4,043 research outputs found

    Density Functional Theory for Hard Particles in N Dimensions

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    Recently it has been shown that the heuristic Rosenfeld functional derives from the virial expansion for particles which overlap in one center. Here, we generalize this approach to any number of intersections. Starting from the virial expansion in Ree-Hoover diagrams, it is shown in the first part that each intersection pattern defines exactly one infinite class of diagrams. Determining their automorphism groups, we sum over all its elements and derive a generic functional. The second part proves that this functional factorizes into a convolute of integral kernels for each intersection center. We derive this kernel for N dimensional particles in the N dimensional, flat Euclidean space. The third part focuses on three dimensions and determines the functionals for up to four intersection centers, comparing the leading order to Rosenfeld's result. We close by proving a generalized form of the Blaschke, Santalo, Chern equation of integral geometry.Comment: 2 figure

    Relay: A New IR for Machine Learning Frameworks

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    Machine learning powers diverse services in industry including search, translation, recommendation systems, and security. The scale and importance of these models require that they be efficient, expressive, and portable across an array of heterogeneous hardware devices. These constraints are often at odds; in order to better accommodate them we propose a new high-level intermediate representation (IR) called Relay. Relay is being designed as a purely-functional, statically-typed language with the goal of balancing efficient compilation, expressiveness, and portability. We discuss the goals of Relay and highlight its important design constraints. Our prototype is part of the open source NNVM compiler framework, which powers Amazon's deep learning framework MxNet

    Centers and homotopy centers in enriched monoidal categories

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    We consider a theory of centers and homotopy centers of monoids in monoidal categories which themselves are enriched in duoidal categories. Duoidal categories (introduced by Aguillar and Mahajan under the name 2-monoidal categories) are categories with two monoidal structures which are related by some, not necessary invertible, coherence morphisms. Centers of monoids in this sense include many examples which are not `classical.' In particular, the 2-category of categories is an example of a center in our sense. Examples of homotopy center (analogue of the classical Hochschild complex) include the Gray-category Gray of 2-categories, 2-functors and pseudonatural transformations and Tamarkin's homotopy 2-category of dg-categories, dg-functors and coherent dg-transformations.Comment: 52 page


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    We describe a general framework for notions of commutativity based on enriched category theory. We extend Eilenberg and Kelly's tensor product for categories enriched over a symmetric monoidal base to a tensor product for categories enriched over a normal duoidal category; using this, we re-find notions such as the commutativity of a finitary algebraic theory or a strong monad, the commuting tensor product of two theories, and the Boardman-Vogt tensor product of symmetric operads.Comment: 48 pages; final journal versio

    Berezin-Toeplitz Quantization and Star Products for Compact Kaehler Manifolds

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    For compact quantizable K\"ahler manifolds certain naturally defined star products and their constructions are reviewed. The presentation centers around the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization scheme which is explained. As star products the Berezin-Toeplitz, Berezin, and star product of geometric quantization are treated in detail. It is shown that all three are equivalent. A prominent role is played by the Berezin transform and its asymptotic expansion. A few ideas on two general constructions of star products of separation of variables type by Karabegov and by Bordemann--Waldmann respectively are given. Some of the results presented is work of the author partly joint with Martin Bordemann, Eckhard Meinrenken and Alexander Karabegov. At the end some works which make use of graphs in the construction and calculation of these star productsComment: 39 pages, Based on a talk presented in the frame of the Thematic Program on Quantization, Spring 2011, at the University of Notre Dame, USA. In the revised version some additional references are given in relation to the role of the metaplectic correction and quotients. Also now there is an additional section about applications and related reference
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