605 research outputs found

    A dynamic lot-sizing model with demand time windows

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    One of the basic assumptions of the classical dynamic lot-sizing model is that the aggregate demand of a given period must be satisfied in that period. Under this assumption, if backlogging is not allowed then the demand of a given period cannot be delivered earlier or later than the period. If backlogging is allowed, the demand of a given period cannot be delivered earlier than the period, but can be delivered later at the expense of a backordering cost. Like most mathematical models, the classical dynamic lot-sizing model is a simplified paraphrase of what might actually happen in real life. In most real life applications, the customer offers a grace period - we call it a demand time window - during which a particular demand can be satisfied with no penalty. That is, in association with each demand, the customer specifies an earliest and a latest delivery time. The time interval characterized by the earliest and latest delivery dates of a demand represents the corresponding time window. This paper studies the dynamic lot-sizing problem with demand time windows and provides polynomial time algorithms for computing its solution. If shortages are not allowed, the complexity of the proposed algorithm is of the order T square. When backlogging is allowed, the complexity of the proposed algorithm is of the order T cube.dynamic programming;lot-sizing;time windows

    DYNAMIC LOT-SIZING PROBLEMS: A Review on Model and Efficient Algorithm

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    Due to their importance in industry, dynamic demand lot-sizing problems are frequently studied.This study consider dynamic lot-sizing problems with recent advances in problem and modelformulation, and algorithms that enable large-scale problems to be effectively solved.Comprehensive review is given on model formulation of dynamic lot-sizing problems, especiallyon capacitated lot-sizing (CLS) problem and the coordinated lot-sizing problem. Bothapproaches have their intercorrelated, where CLS can be employed for single or multilevel/stage, item, and some restrictions. When a need for joint setup replenishment exists, thenthe coordinated lot-sizing is the choice. Furthermore, both algorithmics and heuristics solutionin the research of dynamic lot sizing are considered, followed by an illustration to provide anefficient algorithm

    A review of discrete-time optimization models for tactical production planning

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published in International Journal of Production Research on 27 Mar 2014, available online: http://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2014.899721[EN] This study presents a review of optimization models for tactical production planning. The objective of this research is to identify streams and future research directions in this field based on the different classification criteria proposed. The major findings indicate that: (1) the most popular production-planning area is master production scheduling with a big-bucket time-type period; (2) most of the considered limited resources correspond to productive resources and, to a lesser extent, to inventory capacities; (3) the consideration of backlogs, set-up times, parallel machines, overtime capacities and network-type multisite configuration stand out in terms of extensions; (4) the most widely used modelling approach is linear/integer/mixed integer linear programming solved with exact algorithms, such as branch-and-bound, in commercial MIP solvers; (5) CPLEX, C and its variants and Lindo/Lingo are the most popular development tools among solvers, programming languages and modelling languages, respectively; (6) most works perform numerical experiments with random created instances, while a small number of works were validated by real-world data from industrial firms, of which the most popular are sawmills, wood and furniture, automobile and semiconductors and electronic devices.This study has been funded by the Universitat Politècnica de València projects: ‘Material Requirement Planning Fourth Generation (MRPIV)’ (Ref. PAID-05-12) and ‘Quantitative Models for the Design of Socially Responsible Supply Chains under Uncertainty Conditions. Application of Solution Strategies based on Hybrid Metaheuristics’ (PAID-06-12).Díaz-Madroñero Boluda, FM.; Mula, J.; Peidro Payá, D. (2014). A review of discrete-time optimization models for tactical production planning. International Journal of Production Research. 52(17):5171-5205. doi:10.1080/00207543.2014.899721S51715205521

    Multistage stochastic capacitated discrete lot-sizing with lead times: problem definition, complexity analysis and tighter formulations

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    A stochastic capacitated discrete procurement problem with lead times, cancellation and postponement is addressed. The problem determines the expected cost minimization of satisfying the uncertain demand of a product during a discrete time planning horizon. The supply of the product is made through the purchase of optional distinguishable orders of fixed size with lead time. Due to the uncertainty of demand, corrective actions, such as order cancellation and postponement, may be taken with associated costs and time limits. The problem is modeled as an extension of a capacitated discrete lot-sizing problem with uncertain demand and lead times through a multistage stochastic mixed-integer programming approach. To improve the resolution of the model by tightening its formulation, valid inequalities are generated based on conventional inequalities. Subsets of approximately non dominated valid inequalities are determined heuristically. A procedure to tighten an upgraded formulation based on a known scheme of pairing of inequalities is proposed. Computational experiments are performed for several instances with different uncertainty information structure. The experimental results allow to conclude that the inclusion of subsets of the generated valid inequalities enable a more efficient resolution of the model

    Modeling Industrial Lot Sizing Problems: A Review

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    In this paper we give an overview of recent developments in the field of modeling single-level dynamic lot sizing problems. The focus of this paper is on the modeling various industrial extensions and not on the solution approaches. The timeliness of such a review stems from the growing industry need to solve more realistic and comprehensive production planning problems. First, several different basic lot sizing problems are defined. Many extensions of these problems have been proposed and the research basically expands in two opposite directions. The first line of research focuses on modeling the operational aspects in more detail. The discussion is organized around five aspects: the set ups, the characteristics of the production process, the inventory, demand side and rolling horizon. The second direction is towards more tactical and strategic models in which the lot sizing problem is a core substructure, such as integrated production-distribution planning or supplier selection. Recent advances in both directions are discussed. Finally, we give some concluding remarks and point out interesting areas for future research

    Integrated production-distribution systems : Trends and perspectives

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    During the last two decades, integrated production-distribution problems have attracted a great deal of attention in the operations research literature. Within a short period, a large number of papers have been published and the field has expanded dramatically. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the existing literature by classifying the existing models into several different categories based on multiple characteristics. The paper also discusses some trends and list promising avenues for future research

    An O(Tˆ3) algorithm for the capacitated lot sizing problem with minimum order quantities

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    This paper explores a single-item capacitated lot sizing problem with minimum order quantity, which plays the role of minor set-up cost. We work out the necessary and suffcient solvability conditions and apply the general dynamic programming technique to develop an O(T³) exact algorithm that is based on the concept of minimal sub-problems. An investigation of the properties of the optimal solution structure allows us to construct explicit solutions to the obtained sub-problems and prove their optimality. In this way, we reduce the complexity of the algorithm considerably and confirm its efficiency in an extensive computational study. --production planning,capacitated lot sizing problem,single item,minimum order quantities,capacity constraints,dynamic programming

    An optimization framework for solving capacitated multi-level lot-sizing problems with backlogging

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    This paper proposes two new mixed integer programming models for capacitated multi-level lot-sizing problems with backlogging, whose linear programming relaxations provide good lower bounds on the optimal solution value. We show that both of these strong formulations yield the same lower bounds. In addition to these theoretical results, we propose a new, effective optimization framework that achieves high quality solutions in reasonable computational time. Computational results show that the proposed optimization framework is superior to other well-known approaches on several important performance dimensions

    Production planning and Order Acceptance: an Integrated Model with Flexible Due Dates

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    International audienceWe study a tactical problem integrating production planning with order acceptance decisions. We explicitly consider the dependency between the workload (and work-in-process inventory) and lead times. In the new model, orders are accepted/rejected and their processing period is determined. This problem is formulated as a mixed integer linear program for which two relax-and-fix heuristic solution methods are proposed. The first one decomposes the problem based on time periods while the second decomposes it based on orders. The performances of these heuristics are compared with the performance of a commercial solver. The numerical results show that the time-based relax-and-fix heuristic outperforms the order-based relax-and-fix heuristic and the solver solution as it yields better integrality gaps for much less CPU time

    Essays on Shipment Consolidation Scheduling and Decision Making in the Context of Flexible Demand

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    This dissertation contains three essays related to shipment consolidation scheduling and decision making in the presence of flexible demand. The first essay is presented in Section 1. This essay introduces a new mathematical model for shipment consolidation scheduling for a two-echelon supply chain. The problem addresses shipment coordination and consolidation decisions that are made by a manufacturer who provides inventory replenishments to multiple downstream distribution centers. Unlike previous studies, the consolidation activities in this problem are not restricted to specific policies such as aggregation of shipments at regular times or consolidating when a predetermined quantity has accumulated. Rather, we consider the construction of a detailed shipment consolidation schedule over a planning horizon. We develop a mixed-integer quadratic optimization model to identify the shipment consolidation schedule that minimizes total cost. A genetic algorithm is developed to handle large problem instances. The other two essays explore the concept of flexible demand. In Section 2, we introduce a new variant of the vehicle routing problem (VRP): the vehicle routing problem with flexible repeat visits (VRP-FRV). This problem considers a set of customers at certain locations with certain maximum inter-visit time requirements. However, they are flexible in their visit times. The VRP-FRV has several real-world applications. One scenario is that of caretakers who provide service to elderly people at home. Each caretaker is assigned a number of elderly people to visit one or more times per day. Elderly people differ in their requirements and the minimum frequency at which they need to be visited every day. The VRP-FRV can also be imagined as a police patrol routing problem where the customers are various locations in the city that require frequent observations. Such locations could include known high-crime areas, high-profile residences, and/or safe houses. We develop a math model to minimize the total number of vehicles needed to cover the customer demands and determine the optimal customer visit schedules and vehicle routes. A heuristic method is developed to handle large problem instances. In the third study, presented in Section 3, we consider a single-item cyclic coordinated order fulfillment problem with batch supplies and flexible demands. The system in this study consists of multiple suppliers who each deliver a single item to a central node from which multiple demanders are then replenished. Importantly, demand is flexible and is a control action that the decision maker applies to optimize the system. The objective is to minimize total system cost subject to several operational constraints. The decisions include the timing and sizes of batches delivered by the suppliers to the central node and the timing and amounts by which demanders are replenished. We develop an integer programing model, provide several theoretical insights related to the model, and solve the math model for different problem sizes