8 research outputs found

    Terminologia e interculturalitĂ . Problematiche e prospettive

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    La terminologia contribuisce al consolidamento di patrimoni linguistici e culturali mentre la sua diffusione intra- e interlinguistica favorisce la costruzione di dialoghi interdisciplinari, evolvendo in parallelo a nuovi bisogni e contesti. Queste dinamiche si innestano nelle problematiche della comunicazione interculturale, tanto nelle pratiche dell’espressione quanto in quelle della traduzione interlinguistica. In questo volume, studiose e studiosi, specialiste e specialisti di terminologia presentano le loro riflessioni su queste tematiche, indagando la dimensione culturale e interculturale della ricerca terminologica e delle sue pratiche, interrogando tutti i fenomeni relativi all’incontro fra culture in atto nella realizzazione discorsiva di ambito specialistico. Tali riflessioni considerano ogni dimensione della testualità, fino agli spazi digitali, che offrono strumenti di analisi oltre i limiti della materialità, offrendo così un panorama ampio nel dibattito in corso, un terreno fertile per la verifica teorica alle questioni di ricerca in ambito terminologico

    Entre aspirations et contraintes: analyses du vécu de l'allaitement maternel chez les primipares au prisme des inégalités sociales

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    Cette thĂšse porte sur les inĂ©galitĂ©s dans le vĂ©cu de l’allaitement maternel. Elle vise Ă  : 1) Ă©tudier oĂč se situent les aspirations prĂ©natales d’allaitement des mĂšres et leurs rĂ©alitĂ©s postnatales; 2) explorer la maniĂšre dont les diffĂ©rences sociales peuvent façonner le vĂ©cu de l’allaitement maternel ; 3) saisir leur articulation. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, la collecte des donnĂ©es s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e en quatre volets : un suivi longitudinal du prĂ©natal au postnatal avec 20 femmes primipares; la tenue de journaux de bord par les mĂšres ; des entretiens semi-dirigĂ©s avec 21 professionnelles de l’allaitement ; de l’observation lors de cours prĂ©nataux et de soutien Ă  l’allaitement. Comme l’échantillon est composĂ© de mĂšres qui expĂ©rimentaient l’allaitement pour la premiĂšre fois, les Ă©carts entre l’imaginaire et le rĂ©el ont entraĂźnĂ© des dĂ©sillusions pour la totalitĂ© des participantes, et ce, Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux : 1) entre les aspirations initiales et les recommandations de la santĂ© publique (allaitement exclusif jusqu’à six mois et poursuite jusqu’à deux ans et plus) ; 2) entre les aspirations des mĂšres et les rĂ©alitĂ©s d’allaitement ; 3) entre la conception normĂ©e d’un allaitement dit « rĂ©ussi » selon les recommandations de la santĂ© publique et cette mĂȘme conception telle que vĂ©cue par les femmes. Ensemble, le vĂ©cu des mĂšres et l’expĂ©rience des professionnelles permettent de montrer qu’en rĂ©alitĂ©, ce sont les interactions constituant la positionnalitĂ© des femmes qui « contraignent » l’allaitement. Ils contraignent dans les deux sens du terme : pour le limiter ou au contraire pour le rendre moralement obligatoire. L’analyse du discours des participantes rend compte du fait que ces contraintes Ă  l’allaitement sont inĂ©galement distribuĂ©es et se basent principalement sur des rapports sociaux de sexe/genre, d’ethnicitĂ©, de classe, d’immigration et de « race ». Finalement, une tendance Ă©merge parmi les professionnelles de l’allaitement rencontrĂ©es, la majoritĂ© estimant qu’elles font varier leurs pratiques en fonction de la clientĂšle, que cette diffĂ©renciation est nĂ©cessaire et que d’y arriver est un motif de fiertĂ©. Si les catĂ©gorisations ont tendance Ă  exagĂ©rer l’homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des groupes et Ă  produire des stĂ©rĂ©otypes, elles ont Ă©galement des effets concrets sur les services. Cette thĂšse permet de mieux comprendre l’ambivalence au cƓur de l’expĂ©rience de l’allaitement ainsi que les rapports complexes qu’ont les mĂšres avec les recommandations de la santĂ© publique, la promotion de l’allaitement et les professionnelles de l’allaitement.This thesis examines diversity and inequalities in breastfeeding experiences. It seeks to: 1) understand how mothers’ initial breastfeeding aspirations compare with their post-birth realities; 2) explore how inequalities related to gender, “race”, class, and immigrant status influence breastfeeding experiences from the perspective of both mothers and breastfeeding professionals; and 3) capture how mothers articulate and make sense of their diverse experiences . In this study, four data collection techniques were used: longitudinal semi-structured interviews with 20 first-time mothers conducted when they were pregnant and then approximately six months after the birth of their child; documentary analysis of maternal diaries; semi-structured interviews of 21 breastfeeding professionals; and observation during prenatal classes and breastfeeding support sessions. As the sample is composed of women attempting breastfeeding for the first time, many women felt disillusioned by three types of discrepancies they felt between what they imagined breastfeeding would be and the reality of their experiences: 1) between the initial aspirations and recommendations of public health and medical literature; 2) between their own expectations and their lived realities of breastfeeding; and 3) between the standardized conceptions of successful breastfeeding experiences according to public health recommendations and the concept of success as experienced by the women. Further, the data from both mothers and breastfeeding professionals demonstrate that constraints on breastfeeding are unevenly distributed and founded mainly on social relations such as sex, gender, ethnicity, class, immigration, and race. This study also discovered a tendency among breastfeeding professionals to pride themselves on their ability to differentiate between their clientele on the basis of these categories. While sometimes appropriate, these classifications tend to exaggerate the homogeneity of subgroups, relying on and reproducing stereotypes. An important implication of this is that such practices lead to substantial differences in the services rendered by these professionals. Overall, this thesis provides a better understanding of the ambivalence at the center of the breastfeeding experience and the complex relationships mothers undertake with public health recommendations, the promotion or encouragement of the act of breastfeeding and breastfeeding professionals

    Douanes et gouvernement de la sécurité : étudier le policing et le champ de la sécurité par ses marges

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    Traditionnellement, les Etats contemporains s'appuient sur la police et l'armĂ©e qui constituent des secteurs et des instruments d'action publique bien identifiĂ©s pour assurer leur sĂ©curitĂ© Ă  la fois dans ses dimensions intĂ©rieures et extĂ©rieures. NĂ©anmoins, en focalisant leur attention sur les secteurs militaire et policier, les recherches ont trĂšs souvent omis de prendre en considĂ©ration d'autres dimensions organisationnelles et d’autres secteurs d'action publique qui ont pourtant jouĂ© un rĂŽle, sans doute moins directement identifiable, mais nĂ©anmoins fondamental en la matiĂšre. Le secteur douanier relĂšve de cette catĂ©gorie. Souvent apprĂ©hendĂ© et rĂ©duit Ă  sa fonction de protection Ă©conomique, le secteur douanier a Ă©tĂ© pourtant largement mobilisĂ© dans le gouvernement de la sĂ©curitĂ©. A partir d'une analyse principalement socio-gĂ©nĂ©tique et comparative (en articulant Ă©chelles nationale, europĂ©enne et globale), on se propose d'approfondir cette problĂ©matique en montrant comment le secteur douanier a Ă©tĂ© instrumentĂ© dans la redĂ©finition des modes de gouvernement de la sĂ©curitĂ© par les Etats et les ensembles politiques et Ă©conomiques rĂ©gionaux au cours de ces trente derniĂšres annĂ©es. Cette approche cherche ainsi Ă  contribuer Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension des assemblages de sĂ©curitĂ© et Ă  celle de la construction du champ de la sĂ©curitĂ©. En mettant l’accent sur la transformation des rationalitĂ©s et des rĂ©fĂ©rentiels de contrĂŽle des flux transnationaux, et sur les hybridations entre secteurs douaniers et policiers, on montrera comment les douanes ont Ă©tĂ© et se sont « policiarisĂ©es » sans nĂ©anmoins abandonner leur autonomie organisationnelle et sectorielle.Traditionally, contemporary states rely on the police and the military, which are wellidentified sectors and policy instruments to ensure their security in both internal and external dimensions. However, by focusing their attention on the military and police sectors, political science researchers have very often failed to consider other organizational dimensions and other policy areas that have played a role, perhaps less directly identifiable, but nevertheless fundamental in this area. The customs are part from this category. Often apprehended and reduced to its function of economic protection, the customs sector was nevertheless widely mobilized in the government of security. Based on a predominantly socio-genetic and comparative analysis (articulating national, European and global scales), our work wants to explore this issue further by showing how the customs sector has been an instrument in redefining the governance of security implemented by States and regional political and economic groups over the last thirty years. Our approach seeks to contribute to a better understanding of security assemblages and the construction of the field of security. By focusing on the transformation of customs rationalities and reference standards for controlling transnational flows and on the hybridization between customs and police sectors, we will show how customs have been "policiarized" without nevertheless giving up their organizational and sectoral autonomy

    Altérités dans l'expatriation lointaine : dialogisme des imaginaires collectifs et des discours individuels

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    In a postcolonial context, this research looks into the itineraries of French expatriates, from a former colonial empire, in Malaysia, a former British colony. The autobiographical discourses of the French expatriates, blogs, research writings and research interviews, are analyzed in terms of the articulation between individual experiences and collective representations, interrogating how experiencing alterity, as well as writing or speaking about it, participates in the construction of identities. The discourse analysis is dialogical and takes in consideration a larger field of discourses: the centuries‐long orientalist discourse as theorized by Bill Ashcroft, Tzvetan Todorov or Edward Said. Critical discourse analysis defines this research from a methodological standpoint as well as in its aims: it focuses upon a social problem (as well as individual and personal) which has a semiotic aspect, to produce knowledge which can lead to emancipatory change. With this aim, the analysis focuses upon the contexts (postcolonialism, orientalism and modern mobilities) and the dialogisms, as well as the corpus discourses. The critical and interdiscursive analysis aims to question the order of discourse, its hegemony and prescriptive value. The knowledge hence produced can lead to emancipatory change in the postcolonial discourse on alterity and identities.Cette recherche Ă©tudie les parcours d’expatriĂ©s français dans le cadre postcolonial de mobilitĂ©s françaises, un ancien empire colonial en Asie du Sud‐Est, en Malaisie, une ancienne colonie britannique. La parole et en particulier la parole autobiographique sur l’expĂ©rience de la mobilitĂ© lointaine et de l’altĂ©ritĂ© y est analysĂ©e avec une focalisation sur l’articulation entre discours individuels et collectifs, et le rĂŽle de l’expĂ©rience de l’altĂ©ritĂ© dans la construction des identitĂ©s. L’analyse de la parole d’expatriĂ©s français, plurilitteraciĂ©e et collectĂ©e sous forme de rĂ©cits Ă©crits, d’entretiens de recherche et de blogs, fait l’objet d’une analyse interdiscursive. Le champ discursif concernĂ© est dĂ©limitĂ© et caractĂ©risĂ© grĂące aux analyses existantes sur le discours plurisĂ©culaire de l’Occident sur l’Orient, telles que celles proposĂ©es par des auteurs comme Bill Ashcroft, Tzvetan Todorov ou Edward Said. Du point de vue mĂ©thodologique, l’approche proposĂ©e par l’analyse discursive critique a inspirĂ© la dĂ©marche et les objectifs de cette recherche : il s’agit d’identifier une problĂ©matique sociale (et aussi individuelle, ou intime) d’ordre sĂ©miotique sur laquelle la connaissance produite aura valeur Ă©mancipatoire. Afin de rĂ©pondre Ă  cette injonction critique, l’analyse porte sur le contexte de production des discours (le territoire colonisĂ© ou postcolonisĂ©, le voyage lointain d’ouest en est, le discours francophone lettrĂ©), les relations dialogiques de ce discours, le discours lui‐mĂȘme linguistiquement et structuralement. L’analyse critique interdiscursive permet d’en mettre en question le pouvoir normatif et la potentielle valeur prescriptive. Cette connaissance produite pourra avoir la valeur Ă©mancipatoire de considĂ©rer la possibilitĂ© de l’émergence d’un discours progressiste sur l’expĂ©rience de l’altĂ©ritĂ© dans la construction des identitĂ©s

    La racialisation en urgence : représentations et pratiques des professionnels hospitaliers à l'égard des patients présumés roms (2009-2012)

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    This doctoral research analyses the representations and practices of Ile-de-France’s hospitalprofessionals towards patients they identify as Roma. Based on an ethnography of administrativeencounters, it examines the moral boundaries of the racial categorisation process implemented duringpatient-provider relationships beginning with patient admission. The analysis reveals the superpositionof professional boundaries upon moral and racial boundaries drawn by healthcare professionals, andthe different professional uses they make of the racialisation process. The observation of daily uses ofracialisation during patient-provider relationships, interactions at the health service level and at theinstitutional level not only proves the link between agents’ racial representations and racialdiscrimination towards users, but also demonstrates how this pattern is reinforced by the objective ofprofitability imposed on healthcare institutions by new public management reforms.Cette recherche doctorale est consacrĂ©e Ă  l’analyse des reprĂ©sentations et des pratiques mises en oeuvrepar les professionnels hospitaliers d’établissements franciliens Ă  l’égard de patients qu’ils identifientcomme roms. S’appuyant sur une ethnographie de la relation de guichet, elle propose une Ă©tude desfrontiĂšres morales qui fondent le processus de catĂ©gorisation raciale mis en oeuvre lors de la prise encharge de ces patients. Cette analyse rĂ©vĂšle la superposition de frontiĂšres professionnelles auxfrontiĂšres raciales et morales tracĂ©es par les enquĂȘtĂ©s, exposant ainsi diffĂ©rents usages professionnelsdu processus de racialisation des usagers. L’observation des usages quotidiens de la racialisation lorsde la relation de soin, de la prise en charge par les services et de l’accueil dans les Ă©tablissements desantĂ© dĂ©montre, non seulement l’existence d’une corrĂ©lation entre reprĂ©sentations racialisantes ettraitements diffĂ©rentiels des usagers, mais Ă©galement le renforcement de cette tendance parl’imposition, via des rĂ©formes hospitaliĂšres inspirĂ©es du nouveau management public, d’objectifs derentabilitĂ© financiĂšre aux institutions de santĂ©

    L’infirmiĂšre, la pratique de soin et la nĂ©gociation : ethnographie des suivis postnatals Ă  domicile en milieu multiethnique Ă  MontrĂ©al

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    Cette thèse porte sur les interactions entre infirmières et usagères lors des suivis postnatals à domicile. À partir d’une enquête ethnographique réalisée sur le territoire de Bordeaux- Cartierville-Saint-Laurent à Montréal, je montre la façon dont les infirmières « négocient » leur pratique de soin. Ces « négociations » permettent l’accomplissement du mandat infirmier quelque soient les manifestations de la différence, à l’intersection de la rencontre entre la culture professionnelle infirmière et la culture profane de l’usagère. À partir d’une littérature de la sociologie des professions et de la sociologie de la santé et d’un cadre théorique construit autour du concept de négociation, cette étude montre que c’est principalement en modulant leur rapport aux normes de la santé publique que les infirmières parviennent à négocier leur pratique et ainsi à répondre aux besoins des populations qu’elles rencontrent. Cinq formes de négociation se dégagent : la négociation par coopération, par compromis, par détachement, par adaptation typifiée et par coercition. Faire le récit de ces différentes formes de négociation permet d’expliquer comment les infirmières concrétisent leur mandat infirmier alors qu’elles sont en interaction avec des usagères qui ne partagent pas les valeurs de prévention et de promotion des « saines habitudes de vie » proposées par la santé publique du Québec.This thesis is an analysis of the interactions between nurses and service users in the context of post-natal home monitoring. Based on an ethnographic study I conducted in Montreal (Bordeaux-Cartierville-Saint-Laurent), I have defined how nurses negotiate care practice with their service users. These ‘‘negotiations’’ permit them to fulfill their mandate even with the manifestation of difference that can arise between the nurse’s professional and the service users’ profane culture. The theoretical framework that I have built around the concept of negotiation is also supported by sociological literature on profession and health. In order to cater to the service users’ needs, the nurses inherently modulate their relationship to the public health norms. Five types of negotiation have resulted form this study: Cooperation, Compromise, Detachment, Typified Adaptation and Coercion. This narrative of these different forms of negotiation tells us how nurses manage to fulfil their mandate with the service users who do not subscribe to the Quebec public health prevention and promotion of healthy living values

    Une histoire de la chimie atmosphérique globale: Enjeux disciplinaires et d'expertise de la Couche d'ozone et du Changement climatique

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    Until now, the history of environmental sciences has not extensively documented the input of atmospheric chemists, who formalize the chemical reactions that take place in the atmosphere. This PhD dissertation focuses on chemistry of the global atmosphere. Atmospheric chemistry has been in the heart of the expertise on the anthropogenic destruction of the ozone layer from 1970 on. Since the end of the 1980s, atmospheric chemists have also taken part in the writing of the IPCC reports. They have also contributed to the more holistic works on the “Earth system”. Combining different approaches for studying sciences and techniques, this PhD dissertation writes a "social" history of the academic field on chemistry of the global atmosphere since the 1920s. Our narrative is mainly focused on the evolution of the scientific practices of chemistry of the global atmosphere, on social and disciplinary changes, and on the new types of expertise that have emerged within the field. The author mainly concentrates on three "moments": the first two decades of the Coldwar; the “environmental(ist) turn” of atmospheric sciences in the 1970s and 80s; the climate change governance.L’histoire des sciences de l’environnement a, jusqu’à prĂ©sent, peu documentĂ© l’apport des chimistes de l’atmosphĂšre, qui formalisent les rĂ©actions chimiques se produisant au sein de l’atmosphĂšre. Cette thĂšse porte spĂ©cifiquement sur la chimie atmosphĂ©rique globale. La chimie de l’atmosphĂšre a Ă©tĂ© au centre de l’expertise sur la destruction anthropique de la couche d’ozone Ă  partir de 1970. Les chimistes de l’atmosphĂšre ont Ă©galement participĂ© Ă  l’élaboration des rapports du GIEC (Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l'Ă©volution du climat) Ă  partir de la fin des annĂ©es 1980, ainsi qu’à des travaux au sein de la science dite « du systĂšme Terre ». En combinant diffĂ©rentes approches de l’étude des sciences et des techniques, ce mĂ©moire de thĂšse fait une histoire "sociale" du champ d’étude sur la chimie atmosphĂ©rique globale depuis les annĂ©es 1920. Le cƓur du rĂ©cit porte sur l’évolution des pratiques scientifiques de la chimie atmosphĂ©rique globale, les reconfigurations disciplinaires et sociales, et l’apparition de nouvelles formes d’expertise et de figures d’expert propres Ă  ce champ d’étude. L’auteur examine dans le dĂ©tail trois "moments": les deux premiĂšres dĂ©cennies de la Guerre froide ; le "tournant environnemental(iste)" des sciences de l’atmosphĂšre dans les annĂ©es 1970- 80 ; la gouvernance du changement climatique

    Comprendre la société-Monde par ses enjeux et ses acteurs:l'implication de l'entreprise Lafarge dans la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA

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    The aim of this thesis is to understand the World as a full-fledged object, namely as the space of a society. This objective is at the same time necessary and problematic. It is necessary because the sudden end of the Cold War entailed the need of new conceptual frameworks to understand the World without the confrontation of two ideological blocs. In parallel, the acceleration of globalization based on transnational and reticular processes profoundly questioned the apportionment of the World in territories and the classical distinction between the national and international spheres. This phenomenon also brought about the emergence of social issues (such as AIDS and climate change) and of non-state actors (such as globalized companies and Non-Governmental Organizations) which cannot be understood without taking into account their global dimension. Faced with these profound changes, it is important to be able to apprehend the World in its global dimension, going beyond its economic aspects. The so-called Global society model, which considers the existence of a global society as a possible option, allows this. However, the methodological nationalism – on which social sciences were based and according to which each society is necessarily linked with a territory, a State and a nation – makes it difficult to use this model to understand the World. Social sciences concepts, theories and methods were developed to conceive the World as a sum of objects (i.e. states, civilizations) and not as a full-fledged object. To go beyond this limit, the approach of this thesis is to apprehend the World through its issues and actors. In particular, I tried to understand if, and how, the involvement of the Lafarge company in the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic between 2002 and 2005 contributed to the development of a global society. Through the results of participant observation and an analysis of non-directive interviews with managers from Lafarge who were involved in the development of the company's AIDS program, I identified three main contributions to the emergence of a global society. First, the company contributed to the social construction of the AIDS epidemic as a global issue : in particular, the global approach the company adopted to deal with the AIDS epidemic was notably different from its traditional modus operandi in the field of social responsibility based on a local and decentralized approach. In addition, through its decision to provide its employees, their families and sometimes local communities with antiretroviral treatments in certain circumstances, the company participated in global controversies on cost-effectiveness of triple therapy, use of generic drugs and health as a global public good. Second, Lafarge's AIDS program contributed to reinforce the global dimension of the group, mainly by providing the power of the corporate with legitimacy, but also by contributing to the development of a global identity and by promoting interactions among subsidiaries. Third, the company contributed to building a global political arena, in particular through its interactions with a series of other global actors belonging to the same responsibility community. These interactions created legitimacy, transparency, institutions and norms at the global level, contributing to the emergence of a transnational deliberative arena. This thesis thus shows that it is possible to view the world as a full-fledged object and to overcome methodological nationalism by studying transnational objects, such as a globalized company and a global issue. It shows that Lafarge's involvement in the fight against AIDS contributes to the emergence of a global societal reference with a strong political dimension