2,363 research outputs found

    Temporary Access to Medical Records in Emergency Situations

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    Access to patients Electronic Health Records (EHR) is a daily operation in mainstream healthcare. However, having access to EHR in emergencies while is vitally important to save patients’ life, it could potentially lead to security breaches and violating patients’ privacy. In this regards, getting access to patients’ medical records in emergency situations is one of the issues that emergency responder teams are facing. This access can be temporary until patients reach hospitals or healthcare centers. In this paper, we aim to explore different technology-based solutions to give responders temporary access to patients\u27 medical records in emergency situations. The core of this study is patients and responders authentication methods that can save precious emergency time and protect the privacy and confidentiality of patients data to the utmost. We also have explored control access mechanism and security audits to increase the security of the procedure and patient privacy

    Technical Viewpoint of Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions of Policy Change and Information-Flow in Digital Healthcare Systems

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    Source: https://www.thinkmind.org/.Digital healthcare systems often run on heterogeneous devices in a distributed multi-cluster environment, and maintain their healthcare policies for managing data, securing information flow, and controlling interactions among systems components. As healthcare systems become more digitally distributed, lack of integration and safe interpretation between heterogeneous systems clusters become problematic and might lead to healthcare policy violations. Communication overhead and high computation consumption might impact the system at different levels and affect the flow of information among system clusters. This paper provides a technical viewpoint of the challenges, opportunities, and future work in digital healthcare systems, focusing on the mechanisms of monitoring, detecting, and recovering healthcare policy change/update and its imprint on information flow

    Desen: Specification of Sociotechnical Systems via Patterns of Regulation and Control

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    We address the problem of engineering a sociotechnical system (STS) with respect to its stakeholders’ requirements. We motivate a two-tier STS conception comprising a technical tier that provides control mechanisms and describes what actions are allowed by the software components, and a social tier that characterizes the stakeholders’ expectations of each other in terms of norms. We adopt agents as computational entities, each representing a different stakeholder. Unlike previous approaches, our framework, Desen, incorporates the social dimension into the formal verification process. Thus, Desen supports agents potentially violating applicable norms—a consequence of their autonomy. In addition to requirements verification, Desen supports refinement of STS specifications via design patterns to meet stated requirements. We evaluate Desen at three levels. We illustrate how Desen carries out refinement via the application of patterns on a hospital emergency scenario. We show via a human-subject study that a design process based on our patterns is helpful for participants who are inexperienced in conceptual modeling and norms. We provide an agent-based environment to simulate the hospital emergency scenario to compare STS specifications (including participant solutions from the human-subject study) with metrics indicating social welfare and norm compliance, and other domain dependent metrics

    Analiza povezanosti pametnih mest s policijsko in kriminalistično dejavnostjo

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    Purpose: The main objective is to present the symbiosis between smart cities, policing, criminal investigation and criminal intelligence. Moreover, another purpose is to critically address the underlying privacy concerns arising from smart city designs. Design/Methods/Approach: The paper is theoretical in scope and utilises a literature review as the basic method. Correlations between smart cities, policing and criminal investigations are identified by analysing the applicability of core smart city technologies and services [SCTS]. Findings: It is evident that SCTS can influence policing styles and police effectiveness. SCTS hold great potential for criminal investigations and criminal intelligence as they provide information upon which police can develop investigations or crime-control strategies. Vice-versa, criminal investigations and criminal intelligence can provide guidelines for SCTS developers and the governance of smart cities. However, privacy concerns and the slowly developing regulatory framework remain the biggest issues when it comes to SCTS adoption, thus making measures to safeguard privacy a key factor for the legitimacy of smart cities and smart policing. Practical Implications: The paper introduces practical knowledge about the implications of smart cities for policing and crime investigation. Some research ideas are presented as well as suggestions for legislators, developers and others whose work area falls in the scope of (smart) city governance. Originality/Value: A comprehensive study of the symbiosis between smart cities and policing must not only consider the potential of SCTS but the related need to develop regulation and skillsets of human resources. Only a handful of papers address the connectivity of smart cities, criminal investigations and criminal intelligence from such a multidisciplinary scope. Therefore, the paper represents a contribution to works discussing these concepts.Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je predstaviti simbiozo med pametnimi mesti, policijsko dejavnostjo, kriminalističnim preiskovanjem in kriminalističnoobveščevalno dejavnostjo. V tem kontekstu je podan tudi kritični razmislek o izzivih in dilemah, povezanih z varstvom zasebnosti. Metode: Prispevek je teoretične narave in temelji na pregledu literature. Korelacije med temeljnimi pojmi (pametna mesta, policijska in kriminalistična dejavnost) smo identificirali z analizo temeljnih tehnologij, sistemov in storitev, ki podpirajo delovanje pametnih mest. Ugotovitve: Tehnologije pametnih mest omogočajo razvoj novih oblik policijskega dela in imajo potencial za izboljšanje policijske učinkovitosti. Funkcionalnost tehnologij je razvidna tudi na področju kriminalistične dejavnosti, ki lahko z obdelovanjem podatkov in njihovo uporabo bolje načrtuje kriminalistične preiskave in razvija strategije preprečevanja kriminalitete. Simbioza je opazna tudi z nasprotnega vidika – s podajanjem smernic lahko kriminalistična in policijska dejavnost pomagata upravljavcem pametnih mest in razvojnikom tehnologij ter rešitev. Glavni izziv predstavlja varovanje zasebnosti in osebnih podatkov prebivalcev, zato so mehanizmi za preprečevanje zlorab ključni faktor legitimnosti pametnih mest in policijske dejavnosti. Praktična uporabnost: V prispevku so predstavljena uporabna znanja glede potencialov pametnih mest za izvajanje policijske in kriminalistične dejavnosti, prav tako tudi predlogi za raziskovalce in oblikovalce politik, razvojnike in druge, ki delujejo na področju upravljanja (pametnih) mest. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Če želimo razumeti sistem dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na simbiozo med policijsko dejavnostjo in pametnimi mesti, je treba upoštevati ne samo potenciale različnih tehnologij in rešitev, temveč tudi potrebe in dileme, ki se pojavijo sočasno s tehnološkim razvojem, primarno na področju razvoja kadrovskih kompetenc in prilagoditve normativnih okvirjev. Pregled literature pokaže, da obstajajo redke znanstvene objave, ki multidimenzionalno proučujejo simbiozo pametnih mest in policijske dejavnosti. Prispevek zato dopolnjuje obstoječa dela in znanja na tem področju

    Proceedings of the 1st Doctoral Consortium at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (DC-ECAI 2020)

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    1st Doctoral Consortium at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (DC-ECAI 2020), 29-30 August, 2020 Santiago de Compostela, SpainThe DC-ECAI 2020 provides a unique opportunity for PhD students, who are close to finishing their doctorate research, to interact with experienced researchers in the field. Senior members of the community are assigned as mentors for each group of students based on the student’s research or similarity of research interests. The DC-ECAI 2020, which is held virtually this year, allows students from all over the world to present their research and discuss their ongoing research and career plans with their mentor, to do networking with other participants, and to receive training and mentoring about career planning and career option


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    Abstract In 1990 the online world began to take shape when Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. Almost simultaneously, cybersecurity was birthed to protect and minimize the various threats including but not limited to worms, viruses, and data breaches. Cybersecurity includes the various technologies, equipment both hardware and software, processes, and procedures that are used to guard against unauthorized attacks or access to protected information. This paper will focus on cybersecurity as it relates to the healthcare environment. Every department in a healthcare facility is responsible for taking care of patients. This should be their number one priority and information technology is no exception. While IT staff most likely do not provide hands on care to patients, they go to great lengths to protect their personal health information. In a healthcare environment, there are numerous departments such as Lab, Radiology, and Pharmacy etc. that need to have integrated systems. These systems must also be able to reach the internet and often be accessible to outside/non-employed vendors for support and maintenance. Also, communication among employees and with the outside world is a must. Email, video conferencing, desktop sharing, and faxing are all used thousands of times a day. It is imperative that cybersecurity be a top priority and everyone holds himself or herself responsible for protecting the systems that allow staff to take care of their patients

    2021 February 19 – Board of Trustees Audit Committee Agenda and Minutes

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