9 research outputs found

    Automatic truecasing of video subtitles using BERT: a multilingual adaptable approach

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    This paper describes an approach for automatic capitalization of text without case information, such as spoken transcripts of video subtitles, produced by automatic speech recognition systems. Our approach is based on pre-trained contextualized word embeddings, requires only a small portion of data for training when compared with traditional approaches, and is able to achieve state-of-the-art results. The paper reports experiments both on general written data from the European Parliament, and on video subtitles, revealing that the proposed approach is suitable for performing capitalization, not only in each one of the domains, but also in a cross-domain scenario. We have also created a versatile multilingual model, and the conducted experiments show that good results can be achieved both for monolingual and multilingual data. Finally, we applied domain adaptation by finetuning models, initially trained on general written data, on video subtitles, revealing gains over other approaches not only in performance but also in terms of computational cost.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Robust Named Entity Recognition with Truecasing Pretraining

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    Although modern named entity recognition (NER) systems show impressive performance on standard datasets, they perform poorly when presented with noisy data. In particular, capitalization is a strong signal for entities in many languages, and even state of the art models overfit to this feature, with drastically lower performance on uncapitalized text. In this work, we address the problem of robustness of NER systems in data with noisy or uncertain casing, using a pretraining objective that predicts casing in text, or a truecaser, leveraging unlabeled data. The pretrained truecaser is combined with a standard BiLSTM-CRF model for NER by appending output distributions to character embeddings. In experiments over several datasets of varying domain and casing quality, we show that our new model improves performance in uncased text, even adding value to uncased BERT embeddings. Our method achieves a new state of the art on the WNUT17 shared task dataset.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 202

    Recovering capitalization and punctuation marks for automatic speech recognition: case study for Portuguese broadcast news

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    The following material presents a study about recovering punctuation marks, and capitalization information from European Portuguese broadcast news speech transcriptions. Different approaches were tested for capitalization, both generative and discriminative, using: finite state transducers automatically built from language models; and maximum entropy models. Several resources were used, including lexica, written newspaper corpora and speech transcriptions. Finite state transducers produced the best results for written newspaper corpora, but the maximum entropy approach also proved to be a good choice, suitable for the capitalization of speech transcriptions, and allowing straightforward on-the-fly capitalization. Evaluation results are presented both for written newspaper corpora and for broadcast news speech transcriptions. The frequency of each punctuation mark in BN speech transcriptions was analyzed for three different languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. The punctuation task was performed using a maximum entropy modeling approach, which combines different types of information both lexical and acoustic. The contribution of each feature was analyzed individually and separated results for each focus condition are given, making it possible to analyze the performance differences between planned and spontaneous speech. All results were evaluated on speech transcriptions of a Portuguese broadcast news corpus. The benefits of enriching speech recognition with punctuation and capitalization are shown in an example, illustrating the effects of described experiments into spoken texts.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Improving Generation in Machine Translation by Separating Syntactic and Morphological Processes

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    Abstract-This paper presents a generation approach in a Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) based machine translation system that subdivides the process and uses rule based modules to address the problem. The results show improvement in performance compared to the earlier work which generates the translation into Urdu using a single integrated process

    Toward higher effectiveness for recall-oriented information retrieval: A patent retrieval case study

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    Research in information retrieval (IR) has largely been directed towards tasks requiring high precision. Recently, other IR applications which can be described as recall-oriented IR tasks have received increased attention in the IR research domain. Prominent among these IR applications are patent search and legal search, where users are typically ready to check hundreds or possibly thousands of documents in order to find any possible relevant document. The main concerns in this kind of application are very different from those in standard precision-oriented IR tasks, where users tend to be focused on finding an answer to their information need that can typically be addressed by one or two relevant documents. For precision-oriented tasks, mean average precision continues to be used as the primary evaluation metric for almost all IR applications. For recall-oriented IR applications the nature of the search task, including objectives, users, queries, and document collections, is different from that of standard precision-oriented search tasks. In this research study, two dimensions in IR are explored for the recall-oriented patent search task. The study includes IR system evaluation and multilingual IR for patent search. In each of these dimensions, current IR techniques are studied and novel techniques developed especially for this kind of recall-oriented IR application are proposed and investigated experimentally in the context of patent retrieval. The techniques developed in this thesis provide a significant contribution toward evaluating the effectiveness of recall-oriented IR in general and particularly patent search, and improving the efficiency of multilingual search for this kind of task

    Placeable and localizable elements in translation memory systems

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    Translation memory systems (TM systems) are software packages used in computer-assisted translation (CAT) to support human translators. As an example of successful natural language processing (NLP), these applications have been discussed in monographic works, conferences, articles in specialized journals, newsletters, forums, mailing lists, etc. This thesis focuses on how TM systems deal with placeable and localizable elements, as defined in Although these elements are mentioned in the cited sources, there is no systematic work discussing them. This thesis is aimed at filling this gap and at suggesting improvements that could be implemented in order to tackle current shortcomings. The thesis is divided into the following chapters. Chapter 1 is a general introduction to the field of TM technology. Chapter 2 presents the conducted research in detail. The chapters 3 to 12 each discuss a specific category of placeable and localizable elements. Finally, chapter 13 provides a conclusion summarizing the major findings of this research project

    Comparative Quality Estimation for Machine Translation. An Application of Artificial Intelligence on Language Technology using Machine Learning of Human Preferences

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    In this thesis we focus on Comparative Quality Estimation, as the automaticprocess of analysing two or more translations produced by a Machine Translation(MT) system and expressing a judgment about their comparison. We approach theproblem from a supervised machine learning perspective, with the aim to learnfrom human preferences. As a result, we create the ranking mechanism, a pipelinethat includes the necessary tasks for ordering several MT outputs of a givensource sentence in terms of relative quality. Quality Estimation models are trained to statistically associate the judgmentswith some qualitative features. For this purpose, we design a broad set offeatures with a particular focus on the ones with a grammatical background.Through an iterative feature engineering process, we investigate several featuresets, we conclude to the ones that achieve the best performance and we proceedto linguistically intuitive observations about the contribution of individualfeatures. Additionally, we employ several feature selection and machine learning methodsto take advantage of these features. We suggest the usage of binary classifiersafter decomposing the ranking into pairwise decisions. In order to reduce theamount of uncertain decisions (ties) we weight the pairwise decisions with theirclassification probability. Through a set of experiments, we show that the ranking mechanism can learn andreproduce rankings that correlate to the ones given by humans. Most importantly,it can be successfully compared with state-of-the-art reference-aware metricsand other known ranking methods for several language pairs. We also apply thismethod for a hybrid MT system combination and we show that it is able to improvethe overall translation performance. Finally, we examine the correlation between common MT errors and decoding eventsof the phrase-based statistical MT systems. Through evidence from the decodingprocess, we identify some cases where long-distance grammatical phenomena cannotbe captured properly. An additional outcome of this thesis is the open source software Qualitative,which implements the full pipeline of ranking mechanism and the systemcombination task. It integrates a multitude of state-of-the-art natural languageprocessing tools and can support the development of new models. Apart from theusage in experiment pipelines, it can serve as an application back-end for webapplications in real-use scenaria.In dieser Promotionsarbeit konzentrieren wir uns auf die vergleichende Qualitätsschätzung der Maschinellen Übersetzung als ein automatisches Verfahren zur Analyse von zwei oder mehr Übersetzungen, die von Maschinenübersetzungssysteme erzeugt wurden, und zur Beurteilung von deren Vergleich. Wir gehen an das Problem aus der Perspektive des überwachten maschinellen Lernens heran, mit dem Ziel, von menschlichen Präferenzen zu lernen. Als Ergebnis erstellen wir einen Ranking-Mechanismus. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Pipeline, welche die notwendigen Arbeitsschritte für die Anordnung mehrerer Maschinenübersetzungen eines bestimmten Quellsatzes in Bezug auf die relative Qualität umfasst. Qualitätsschätzungsmodelle werden so trainiert, dass Vergleichsurteile mit einigen bestimmten Merkmalen statistisch verknüpft werden. Zu diesem Zweck konzipieren wir eine breite Palette von Merkmalen mit besonderem Fokus auf diejenigen mit einem grammatikalischen Hintergrund. Mit Hilfe eines iterativen Verfahrens der Merkmalskonstruktion untersuchen wir verschiedene Merkmalsreihen, erschließen diejenigen, die die beste Leistung erzielen, und leiten linguistisch motivierte Beobachtungen über die Beiträge der einzelnen Merkmale ab. Zusätzlich setzen wir verschiedene Methoden des maschinellen Lernens und der Merkmalsauswahl ein, um die Vorteile dieser Merkmale zu nutzen. Wir schlagen die Verwendung von binären Klassifikatoren nach Zerlegen des Rankings in paarweise Entscheidungen vor. Um die Anzahl der unklaren Entscheidungen (Unentschieden) zu verringern, gewichten wir die paarweisen Entscheidungen mit deren Klassifikationswahrscheinlichkeit. Mithilfe einer Reihe von Experimenten zeigen wir, dass der Ranking-Mechanismus Rankings lernen und reproduzieren kann, die mit denen von Menschen übereinstimmen. Die wichtigste Erkenntnis ist, dass der Mechanismus erfolgreich mit referenzbasierten Metriken und anderen bekannten Ranking-Methoden auf dem neusten Stand der Technik für verschiedene Sprachpaare verglichen werden kann. Diese Methode verwenden wir ebenfalls für eine hybride Systemkombination maschineller Übersetzer und zeigen, dass sie in der Lage ist, die gesamte Übersetzungsleistung zu verbessern. Abschließend untersuchen wir den Zusammenhang zwischen häufig vorkommenden Fehlern der maschinellen Übersetzung und Vorgängen, die während des internen Dekodierungsverfahrens der phrasenbasierten statistischen Maschinenübersetzungssysteme ablaufen. Durch Beweise aus dem Dekodierungsverfahren können wir einige Fälle identifizieren, in denen grammatikalische Phänomene mit Fernabhängigkeit nicht richtig erfasst werden können. Ein weiteres Ergebnis dieser Arbeit ist die quelloffene Software ``Qualitative'', welche die volle Pipeline des Ranking-Mechanismus und das System für die Kombinationsaufgabe implementiert. Die Software integriert eine Vielzahl modernster Softwaretools für die Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache und kann die Entwicklung neuer Modelle unterstützen. Sie kann sowohl in Experimentierpipelines als auch als Anwendungs-Backend in realen Nutzungsszenarien verwendet werden

    Capitalizing machine translation

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    We present a probabilistic bilingual capitalization model for capitalizing machine translation outputs using conditional random fields. Experiments carried out on three language pairs and a variety of experiment conditions show that our model significantly outperforms a strong monolingual capitalization model baseline, especially when working with small datasets and/or European language pairs.