11 research outputs found

    Privacy issues and protection in secure data outsourcing

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    Utilizing database encryption to safeguard data in several conditions where access control is not sufficient is unavoidable. Database encryption offers an extra layer of security to traditional access control methods. It stops users that are unauthorized, such as hackers breaking into a system, and observing private data. Consequently, data is safe even when the database is stolen or attacked. Nevertheless, the process of data decryption and encryption causes degradation in the database performance. In conditions where the entire information is kept in an encrypted format, it is not possible to choose the database content any longer. The data must be first decrypted, and as such, the unwilling and forced tradeoff occurs between the function and the security. The suitable methods to improve the function are techniques that directly deal with the data that is encrypted without having to decrypt them first. In this study, we determined privacy protection and issues that each organization should consider when it decides to outsource own data

    Feasibility of Implementing Multi-factor Authentication Schemes in Mobile Cloud Computing

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    Abstract-Mobile cloud computing is a new computing technology, which provides on-demand resources. Nowadays, this computing paradigm is becoming one the most interesting technology for IT enterprises. The idea of computing and offloading data in cloud computing is utilized to overcome the inherent challenges in mobile computing. This is carried out by utilizing other resource providers besides the mobile device to host the delivery of mobile applications. However, this technology introduces some opportunities as new computing concept, several challenges, including security and privacy are raised from the adoption of this IT paradigm. Authentication plays an important role to mitigate security and privacy issue in the mobile cloud computing. Even some authentication algorithms are proposed for mobile cloud computing, but most of these algorithms designed for traditional computing models, and are not using cloud capabilities. In mobile cloud computing, we access to pooled computation resources and applying more complicated authentication schemes is possible. Using different authentication factors, which is called multifactor authentication algorithms, has been proposed for various areas. In this paper, feasibility of implementation of different kinds of multi-factor authentication protocols are discussed. Furthermore, the security and privacy of these algorithms are analyzed. Finally, some future directions are recommended

    MDA: message digest-based authentication for mobile cloud computing

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    An improved dynamic load balancing for virtualmachines in cloud computing using hybrid bat and bee colony algorithms

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    Cloud technology is a utility where different hardware and software resources are accessed on pay-per-user ground base. Most of these resources are available in virtualized form and virtual machine (VM) is one of the main elements of visualization. In virtualization, a physical server changes into the virtual machine (VM) and acts as a physical server. Due to the large number of users sometimes the task sent by the user to cloud causes the VM to be under loaded or overloaded. This system state happens due to poor task allocation process in VM and causes the system failure or user tasks delayed. For the improvement of task allocation, several load balancing techniques are introduced in a cloud but stills the system failure occurs. Therefore, to overcome these problems, this study proposed an improved dynamic load balancing technique known as HBAC algorithm which dynamically allocates task by hybridizing Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm with Bat algorithm. The proposed HBAC algorithm was tested and compared with other stateof-the-art algorithms on 200 to 2000 even tasks by using CloudSim on standard workload format (SWF) data sets file size (200kb and 400kb). The proposed HBAC showed an improved accuracy rate in task distribution and reduced the makespan of VM in a cloud data center. Based on the ANOVA comparison test results, a 1.25 percent improvement on accuracy and 0.98 percent reduced makespan on task allocation system of VM in cloud computing is observed with the proposed HBAC algorithm

    Técnicas de autenticación basadas en tokens en plataformas de código abierto en la nube

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    Cloud computing is a service-oriented computational platform that allows on-demand  resource provisioning for low-cost application deployment.   However, security and privacy of the users is a major concern for the cloud service provider, particularly  for applications handling users personal information (health record, GPS location) or performing financial transactions. Authentication is an important security  measure  for establishing accountability and authorization of the users, is often a prerequisite for accessing cloud-based services. In this paper, we mainly focus on the token-based authentication techniques, supported by popular open source cloud platforms [OSCPs], like  Cloudstack, OpenStack, Eucalyptus and OpenNebula. In general, most OSCPs support the basic text-based user authentication. Other techniques,  such as biometrics, gesture and image, can also be implemented on OSCPs. However, in this paper, we choose to discuss the token-based authentication, as it allows users to gain access to multiple cloud services with a single sign-on (SSO). Moreover, token’s can be shared among multiple users for accessing cloud-based services.El concepto de computación en la nube hace referencia al uso de una plataforma computacional externa, orientada a servicios, que permite suministrar recursos bajo demanda, a bajo costo, para el desarrollo de aplicaciones. La seguridad y privacidad de los usuarios son preocupaciones centrales de los proveedores de este tipo de servicios, particularmente cuando las aplicaciones manejan información personal reservada (como historias clínicas o ubicación geográfica) o cuando realizan transacciones financieras. La autenticación es una importante medida de seguridad para establecer cuentas y autorizar usuarios, por ellos, es un prerrequisito para el acceso a servicios basados en la nube. Este artículo se ha enfocado en las técnicas de autenticación basadas en tokens, las cuales están soportadas por plataformas en nube de código abierto muy comunes, tales como CloudStack, OpenStack, Eucalyptus y OpenNebula. Aunque la mayoría de ellas plataformas soporta la autenticación básica de usuario basada en texto, también admiten otras técnicas, tales como el uso de características biométricas, gestos e imágenes. Se selección a las técnicas de autenticación basadas en tokens para la discusión, porque ellas le permiten a los usuarios el acceso a múltiples servicios en la nube con un único inicio de sesión, y porque los tokens pueden ser compartidos entre múltiples usuarios para el acceso a servicios basados en la nube

    Uma proposta para o uso de progressive web apps em ambientes de computação móvel em nuvens

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    The increased use of mobile applications is directly associated with the constant development of Mobile Computing (CM), such as smartphones, tablets and notebooks. However, the use of applications on these devices turns out to be a problem for their processing limitations, RAM, storage, network connection and especially battery. To mitigate these limitations, an area known as Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) has presented some alternatives. One of these is Computing Offloading, which consists of sending all or part of the execution of processes or tasks from the mobile device to a remote computing resource with higher processing power. However, the efficiency of this discharge from running in MCC environment can be directly related to the type of application used by the mobile device. Therefore, the objective of this work is to propose a methodology for the use of Progressive Web Applications or Progressive Web Apps (PWA) to offload tasks in Mobile Cloud Computing. Based on the proposed methodology, two case studies involving face detection and Fibonacci sequence calculation were developed. These case studies were evaluated by performing different workloads using the PWA application on different mobile devices and offloading in Docker containers using the 3G, 4G and WiFi networks. The results of the evaluation were obtained from the task execution time metric, noting that in some cases local execution of these tasks is better than cloud execution; while in others, cloud is a better processing option. The developed PWA application was further analyzed using the LightHouse PWA inspection tool, obtaining a maximum score of 100 for the application performance.O aumento no uso de aplicações móveis está diretamente associado ao desenvolvimento constante da Computação Móvel (CM), a exemplo dos smartphones, tablets e notebooks. No entanto, o uso de aplicações nesses dispositivos acaba sendo um problema para suas limitações de processamento, memória RAM, armazenamento, conexão de rede e, principalmente, bateria. Para mitigar essas limitações, uma área conhecida como Computação Móvel em Nuvem ou Mobile Cloud Computing – MCC tem apresentado algumas alternativas. Uma delas está na descarga computacional ou Computing Offloading, que consiste em fazer o envio completo ou parcial da execução de processos ou tarefas do dispositivo móvel para um recurso computacional remoto com maior poder de processamento. No entanto, a eficiência dessa descarga da execução em ambiente MCC pode ter relação direta com o tipo de aplicação utilizada pelo dispositivo móvel. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho consiste em propor uma metodologia para o uso de Aplicações Web Progressivas ou Progressive Web Apps (PWA) para fazer o offloading de tarefas na Computação Móvel em Nuvem. A partir da metodologia proposta, foram desenvolvidos dois estudos de caso, envolvendo a detecção de faces e o cálculo da sequência Fibonacci. A avaliação desses estudos de caso foi feita através da execução de diferentes cargas de trabalho, usando a aplicação PWA em diferentes dispositivos móveis e através do offloading em containers Docker, utilizando as redes 3G, 4G e WiFi. Os resultados da avaliação foram obtidos a partir da métrica de tempo de execução das tarefas, observando-se que, em alguns casos, a execução local dessas tarefas é melhor que a execução na nuvem; enquanto em outros, a nuvem é uma melhor opção de processamento. A aplicação PWA desenvolvida ainda foi analisada utilizando a ferramenta de inspeção de PWA LightHouse, obtendo a nota máxima de 100 para o quesito performance da aplicação

    A framework for offloading decision making to conserve battery life on mobile devices

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    Abstract: The increased use of mobile devices has led to the creation of complex mobile applications that require more resources than are readily available on mobile devices. As resources such as processing power and storage are found on the cloud, resources of mobile devices can be increased by using cloud-based mobile augmentation. However, some resources, specifically battery life, and bandwidth cannot be augmented. To augment mobile device resources such as battery life, offloading can be used. This research discusses offloading methods and examines the approaches used in related research. It is found that most of the energy consumed when offloading is due to network communication, as opposed to computation when executing locally. When offloading to the cloud consumes less energy than local execution, the battery life of a mobile device can be conserved. Choosing between offloading and local execution is called an offloading decision. To make offloading decisions that conserve battery life, the decision-making process is explored. A challenge identified when making offloading decisions is accurately estimating the energy consumption of tasks when offloading and when executing locally. As the energy consumption profile of each device differs according to the capabilities of the device, this aspect is explored. The research conducted in this dissertation proposes the Switch framework. The Switch framework conserves the limited battery life on mobile devices by estimating the consumption of energy of a task and choosing the least expensive option. A software-based device-specific energy consumption profile is created for this purpose. Switch is evaluated using the Switch prototype, which has been designed according to the specifications of the framework. The prototype is evaluated by comparing the estimated energy consumption against the measured energy consumption. The evaluation of the framework suggests that Switch can successfully be used to conserve battery life on mobile devices by making intelligent offloading decisions.M.Sc. (Information Technology