29 research outputs found

    Practical issues in model-based surge control for centrifugal compressors

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    The performance and operating range of centrifugal compressors is limited by the occurrence of an aerodynamic instability called surge. This paper deals with the technological barriers for feedback stabilization of full-scale centrifugal compression systems. A dynamic model for a single stage compressor test rig is presented and a surge control strategy is discussed. Then the critical problems of model accuracy and sensor and actuator limitations are discussed. These problems are illustrated with simulation results and experimental data. We conclude by suggesting directions for further work in order to successfully implement active surge control in full-scale applications

    On-Engine Measurement of Turbocharger Surge Limit

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    In this article a new experimental technique is presented to measure the turbocharger surge limit in a regular engine test bench. It is known that the surge margin on engine tests may be very different from that obtained in a steady-flow gas-stand. In particular, surge is very dependent on the flow pattern produced by the compressor inlet duct and also on the piping upstream and downstream the compressor. The proposed technique that is based on the injection of pressurized air into the intake manifold is compared with the other ways of measuring the compressor map on engine. Some results with different compressor arrangements are presented and discussed. It is demonstrated that this technique allows for measuring not only the actual surge line but also the complete compressor performance map.This work has been funded by Spain's Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia through project TRA2007-65433. The authors acknowledge R. Lujan for his valuable contribution to the tests. RL is indebted to the Generalidad Valenciana through the grant GRISOLIA/2008/009.Galindo, J.; Tiseira Izaguirre, AO.; Arnau Martínez, FJ.; Lang, RH. (2013). On-Engine Measurement of Turbocharger Surge Limit. Experimental Techniques. 37(1):47-54. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1747-1567.2010.00697.xS4754371Hajilouy-Benisi, A., Rad, M., & Shahhosseini, M. R. (2009). EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS IN TURBOCHARGER TURBINE AND COMPRESSOR. Experimental Techniques, 34(3), 54-67. doi:10.1111/j.1747-1567.2009.00542.xGalindo, J., Serrano, J. R., Guardiola, C., & Cervelló, C. (2006). Surge limit definition in a specific test bench for the characterization of automotive turbochargers. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 30(5), 449-462. doi:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2005.06.002Oakes, W. C., Lawless, P. B., Fagan, J. R., & Fleeter, S. (2002). High-Speed Centrifugal Compressor Surge Initiation Characterization. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 18(5), 1012-1018. doi:10.2514/2.6049Galindo, J., Serrano, J. R., Climent, H., & Tiseira, A. (2008). Experiments and modelling of surge in small centrifugal compressor for automotive engines. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 32(3), 818-826. doi:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2007.10.001Fink, D. A., Cumpsty, N. A., & Greitzer, E. M. (1992). Surge Dynamics in a Free-Spool Centrifugal Compressor System. Journal of Turbomachinery, 114(2), 321-332. doi:10.1115/1.2929146Greitzer, E. M. (1976). Surge and Rotating Stall in Axial Flow Compressors—Part II: Experimental Results and Comparison With Theory. Journal of Engineering for Power, 98(2), 199. doi:10.1115/1.3446139Gravdahl, J. T., & Egeland, O. (1999). Centrifugal compressor surge and speed control. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 7(5), 567-579. doi:10.1109/87.784420Kurz, R., & White, R. C. (2004). Surge Avoidance in Gas Compression Systems. Journal of Turbomachinery, 126(4), 501-506. doi:10.1115/1.1777577Engeda, A., Kim, Y., Aungier, R., & Direnzi, G. (2003). The Inlet Flow Structure of a Centrifugal Compressor Stage and Its Influence on the Compressor Performance. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 125(5), 779-785. doi:10.1115/1.1601255Galindo, J., Serrano, J. R., Margot, X., Tiseira, A., Schorn, N., & Kindl, H. (2007). Potential of flow pre-whirl at the compressor inlet of automotive engine turbochargers to enlarge surge margin and overcome packaging limitations. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 28(3), 374-387. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2006.06.002Galindo, J., Climent, H., Guardiola, C., & Tiseira, A. (2009). On the effect of pulsating flow on surge margin of small centrifugal compressors for automotive engines. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 33(8), 1163-1171. doi:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2009.07.006Payri, F., Galindo, J., Climent, H., & Guardiola, C. (2005). MEASUREMENT OF THE OIL CONSUMPTION OF AN AUTOMOTIVE TURBOCHARGER. Experimental Techniques, 29(5), 25-27. doi:10.1111/j.1747-1567.2005.tb00236.xHellstrom , F. Guillou , E. Gancedo , M. et al. Stall Development in a Ported Shroud Compressor Using PIV Measurements and Large Eddy Simulation SAE Paper 2010 10.4271/2010-01-018

    Supercritical fluid recycle for surge control of CO2 centrifugal compressors

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    AbstractThis paper presents computer-based design and analysis of control systems for centrifugal compressors when the operating fluid is supercritical CO2.It reports a non-linear dynamic model including a main forward compression line and two different configurations for the recycle antisurge line. Disturbance scenarios are proposed for testing the configurations and performance indicators are suggested to evaluate control performance and power consumption of the compression system.The paper demonstrates that compared to the hot recycle, the process configuration including a cold gas recycle has better overall stability, but higher power consumption and lower values for the control performance indicators. Based on the previous considerations, the paper gives suggestions regarding the choice of the recycle configuration. Moreover it compares subcritical and supercritical compression during surge prevention and highlights the importance of the selection of the gas recycle configuration when full recycle is needed

    A Framewrok of Prototype Compressor Impeller Auto-Test System

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    Bond graph modeling of centrifugal compression systems

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    A novel approach to model unsteady fluid dynamics in a compressor network by using a bond graph is presented. The model is intended in particular for compressor control system development. First, we develop a bond graph model of a single compression system. Bond graph modeling offers a different perspective to previous work by modeling the compression system based on energy flow instead of fluid dynamics. Analyzing the bond graph model explains the energy flow during compressor surge. Two principal solutions for compressor surge problem are identified: upstream energy injection and downstream energy dissipation. Both principal solutions are verified in bond graph modelings of single compression system equipped with a surge avoidance system (SAS) and single compression system equipped with an active control system. Moreover, the bond graph model of single compressor equipped with SAS is able to show the effect of recycling flow to the compressor upstream states which improves the current available model. The bond graph model of a single compression system is then used as the base model and combined to build compressor network models. Two compressor networks are modeled: serial compressors and parallel compressors. Simulation results show the surge conditions in both compressor networks.© SAGE. This is the authors’ accepted and refereed manuscript to the article

    Model based MIN/MAX override control of centrifugal compressor systems

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    We consider an application-oriented nonlinear control of centrifugal compressors. Industrial applications require the compressor system to adjust to variable process demands and to be restricted to the valid operation range (e.g. surge limit). We modify a compressor model of Gravdahl and Egeland to account for characteristic features of industrial compressors and combine the framework of nonlinear output regulation via the internal model principle with MIN/MAX-override control in order to implement trajectory tracking between given state constraints. Furthermore the switching scheme as well as the practical stability of the closed-loop MIMO system is analysed by the corresponding switched and impulsive error system. The override control is demonstrated by applying discharge pressure control, anti-surge control and maximum discharge pressure limitation

    Controlling an electrically assisted turbocharger

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    Tässä työssä tutkittiin LQR-menetelmän soveltuvuutta dieselmoottorin ahtopaineen säätöön sähköavusteisella turboahtimella. Työn tavoitteena oli tuottaa sähköturbon ohjaus, joka mahdollistaisi sähköturbollisen dieselmoottorin tutkimuskäytön moottoridynamometrissä. Säädön suunnitteluun käytettiin yksinkertaistettua kompressorimallia, jossa ainoana tilana on turboahtimen kulmataajuus. Kompressorin ja dieselmoottorin välisen imukanavan tuottamaa dynamiikkaa tai järjestelmän viiveitä ei säätösuunnittelussa huomioitu, sillä kohdejärjestelmässä ei ollut riittäviä mittauksia niiden tarkkaan estimointiin. Suunnittelumallin epälineaarisuuden takia LQR-menetelmällä laskettiin soveltuvat viritykset useisiin sähköturbon toimintapisteisiin, joita käytettiin turboahtimen kulmataajuuden ja imukanavan massavirran mukaan skeduloidussa tilasäätimessä. Ohjauksessa keskityttiin dieselmoottorin ahtopaineen hallintaan – sähköturbon energiankulutusta tai muita dieselmoottorin ilmajärjestelmän suureita ei otettu säädössä huomioon. Säätimen kehitystyön tueksi työssä kehitettiin myös dieselmoottorin ilmajärjestelmän simulaatiomalli Simulink-ympäristöön. Simulaattorissa käytettiin monimutkaisempaa 3-tilaista kompressorimallia, joka huomioi myös imukanavan pituudesta ja tilavuudesta aiheutuvan dynamiikan. Simulaattorin avulla tutkittiin kehitetyn säädön stabiiliutta ja suoritettiin tarvittava ohjelmistotestaus. Kehitettyä sähköturboa käyttävää ahtopaineen säädintä testattiin simulaattorin lisäksi myös oikealla dieselmoottorilla dynamometrissä. Kehitetyn säätimen todettiin omaavan riittävä suorituskyky sähköturbolla varustetun dieselmoottorin tutkimuskäyttöä varten. Järjestelmän havaittiin kuitenkin sisältävän merkittäviä viiveitä, jotka haittasivat säätimen suorituskykyä. Näistä huolimatta kehitetyllä säätimellä saavutettiin riittävä regulointikyky ja asetusarvon seurantakyky. Sähköturbon havaittiin mahdollistavan perinteiseen turboahtimeen verrattuna huomattavasti nopeammat dieselmoottorin kuormannostot etenkin matalilla kierrosluvuilla. Alhaisella kierrosluvulla suoritetussa kokeessa kuormannostoaika lyheni 8,5 sekunnista 1 sekuntiin käytettäessä sähköavustusta. Sähköturbon havaittiin myös mahdollistavan dieselmoottorin vääntömomentin kasvattamisen alhaisilla kierroksilla verrattuna samaan ahtimeen ilman sähköavustusta

    Sähköturbon ohjaus: Mallinnus ja säätö LQR menetelmällä

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    Tässä työssä tutkittiin LQR-menetelmän soveltuvuutta dieselmoottorin ahtopaineen säätöön sähköavusteisella turboahtimella. Työn tavoitteena oli tuottaa sähköturbon ohjaus, joka mahdollistaisi sähköturbollisen dieselmoottorin tutkimuskäytön moottoridynamometrissä. Säädön suunnitteluun käytettiin yksinkertaistettua kompressorimallia, jossa ainoana tilana on turboahtimen kulmataajuus. Kompressorin ja dieselmoottorin välisen imukanavan tuottamaa dynamiikkaa tai järjestelmän viiveitä ei säätösuunnittelussa huomioitu, sillä kohdejärjestelmässä ei ollut riittäviä mittauksia niiden tarkkaan estimointiin. Suunnittelumallin epälineaarisuuden takia LQR-menetelmällä laskettiin soveltuvat viritykset useisiin sähköturbon toimintapisteisiin, joita käytettiin turboahtimen kulmataajuuden ja imukanavan massavirran mukaan skeduloidussa tilasäätimessä. Ohjauksessa keskityttiin dieselmoottorin ahtopaineen hallintaan – sähköturbon energiankulutusta tai muita dieselmoottorin ilmajärjestelmän suureita ei otettu säädössä huomioon. Säätimen kehitystyön tueksi työssä kehitettiin myös dieselmoottorin ilmajärjestelmän simulaatiomalli Simulink-ympäristöön. Simulaattorissa käytettiin monimutkaisempaa 3-tilaista kompressorimallia, joka huomioi myös imukanavan pituudesta ja tilavuudesta aiheutuvan dynamiikan. Simulaattorin avulla tutkittiin kehitetyn säädön stabiiliutta ja suoritettiin tarvittava ohjelmistotestaus. Kehitettyä sähköturboa käyttävää ahtopaineen säädintä testattiin simulaattorin lisäksi myös oikealla dieselmoottorilla dynamometrissä. Kehitetyn säätimen todettiin omaavan riittävä suorituskyky sähköturbolla varustetun dieselmoottorin tutkimuskäyttöä varten. Järjestelmän havaittiin kuitenkin sisältävän merkittäviä viiveitä, jotka haittasivat säätimen suorituskykyä. Näistä huolimatta kehitetyllä säätimellä saavutettiin riittävä regulointikyky ja asetusarvon seurantakyky. Sähköturbon havaittiin mahdollistavan perinteiseen turboahtimeen verrattuna huomattavasti nopeammat dieselmoottorin kuormannostot etenkin matalilla kierrosluvuilla. Alhaisella kierrosluvulla suoritetussa kokeessa kuormannostoaika lyheni 8,5 sekunnista 1 sekuntiin käytettäessä sähköavustusta. Sähköturbon havaittiin myös mahdollistavan dieselmoottorin vääntömomentin kasvattamisen alhaisilla kierroksilla verrattuna samaan ahtimeen ilman sähköavustusta

    Performance analysis of deterministic, min-max and multi-stage NMPC applied to a subsea gas compression system

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    In recent years, subsea technologies have become more reliable. New projects emerged and an increase of investment in the area is expected in the following years. However, subsea installations are becoming more complex and smart decision making controllers are necessary to reduce operational costs and increase process reliability. Besides, the presence of uncertainties makes the development of controllers that can handle operation in an uncertain environment imperative. A prominent subsea technology is the subsea compression, which has been recently delivered in the North Sea. Åsgard eld compression system design was based on topside design. Therefore, surge avoidance strategy is necessary in order to operate without major issues in presence of disturbances and uncertainties. If surge occurs, compression system operation is strongly a ected, leading even to compressors breakage. Thus, in this work, Nonlinear Model Predictive Controls (NMPC), such as deterministic, o ine min-max and multi-stage were employed to a subsea compression system to evaluate controllers performance and closed-loop robustness in an environment with unknown disturbances a ecting upstream pressure. For performance assessment, indicators that consider set-point tracking, constraint violation, gas production, energy consumption, and production e ciency were employed. Deterministic NMPC was the most e cient controller, but constraint violation was detected. Although o ine min-max operation managed to handle constraint violation, it proved to be overly conservative. Multi-stage NMPC controller was able to also handle constraint violation, while being less conservative than o ine min-max NMPC.Recentemente, tecnologias subsea têm se tornado mais con áveis. Novos projetos foram elaborados e, nos próximos anos, um grande volume de investimentos é esperado na área. No entanto, instalações subsea têm se tornado cada vez mais complexas e controladores capazes de tomar decisões de forma inteligente são necessários para redução de custos e aumento da con abilidade. No entanto, devido à presença de incertezas em operações subsea, novos controladores capazes de operar em um ambiente incerto devem ser desenvolvidos. No Mar do Norte, uma tecnologia promissora de compressão subsea de gás começou recentemente a operar. No campo de Asgard, o projeto do sistema de compressão foi baseado em instalações topside. Devido a isso, estratégias anti-surge são necessárias para que o sistema possa operar sem maiores problemas frente à presença de perturbações e incertezas. Caso a operação entre em surge, o sistema de compressão pode ser afetado ocasionando a quebra do compressor. Devido a isso, foram avaliados o desempenho e a robustez de um sistema de compressão subsea quando controlado por um NMPC determinístico, o ine min-max e multi-estágio. Indicadores que levam em consideração o desempenho do controle de set-point, violação de restrições, produção de gás, consumo energético e e ciência na produção foram utilizados para avaliação dos controladores. O NMPC determinístico foi a solução mais e ciente, no entanto violações nas restrições foram detectadas. Apesar do controlador min-max conseguir impedir que restrições sejam violadas, ele teve um desempenho conservativo. Já o controlador NMPC multiestágio também conseguiu lidar com a restrição do processo, apresentando um desempenho menos conservativo que a solução NMPC o ine min-max