801 research outputs found

    Achieving Small World Properties using Bio-Inspired Techniques in Wireless Networks

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    It is highly desirable and challenging for a wireless ad hoc network to have self-organization properties in order to achieve network wide characteristics. Studies have shown that Small World properties, primarily low average path length and high clustering coefficient, are desired properties for networks in general. However, due to the spatial nature of the wireless networks, achieving small world properties remains highly challenging. Studies also show that, wireless ad hoc networks with small world properties show a degree distribution that lies between geometric and power law. In this paper, we show that in a wireless ad hoc network with non-uniform node density with only local information, we can significantly reduce the average path length and retain the clustering coefficient. To achieve our goal, our algorithm first identifies logical regions using Lateral Inhibition technique, then identifies the nodes that beamform and finally the beam properties using Flocking. We use Lateral Inhibition and Flocking because they enable us to use local state information as opposed to other techniques. We support our work with simulation results and analysis, which show that a reduction of up to 40% can be achieved for a high-density network. We also show the effect of hopcount used to create regions on average path length, clustering coefficient and connectivity.Comment: Accepted for publication: Special Issue on Security and Performance of Networks and Clouds (The Computer Journal

    Self-organization of Nodes using Bio-Inspired Techniques for Achieving Small World Properties

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    In an autonomous wireless sensor network, self-organization of the nodes is essential to achieve network wide characteristics. We believe that connectivity in wireless autonomous networks can be increased and overall average path length can be reduced by using beamforming and bio-inspired algorithms. Recent works on the use of beamforming in wireless networks mostly assume the knowledge of the network in aggregation to either heterogeneous or hybrid deployment. We propose that without the global knowledge or the introduction of any special feature, the average path length can be reduced with the help of inspirations from the nature and simple interactions between neighboring nodes. Our algorithm also reduces the number of disconnected components within the network. Our results show that reduction in the average path length and the number of disconnected components can be achieved using very simple local rules and without the full network knowledge.Comment: Accepted to Joint workshop on complex networks and pervasive group communication (CCNet/PerGroup), in conjunction with IEEE Globecom 201

    1-D Coordinate Based on Local Information for MAC and Routing Issues in WSNs

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    More and more critical Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) applications are emerging. Those applications need reliability and respect of time constraints. The underlying mechanisms such as MAC and routing must handle such requirements. Our approach to the time constraint problem is to bound the hop-count between a node and the sink and the time it takes to do a hop so the end-to-end delay can be bounded and the communications are thus real-time. For reliability purpose we propose to select forwarder nodes depending on how they are connected in the direction of the sink. In order to be able to do so we need a coordinate (or a metric) that gives information on hop-count, that allows to strongly differentiate nodes and gives information on the connectivity of each node keeping in mind the intrinsic constraints of WSWs such as energy consumption, autonomy, etc. Due to the efficiency and scalability of greedy routing in WSNs and the financial cost of GPS chips, Virtual Coordinate Systems (VCSs) for WSNs have been proposed. A category of VCSs is based on the hop-count from the sink, this scheme leads to many nodes having the same coordinate. The main advantage of this system is that the hops number of a packet from a source to the sink is known. Nevertheless, it does not allow to differentiate the nodes with the same hop-count. In this report we propose a novel hop-count-based VCS which aims at classifying the nodes having the same hop-count depending on their connectivity and at differentiating nodes in a 2-hop neighborhood. Those properties make the coordinates, which also can be viewed as a local identifier, a very powerful metric which can be used in WSNs mechanisms.Comment: (2011

    Greedy routing and virtual coordinates for future networks

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    At the core of the Internet, routers are continuously struggling with ever-growing routing and forwarding tables. Although hardware advances do accommodate such a growth, we anticipate new requirements e.g. in data-oriented networking where each content piece has to be referenced instead of hosts, such that current approaches relying on global information will not be viable anymore, no matter the hardware progress. In this thesis, we investigate greedy routing methods that can achieve similar routing performance as today but use much less resources and which rely on local information only. To this end, we add specially crafted name spaces to the network in which virtual coordinates represent the addressable entities. Our scheme enables participating routers to make forwarding decisions using only neighbourhood information, as the overarching pseudo-geometric name space structure already organizes and incorporates "vicinity" at a global level. A first challenge to the application of greedy routing on virtual coordinates to future networks is that of "routing dead-ends" that are local minima due to the difficulty of consistent coordinates attribution. In this context, we propose a routing recovery scheme based on a multi-resolution embedding of the network in low-dimensional Euclidean spaces. The recovery is performed by routing greedily on a blurrier view of the network. The different network detail-levels are obtained though the embedding of clustering-levels of the graph. When compared with higher-dimensional embeddings of a given network, our method shows a significant diminution of routing failures for similar header and control-state sizes. A second challenge to the application of virtual coordinates and greedy routing to future networks is the support of "customer-provider" as well as "peering" relationships between participants, resulting in a differentiated services environment. Although an application of greedy routing within such a setting would combine two very common fields of today's networking literature, such a scenario has, surprisingly, not been studied so far. In this context we propose two approaches to address this scenario. In a first approach we implement a path-vector protocol similar to that of BGP on top of a greedy embedding of the network. This allows each node to build a spatial map associated with each of its neighbours indicating the accessible regions. Routing is then performed through the use of a decision-tree classifier taking the destination coordinates as input. When applied on a real-world dataset (the CAIDA 2004 AS graph) we demonstrate an up to 40% compression ratio of the routing control information at the network's core as well as a computationally efficient decision process comparable to methods such as binary trees and tries. In a second approach, we take inspiration from consensus-finding in social sciences and transform the three-dimensional distance data structure (where the third dimension encodes the service differentiation) into a two-dimensional matrix on which classical embedding tools can be used. This transformation is achieved by agreeing on a set of constraints on the inter-node distances guaranteeing an administratively-correct greedy routing. The computed distances are also enhanced to encode multipath support. We demonstrate a good greedy routing performance as well as an above 90% satisfaction of multipath constraints when relying on the non-embedded obtained distances on synthetic datasets. As various embeddings of the consensus distances do not fully exploit their multipath potential, the use of compression techniques such as transform coding to approximate the obtained distance allows for better routing performances

    Surveillance Planning against Smart Insurgents in Complex Terrain

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    This study is concerned with finding a way to solve a surveillance system allocation problem based on the need to consider intelligent insurgency that takes place in a complex geographical environment. Although this effort can be generalized to other situations, it is particularly geared towards protecting military outposts in foreign lands. The technological assets that are assumed available include stare-devices, such as tower-cameras and aerostats, as well as manned and unmanned aerial systems. Since acquiring these assets depends on the ability to control and monitor them on the target terrain, their operations on the geo-location of interest ought to be evaluated. Such an assessment has to also consider the risks associated with the environmental advantages that are accessible to a smart adversary. Failure to consider these aspects might render the forces vulnerable to surprise attacks. The problem of this study is formulated as follows: given a complex terrain and a smart adversary, what types of surveillance systems, and how many entities of each kind, does a military outpost need to adequately monitor its surrounding environment? To answer this question, an analytical framework is developed and structured as a series of problems that are solved in a comprehensive and realistic fashion. This includes digitizing the terrain into a grid of cell objects, identifying high-risk spots, generating flight tours, and assigning the appropriate surveillance system to the right route or area. Optimization tools are employed to empower the framework in enforcing constraints--such as fuel/battery endurance, flying assets at adequate altitudes, and respecting the climbing/diving rate limits of the aerial vehicles--and optimizing certain mission objectives--e.g. revisiting critical regions in a timely manner, minimizing manning requirements, and maximizing sensor-captured image quality. The framework is embedded in a software application that supports a friendly user interface, which includes the visualization of maps, tours, and related statistics. The final product is expected to support designing surveillance plans for remote military outposts and making critical decisions in a more reliable manner

    Node Ranking in Wireless Sensor Networks with Linear Topology

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    International audienceIn wireless sensor networks with linear topology, knowing the physical order in which nodes are deployed is useful not only for the target application, but also to some network services, like routing or data aggregation. Considering the limited resources of sensor nodes, the design of autonomous protocols to find this order is a challenging topic. In this paper, we propose a distributed and iterative centroid-based algorithm to address this problem. At each iteration, the algorithm selects two virtual anchors and finds the order of a subset of nodes, placed between these two anchors. The proposed algorithm requires local node connectivity knowledge and the identifier of the first sensor node of the network, which is the only manually configured parameter. This solution, scalable and lightweight from the deployment and maintenance point of view, is shown to be robust to connectivity degradation, correctly ordering more than 95% of the nodes, even under very low connectivity condition

    Node Ranking in Wireless Sensor Networks with Linear Topology

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    International audienceIn wireless sensor networks with linear topology, knowing the physical order in which nodes are deployed is useful not only for the target application, but also to some network services, like routing or data aggregation. Considering the limited resources of sensor nodes, the design of autonomous protocols to find this order is a challenging topic. In this paper, we propose a distributed and iterative centroid-based algorithm to address this problem. At each iteration, the algorithm selects two virtual anchors and finds the order of a subset of nodes, placed between these two anchors. The proposed algorithm requires local node connectivity knowledge and the identifier of the first sensor node of the network, which is the only manually configured parameter. This solution, scalable and lightweight from the deployment and maintenance point of view, is shown to be robust to connectivity degradation, correctly ordering more than 95% of the nodes, even under very low connectivity condition


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    Durant les quatre derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, la miniaturisation a permis la diffusion Ă  large Ă©chelle des ordinateurs, les rendant omniprĂ©sents. Aujourd’hui, le nombre d’objets connectĂ©s Ă  Internet ne cesse de croitre et cette tendance n’a pas l’air de ralentir. Ces objets, qui peuvent ĂȘtre des tĂ©lĂ©phones mobiles, des vĂ©hicules ou des senseurs, gĂ©nĂšrent de trĂšs grands volumes de donnĂ©es qui sont presque toujours associĂ©s Ă  un contexte spatiotemporel. Le volume de ces donnĂ©es est souvent si grand que leur traitement requiert la crĂ©ation de systĂšme distribuĂ©s qui impliquent la coopĂ©ration de plusieurs ordinateurs. La capacitĂ© de traiter ces donnĂ©es revĂȘt une importance sociĂ©tale. Par exemple: les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es lors de trajets en voiture permettent aujourd’hui d’éviter les em-bouteillages ou de partager son vĂ©hicule. Un autre exemple: dans un avenir proche, les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es Ă  l’aide de gyroscopes capables de dĂ©tecter les trous dans la chaussĂ©e permettront de mieux planifier les interventions de maintenance Ă  effectuer sur le rĂ©seau routier. Les domaines d’applications sont par consĂ©quent nombreux, de mĂȘme que les problĂšmes qui y sont associĂ©s. Les articles qui composent cette thĂšse traitent de systĂšmes qui partagent deux caractĂ©ristiques clĂ©s: un contexte spatiotemporel et une architecture dĂ©centralisĂ©e. De plus, les systĂšmes dĂ©crits dans ces articles s’articulent autours de trois axes temporels: le prĂ©sent, le passĂ©, et le futur. Les systĂšmes axĂ©s sur le prĂ©sent permettent Ă  un trĂšs grand nombre d’objets connectĂ©s de communiquer en fonction d’un contexte spatial avec des temps de rĂ©ponses proche du temps rĂ©el. Nos contributions dans ce domaine permettent Ă  ce type de systĂšme dĂ©centralisĂ© de s’adapter au volume de donnĂ©e Ă  traiter en s’étendant sur du matĂ©riel bon marchĂ©. Les systĂšmes axĂ©s sur le passĂ© ont pour but de faciliter l’accĂšs a de trĂšs grands volumes donnĂ©es spatiotemporelles collectĂ©es par des objets connectĂ©s. En d’autres termes, il s’agit d’indexer des trajectoires et d’exploiter ces indexes. Nos contributions dans ce domaine permettent de traiter des jeux de trajectoires particuliĂšrement denses, ce qui n’avait pas Ă©tĂ© fait auparavant. Enfin, les systĂšmes axĂ©s sur le futur utilisent les trajectoires passĂ©es pour prĂ©dire les trajectoires que des objets connectĂ©s suivront dans l’avenir. Nos contributions permettent de prĂ©dire les trajectoires suivies par des objets connectĂ©s avec une granularitĂ© jusque lĂ  inĂ©galĂ©e. Bien qu’impliquant des domaines diffĂ©rents, ces contributions s’articulent autour de dĂ©nominateurs communs des systĂšmes sous-jacents, ouvrant la possibilitĂ© de pouvoir traiter ces problĂšmes avec plus de gĂ©nĂ©ricitĂ© dans un avenir proche. -- During the past four decades, due to miniaturization computing devices have become ubiquitous and pervasive. Today, the number of objects connected to the Internet is in- creasing at a rapid pace and this trend does not seem to be slowing down. These objects, which can be smartphones, vehicles, or any kind of sensors, generate large amounts of data that are almost always associated with a spatio-temporal context. The amount of this data is often so large that their processing requires the creation of a distributed system, which involves the cooperation of several computers. The ability to process these data is important for society. For example: the data collected during car journeys already makes it possible to avoid traffic jams or to know about the need to organize a carpool. Another example: in the near future, the maintenance interventions to be carried out on the road network will be planned with data collected using gyroscopes that detect potholes. The application domains are therefore numerous, as are the prob- lems associated with them. The articles that make up this thesis deal with systems that share two key characteristics: a spatio-temporal context and a decentralized architec- ture. In addition, the systems described in these articles revolve around three temporal perspectives: the present, the past, and the future. Systems associated with the present perspective enable a very large number of connected objects to communicate in near real-time, according to a spatial context. Our contributions in this area enable this type of decentralized system to be scaled-out on commodity hardware, i.e., to adapt as the volume of data that arrives in the system increases. Systems associated with the past perspective, often referred to as trajectory indexes, are intended for the access to the large volume of spatio-temporal data collected by connected objects. Our contributions in this area makes it possible to handle particularly dense trajectory datasets, a problem that has not been addressed previously. Finally, systems associated with the future per- spective rely on past trajectories to predict the trajectories that the connected objects will follow. Our contributions predict the trajectories followed by connected objects with a previously unmet granularity. Although involving different domains, these con- tributions are structured around the common denominators of the underlying systems, which opens the possibility of being able to deal with these problems more generically in the near future

    A Novel Placement Algorithm for the Controllers Of the Virtual Networks (COVN) in SD-WAN with Multiple VNs

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    The escalation of communication demands and the emergence of new telecommunication concepts such as 5G cellular system and smart cities requires the consolidation of a flexible and manageable backbone network. These requirements motivated the researcher to come up with a new placement algorithm for the Controller of Virtual Network (COVN). This is because SDN and network virtualisation techniques (NFV and NV), are integrated to produce multiple virtual networks running on a single SD-WAN infrastructure, which serves the new backbone. One of the significant challenges of SD-WAN is determining the number and the locations of its controllers to optimise the network latency and reliability. This problem is fairly investigated and solved by several controller placement algorithms where the focus is only on physical controllers. The advent of the sliced SD-WAN produces a new challenge, which necessitates the SDWAN controllers (physical controller/hosted server) to run multiple instances of controllers (virtual controllers). Every virtual network is managed by its virtual controllers. This calls for an algorithm to determine the number and the positions of physical and virtual controllers of the multiple virtual SD-WANs. According to the literature review and to the best of the author knowledge, this problem is neither examined nor yet solved. To address this issue, the researcher designed a novel COVN placement algorithm to compute the controller placement of the physical controllers, then calculate the controller placement of every virtual SD-WAN independently, taking into consideration the controller placement of other virtual SD-WANs. COVN placement does not partition the SD-WAN when placing the physical controllers, unlike all previous placement algorithms. Instead, it identifies the nodes of the optimal reliability and latency to all switches of the network. Then, it partitions every VN separately to create its independent controller placement. COVN placement optimises the reliability and the latency according to the desired weights. It also maintains the load balancing and the optimal resources utilisation. Moreover, it supports the recovering of the controller failure. This novel algorithm is intensively evaluated using the produced COVN simulator and the developed Mininet emulator. The results indicate that COVN placement achieves the required optimisations mentioned above. Also, the implementations disclose that COVN placement can compute the controller placement for a large network ( 754 switches) in very small computation time (49.53 s). In addition, COVN placement is compared to POCO algorithm. The outcome reveals that COVN placement provides better reliability in about 30.76% and a bit higher latency in about 1.38%. Further, it surpasses POCO by constructing the balanced clusters according to the switch loads and offering the more efficient placement to recover controller-failure

    Congestion control protocols in wireless sensor networks: A survey

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    The performance of wireless sensor networks (WSN) is affected by the lossy communication medium, application diversity, dense deployment, limited processing power and storage capacity, frequent topology change. All these limitations provide significant and unique design challenges to data transport control in wireless sensor networks. An effective transport protocol should consider reliable message delivery, energy-efficiency, quality of service and congestion control. The latter is vital for achieving a high throughput and a long network lifetime. Despite the huge number of protocols proposed in the literature, congestion control in WSN remains challenging. A review and taxonomy of the state-of-the-art protocols from the literature up to 2013 is provided in this paper. First, depending on the control policy, the protocols are divided into resource control vs. traffic control. Traffic control protocols are either reactive or preventive (avoiding). Reactive solutions are classified following the reaction scale, while preventive solutions are split up into buffer limitation vs. interference control. Resource control protocols are classified according to the type of resource to be tuned. © 2014 IEEE
