10,601 research outputs found

    How proteins bind macrocycles

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    The potential utility of synthetic macrocycles (MCs) as drugs, particularly against low-druggability targets such as protein-protein interactions, has been widely discussed. There is little information, however, to guide the design of MCs for good target protein-binding activity or bioavailability. To address this knowledge gap, we analyze the binding modes of a representative set of MC-protein complexes. The results, combined with consideration of the physicochemical properties of approved macrocyclic drugs, allow us to propose specific guidelines for the design of synthetic MC libraries with structural and physicochemical features likely to favor strong binding to protein targets as well as good bioavailability. We additionally provide evidence that large, natural product-derived MCs can bind targets that are not druggable by conventional, drug-like compounds, supporting the notion that natural product-inspired synthetic MCs can expand the number of proteins that are druggable by synthetic small molecules.R01 GM094551 - NIGMS NIH HHS; GM064700 - NIGMS NIH HHS; GM094551 - NIGMS NIH HHS; R01 GM064700 - NIGMS NIH HHS; GM094551-01S1 - NIGMS NIH HH

    Targeting Acetylcholinesterase: Identification of Chemical Leads by High Throughput Screening, Structure Determination and Molecular Modeling

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    Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is an essential enzyme that terminates cholinergic transmission by rapid hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Compounds inhibiting this enzyme can be used (inter alia) to treat cholinergic deficiencies (e.g. in Alzheimer's disease), but may also act as dangerous toxins (e.g. nerve agents such as sarin). Treatment of nerve agent poisoning involves use of antidotes, small molecules capable of reactivating AChE. We have screened a collection of organic molecules to assess their ability to inhibit the enzymatic activity of AChE, aiming to find lead compounds for further optimization leading to drugs with increased efficacy and/or decreased side effects. 124 inhibitors were discovered, with considerable chemical diversity regarding size, polarity, flexibility and charge distribution. An extensive structure determination campaign resulted in a set of crystal structures of protein-ligand complexes. Overall, the ligands have substantial interactions with the peripheral anionic site of AChE, and the majority form additional interactions with the catalytic site (CAS). Reproduction of the bioactive conformation of six of the ligands using molecular docking simulations required modification of the default parameter settings of the docking software. The results show that docking-assisted structure-based design of AChE inhibitors is challenging and requires crystallographic support to obtain reliable results, at least with currently available software. The complex formed between C5685 and Mus musculus AChE (C5685‱mAChE) is a representative structure for the general binding mode of the determined structures. The CAS binding part of C5685 could not be structurally determined due to a disordered electron density map and the developed docking protocol was used to predict the binding modes of this part of the molecule. We believe that chemical modifications of our discovered inhibitors, biochemical and biophysical characterization, crystallography and computational chemistry provide a route to novel AChE inhibitors and reactivators

    Computational structure‐based drug design: Predicting target flexibility

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    The role of molecular modeling in drug design has experienced a significant revamp in the last decade. The increase in computational resources and molecular models, along with software developments, is finally introducing a competitive advantage in early phases of drug discovery. Medium and small companies with strong focus on computational chemistry are being created, some of them having introduced important leads in drug design pipelines. An important source for this success is the extraordinary development of faster and more efficient techniques for describing flexibility in three‐dimensional structural molecular modeling. At different levels, from docking techniques to atomistic molecular dynamics, conformational sampling between receptor and drug results in improved predictions, such as screening enrichment, discovery of transient cavities, etc. In this review article we perform an extensive analysis of these modeling techniques, dividing them into high and low throughput, and emphasizing in their application to drug design studies. We finalize the review with a section describing our Monte Carlo method, PELE, recently highlighted as an outstanding advance in an international blind competition and industrial benchmarks.We acknowledge the BSC-CRG-IRB Joint Research Program in Computational Biology. This work was supported by a grant from the Spanish Government CTQ2016-79138-R.J.I. acknowledges support from SVP-2014-068797, awarded by the Spanish Government.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    QCSPScore: a new scoring function for driving protein-ligand docking with quantitative chemical shifts perturbations

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    Through the use of information about the biological target structure, the optimization of potential drugs can be improved. In this work I have developed a procedure that uses the quantitative change in the chemical perturbations (CSP) in the protein from NMR experiments for driving protein-ligand docking. The approach is based on a hybrid scoring function (QCSPScore) which combines traditional DrugScore potentials, which describe the interaction between protein and ligand, with Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient, which evaluates docking poses in terms of their agreement with experimental CSP. Prediction of the CSP for a specific ligand pose is done efficiently with an empirical model, taking into account only ring current effects. QCSPScore has been implemented in the AutoDock software package. Compared to previous methods, this approach shows that the use of rank correlation coefficient is robust to outliers. In addition, the prediction of native-like complex geometries improved because the CSP are already being used during the docking process, and not only in a post-filtering setting for generated docking poses. Since the experimental information is guaranteed to be quantitatively used, CSP effectively contribute to align the ligand in the binding pocket. The first step in the development of QCSPScore was the analysis of 70 protein-ligand complexes for which reference CSP were computed. The success rate in the docking increased from 71% without involvement of CSP to 100% if CSP were considered at the highest weighting scheme. In a second step QCSPScore was used in re-docking three test cases, for which reference experimental CSP data was available. Without CSP, i.e. in the use of conventional DrugScore potentials, none of the three test cases could be successfully re-docked. The integration of CSP with the same weighting factor as described above resulted in all three cases successfully re-docked. For two of the three complexes, native-like solutions were only produced if CSP were considered.Conformational changes in the binding pockets of up to 2 Å RMSD did not affect the success of the docking. QCSPScore will be particularly interesting in difficult protein-ligand complexes. They are in particular those cases in which the shape of the binding pocket does not provide sufficient steric restraints such as in flat protein-protein interfaces and in the virtual screening of small chemical fragments.Durch die Verwendung von Information ĂŒber die biologische Zielstruktur kann die Optimierung potentieller Wirkstoffe verbessert werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit habe ich ein Verfahren entwickelt, das quantitativ die VerĂ€nderung der Chemischen Verschieben (CSP) im Protein aus NMR-Experimenten fĂŒr das Protein-Ligand-Docking verwendet. Der Ansatz basiert auf einer Hybridbewertungsfunktion (QCSPScore) und kombiniert herkömmliche DrugScore-Potentiale, welche die Wechselwirkung zwischen Protein und Ligand beschreiben, mit dem Rangkorrelationskoeffizienten nach Kendall, der die Dockingposen hinsichtlich ihrer Übereinstimmung mit experimentellen CSP. Die Vorhersage der CSP fĂŒr einen bestimmten Liganden geschieht effizient mit einem empirischen Modell, wobei nur Ringstromeffekte berĂŒcksichtigt werden. QCSPScore wurde in das AutoDock Softwarepaket implementiert. Im Vergleich zu frĂŒheren Verfahren zeigt dieser Ansatz, dass die Verwendung des Rangkorrelationskoeffizienten robuster ist gegenĂŒber Ausreißern in den vorhergesagten CSP. Außerdem ist die Vorhersage nativ-Ă€hnlicher Komplexgeometrien verbessert, da die CSP bereits wĂ€hrend des Docking-Prozesses eingesetzt werden, und nicht erst in einem nachtrĂ€glichen Filter fĂŒr generierte Dockingposen. Da die experimentelle Informationen quantitativ benutzt werden wird sichergestellt, dass die CSP effektiv dazu beitragen, den Liganden in der Bindetasche auszurichten. Der erste Schritt bei der Entwicklung des QCSPScore war die Analyse von 70 Protein-Ligand-Komplexen, fĂŒr die als Referenz CSP vorhergesagt wurden. Die Erfolgsrate im Docking erhöhte sich von 71 %, ohne Einbeziehung von CSP, auf 100 %, wenn CSP mit höchster Gewichtung mit einbezogen wurden. Die globale Optimierung auf der kombinierten Docking-EnergiehyperflĂ€che ist also erfolgreich. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde QCSPScore zum Docking dreier TestfĂ€lle verwendet, fĂŒr die als Referenz experimentelle CSP zur VerfĂŒgung standen. Ohne CSP, d.h. bei der Verwendung von herkömmlichen DrugScore-Potentialen, konnte keiner der drei TestfĂ€lle erfolgreich gedockt werden. Die Einbeziehung von CSP mit dem selben hohen Gewichtungsfaktor wie oben fĂŒhrte in allen drei FĂ€llen zu erfolgreichen Docking-Ergebnissen. FĂŒr zwei der drei Komplexe wurden zudem nur bei Einbeziehung der experimentellen Information nativ-Ă€hnliche Geometrien vorhergesagt. Konformationelle Änderungen der Bindetasche bis zu 2 Å RMSD beeintrĂ€chtigen den Erfolg des Dockings nicht. Ich bin davon ĂŒberzeugt, dass mein Verfahren besonders fĂŒr Protein-Ligand-Komplexe interessant sein wird, fĂŒr die die Vorhersage nativ-Ă€hnlicher Komplexe bislang schwierig war. Das sind insbesondere solche FĂ€lle, in denen die Form der Bindetasche zur Vorhersage des Komplexes nicht ausreichend, wie das bei flachen Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkungsregionen oder beim virtuellen Screening kleiner Fragmente der Fall ist

    An Investigation of Inorganic Compound Scattering.

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    Raman and its associated forms of spectroscopy are powerful tools that have been under-utilized. Presented within are three inorganic compounds studied with some form of Raman spectroscopy: normal Raman, hyper-Raman (HR), surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), surface-enhanced hyper-Raman spectroscopy (SEHRS), or resonance Raman spectroscopy (RR). The first study involves the investigation of phosphine binding with silver metal. Phosphines find wide use in synthetic circles yet have had little study into their method of binding, unlike similar compounds comprised of sulfur. In order to understand the binding of phosphines, several tertiary phosphines, secondary phosphines and secondary phosphine oxides are examined with SERS. SERS is a surface technique, providing a probe into the surface interaction of the phosphines and silver. By analyzing the results of SERS experiments and using the process of elimination, the secrets of phosphine binding begins to unravel. The second study involves the use of Raman spectroscopy, along with several other chemistry techniques to characterize a new uranium complex. This particular uranium complex is of interest due to applications to uranium capture and uranium sensing; however, this work did not progress to these points. Detailed in the study are the various facets concerning the complex, using many techniques for characterization. The third study centers around the investigation of uranium compounds with HR, RR and SEHRS. There are no published works on this subject to the author’s knowledge. Non-linear spectroscopies such as HR offer the benefit of accessing modes forbidden to one-photon spectroscopies, such as traditional linear spectroscopies like Raman and IR. This can lead to new possibilities for identification and sensing not previously accessible

    Lead optimization for new antimalarials and Successful lead identification for metalloproteinases: A Fragment-based approach Using Virtual Screening

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    Lead optimization for new antimalarials and Successful lead identification for metalloproteinases: A Fragment-based approach Using Virtual Screening Computer-aided drug design is an essential part of the modern medicinal chemistry, and has led to the acceleration of many projects. The herein described thesis presents examples for its application in the field of lead optimization and lead identification for three metalloproteins. DOXP-reductoisomerase (DXR) is a key enzyme of the mevalonate independent isoprenoid biosynthesis. Structure-activity relationships for 43 DXR inhibitors are established, derived from protein-based docking, ligand-based 3D QSAR and a combination of both approaches as realized by AFMoC. As part of an effort to optimize the properties of the established inhibitor Fosmidomycin, analogues have been synthesized and tested to gain further insights into the primary determinants of structural affinity. Unfortunately, these structures still leave the active Fosmidomycin conformation and detailed reaction mechanism undetermined. This fact, together with the small inhibitor data set provides a major challenge for presently available docking programs and 3D QSAR tools. Using the recently developed protein tailored scoring protocol AFMoC precise prediction of binding affinities for related ligands as well as the capability to estimate the affinities of structurally distinct inhibitors has been achieved. Farnesyltransferase is a zinc-metallo enzyme that catalyzes the posttranslational modification of numerous proteins involved in intracellular signal transduction. The development of farnesyltransferase inhibitors is directed towards the so-called non-thiol inhibitors because of adverse drug effects connected to free thiols. A first step on the way to non-thiol farnesyltransferase inhibitors was the development of an CAAX-benzophenone peptidomimetic based on a pharmacophore model. On its basis bisubstrate analogues were developed as one class of non-thiol farnesyltransferase inhibitors. In further studies two aryl binding and two distinct specificity sites were postulated. Flexible docking of model compounds was applied to investigate the sub-pockets and design highly active non-thiol farnesyltransferase inhibitor. In addition to affinity, special attention was paid towards in vivo activity and species specificity. The second part of this thesis describes a possible strategy for computer-aided lead discovery. Assembling a complex ligand from simple fragments has recently been introduced as an alternative to traditional HTS. While frequently applied experimentally, only a few examples are known for computational fragment-based approaches. Mostly, computational tools are applied to compile the libraries and to finally assess the assembled ligands. Using the metalloproteinase thermolysin (TLN) as a model target, a computational fragment-based screening protocol has been established. Starting with a data set of commercially available chemical compounds, a fragment library has been compiled considering (1) fragment likeness and (2) similarity to known drugs. The library is screened for target specificity, resulting in 112 fragments to target the zinc binding area and 75 fragments targeting the hydrophobic specificity pocket of the enzyme. After analyzing the performance of multiple docking programs and scoring functions forand the most 14 candidates are selected for further analysis. Soaking experiments were performed for reference fragment to derive a general applicable crystallization protocol for TLN and subsequently for new protein-fragment complex structures. 3-Methylsaspirin could be determined to bind to TLN. Additional studies addressed a retrospective performance analysis of the applied scoring functions and modification on the screening hit. Curios about the differences of aspirin and 3-methylaspirin, 3-chloroaspirin has been synthesized and affinities could be determined to be 2.42 mM; 1.73 mM und 522 ÎŒM respectively. The results of the thesis show, that computer aided drug design approaches could successfully support projects in lead optimization and lead identification. fragments in general, the fragments derived from the screening are docke

    Biophysics in drug discovery : impact, challenges and opportunities

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    Over the past 25 years, biophysical technologies such as X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry have become key components of drug discovery platforms in many pharmaceutical companies and academic laboratories. There have been great improvements in the speed, sensitivity and range of possible measurements, providing high-resolution mechanistic, kinetic, thermodynamic and structural information on compound-target interactions. This Review provides a framework to understand this evolution by describing the key biophysical methods, the information they can provide and the ways in which they can be applied at different stages of the drug discovery process. We also discuss the challenges for current technologies and future opportunities to use biophysical methods to solve drug discovery problems

    Complexation of Copper and Iron by Biologically Relevant Sulfur- and Selenium-Containing Small Molecules

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    Misregulation of cellular copper and iron can increase labile pools of these metal ions, increasing oxidative damage and leading to neurodegeneration in Wilson\u27s, Parkinson\u27s, and Alzheimer\u27s diseases. Chapter 1 of this dissertation provides an overview of the thermodynamic stability constants of Cu(II), Cu(I), Fe(II), and Fe(III) with weakly binding amino acid ligands, including sulfur- and selenium-containing amino acids and drugs such as methimazole and penicillamine. Understanding these metal-amino-acid interactions provides insight into the role of cellular amino acids as ligands for labile metals. Stability constants of Cu(II) and Fe(II) with the sulfur- and selenium-containing amino acids methionine, selenomethionine, methylcysteine, methylselenocysteine, and penicillamine are reported in Chapter 2. Potentiometric titration data and characterization by X-ray structural analysis, infrared spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry indicate that the coordination modes and stabilities of thio- and selenoether-amino acids with Cu(II) are similar to glycine and do not involve coordination of the sulfur or selenium atom. Fe(II) stability constants with these amino acids were considerably lower than those with Cu(II), indicating that Fe(II) complexes of these amino acids likely do not form under biological conditions. Fe(II) binding to the thiol penicillamine, used to treat copper overload in Wilson\u27s disease, is significantly more stable, suggesting potential competition with Cu(II) for penicillamine binding. The thione methimazole is a redox-active, hyperthyroid drug that strongly coordinates copper. Reactions of methimazole with Cu(II) or Cu(I) and the effects of oxidation state and oxygen availability on the resulting copper-coordinated products were explored (Chapter 3). Dinuclear, polymeric, and mononuclear complexes are obtained that involve redox reactions of both copper and methimazole, some of which result from sulfur elimination from the oxidized methimazole disulfide ligand. An updated mechanism is proposed for this unusual reaction. Under air-free conditions, treating Cu(I) with methimazole disulfide results in disulfide bond cleavage to afford a copper-bound methimazole complex (Chapter 4). The analogous selenomethimazole complex forms from methimazole diselenide, and copper coordination chemistry of selenomethimazole is even more complex than that of methimazole. The remarkable diversity of copper methimazole and selenomethimazole complexes highlights the redox chemistry of metal and ligand and is highly dependent upon reaction time, solvent, and oxygen availability
