence of AOA estimation with respect to uplink and downlink transmission is verified. According to this result, the performance of IAA-APES and SAGE in real-world AOA experiments is evaluated in the downlink scenarios. Based on the overall results, we conclude that the proposed radio localization method, exploiting the uplink Demodulation Reference Signal (DM-RS), can be extended also to joint TOA, AOA using SAGE, for hybrid localization techniques. We can also conclude that the proposed method can be easily extended to downlink transmission exploiting the cell specific reference signal (CRS)

    Técnicas de equalização híbridas para sistemas heterogéneos na banda das ondas milimétricas

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    With the constant demand for better service and higher transmission rates current technologies are reaching the limits of the channel capacity. Although, technologies such as MIMO and Heterogeneous systems appear to increase the channel capacity by introducing more antennas at the transceivers making the link between users and base station more reliable. Furthermore, the current spectrum, sub-6GHz, is becoming saturated and due to the properties of such frequencies the deployment of heterogeneous systems can introduce some levels of interference. Towards improving future communication systems a new part of the frequencies spectrum available should be used, researchers have their eyes on the mmWave band. This band allows to increase the carrier frequency and respective signal bandwidth and therefore increase the transmission speeds, moreover the properties of such frequencies unlock some advantages over the frequencies used in the sub-6G band. Additionally, mmWave band can be combined with massive MIMO technology to enhance the system capacity and to deploy more antenna elements in the transceivers. One more key technology that improves the energy efficiency in systems with hundreds of antenna elements is the possibility to combine analog and digital precoding techniques denoted as hybrid architectures. The main advantages of such techniques is that contrary to the full digital precoding processing used in current systems this new architecture allows to reduce the number of RF chains per antenna leading to improved energy efficiency. Furthermore to handle heterogeneous systems that have small-cells within the macro-cell, techniques such as Interference Alignment (IA) can be used to efficiently remove the existing multi-tier interference. In this dissertation a massive MIMO mmWave heterogeneous system is implemented and evaluated. It is designed analog-digital equalizers to efficiently remove both the intra an inter-tier interference. At digital level, an interference alignment technique is used to remove the interference and increase the spectral efficiency. The results showed that the proposed solutions are efficient to remove the macro and small cells interference.Com a constante procura de melhores serviços e taxas de transmissão mais elevadas, as tecnologias atuais estão a atingir os limites de capacidade do canal. Contudo tecnologias como o MIMO e os sistemas heterogéneos permitem aumentar a capacidade do canal através da introdução de mais antenas nos transcetores e através da implementação de pequenos pontos de acesso espalhados pela célula primária, com o intuito de tornar as ligações entre os utilizadores e a estação base mais fiáveis. Tendo também em atenção que o espectro atual, sub-6GHz, está sobrecarregado e que devido às propriedades das frequências utilizadas a implementação de sistemas heterogéneos pode levar a níveis de interferência insustentáveis. Por modo a resolver esta sobrecarga futuros sistemas de comunicação devem aproveitar uma maior parte do espectro de frequências disponível. A banda das ondas milimétricas (mmWave) tem sido apontada como solução, o que permite aumentar a frequência utilizada para transportar o sinal e consequentemente aumentar as velocidades de transmissão. Uma outra vantagem da banda mmWave é que pode ser combinada com a tecnologia MIMO massivo, permitindo implementar mais elementos de antena nos terminais e consequentemente aumentar a capacidade do sistema. Umas das tecnologias desenvolvida para melhorar a eficiência energética em sistemas com centenas de antenas é a possibilidade de combinar técnicas de codificação analógica e digital, designadas como arquiteturas híbridas. A principal vantagem desta técnica é que, contrariamente ao processamento feito nos sistemas atuais, totalmente no domínio digital, esta nova arquitetura permite reduzir o número de cadeias RF por antena. Com o intuito de reduzir a interferência em sistemas heterogéneos, técnicas como o alinhamento de interferência são usadas para separar utilizadores das células secundárias dos utilizadores das células primárias de modo a reduzir a interferência multi-nível existente no sistema geral. Nesta dissertação, é implementado e avaliado um sistema heterogéneo que combina MIMO massivo e ondas milimétricas. Este sistema é projetado com equalizadores analógico-digitais para remover com eficiência a interferência intra e inter-camadas. No domínio digital é utilizada a técnica de alinhamento de interferência para remover a interferência e aumentar a eficiência espectral. Os resultados mostram que as soluções propostas são eficientes para remover a interferência entre as células secundárias e a primária.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Semi-blind channel estimation for multiuser OFDM-IDMA systems.

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    M. Sc. Eng. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2014.Over the last decade, the data rate and spectral efficiency of wireless mobile communications have been significantly enhanced. OFDM technology has been used in the development of advanced systems such as 3GPP LTE and terrestrial digital TV broadcasting. In general, bits of information in mobile communication systems are conveyed through radio links to receivers. The radio channels in mobile radio systems are usually multipath fading channels, which cause inter-symbol interference (ISI) in the received signal. The ability to know the channel impulse response (CIR) and Channel State Information (CSI) helps to remove the ISI from the signal and make coherent detection of the transmitted signal at the receiver end of the system easy and simple. The information about CIR and CSI are primarily provided by channel estimation. This thesis is focused on the development of multiple access communication technique, Multicarrier Interleave Division Multiple Access (MC-IDMA) and the corresponding estimation of the system channel. It compares various efficient channel estimation algorithms. Channel estimation of OFDM-IDMA scheme is important because the emphasis from previous studies assumed the implementation of MC-IDMA in a perfect scenario, where Channel State Information (CSI) is known. MC-IDMA technique incorporates three key features that will be common to the next generation communication systems; multiple access capability, resistance to multipath fading and high bandwidth efficiency. OFDM is almost completely immune to multipath fading effects and IDMA has a recently proposed multiuser capability scheme which employs random interleavers as the only method for user separation. MC-IDMA combines the features of OFDM and IDMA to produce a system that is Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) free and has higher data rate capabilities for multiple users simultaneously. The interleaver property of IDMA is used by MC-IDMA as the only means by which users are separated at the receiver and also its entire bandwidth expansion is devoted to low rate Forward Error Correction (FEC). This provides additional coding gain which is not present in conventional Multicarrier Multiuser systems, (MC-MU) such as Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Multicarrier-Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) systems, and others. The effect of channel fading and both cross-cell and intra-cell Multiple Access Interference (MAI) in MC-IDMA is suppressed efficiently by its low-cost turbo-type Chip-by-Chip (CBC) multiuser detection algorithm. We present the basic principles of OFDM-IDMA transmitter and receiver. Comparative studies between Multiple Access Scheme such as Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), CDMA and IDMA are carried out. A linear Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE)-based estimation algorithm is adopted and implemented. This proposed algorithm is a non-data aided method that focuses on obtaining the CSI, remove ISI and reduce the complexity of the MMSE algorithm. However, to obtain a better and improved system performance, an improved MMSE algorithm and simplified MMSE using the structured correlation and reduced auto-covariance matrix are developed in this thesis and proposed for implementation of semi-blind channel estimation in OFDM-IDMA communication systems. The effectiveness of the adopted and proposed algorithms are implemented in a Rayleigh fading multipath channel with varying mobile speeds thus demonstrating the performance of the system in a practical scenario. Also, the implemented algorithms are compared to ascertain which of these algorithms offers a better and more efficient system performance, and with less complexity. The performance of the channel estimation algorithm is presented in terms of the mean square error (MSE) and bit error rate (BER) in both slow fading and fast fading multipath scenarios and the results are documented as well