13 research outputs found

    Partial-Data Interpolation During Arcing of an X-Ray Tube in a Computed Tomography Scanner

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    X-ray tubes are used in computed tomography (CT) scanners as the energy source for generation of images. These tubes occasionally tend to arc, an undesired phenomenon where high current surges through the tube. During the time that the x-ray tube recovers to full voltage after an arc, image data is being collected. Normally this data, acquired at less than full voltage, is discarded and interpolation is performed over the arc duration. However, this is not ideal and some residual imperfections in images, called artifacts, still remain. Proposed here is an algorithm that corrects for improper tube voltage, allowing previously discarded data to be used for imaging. Instead of throwing away all data during the arc period, we use some of the data that is available as the voltage is rising back to its programmed value. This method reduces the length of the interpolation period, thus reducing artifacts. Results of implementation on a CT scanner show that there is an improvement in image quality using the partial-data interpolation method when compared to standard interpolation and that we can save up to 30 of data from being lost during an arc. With the continuous drive from the imaging field to have faster scanners with short image acquisition times, adverse effects due to arcing are becoming more significant and the improvement proposed in this research is increasingly relevan

    Partial-Data Interpolation During Arcing of an X-Ray Tube in a Computed Tomography Scanner

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    X-ray tubes are used in computed tomography (CT) scanners as the energy source for generation of images. These tubes occasionally tend to arc, an undesired phenomenon where high current surges through the tube. During the time that the x-ray tube recovers to full voltage after an arc, image data is being collected. Normally this data, acquired at less than full voltage, is discarded and interpolation is performed over the arc duration. However, this is not ideal and some residual imperfections in images, called artifacts, still remain. Proposed here is an algorithm that corrects for improper tube voltage, allowing previously discarded data to be used for imaging. Instead of throwing away all data during the arc period, we use some of the data that is available as the voltage is rising back to its programmed value. This method reduces the length of the interpolation period, thus reducing artifacts. Results of implementation on a CT scanner show that there is an improvement in image quality using the partial-data interpolation method when compared to standard interpolation and that we can save up to 30 of data from being lost during an arc. With the continuous drive from the imaging field to have faster scanners with short image acquisition times, adverse effects due to arcing are becoming more significant and the improvement proposed in this research is increasingly relevan

    CT Scanning

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    Since its introduction in 1972, X-ray computed tomography (CT) has evolved into an essential diagnostic imaging tool for a continually increasing variety of clinical applications. The goal of this book was not simply to summarize currently available CT imaging techniques but also to provide clinical perspectives, advances in hybrid technologies, new applications other than medicine and an outlook on future developments. Major experts in this growing field contributed to this book, which is geared to radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, engineers, and clinical and basic researchers. We believe that CT scanning is an effective and essential tools in treatment planning, basic understanding of physiology, and and tackling the ever-increasing challenge of diagnosis in our society

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A cumulative index to the continuing bibliography of the 1973 issues

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    A cumulative index to the abstracts contained in Supplements 112 through 123 of Aerospace Medicine and Biology A Continuing Bibliography is presented. It includes three indexes: subject, personal author, and corporate source

    Seventh Annual Workshop on Space Operations Applications and Research (SOAR 1993), volume 2

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    This document contains papers presented at the Space Operations, Applications and Research Symposium (SOAR) Symposium hosted by NASA/Johnson Space Center (JSC) and cosponsored by NASA/JSC and U.S. Air Force Materiel Command. SOAR included NASA and USAF programmatic overviews, plenary session, panel discussions, panel sessions, and exhibits. It invited technical papers in support of U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, Department of Energy, NASA, and USAF programs in the following areas: robotics and telepresence, automation and intelligent systems, human factors, life support, and space maintenance and servicing. SOAR was concerned with Government-sponsored research and development relevant to aerospace operations

    A Study of Biomedical Time Series Using Empirical Mode Decomposition : Extracting event-related modes from EEG signals recorded during visual processing of contour stimuli

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    Noninvasive neuroimaging techniques like functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and/or Electroencephalography (EEG) allow researchers to investigate and analyze brain activities during visual processing. EEG offers a high temporal resolution at a level of submilliseconds which can be combined favorably with fMRI which has a good spatial resolution on small spatial scales in the millimeter range. These neuroimaging techniques were, and still are instrumental in the diagnoses and treatments of neurological disorders in the clinical applications. In this PhD thesis we concentrate on lectrophysiological signatures within EEG recordings of a combined EEG-fMRI data set which where taken while performing a contour integration task. The estimation of location and distribution of the electrical sources in the brain from surface recordings which are responsible for interesting EEG waves has drawn the attention of many EEG/MEG researchers. However, this process which is called brain source localization is still one of the major problems in EEG. It consists of solving two modeling problems: forward and inverse. In the forward problem, one is interested in predicting the expected potential distribution on the scalp from given electrical sources that represent active neurons in the head. These evaluations are necessary to solve the inverse problem which can be defined as the problem of estimating the brain sources that generated the measured electrical potentials. This thesis presents a data-driven analysis of EEG data recorded during a combined EEG/fMRI study of visual processing during a contour integration task. The analysis is based on an ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and discusses characteristic features of event related modes (ERMs) resulting from the decomposition. We identify clear differences in certain ERMs in response to contour vs non-contour Gabor stimuli mainly for response amplitudes peaking around 100 [ms] (called P100) and 200 [ms] (called N200) after stimulus onset, respectively. We observe early P100 and N200 responses at electrodes located in the occipital area of the brain, while late P100 and N200 responses appear at electrodes located in frontal brain areas. Signals at electrodes in central brain areas show bimodal early/late response signatures in certain ERMs. Head topographies clearly localize statistically significant response differences to both stimulus conditions. Our findings provide an independent proof of recent models which suggest that contour integration depends on distributed network activity within the brain. Next and based on the previous analysis, a new approach for source localization of EEG data based on combining ERMs, extracted with EEMD, with inverse models has been presented. As the first step, 64 channel EEG recordings are pooled according to six brain areas and decomposed, by applying an EEMD, into their underlying ERMs. Then, based upon the problem at hand, the most closely related ERM, in terms of frequency and amplitude, is combined with inverse modeling techniques for source localization. More specifically, the standardized low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) procedure is employed in this work. Accuracy and robustness of the results indicate that this approach deems highly promising in source localization techniques for EEG data. Given the results of analyses above, it can be said that EMD is able to extract intrinsic signal modes, ERMs, which contain decisive information about responses to contour and non-contour stimuli. Hence, we introduce a new toolbox, called EMDLAB, which serves the growing interest of the signal processing community in applying EMD as a decomposition technique. EMDLAB can be used to perform, easily and effectively, four common types of EMD: plain EMD, ensemble EMD (EEMD), weighted sliding EMD (wSEMD) and multivariate EMD (MEMD) on the EEG data. The main goal of EMDLAB toolbox is to extract characteristics of either the EEG signal by intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) or ERMs. Since IMFs reflect characteristics of the original EEG signal, ERMs reflect characteristics of ERPs of the original signal. The new toolbox is provided as a plug-in to the well-known EEGLAB which enables it to exploit the advantageous visualization capabilities of EEGLAB as well as statistical data analysis techniques provided there for extracted IMFs and ERMs of the signal

    Proceedings of the Scientific-Practical Conference "Research and Development - 2016"

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    talent management; sensor arrays; automatic speech recognition; dry separation technology; oil production; oil waste; laser technolog

    Proceedings of the Scientific-Practical Conference "Research and Development - 2016"

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    talent management; sensor arrays; automatic speech recognition; dry separation technology; oil production; oil waste; laser technolog