753,807 research outputs found

    The design of caring environments and the quality of life of older people

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    There has been little systematic research into the design of care environments for older people. This article reviews empirical studies from both the architectural and the psychological literature. It outlines the instruments that are currently available for measuring both the environment and the quality of life of older people, and it summarises the evidence on the layout of buildings, the sensory environment and the privacy of residents. The conclusion is drawn that all evidence-based design must be a compromise or dynamic and, as demands on the caring environment change over time, this compromise must be re-visited in the form of post-occupancy evaluation


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    The  effects  of  4  sublethal  concentrations  of  carbofuran  (250,  500,  1000  and  2000  ppm)  on  the reproductive  capacity of R. quadrasi was determined. Results showed  that  incubation period  is delayed  and inhibited by 1000 and 2000 ppm carbofuran but not by lower concentrations. The hatching period is longer in treated snails and not  all  eggs hatch  in  the 1000 and 2000  ppm  treatment. The  percentage  of hatching  is inversely proportional to the carbofuran concentration. Oviposition  was  delayed  in  all  the  treated  stages  and  at  all  dosages.  The  higher  the  carbofuran concentration,  the  later  the onset of oviposition. The  reproductive period  is shortened. Fecundity was decreased in snails treated at EMB and SM. However, only the 2000 ppm carbofuran concentration showed an adverse effect on the snails exposure at PSM

    Caring or not caring for coworkers? An empirical exploration of the dilemma of care allocation in the workplace

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    Organization and management researchers praise the value of care in the workplace. However, they overlook the conflict between caring for work and for coworkers, which resonates with the dilemma of care allocation highlighted by ethicists of care. Through an in-depth qualitative study of two organizations, we examine how this dilemma is confronted in everyday organizational life. We draw on the concept of boundary work to explain how employees negotiate the boundary of their caring responsibilities in ways that grants or denies care to coworkers. We argue that the possibility of an ethics of care for coworkers requires boundary work that suspends the separation of personal and professional selves and constitutes the worker as a whole person. We contribute to research on care in organizations by showing how care for coworkers may be enabled or undermined by maintaining or suppressing the care allocation dilemma


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    Effects of Carbofuran on the Reproductive Capacity of a Freshwater Snail, Radix Quadrasi, Under Laboratory Conditions

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    The effects of 4 sublethal concentrations of carbofuran (250, 500, 1000 and 2000 ppm) on the reproductive capacity of R. quadrasi was determined. Results showed that incubation period is delayed and inhibited by 1000 and 2000 ppm carbofuran but not by lower concentrations. The hatching period is longer in treated snails and not all eggs hatch in the 1000 and 2000 ppm treatment. The percentage of hatching is inversely proportional to the carbofuran concentration. Oviposition was delayed in all the treated stages and at all dosages. The higher the carbofuran concentration, the later the onset of oviposition. The reproductive period is shortened. Fecundity was decreased in snails treated at EMB and SM. However, only the 2000 ppm carbofuran concentration showed an adverse effect on the snails exposure at PSM

    Meanings and Expressions of Caring Among Nurses in Clinical Workplace: a Literature Review

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    Background: Research shows that nurse retention is high as a result of a stressful work environment coupled with inadequate support in clinical workplace. Caring among nurses is therefore crucial in enhanced and enriched the working environment that helps increase nurse's satisfaction and retention in the profession.Purpose: To explore the meanings and expressions of caring among nurses in clinical workplace.Methods: Literature review of existing articles on electronic databases was conducted. The meanings and expressions of caring among nurses were identified. The year of publication ranged from 2000-2012.Result: Based on inclusion criteria, 10 articles reviewed were included. There was very limited result describing meanings of caring among nurses. However, caring expressions had been identified and categorized into personal and professional levels. There were some common themes such as caring through helping and support, caring through appreciating, and acknowledging unappreciated caring.Conclusion: Caring among nurses is very important to keep nurses emerged and able to work more effectively. However, caring varies within cultures and there are still limited studies among nurses in nonwestern society. Therefore, further research is needed to describe meanings and expressions of caring in clinical workplace that is beneficial in enhancing caring environment, increasing nurse's satisfaction and nurse retention

    Hubungan Perilaku Caring Perawat Dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap Pengguna Jasa Bpjs Di Rumah Sakit Khusus Mata Masyarakat Sumatera Selatan

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    Background : Caring is a form of attention wholeheartedly nurse to the patient. caring, empathy , communication gentleness and compassion of nurses to patients would establish nurse-client relationship is therapeutic, Caring is a factor that affects patient satisfaction . Objective : This study aims to determine the relationship between nurse caring behaviors inpatient satisfaction user services special hospital BPJS in society 's eyes South Sumatra 2016. Methods : This research is a quantitative research using analytical survey method with cross sectional design and the sample consisted of 63 respondents Result : The results of this study, 11 ( 17.5 % ) respondents said that caring nurse pretty good , 33 ( 52.4 % ) respondents said that caring nurses , as well as 19 ( 30.1 % ) respondents said that caring nurses are very good . For a patient satisfaction rate of 24 ( 38.1 % ) of respondents said they were satisfied , and 39 ( 61.9 % ) of respondents expressed great satisfactions . The results of chi square test p = 0.040 ( p < 0.05 ) then the hypothesis is accepted , so that at last get the nurse caring behaviors relationship with patient satisfaction levels of service users BPJS in Special Hospital Community Eyes South Sumatra in 2016. Suggestion : For caring nurse in the hope that is maintained and improved by nurses in the public eye Special Hospital of South Sumatr

    "Caring for Insiderness": Phenomenologically informed insights that can guide practice.

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    Understanding the ‘‘insider’’ perspective has been a pivotal strength of qualitative research. Further than this, within the more applied fields in which the human activity of ‘‘caring’’ takes place, such understanding of ‘‘what it is like’’ for people from within their lifeworlds has also been acknowledged as the foundational starting point in order for ‘‘care’’ to be caring. But we believe that more attention needs to be paid to this foundational generic phenomenon: what it means to understand the ‘‘insiderness’’ of another, but more importantly, how to act on this in caring ways. We call this human phenomenon ‘‘caring for insiderness.’’ Drawing on existing phenomenological studies of marginal caring situations at the limits of caring capability, and through a process of phenomenologically oriented reflection, we interrogated some existential themes implicit in these publications that could lead to deeper insights for both theoretical and applied purposes. The paper provides direction for practices of caring by highlighting some dangers as well as some remedies along this path
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