2,796 research outputs found

    Mind the Gap: Another look at the problem of the semantic gap in image retrieval

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    This paper attempts to review and characterise the problem of the semantic gap in image retrieval and the attempts being made to bridge it. In particular, we draw from our own experience in user queries, automatic annotation and ontological techniques. The first section of the paper describes a characterisation of the semantic gap as a hierarchy between the raw media and full semantic understanding of the media's content. The second section discusses real users' queries with respect to the semantic gap. The final sections of the paper describe our own experience in attempting to bridge the semantic gap. In particular we discuss our work on auto-annotation and semantic-space models of image retrieval in order to bridge the gap from the bottom up, and the use of ontologies, which capture more semantics than keyword object labels alone, as a technique for bridging the gap from the top down

    Efficient Information Retrieval for Software Bug Localization

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    Software systems are often shipped with defects. When a bug is reported, developers use the information available in the associated report to locate source code fragments that need to be modified to fix the bug. However, as software systems evolve in size and complexity, bug localization can become a tedious and time-consuming process. Contemporary bug localization tools utilize Information Retrieval (IR) methods for automated support to minimize the manual effort. IR methods exploit the textual content of bug reports to capture and rank relevant buggy source files. However, for an IR-based bug localization tool to be useful, it must achieve adequate retrieval accuracy. Lower precision and recall can leave developers with large amounts of incorrect information to wade through. Motivated by these observations, in this dissertation, we propose a new paradigm of information-theoretic IR methods to support bug localization tasks in software systems. These methods exploit the co-occurrence patterns of code terms in software systems to reveal latent semantic information that other methods often fail to capture. We further investigate the impact of combining various IR methods on the retrieval accuracy of bug localization engines. The main assumption is that different IR methods, targeting different dimensions of similarity between software artifacts, can enhance the confidence in each other\u27s results. Furthermore, we propose a novel approach for enhancing the performance of IR-enabled bug localization methods in the context of Open-Source Software (OSS). The proposed approach exploits knowledge from previously resolved bugs to help localize new bugs. Our analysis uses multiple datasets generated for multiple open-source and closed source projects. Our results show that a) information-theoretic IR methods can significantly outperform classical IR methods in bug localization tasks, b) optimized IR-hybrids can significantly outperform individual IR methods, and near-optimal global configurations can be determined for different combinations of IR methods, and c) information extracted from previously resolved bug reports can significantly enhance the accuracy of IR-enabled bug localization methods in OSS

    Predicting Cost/Reliability/Maintainability of Advanced General Aviation Avionics Equipment

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    A methodology is provided for assisting NASA in estimating the cost, reliability, and maintenance (CRM) requirements for general avionics equipment operating in the 1980's. Practical problems of predicting these factors are examined. The usefulness and short comings of different approaches for modeling coast and reliability estimates are discussed together with special problems caused by the lack of historical data on the cost of maintaining general aviation avionics. Suggestions are offered on how NASA might proceed in assessing cost reliability CRM implications in the absence of reliable generalized predictive models

    Comparison of China and Japan’s Economic Development in the Semiconductor Industry

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    While Japan marked its success in surpassing the U.S. to dominate the semiconductor industry in 1986, the Chinese semiconductor industry transformed from a small sector into a global competitor. This thesis tracks and compares the developmental histories of this industry between China and Japan and analyzes the differences in government policy, economic systems, comparative advantage and trade policy in both countries, in order to ascertain the two countries’ industrial development strategies and governments’ impacts on the semiconductor industry. This analysis finds that Japan’s development strategy targeted a knowledge- and capitalintensive industry (semiconductor industry, in this case) by providing preferential assistances while deliberately keeping that market protected from foreign competitions to ensure that the industry had a high volume and a profitable base. When the Japanese achieved the economy of scale and cost competitiveness and gained enough production experiences, Japan expanded the market share by aggressive pricing and ultimately dominated the foreign market. On the other hand, China’s development strategy went from a protectionist strategy in a command economy—learning from the Japanese model—which focused on cultivating large stateowned enterprises to be national champions and protecting the market from foreign competition, to an export-oriented strategy in a relatively more market-oriented economy which encouraged foreign investment and leveraged China’s labor-abundant comparative advantage by cooperating with foreign firms

    Automation tools for demonstration of goal directed and self-repairing flight control systems

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    The coupling of expert systems and control design and analysis techniques are documented to provide a realizable self repairing flight control system. Key features of such a flight control system are identified and a limited set of rules for a simple aircraft model are presented

    Traceability Links Recovery among Requirements and BPMN models

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Throughout the pages of this document, I present the results of the research that was carried out in the context of my PhD studies. During the aforementioned research, I studied the process of Traceability Links Recovery between natural language requirements and industrial software models. More precisely, due to their popularity and extensive usage, I studied the process of Traceability Links Recovery between natural language requirements and Business Process Models, also known as BPMN models. In order to carry out the research, I focused my work on two main objectives: (1) the development of the Traceability Links Recovery techniques between natural language requirements and BPMN models, and (2) the validation and analysis of the results obtained by the developed techniques in industrial domain case studies. The results of the research have been redacted and published in forums, conferences, and journals specialized in the topics and context of the research. This thesis document introduces the topics, context, and objectives of the research, presents the academic publications that have been published as a result of the work, and then discusses the outcomes of the investigation.[ES] A través de las páginas de este documento, presento los resultados de la investigación realizada en el contexto de mis estudios de doctorado. Durante la investigación, he estudiado el proceso de Recuperación de Enlaces de Trazabilidad entre requisitos especificados en lenguaje natural y modelos de software industriales. Más concretamente, debido a su popularidad y uso extensivo, he estudiado el proceso de Recuperación de Enlaces de Trazabilidad entre requisitos especificados en lenguaje natural y Modelos de Procesos de Negocio, también conocidos como modelos BPMN. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, mi trabajo se ha centrado en dos objetivos principales: (1) desarrollo de técnicas de Recuperación de Enlaces de Trazabilidad entre requisitos especificados en lenguaje natural y modelos BPMN, y (2) validación y análisis de los resultados obtenidos por las técnicas desarrolladas en casos de estudio de dominios industriales. Los resultados de la investigación han sido redactados y publicados en foros, conferencias y revistas especializadas en los temas y contexto de la investigación. Esta tesis introduce los temas, contexto y objetivos de la investigación, presenta las publicaciones académicas que han sido publicadas como resultado del trabajo, y expone los resultados de la investigación.[CA] A través de les pàgines d'aquest document, presente els resultats de la investigació realitzada en el context dels meus estudis de doctorat. Durant la investigació, he estudiat el procés de Recuperació d'Enllaços de Traçabilitat entre requisits especificats en llenguatge natural i models de programari industrials. Més concretament, a causa de la seua popularitat i ús extensiu, he estudiat el procés de Recuperació d'Enllaços de Traçabilitat entre requisits especificats en llenguatge natural i Models de Processos de Negoci, també coneguts com a models BPMN. Per a dur a terme aquesta investigació, el meu treball s'ha centrat en dos objectius principals: (1) desenvolupament de tècniques de Recuperació d'Enllaços de Traçabilitat entre requisits especificats en llenguatge natural i models BPMN, i (2) validació i anàlisi dels resultats obtinguts per les tècniques desenvolupades en casos d'estudi de dominis industrials. Els resultats de la investigació han sigut redactats i publicats en fòrums, conferències i revistes especialitzades en els temes i context de la investigació. Aquesta tesi introdueix els temes, context i objectius de la investigació, presenta les publicacions acadèmiques que han sigut publicades com a resultat del treball, i exposa els resultats de la investigació.Lapeña Martí, R. (2020). Traceability Links Recovery among Requirements and BPMN models [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/149391TESISCompendi

    Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Justice Settings:: Where should be the limits of Artificial Intelligence in legal decision-making? Should an AI device make a decision about human justice?

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    The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems for high-stakes decision making is currently out for debate. In the Criminal Justice System, it can provide great benefits as well as aggravate systematic biases and introduce unprecedented ones. Hence, should artificial devices be involved in the decision-making process? And if the answer is affirmative, where should be the limits of that involvement? To answer these questions, this dissertation examines two popular risk assessment tools currently in use in the United States, LS and COMPAS, to discuss the differences between a traditional and an actuarial instrument that rely on computerized algorithms. Further analysis of the later is done in relation with the Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics (FATE) perspective to be implemented in any technology involving AI. Although the future of AI is uncertain, the ignorance with respect to so many aspects of this kind of innovative methods demand further research on how to make the best use of the several opportunities that it brings


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    Software evolves constantly to adapt to changing user needs. As it evolves, it becomes progressively harder to understand due to accumulation of code changes, increasing code size, and the introduction of complex code dependencies. As a result, it becomes harder to maintain, exposing the software to potential bugs and degradation of code quality. High maintenance costs and diminished opportunities for software reusability and portability lead to reduced return on investment, increasing the likelihood of the software product being discarded or replaced. Nevertheless, we believe that there is value in legacy software due to the amount of intellectual efforts that have been invested in it. To extend its value, we utilize the common practice of identifying the pieces of code relevant to a given concern. Identifying relevant code is a manual process and relies on domain and code expertise. This makes it difficult to scale to large and complex code. In this thesis, we propose several automated approaches for capturing the essential code that represents a concern of interest. We utilize dynamic program analysis of execution traces to identify a relevant code subset. Information retrieval techniques are then utilized to improve the accuracy of the capture, refine the process, and verify the results