38 research outputs found

    Spectral-spatial self-attention networks for hyperspectral image classification.

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    This study presents a spectral-spatial self-attention network (SSSAN) for classification of hyperspectral images (HSIs), which can adaptively integrate local features with long-range dependencies related to the pixel to be classified. Specifically, it has two subnetworks. The spatial subnetwork introduces the proposed spatial self-attention module to exploit rich patch-based contextual information related to the center pixel. The spectral subnetwork introduces the proposed spectral self-attention module to exploit the long-range spectral correlation over local spectral features. The extracted spectral and spatial features are then adaptively fused for HSI classification. Experiments conducted on four HSI datasets demonstrate that the proposed network outperforms several state-of-the-art methods

    A Survey on Evolutionary Computation for Computer Vision and Image Analysis: Past, Present, and Future Trends

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    Computer vision (CV) is a big and important field in artificial intelligence covering a wide range of applications. Image analysis is a major task in CV aiming to extract, analyse and understand the visual content of images. However, imagerelated tasks are very challenging due to many factors, e.g., high variations across images, high dimensionality, domain expertise requirement, and image distortions. Evolutionary computation (EC) approaches have been widely used for image analysis with significant achievement. However, there is no comprehensive survey of existing EC approaches to image analysis. To fill this gap, this paper provides a comprehensive survey covering all essential EC approaches to important image analysis tasks including edge detection, image segmentation, image feature analysis, image classification, object detection, and others. This survey aims to provide a better understanding of evolutionary computer vision (ECV) by discussing the contributions of different approaches and exploring how and why EC is used for CV and image analysis. The applications, challenges, issues, and trends associated to this research field are also discussed and summarised to provide further guidelines and opportunities for future research

    Video Deepfake Classification Using Particle Swarm Optimization-based Evolving Ensemble Models

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    The recent breakthrough of deep learning based generative models has led to the escalated generation of photo-realistic synthetic videos with significant visual quality. Automated reliable detection of such forged videos requires the extraction of fine-grained discriminative spatial-temporal cues. To tackle such challenges, we propose weighted and evolving ensemble models comprising 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and CNN-Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based network topology and hyper-parameter optimization for video authenticity classification. A new PSO algorithm is proposed, which embeds Muller’s method and fixed-point iteration based leader enhancement, reinforcement learning-based optimal search action selection, a petal spiral simulated search mechanism, and cross-breed elite signal generation based on adaptive geometric surfaces. The PSO variant optimizes the RNN topologies in CNN-RNN, as well as key learning configurations of 3D CNNs, with the attempt to extract effective discriminative spatial-temporal cues. Both weighted and evolving ensemble strategies are used for ensemble formulation with aforementioned optimized networks as base classifiers. In particular, the proposed PSO algorithm is used to identify optimal subsets of optimized base networks for dynamic ensemble generation to balance between ensemble complexity and performance. Evaluated using several well-known synthetic video datasets, our approach outperforms existing studies and various ensemble models devised by other search methods with statistical significance for video authenticity classification. The proposed PSO model also illustrates statistical superiority over a number of search methods for solving optimization problems pertaining to a variety of artificial landscapes with diverse geometrical layouts

    Assessment of monthly rain fade in the equatorial region at C & KU-band using measat-3 satellite links

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    C & Ku-band satellite communication links are the most commonly used for equatorial satellite communication links. Severe rainfall rate in equatorial regions can cause a large rain attenuation in real compared to the prediction. ITU-R P. 618 standards are commonly used to predict satellite rain fade in designing satellite communication network. However, the prediction of ITU-R is still found to be inaccurate hence hinder a reliable operational satellite communication link in equatorial region. This paper aims to provide an accurate insight by assessment of the monthly C & Ku-band rain fade performance by collecting data from commercial earth stations using C band and Ku-band antenna with 11 m and 13 m diameter respectively. The antennas measure the C & Ku-band beacon signal from MEASAT-3 under equatorial rain conditions. The data is collected for one year in 2015. The monthly cumulative distribution function is developed based on the 1-year data. RMSE analysis is made by comparing the monthly measured data of C-band and Ku-band to the ITU-R predictions developed based on ITU-R’s P.618, P.837, P.838 and P.839 standards. The findings show that Ku-band produces an average of 25 RMSE value while the C-band rain attenuation produces an average of 2 RMSE value. Therefore, the ITU-R model still under predicts the rain attenuation in the equatorial region and this call for revisit of the fundamental quantity in determining the rain fade for rain attenuation to be re-evaluated

    On the Use of Imaging Spectroscopy from Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to Model Yield and Assess Growth Stages of a Broadacre Crop

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    Snap bean production was valued at $363 million in 2018. Moreover, the increasing need in food production, caused by the exponential increase in population, makes this crop vitally important to study. Traditionally, harvest time determination and yield prediction are performed by collecting limited number of samples. While this approach could work, it is inaccurate, labor-intensive, and based on a small sample size. The ambiguous nature of this approach furthermore leaves the grower with under-ripe and over-mature plants, decreasing the final net profit and the overall quality of the product. A more cost-effective method would be a site-specific approach that would save time and labor for farmers and growers, while providing them with exact detail to when and where to harvest and how much is to be harvested (while forecasting yield). In this study we used hyperspectral (i.e., point-based and image-based), as well as biophysical data, to identify spectral signatures and biophysical attributes that could schedule harvest and forecast yield prior to harvest. Over the past two decades, there have been immense advances in the field of yield and harvest modeling using remote sensing data. Nevertheless, there still exists a wide gap in the literature covering yield and harvest assessment as a function of time using both ground-based and unmanned aerial systems. There is a need for a study focusing on crop-specific yield and harvest assessment using a rapid, affordable system. We hypothesize that a down-sampled multispectral system, tuned with spectral features identified from hyperspectral data, could address the mentioned gaps. Moreover, we hypothesize that the airborne data will contain noise that could negatively impact the performance and the reliability of the utilized models. Thus, We address these knowledge gaps with three objectives as below: 1. Assess yield prediction of snap bean crop using spectral and biophysical data and identify discriminating spectral features via statistical and machine learning approaches. 2. Evaluate snap bean harvest maturity at both the plant growth stage and pod maturity level, by means of spectral and biophysical indicators, and identify the corresponding discriminating spectral features. 3. Assess the feasibility of using a deep learning architecture for reducing noise in the hyperspectral data. In the light of the mentioned objectives, we carried out a greenhouse study in the winter and spring of 2019, where we studied temporal change in spectra and physical attributes of snap-bean crop, from Huntington cultivar, using a handheld spectrometer in the visible- to shortwave-infrared domain (400-2500 nm). Chapter 3 of this dissertation focuses on yield assessment of the greenhouse study. Findings from this best-case scenario yield study showed that the best time to study yield is approximately 20-25 days prior to harvest that would give out the most accurate yield predictions. The proposed approach was able to explain variability as high as R2 = 0.72, with spectral features residing in absorption regions for chlorophyll, protein, lignin, and nitrogen, among others. The captured data from this study contained minimal noise, even in the detector fall-off regions. Moving the focus to harvest maturity assessment, Chapter 4 presents findings from this objective in the greenhouse environment. Our findings showed that four stages of maturity, namely vegetative growth, budding, flowering, and pod formation, are distinguishable with 79% and 78% accuracy, respectively, via the two introduced vegetation indices, as snap-bean growth index (SGI) and normalized difference snap-bean growth index (NDSI), respectively. Moreover, pod-level maturity classification showed that ready-to-harvest and not-ready-to-harvest pods can be separated with 78% accuracy with identified wavelengths residing in green, red edge, and shortwave-infrared regions. Moreover, Chapters 5 and 6 focus on transitioning the learned concepts from the mentioned greenhouse scenario to UAS domain. We transitioned from a handheld spectrometer in the visible to short-wave infrared domain (400-2500 nm) to a UAS-mounted hyperspectral imager in the visible-to-near-infrared region (400-1000 nm). Two years worth of data, at two different geographical locations, were collected in upstate New York and examined for yield modeling and harvest scheduling objectives. For analysis of the collected data, we introduced a feature selection library in Python, named “Jostar”, to identify the most discriminating wavelengths. The findings from the yield modeling UAS study show that pod weight and seed length, as two different yield indicators, can be explained with R2 as high as 0.93 and 0.98, respectively. Identified wavelengths resided in blue, green, red, and red edge regions, and 44-55 days after planting (DAP) showed to be the optimal time for yield assessment. Chapter 6, on the other hand, evaluates maturity assessment, in terms of pod classification, from the UAS perspective. Results from this study showed that the identified features resided in blue, green, red, and red-edge regions, contributing to F1 score as high as 0.91 for differentiating between ready-to-harvest vs. not ready-to-harvest. The identified features from this study is in line with those detected from the UAS yield assessment study. In order to have a parallel comparison of the greenhouse study against the UAS study, we adopted the methodology employed for UAS studies and applied it to the greenhouse studies, in Chapter 7. Since the greenhouse data were captured in the visible-to-shortwave-infrared (400-2500 nm) domain, and the UAS study data were captured in the VNIR (400-1000 nm) domain, we truncated the spectral range of the collected data from the greenhouse study to the VNIR domain. The comparison experiment between the greenhouse study and the UAS studies for yield assessment, at two harvest stages early and late, showed that spectral features in 450-470, 500-520, 650, 700-730 nm regions were repeated on days with highest coefficient of determination. Moreover, 46-48 DAP with high coefficient of determination for yield prediction were repeated in five out of six data sets (two early stages, each three data sets). On the other hand, the harvest maturity comparison between the greenhouse study and the UAS data sets showed that similar identified wavelengths reside in ∼450, ∼530, ∼715, and ∼760 nm regions, with performance metric (F1 score) of 0.78, 0.84, and 0.9 for greenhouse, 2019 UAS, and 2020 UAS data, respectively. However, the incorporated noise in the captured data from the UAS study, along with the high computational cost of the classical mathematical approach employed for denoising hyperspectral data, have inspired us to leverage the computational performance of hyperspectral denoising by assessing the feasibility of transferring the learned concepts to deep learning models. In Chapter 8, we approached hyperspectral denoising in spectral domain (1D fashion) for two types of noise, integrated noise and non-independent and non-identically distributed (non-i.i.d.) noise. We utilized Memory Networks due to their power in image denoising for hyperspectral denoising, introduced a new loss and benchmarked it against several data sets and models. The proposed model, HypeMemNet, ranked first - up to 40% in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for resolving integrated noise, and first or second, by a small margin for resolving non-i.i.d. noise. Our findings showed that a proper receptive field and a suitable number of filters are crucial for denoising integrated noise, while parameter size was shown to be of the highest importance for non-i.i.d. noise. Results from the conducted studies provide a comprehensive understanding encompassing yield modeling, harvest scheduling, and hyperspectral denoising. Our findings bode well for transitioning from an expensive hyperspectral imager to a multispectral imager, tuned with the identified bands, as well as employing a rapid deep learning model for hyperspectral denoising

    Computer vision based classification of fruits and vegetables for self-checkout at supermarkets

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    The field of machine learning, and, in particular, methods to improve the capability of machines to perform a wider variety of generalised tasks are among the most rapidly growing research areas in today’s world. The current applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence can be divided into many significant fields namely computer vision, data sciences, real time analytics and Natural Language Processing (NLP). All these applications are being used to help computer based systems to operate more usefully in everyday contexts. Computer vision research is currently active in a wide range of areas such as the development of autonomous vehicles, object recognition, Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR), image segmentation and terrestrial analysis from space (i.e. crop estimation). Despite significant prior research, the area of object recognition still has many topics to be explored. This PhD thesis focuses on using advanced machine learning approaches to enable the automated recognition of fresh produce (i.e. fruits and vegetables) at supermarket self-checkouts. This type of complex classification task is one of the most recently emerging applications of advanced computer vision approaches and is a productive research topic in this field due to the limited means of representing the features and machine learning techniques for classification. Fruits and vegetables offer significant inter and intra class variance in weight, shape, size, colour and texture which makes the classification challenging. The applications of effective fruit and vegetable classification have significant importance in daily life e.g. crop estimation, fruit classification, robotic harvesting, fruit quality assessment, etc. One potential application for this fruit and vegetable classification capability is for supermarket self-checkouts. Increasingly, supermarkets are introducing self-checkouts in stores to make the checkout process easier and faster. However, there are a number of challenges with this as all goods cannot readily be sold with packaging and barcodes, for instance loose fresh items (e.g. fruits and vegetables). Adding barcodes to these types of items individually is impractical and pre-packaging limits the freedom of choice when selecting fruits and vegetables and creates additional waste, hence reducing customer satisfaction. The current situation, which relies on customers correctly identifying produce themselves leaves open the potential for incorrect billing either due to inadvertent error, or due to intentional fraudulent misclassification resulting in financial losses for the store. To address this identified problem, the main goals of this PhD work are: (a) exploring the types of visual and non-visual sensors that could be incorporated into a self-checkout system for classification of fruits and vegetables, (b) determining a suitable feature representation method for fresh produce items available at supermarkets, (c) identifying optimal machine learning techniques for classification within this context and (d) evaluating our work relative to the state-of-the-art object classification results presented in the literature. An in-depth analysis of related computer vision literature and techniques is performed to identify and implement the possible solutions. A progressive process distribution approach is used for this project where the task of computer vision based fruit and vegetables classification is divided into pre-processing and classification techniques. Different classification techniques have been implemented and evaluated as possible solution for this problem. Both visual and non-visual features of fruit and vegetables are exploited to perform the classification. Novel classification techniques have been carefully developed to deal with the complex and highly variant physical features of fruit and vegetables while taking advantages of both visual and non-visual features. The capability of classification techniques is tested in individual and ensemble manner to achieved the higher effectiveness. Significant results have been obtained where it can be concluded that the fruit and vegetables classification is complex task with many challenges involved. It is also observed that a larger dataset can better comprehend the complex variant features of fruit and vegetables. Complex multidimensional features can be extracted from the larger datasets to generalise on higher number of classes. However, development of a larger multiclass dataset is an expensive and time consuming process. The effectiveness of classification techniques can be significantly improved by subtracting the background occlusions and complexities. It is also worth mentioning that ensemble of simple and less complicated classification techniques can achieve effective results even if applied to less number of features for smaller number of classes. The combination of visual and nonvisual features can reduce the struggle of a classification technique to deal with higher number of classes with similar physical features. Classification of fruit and vegetables with similar physical features (i.e. colour and texture) needs careful estimation and hyper-dimensional embedding of visual features. Implementing rigorous classification penalties as loss function can achieve this goal at the cost of time and computational requirements. There is a significant need to develop larger datasets for different fruit and vegetables related computer vision applications. Considering more sophisticated loss function penalties and discriminative hyper-dimensional features embedding techniques can significantly improve the effectiveness of the classification techniques for the fruit and vegetables applications

    Computational Optimizations for Machine Learning

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    The present book contains the 10 articles finally accepted for publication in the Special Issue “Computational Optimizations for Machine Learning” of the MDPI journal Mathematics, which cover a wide range of topics connected to the theory and applications of machine learning, neural networks and artificial intelligence. These topics include, among others, various types of machine learning classes, such as supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning, deep neural networks, convolutional neural networks, GANs, decision trees, linear regression, SVM, K-means clustering, Q-learning, temporal difference, deep adversarial networks and more. It is hoped that the book will be interesting and useful to those developing mathematical algorithms and applications in the domain of artificial intelligence and machine learning as well as for those having the appropriate mathematical background and willing to become familiar with recent advances of machine learning computational optimization mathematics, which has nowadays permeated into almost all sectors of human life and activity

    Deep learning-based diagnostic system for malignant liver detection

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    Cancer is the second most common cause of death of human beings, whereas liver cancer is the fifth most common cause of mortality. The prevention of deadly diseases in living beings requires timely, independent, accurate, and robust detection of ailment by a computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) system. Executing such intelligent CAD requires some preliminary steps, including preprocessing, attribute analysis, and identification. In recent studies, conventional techniques have been used to develop computer-aided diagnosis algorithms. However, such traditional methods could immensely affect the structural properties of processed images with inconsistent performance due to variable shape and size of region-of-interest. Moreover, the unavailability of sufficient datasets makes the performance of the proposed methods doubtful for commercial use. To address these limitations, I propose novel methodologies in this dissertation. First, I modified a generative adversarial network to perform deblurring and contrast adjustment on computed tomography (CT) scans. Second, I designed a deep neural network with a novel loss function for fully automatic precise segmentation of liver and lesions from CT scans. Third, I developed a multi-modal deep neural network to integrate pathological data with imaging data to perform computer-aided diagnosis for malignant liver detection. The dissertation starts with background information that discusses the proposed study objectives and the workflow. Afterward, Chapter 2 reviews a general schematic for developing a computer-aided algorithm, including image acquisition techniques, preprocessing steps, feature extraction approaches, and machine learning-based prediction methods. The first study proposed in Chapter 3 discusses blurred images and their possible effects on classification. A novel multi-scale GAN network with residual image learning is proposed to deblur images. The second method in Chapter 4 addresses the issue of low-contrast CT scan images. A multi-level GAN is utilized to enhance images with well-contrast regions. Thus, the enhanced images improve the cancer diagnosis performance. Chapter 5 proposes a deep neural network for the segmentation of liver and lesions from abdominal CT scan images. A modified Unet with a novel loss function can precisely segment minute lesions. Similarly, Chapter 6 introduces a multi-modal approach for liver cancer variants diagnosis. The pathological data are integrated with CT scan images to diagnose liver cancer variants. In summary, this dissertation presents novel algorithms for preprocessing and disease detection. Furthermore, the comparative analysis validates the effectiveness of proposed methods in computer-aided diagnosis

    Personality Identification from Social Media Using Deep Learning: A Review

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    Social media helps in sharing of ideas and information among people scattered around the world and thus helps in creating communities, groups, and virtual networks. Identification of personality is significant in many types of applications such as in detecting the mental state or character of a person, predicting job satisfaction, professional and personal relationship success, in recommendation systems. Personality is also an important factor to determine individual variation in thoughts, feelings, and conduct systems. According to the survey of Global social media research in 2018, approximately 3.196 billion social media users are in worldwide. The numbers are estimated to grow rapidly further with the use of mobile smart devices and advancement in technology. Support vector machine (SVM), Naive Bayes (NB), Multilayer perceptron neural network, and convolutional neural network (CNN) are some of the machine learning techniques used for personality identification in the literature review. This paper presents various studies conducted in identifying the personality of social media users with the help of machine learning approaches and the recent studies that targeted to predict the personality of online social media (OSM) users are reviewed

    Data-driven model-based approaches to condition monitoring and improving power output of wind turbines

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    The development of the wind farm has grown dramatically in worldwide over the past 20 years. In order to satisfy the reliability requirement of the power grid, the wind farm should generate sufficient active power to make the frequency stable. Consequently, many methods have been proposed to achieve optimizing wind farm active power dispatch strategy. In previous research, it assumed that each wind turbine has the same health condition in the wind farm, hence the power dispatch for healthy and sub-healthy wind turbines are treated equally. It will accelerate the sub-healthy wind turbines damage, which may leads to decrease generating efficiency and increases operating cost of the wind farm. Thus, a novel wind farm active power dispatch strategy considering the health condition of wind turbines and wind turbine health condition estimation method are the proposed. A modelbased CM approach for wind turbines based on the extreme learning machine (ELM) algorithm and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) are used to estimate health condition of the wind turbine. Essentially, the aim of the proposed method is to make the healthy wind turbines generate power as much as possible and reduce fatigue loads on the sub-healthy wind turbines. Compared with previous methods, the proposed methods is able to dramatically reduce the fatigue loads on subhealthy wind turbines under the condition of satisfying network operator active power demand and maximize the operation efficiency of those healthy turbines. Subsequently, shunt active power filters (SAPFs) are used to improve power quality of the grid by mitigating harmonics injected from nonlinear loads, which is further to increase the reliability of the wind turbine system