492 research outputs found

    ANGELAH: A Framework for Assisting Elders At Home

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    The ever growing percentage of elderly people within modern societies poses welfare systems under relevant stress. In fact, partial and progressive loss of motor, sensorial, and/or cognitive skills renders elders unable to live autonomously, eventually leading to their hospitalization. This results in both relevant emotional and economic costs. Ubiquitous computing technologies can offer interesting opportunities for in-house safety and autonomy. However, existing systems partially address in-house safety requirements and typically focus on only elder monitoring and emergency detection. The paper presents ANGELAH, a middleware-level solution integrating both ”elder monitoring and emergency detection” solutions and networking solutions. ANGELAH has two main features: i) it enables efficient integration between a variety of sensors and actuators deployed at home for emergency detection and ii) provides a solid framework for creating and managing rescue teams composed of individuals willing to promptly assist elders in case of emergency situations. A prototype of ANGELAH, designed for a case study for helping elders with vision impairments, is developed and interesting results are obtained from both computer simulations and a real-network testbed

    Human Mobility and Application Usage Prediction Algorithms for Mobile Devices

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    Mobile devices such as smartphones and smart watches are ubiquitous companions of humans’ daily life. Since 2014, there are more mobile devices on Earth than humans. Mobile applications utilize sensors and actuators of these devices to support individuals in their daily life. In particular, 24% of the Android applications leverage users’ mobility data. For instance, this data allows applications to understand which places an individual typically visits. This allows providing her with transportation information, location-based advertisements, or to enable smart home heating systems. These and similar scenarios require the possibility to access the Internet from everywhere and at any time. To realize these scenarios 83% of the applications available in the Android Play Store require the Internet to operate properly and therefore access it from everywhere and at any time. Mobile applications such as Google Now or Apple Siri utilize human mobility data to anticipate where a user will go next or which information she is likely to access en route to her destination. However, predicting human mobility is a challenging task. Existing mobility prediction solutions are typically optimized a priori for a particular application scenario and mobility prediction task. There is no approach that allows for automatically composing a mobility prediction solution depending on the underlying prediction task and other parameters. This approach is required to allow mobile devices to support a plethora of mobile applications running on them, while each of the applications support its users by leveraging mobility predictions in a distinct application scenario. Mobile applications rely strongly on the availability of the Internet to work properly. However, mobile cellular network providers are struggling to provide necessary cellular resources. Mobile applications generate a monthly average mobile traffic volume that ranged between 1 GB in Asia and 3.7 GB in North America in 2015. The Ericsson Mobility Report Q1 2016 predicts that by the end of 2021 this mobile traffic volume will experience a 12-fold increase. The consequences are higher costs for both providers and consumers and a reduced quality of service due to congested mobile cellular networks. Several countermeasures can be applied to cope with these problems. For instance, mobile applications apply caching strategies to prefetch application content by predicting which applications will be used next. However, existing solutions suffer from two major shortcomings. They either (1) do not incorporate traffic volume information into their prefetching decisions and thus generate a substantial amount of cellular traffic or (2) require a modification of mobile application code. In this thesis, we present novel human mobility and application usage prediction algorithms for mobile devices. These two major contributions address the aforementioned problems of (1) selecting a human mobility prediction model and (2) prefetching of mobile application content to reduce cellular traffic. First, we address the selection of human mobility prediction models. We report on an extensive analysis of the influence of temporal, spatial, and phone context data on the performance of mobility prediction algorithms. Building upon our analysis results, we present (1) SELECTOR – a novel algorithm for selecting individual human mobility prediction models and (2) MAJOR – an ensemble learning approach for human mobility prediction. Furthermore, we introduce population mobility models and demonstrate their practical applicability. In particular, we analyze techniques that focus on detection of wrong human mobility predictions. Among these techniques, an ensemble learning algorithm, called LOTUS, is designed and evaluated. Second, we present EBC – a novel algorithm for prefetching mobile application content. EBC’s goal is to reduce cellular traffic consumption to improve application content freshness. With respect to existing solutions, EBC presents novel techniques (1) to incorporate different strategies for prefetching mobile applications depending on the available network type and (2) to incorporate application traffic volume predictions into the prefetching decisions. EBC also achieves a reduction in application launch time to the cost of a negligible increase in energy consumption. Developing human mobility and application usage prediction algorithms requires access to human mobility and application usage data. To this end, we leverage in this thesis three publicly available data set. Furthermore, we address the shortcomings of these data sets, namely, (1) the lack of ground-truth mobility data and (2) the lack of human mobility data at short-term events like conferences. We contribute with JK2013 and UbiComp Data Collection Campaign (UbiDCC) two human mobility data sets that address these shortcomings. We also develop and make publicly available a mobile application called LOCATOR, which was used to collect our data sets. In summary, the contributions of this thesis provide a step further towards supporting mobile applications and their users. With SELECTOR, we contribute an algorithm that allows optimizing the quality of human mobility predictions by appropriately selecting parameters. To reduce the cellular traffic footprint of mobile applications, we contribute with EBC a novel approach for prefetching of mobile application content by leveraging application usage predictions. Furthermore, we provide insights about how and to what extent wrong and uncertain human mobility predictions can be detected. Lastly, with our mobile application LOCATOR and two human mobility data sets, we contribute practical tools for researchers in the human mobility prediction domain

    Designing algorithms for big graph datasets : a study of computing bisimulation and joins

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    Data exploitation and privacy protection in the era of data sharing

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    As the amount, complexity, and value of data available in both private and public sectors has risen sharply, the competing goals of data privacy and data utility have challenged both organizations and individuals. This dissertation addresses both goals. First, we consider the task of {\it interorganizational data sharing}, in which data owners, data clients, and data subjects have different and sometimes competing privacy concerns. A key challenge in this type of scenario is that each organization uses its own set of proprietary, intraorganizational attributes to describe the shared data; such attributes cannot be shared with other organizations. Moreover, data-access policies are determined by multiple parties and may be specified using attributes that are not directly comparable with the ones used by the owner to specify the data. We propose a system architecture and a suite of protocols that facilitate dynamic and efficient interorganizational data sharing, while allowing each party to use its own set of proprietary attributes to describe the shared data and preserving confidentiality of both data records and attributes. We introduce the novel technique of \textit{attribute-based encryption with oblivious attribute translation (OTABE)}, which plays a crucial role in our solution and may prove useful in other applications. This extension of attribute-based encryption uses semi-trusted proxies to enable dynamic and oblivious translation between proprietary attributes that belong to different organizations. We prove that our OTABE-based framework is secure in the standard model and provide two real-world use cases. Next, we turn our attention to utility that can be derived from the vast and growing amount of data about individuals that is available on social media. As social networks (SNs) continue to grow in popularity, it is essential to understand what can be learned about personal attributes of SN users by mining SN data. The first SN-mining problem we consider is how best to predict the voting behavior of SN users. Prior work only considered users who generate politically oriented content or voluntarily disclose their political preferences online. We avoid this bias by using a novel type of Bayesian-network (BN) model that combines demographic, behavioral, and social features. We test our method in a predictive analysis of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election. Our work is the first to take a semi-supervised approach in this setting. Using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, we combine labeled survey data with unlabeled Facebook data, thus obtaining larger datasets and addressing self-selection bias. The second SN-mining challenge we address is the extent to which Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) can infer dynamic behavioral intentions such as the intention to get a vaccine or to apply for a loan. Knowledge of such intentions has great potential to improve the design of recommendation systems, ad-targeting mechanisms, public-health campaigns, and other social and commercial endeavors. We focus on the question of how to infer an SN user\u27s \textit{offline} decisions and intentions using only the {\it public} portions of her \textit{online} SN accounts. Our contribution is twofold. First, we use BNs and several behavioral-psychology techniques to model decision making as a complex process that both influences and is influenced by static factors (such as personality traits and demographic categories) and dynamic factors (such as triggering events, interests, and emotions). Second, we explore the extent to which temporal models may assist in the inference task by representing SN users as sets of DBNs that are built using our modeling techniques. The use of DBNs, together with data gathered in multiple waves, has the potential to improve both inference accuracy and prediction accuracy in future time slots. It may also shed light on the extent to which different factors influence the decision-making process
