212 research outputs found

    The growing interest in vitamin D is positively related to that of its kidney complications and is negatively related to that of bone benefit: an analysis based on Google Trends (Preprint)

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    Background. The benefits of vitamin D relate to muscle strength, cardiovascular health, and prevents osteoporosis. Objective. This study aimed to explore trends of global interest on vitamin D, hypercalcaemia, adverse kidney effects (stones and kidney failure) and osteoporosis. Methods. An electronic search was conducted with Google Trends, limiting searches based on the "health" criterion. Results. Worldwide interest in vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol or calciferol), kidney stones and kidney failure is progressively growing over time. On the other hand, vitamin D was found to be negatively correlated with hypercalcaemia and bone density. Another result of our analysis is the distribution of the popularity of searches across countries. In particular, the global popularity for vitamin D3 seems higher than that of vitamin D2 and also shows different geographical preferences. The growing interest in vitamin D parallels that of kidney stones and kidney failure, while decreasing popularity has been noted for hypercalcaemia and bone density. Conclusions. The research volumes help to clarify the changes in the trends of use of supplements and the development of their complications, according to the different geographical areas, socioeconomic status and online literac

    Current Research on HIV Drug Resistance

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    HIV drug resistance is an unavoidable challenge for HIV/AIDS professionals, and it has long been a major obstacle hindering the global effort to contain HIV/AIDS. Pathogens journal launched a topical collection in 2021 on “Current Research on HIV Drug Resistance”, aiming to catch the latest advancements in HIV resistance diagnosis, surveillance and research. This book compiles all articles published in this collection, combining original research and review articles on HIV drug resistance

    Evolution of the popularity of Donald Trump and other international leaders on Google Trends (2016-2019)

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    International power structures present a pattern of transition, where the United States is no longer able to consolidate its power globally. The slogans of Donald Trump: “Make America great again” or “America first” are an example of the media interest of the American president in that his electors think that it’s possible to gain the lost hegemony. This article examines Donald Trump’s bilateral encounters with politicians Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Shinzō Abe, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Giuseppe Conte, and Jean-Claude Juncker. Meetings marked by extravagant greetings and politically out of place behaviors that seem more like a reality show than a bilateral encounter between political leaders. Using data results from Google Trends platform, we study the resonance of the meetings between Donald Trump and the heads of state of the G7 countries to examine the variations in Trump’s popularity after these meetings

    Light Microscopy Combined with Computational Image Analysis Uncovers Virus-Specific Infection Phenotypes and Host Cell State Variability

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    Abstract: The study of virus infection phenotypes and variability plays a critical role in understanding viral pathogenesis and host response. Virus-host interactions can be investigated by light and various label-free microscopy methods, which provide a powerful tool for the spatiotemporal analysis of patterns at the cellular and subcellular levels in live or fixed cells. Analysis of microscopy images is increasingly complemented by sophisticated statistical methods and leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to address the tasks of image denoising, segmentation, classification, and tracking. Work in this thesis demonstrates that combining microscopy with AI techniques enables models that accurately detect and quantify viral infection due to the virus-induced cytopathic effect (CPE). Furthermore, it shows that statistical analysis of microscopy image data can disentangle stochastic and deterministic factors that contribute to viral infection variability, such as the cellular state. In summary, the integration of microscopy and computational image analysis offers a powerful and flexible approach for studying virus infection phenotypes and variability, ultimately contributing to a more advanced understanding of infection processes and creating possibilities for the development of more effective antiviral strategies

    Mobile Diagnosis 2.0

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    Mobile sensing and diagnostic capabilities are becoming extremely important for a wide range of emerging applications and fields spanning mobile health, telemedicine, point-of-care diagnostics, global health, field medicine, democratization of sensing and diagnostic tools, environmental monitoring, and citizen science, among many others. The importance of low-cost mobile technologies has been underlined during this current COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for applications such as the detection of pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, as well as for prediction and management of different diseases and disorders. This book focuses on some of these application areas and provides a timely summary of cutting-edge results and emerging technologies in these interdisciplinary fields

    Emerg Infect Dis

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    Emerging Infectious Diseases is providing access to these abstracts on behalf of the ICEID 2022 program committee (http://www.iceid.org), which performed peer review. ICEID is organized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Task Force for Global Health, Inc.Emerging Infectious Diseases has not edited or proofread these materials and is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions. All information is subject to change. Comments and corrections should be brought to the attention of the authors.Suggested citation: Authors. Title [abstract]. International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases 2022 poster and oral presentation abstracts. Emerg Infect Dis. 2022 Sep [date cited]. http://www.cdc.gov/EID/pdfs/ICEID2022.pdf2022PMC94238981187

    How do Cooperation and Scientific Research Influence Drug Development? The Case of Cancer Disease

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    [ES] Más del 90 por ciento de los ensayos clínicos de medicamentos contra el cáncer fracasan. Por tanto, es necesario mejorar el conocimiento sobre los factores que aumentan el éxito del desarrollo de medicamentos. En esta tesis, se aborda esta cuestión desde la perspectiva de los Estudios de Innovación. Para ello, se revisa sistemáticamente 103 artículos relacionados con ensayos clínicos, publicados en revistas de innovación (1984-2021). Así se logra sintetizar los hallazgos existentes, clasificar los estudios por categorías y proporcionar algunas sugerencias teóricas y metodológicas para trabajos futuros. Se encuentra que las teorías del ciclo de vida del producto y de la innovación del usuario deberían ser aplicadas en la investigación futura para mejorar la compresión sobre el desarrollo de medicamentos. Se recomienda un mayor uso de los análisis causales, de regresión y de metodologías mixtas, especialmente en relación con los temas de la comercialización, la transferencia de conocimiento y los marcos institucionales, así como un mejor uso del aprendizaje automático y los lenguajes de programación por lo que se refiere a las herramientas informáticas de recogida de datos. De acuerdo con las lagunas de investigación identificadas en la revisión de la literatura, se explora el papel de la radicalidad, la formación de redes, la naturaleza básica y el impacto científico de la investigación en el éxito del desarrollo de fármacos a través de ensayos clínicos. Los resultados muestran que un mayor grado de radicalidad es menos susceptible de conducir al éxito. La relación entre densidad de la red y la tasa de éxito sigue una forma de U invertida. En redes de cooperación más densas, las organizaciones radicales tienen más posibilidades de éxito. El desarrollo radical de medicamentos implica que las organizaciones asuman más riesgos, lo que da lugar a más fracasos; sin embargo, una manera efectiva de incrementar la tasa de éxito del desarrollo radical de medicamentos es mediante la promoción de la densidad de las redes de cooperación. La investigación aplicada facilita que las organizaciones se involucren en el desarrollo de medicamentos, y la investigación básica es útil para incrementar la tasa de éxito del desarrollo de medicamentos. No obstante, la investigación aplicada de los cooperantes también incrementa la tasa de éxito a través de los efectos desbordamiento de la red. El impacto científico de la investigación juega un papel positivo tanto en involucrarse en el desarrollo de medicamentos como en conducirlo al éxito, directamente y través de los efectos desbordamiento de la red. Esta tesis proporciona algunas ideas para aumentar la tasa de éxito del desarrollo de medicamentos para organizaciones médicas y formuladores de políticas a través de estrategias de ciencia, cooperación e innovación.[CAT] Més del 90 per cent dels assajos clínics de fàrmacs contra el càncer fracassen. Per tant, és necessari millorar el coneixement sobre els factors que augmenten l'èxit del desenvolupament de fàrmacs. En aquesta tesi, s'aborda aquesta qüestió des de la perspectiva dels Estudis d'Innovació. Per a això, es revisa sistemàticament 103 articles relacionats amb assajos clínics, publicats en revistes d'innovació (1984-2021). Així s'aconsegueix sintetitzar les troballes existents, classificar els estudis per categories i proporcionar alguns suggeriments teòrics i metodològics per a treballs futurs. Es troba que les teories del cicle de vida del producte i de la innovació de l'usuari haurien de ser aplicades en la investigació futura per a millorar la compressió sobre el desenvolupament de fàrmacs. Es recomana un major ús de les anàlisis causals, de regressió i de metodologies mixtes, especialment en relació amb els temes de la comercialització, la transferència de coneixement i els marcs institucionals, així com un millor ús de l'aprenentatge automàtic i els llenguatges de programació pel que fa a les eines informàtiques de recollida de dades. D'acord amb les llacunes d'investigació identificades en la revisió de la literatura, s'explora el paper de la radicalitat, la formació de xarxes, la naturalesa bàsica i l'impacte científic de la investigació en l'èxit del desenvolupament de fàrmacs a través d'assajos clínics. Els resultats mostren que un major grau de radicalitat és menys susceptible de conduir a l'èxit. La relació entre densitat de la xarxa i la taxa d'èxit segueix una forma d'U invertida. En xarxes de cooperació més denses, les organitzacions radicals tenen més possibilitats d'èxit. El desenvolupament radical de fàrmacs implica que les organitzacions assumisquen més riscos, la qual cosa dona lloc a més fracassos; no obstant això, una manera efectiva d'incrementar la taxa d'èxit del desenvolupament radical de fàrmacs és mitjançant la promoció de la densitat de les xarxes de cooperació. La investigació aplicada facilita que les organitzacions s'involucren en el desenvolupament de fàrmacs, i la investigació bàsica és útil per a incrementar la taxa d'èxit del desenvolupament de fàrmacs. No obstant això, la investigació aplicada dels cooperants també incrementa la taxa d'èxit a través dels efectes desbordament de la xarxa. L'impacte científic de la investigació juga un paper positiu tant a involucrar-se en el desenvolupament de fàrmacs com a conduir-lo a l'èxit, directament i través dels efectes desbordament de la xarxa. Aquesta tesi proporciona algunes idees per a augmentar la taxa d'èxit del desenvolupament de fàrmacs per a organitzacions mèdiques i formuladors de polítiques a través d'estratègies de ciència, cooperació i innovació.[EN] Over 90% of clinical trials for cancer disease drugs fail. It is therefore necessary to increase understanding about the factors that increase the success of drug development. In the present thesis, this issue is addressed from the perspective of Innovation Studies. To this end, 103 articles related to clinical trials, published in innovation journals (1984-2021), are revised systematically. The existing findings are summarised, the studies are classified into categories and some suggestions for potential theoretical and methodological advances in Innovation Studies are provided. It is found that product life cycle and user innovation theories should be applied in future research to improve understanding about drug development. Further use of causal, regression and mixed-methods analysis is also recommended, especially related to the topics of commercialisation, knowledge transfer and institutional frameworks, along with a better use of machine learning and programming languages with regards to data gathering computer tools. Based on the research gaps identified in the literature review, an exploration is made of the role of radicalness, network formation, and the basicness and scientific impact of research on the success of drug development through clinical trials. The results show that a greater degree of radicalness is less likely to achieve success. The relationship between network density and success rate follows an inverted U-shape. In denser cooperation networks, radical organisations have a greater possibility of achieving success. Radical drug development involves organisations taking more risks, which results in more failures; however, an effective way of increasing the success rate of radical drug development is by promoting cooperation network density. Applied research encourages organisations to engage in drug development, and basic research is useful for increasing the success rate of drug development. Nevertheless, the applied research of cooperators also increases the success rate through network spillovers. The scientific impact of research plays a positive role in both the engagement and success of drug development, directly and through network spillovers. This thesis provides some insights to increase the success rate of drug development for medical organisations and policymakers through science, cooperation and innovation strategies.I want to gratefully acknowledge the support from Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through Project CSO2016-79045-C2-2-R of the Spanish National R&D&I Plan, and Project AICO/2021/021 of the Valencian Government. The Universitat Politècnica de València funded my research through Contratos Pre-Doctorales UPV 2018 and Mobility Grants UPV 2019.Li, S. (2023). How do Cooperation and Scientific Research Influence Drug Development? The Case of Cancer Disease [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19638

    Preventive audiology

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    This book is an original scholarly book that introduces the concept of preventive audiology, with a specific focus on the African context, which is in line with the South African re-engineered primary healthcare strategy as well as the World Health Organisation’s approach. The book reflects on contextually relevant and responsive evidence-based perspectives, grounded in an African context on preventive audiology, in four major ear and hearing burdens of disease within the South African context: (1) early hearing detection and intervention, (2) middle ear pathologies, (3) ototoxicity, and (4) noise-induced hearing loss. The book represents innovative research, seen from both a South African and global perspective. It offers new discourse and argues for a paradigm shift in how audiology is theorised and performed, particularly in low-and-middle-income country contexts. The goal of this book is to motivate a paradigm shift in how the ear and hearing care is approached within this low-and-middle-income country context while arguing for Afrocentric best practice evidence that leads to next practice

    Kikuyu male teachers’ constructions of manhood in Nyandarua county, Kenya: implications for HIV and AIDS education

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    The HIV and AIDS epidemic continues to ravage communities worldwide and is a major crisis particularly in Kenya, the fourth highly affected country in the world in terms of the number of people living with HIV. There is therefore an urgent need in Kenya to reduce HIV infections and educational systems have been identified as best placed to do so. In spite of having HIV and AIDS educational interventions, youths in Kenya still remain at the highest risk of HIV infection. There is therefore a need for more effective educational programmes that address socio-cultural beliefs and practices to be realized. It is also critical to understand how gender identities particularly, masculinity constructions play out in teachers’ identity formations and classroom dynamics. This study was conducted in Nyandarua County, Kenya and explores the implications of Kikuyu male rural secondary school teachers’ constructions of manhood on their teaching of sexuality education within the HIV and AIDS education curriculum. This qualitative study was framed within the constructivist paradigm and draws on a phenomenological design. Eighteen Kikuyu male teachers from six different schools were purposively selected. The data was generated by use of drawings, memory work and focus group discussion, and was analysed using thematic analysis. Ethical measures were adhered to and trustworthiness was ensured throughout the study. The Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) was used as the methodological and analytical tool for this study. The results of the study revealed that the constructions of masculinity amongst the Kikuyu male rural secondary school teachers involved in the study were deeply embedded into the Kikuyu socio-cultural beliefs and practices. This then influenced how they mediate their masculinities and experience themselves as men, as sexual beings and as teachers. The study also revealed that the teachers bring to the classroom internalised masculinity constructions acquired through interaction with the socio-cultural context. This in turn influences what is taught in HIV and AIDS education classes, and how it is taught. The study concludes that socio-cultural gender formations do shape the assertiveness and the self-efficacy of teachers in teaching about sexuality and HIV and AIDS. This suggests that HIV and AIDS intervention programmes should pay attention to socio-cultural beliefs and practices and be locally, culturally and contextually situated. This also calls for effective and sustainable teacher training, for teachers to be able to reflect upon their own attitudes, feelings, beliefs, experiences and behaviours and teach in ways that contribute to the fight against HIV transmission