73 research outputs found

    Knowledge Representation and WordNets

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    Knowledge itself is a representation of “real facts”. Knowledge is a logical model that presents facts from “the real world” witch can be expressed in a formal language. Representation means the construction of a model of some part of reality. Knowledge representation is contingent to both cognitive science and artificial intelligence. In cognitive science it expresses the way people store and process the information. In the AI field the goal is to store knowledge in such way that permits intelligent programs to represent information as nearly as possible to human intelligence. Knowledge Representation is referred to the formal representation of knowledge intended to be processed and stored by computers and to draw conclusions from this knowledge. Examples of applications are expert systems, machine translation systems, computer-aided maintenance systems and information retrieval systems (including database front-ends).knowledge, representation, ai models, databases, cams

    GenLeNa: Sistema para la construcción de Aplicaciones de Generación de Lenguaje Natural

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    In this article the proposal is made for the division of the process of construction of natural language generation (NLG) systems into two stages: content planning (CP), which is dependent on the mastery of the application to be developed, and document structuring (DS). This division allows people who are not expert in NLG to develop natural language generation systems, concentrating on building abstract representations of the information to be communicated (called messages). Specific architecture for the DS stage is also presented. This enables NLG researchers to work ortogonally on specific techniques and methodologies for the conversion of messages into text which is grammatically and syntactically correct.En este artículo se propone la división del proceso de construcción de sistemas de Generación de Lenguajes Natural (GLN) en dos etapas: planificación del contenido (EPC), que es dependiente del dominio de la aplicación a desarrollar, y estructuración del documento (EED). Esta división permite que personas no expertas en GLN puedan desarrollar sistemas de generación de lenguajes natural enfocándose en construir representaciones abstractas de la información que se desea comunicar (denominadas mensajes). Adicionalmente se presenta una arquitectura específica para la etapa EED que permite a investigadores en GLN trabajar ortogonalmente en técnicas y metodologías específicas para la transformación de los mensajes en texto gramatical y sintácticamente correcto

    Lexical Choice in Natural Language Generation

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    In this paper we survey the issue of lexical choice in natural language generation. We first define lexical choice as the choice of open-class lexical items (whether phrasal patterns or individual words) appropriate to express the content units of the utterance being generated in a given situation of enunciation. We then distinguish between five major classes of constraints on lexical choice: grammatical, inter-lexical, encyclopedic, interpersonal and discursive. For each class we review how they have been represented and used in existing generators. We conclude by pointing out the common limitations of these generators with respect to lexical choice as well as some directions for future research in the field

    Complexity of Lexical Descriptions and its Relevance to Partial Parsing

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    In this dissertation, we have proposed novel methods for robust parsing that integrate the flexibility of linguistically motivated lexical descriptions with the robustness of statistical techniques. Our thesis is that the computation of linguistic structure can be localized if lexical items are associated with rich descriptions (supertags) that impose complex constraints in a local context. However, increasing the complexity of descriptions makes the number of different descriptions for each lexical item much larger and hence increases the local ambiguity for a parser. This local ambiguity can be resolved by using supertag co-occurrence statistics collected from parsed corpora. We have explored these ideas in the context of Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) framework wherein supertag disambiguation provides a representation that is an almost parse. We have used the disambiguated supertag sequence in conjunction with a lightweight dependency analyzer to compute noun groups, verb groups, dependency linkages and even partial parses. We have shown that a trigram-based supertagger achieves an accuracy of 92.1‰ on Wall Street Journal (WSJ) texts. Furthermore, we have shown that the lightweight dependency analysis on the output of the supertagger identifies 83‰ of the dependency links accurately. We have exploited the representation of supertags with Explanation-Based Learning to improve parsing effciency. In this approach, parsing in limited domains can be modeled as a Finite-State Transduction. We have implemented such a system for the ATIS domain which improves parsing eciency by a factor of 15. We have used the supertagger in a variety of applications to provide lexical descriptions at an appropriate granularity. In an information retrieval application, we show that the supertag based system performs at higher levels of precision compared to a system based on part-of-speech tags. In an information extraction task, supertags are used in specifying extraction patterns. For language modeling applications, we view supertags as syntactically motivated class labels in a class-based language model. The distinction between recursive and non-recursive supertags is exploited in a sentence simplification application

    Generation of multilingual ontology lexica with M-ATOLL : a corpus-based approach for the induction of ontology lexica

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    Walter S. Generation of multilingual ontology lexica with M-ATOLL : a corpus-based approach for the induction of ontology lexica. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2017.There is an increasing interest in providing common web users with access to structured knowledge bases such as DBpedia, for example by means of question answering systems. All such question answering systems have in common that they have to map a natural language input, be it spoken or written, to a formal representation in order to extract the correct answer from the target knowledge base. This is also the case for systems which generate natural language text from a given knowledge base. The main challenge is how to map natural language (spoken or written) to structured data and vice versa. To this end, question answering systems require knowledge about how the vocabulary elements used in the available datasets are verbalized in natural language, covering different verbalization variants. Multilinguality of course increases the complexity of this challenge. In this thesis we introduce M-ATOLL, a framework for automatically inducing ontology lexica in multiple languages, to find such verbalization variants. We have instantiated the system for three languages, English, German and Spanish, by exploiting a set of language-specific dependency patterns for finding lexicalizations in text corpora. Additionally, we extended our framework to extract complex adjective lexicalizations with a machine-learning-based approach. M-ATOLL is the first open-source and multilingual approach for the generation of ontology lexica. In this thesis we present grammatical patterns for three different languages, on which the extraction of lexicalization relies. We provide an analysis of these patterns as well as a comparison with those proposed by other state-of-the-art systems. Additionally, we present a detailed evaluation comparing the different approaches with different settings on a publicly available goldstandard, and discuss their potential and limitations

    Semantic data set construction from human clustering and spatial arrangement

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    Abstract Research into representation learning models of lexical semantics usually utilizes some form of intrinsic evaluation to ensure that the learned representations reflect human semantic judgments. Lexical semantic similarity estimation is a widely used evaluation method, but efforts have typically focused on pairwise judgments of words in isolation, or are limited to specific contexts and lexical stimuli. There are limitations with these approaches that either do not provide any context for judgments, and thereby ignore ambiguity, or provide very specific sentential contexts that cannot then be used to generate a larger lexical resource. Furthermore, similarity between more than two items is not considered. We provide a full description and analysis of our recently proposed methodology for large-scale data set construction that produces a semantic classification of a large sample of verbs in the first phase, as well as multi-way similarity judgments made within the resultant semantic classes in the second phase. The methodology uses a spatial multi-arrangement approach proposed in the field of cognitive neuroscience for capturing multi-way similarity judgments of visual stimuli. We have adapted this method to handle polysemous linguistic stimuli and much larger samples than previous work. We specifically target verbs, but the method can equally be applied to other parts of speech. We perform cluster analysis on the data from the first phase and demonstrate how this might be useful in the construction of a comprehensive verb resource. We also analyze the semantic information captured by the second phase and discuss the potential of the spatially induced similarity judgments to better reflect human notions of word similarity. We demonstrate how the resultant data set can be used for fine-grained analyses and evaluation of representation learning models on the intrinsic tasks of semantic clustering and semantic similarity. In particular, we find that stronger static word embedding methods still outperform lexical representations emerging from more recent pre-training methods, both on word-level similarity and clustering. Moreover, thanks to the data set’s vast coverage, we are able to compare the benefits of specializing vector representations for a particular type of external knowledge by evaluating FrameNet- and VerbNet-retrofitted models on specific semantic domains such as “Heat” or “Motion.”</jats:p

    Harnessing sense-level information for semantically augmented knowledge extraction

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    Nowadays, building accurate computational models for the semantics of language lies at the very core of Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. A first and foremost step in this respect consists in moving from word-based to sense-based approaches, in which operating explicitly at the level of word senses enables a model to produce more accurate and unambiguous results. At the same time, word senses create a bridge towards structured lexico-semantic resources, where the vast amount of available machine-readable information can help overcome the shortage of annotated data in many languages and domains of knowledge. This latter phenomenon, known as the knowledge acquisition bottlneck, is a crucial problem that hampers the development of large-scale, data-driven approaches for many Natural Language Processing tasks, especially when lexical semantics is directly involved. One of these tasks is Information Extraction, where an effective model has to cope with data sparsity, as well as with lexical ambiguity that can arise at the level of both arguments and relational phrases. Even in more recent Information Extraction approaches where semantics is implicitly modeled, these issues have not yet been addressed in their entirety. On the other hand, however, having access to explicit sense-level information is a very demanding task on its own, which can rarely be performed with high accuracy on a large scale. With this in mind, in ths thesis we will tackle a two-fold objective: our first focus will be on studying fully automatic approaches to obtain high-quality sense-level information from textual corpora; then, we will investigate in depth where and how such sense-level information has the potential to enhance the extraction of knowledge from open text. In the first part of this work, we will explore three different disambiguation scenar- ios (semi-structured text, parallel text, and definitional text) and devise automatic disambiguation strategies that are not only capable of scaling to different corpus sizes and different languages, but that actually take advantage of a multilingual and/or heterogeneous setting to improve and refine their performance. As a result, we will obtain three sense-annotated resources that, when tested experimentally with a baseline system in a series of downstream semantic tasks (i.e. Word Sense Disam- biguation, Entity Linking, Semantic Similarity), show very competitive performances on standard benchmarks against both manual and semi-automatic competitors. In the second part we will instead focus on Information Extraction, with an emphasis on Open Information Extraction (OIE), where issues like sparsity and lexical ambiguity are especially critical, and study how to exploit at best sense-level information within the extraction process. We will start by showing that enforcing a deeper semantic analysis in a definitional setting enables a full-fledged extraction pipeline to compete with state-of-the-art approaches based on much larger (but noisier) data. We will then demonstrate how working at the sense level at the end of an extraction pipeline is also beneficial: indeed, by leveraging sense-based techniques, very heterogeneous OIE-derived data can be aligned semantically, and unified with respect to a common sense inventory. Finally, we will briefly shift the focus to the more constrained setting of hypernym discovery, and study a sense-aware supervised framework for the task that is robust and effective, even when trained on heterogeneous OIE-derived hypernymic knowledge

    Designing Service-Oriented Chatbot Systems Using a Construction Grammar-Driven Natural Language Generation System

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    Service oriented chatbot systems are used to inform users in a conversational manner about a particular service or product on a website. Our research shows that current systems are time consuming to build and not very accurate or satisfying to users. We find that natural language understanding and natural language generation methods are central to creating an e�fficient and useful system. In this thesis we investigate current and past methods in this research area and place particular emphasis on Construction Grammar and its computational implementation. Our research shows that users have strong emotive reactions to how these systems behave, so we also investigate the human computer interaction component. We present three systems (KIA, John and KIA2), and carry out extensive user tests on all of them, as well as comparative tests. KIA is built using existing methods, John is built with the user in mind and KIA2 is built using the construction grammar method. We found that the construction grammar approach performs well in service oriented chatbots systems, and that users preferred it over other systems