34 research outputs found

    Centers and isochronous centers for generalized quintic systems

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    Agraïments: The first author is partially supported by FEDER-UNAB10-4E-378. The third author has been supported by FCT (grant PTDC/MAT/117106/2010 and through CAMGSDgrant number PEst-OE/EEI/LA0009/2013)In this paper we classify the centers and the isochronous centers of certain polynomial differential systems in R2 of degree d ≥ 5 odd that incomplex notation can be written as z˙ = (λ + i)z + (zz¯)d−52 (Az5 + Bz4z¯ + Cz3z¯2 + Dz2z¯3 + Ezz¯4 + Fz¯5),where λ ∈ R and A, B, C, D, E, F ∈ C. Note that if d = 5 we obtain the full class of polynomial differential systems of the form a linear system with homogeneous polynomial nonlinearities of degree 5. Our study uses algorithms of computational algebra based on the Groebner basis theory and modular arithmetics for simplifying the computations

    Linearizability conditions of quasi-cubic systems

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    In this paper we study the linearizability problem of the two-dimensional complex quasi-cubic system z˙=z+(zw)d(a30z3+a21z2w+a12zw2+a03w3), w˙=−w−(zw)d(b30w3+b21w2z+b12wz2+b03z3)\dot{z}=z+(zw)^{d}(a_{30}z^{3}+a_{21}z^{2}w+a_{12}zw^2+a_{03}w^{3}),~\dot{w}=-w-(zw)^{d}(b_{30}w^{3}+b_{21}w^{2}z+b_{12}wz^2+b_{03}z^{3}), where z,w,aij,bij∈Cz, w, a_{ij}, b_{ij}\in \mathbb{C} and dd is a real number. We find a transformation to change the quasi-cubic system into an equivalent quintic system and then obtain the necessary and sufficient linearizability conditions by the Darboux linearization method or by proving the existence of linearizing transformations

    An Algorithmic Approach to Limit Cycles of Nonlinear Differential Systems: the Averaging Method Revisited

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    This paper introduces an algorithmic approach to the analysis of bifurcation of limit cycles from the centers of nonlinear continuous differential systems via the averaging method. We develop three algorithms to implement the averaging method. The first algorithm allows to transform the considered differential systems to the normal formal of averaging. Here, we restricted the unperturbed term of the normal form of averaging to be identically zero. The second algorithm is used to derive the computational formulae of the averaged functions at any order. The third algorithm is based on the first two algorithms that determines the exact expressions of the averaged functions for the considered differential systems. The proposed approach is implemented in Maple and its effectiveness is shown by several examples. Moreover, we report some incorrect results in published papers on the averaging method.Comment: Proc. 44th ISSAC, July 15--18, 2019, Beijing, Chin