24,315 research outputs found

    Multiprocessing the Sieve of Eratosthenes

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    The Sieve of Eratosthenes for finding prime numbers in recent years has seen much use as a benchmark algorithm for serial computers while its intrinsically parallel nature has gone largely unnoticed. The implementation of a parallel version of this algorithm for a real parallel computer, the Flex/32, is described and its performance discussed. It is shown that the algorithm is sensitive to several fundamental performance parameters of parallel machines, such as spawning time, signaling time, memory access, and overhead of process switching. Because of the nature of the algorithm, it is impossible to get any speedup beyond 4 or 5 processors unless some form of dynamic load balancing is employed. We describe the performance of our algorithm with and without load balancing and compare it with theoretical lower bounds and simulated results. It is straightforward to understand this algorithm and to check the final results. However, its efficient implementation on a real parallel machine requires thoughtful design, especially if dynamic load balancing is desired. The fundamental operations required by the algorithm are very simple: this means that the slightest overhead appears prominently in performance data. The Sieve thus serves not only as a very severe test of the capabilities of a parallel processor but is also an interesting challenge for the programmer

    Could Technology End Secrecy?

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    Turn-by-wire: Computationally mediated physical fabrication

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    Advances in digital fabrication have simultaneously created new capabilities while reinforcing outdated workflows that constrain how, and by whom, these fabrication tools are used. In this paper, we investigate how a new class of hybrid-controlled machines can collaborate with novice and expert users alike to yield a more lucid making experience. We demonstrate these ideas through our system, Turn-by-Wire. By combining the capabilities of a traditional lathe with haptic input controllers that modulate both position and force, we detail a series of novel interaction metaphors that invite a more fluid making process spanning digital, model-centric, computer control, and embodied, adaptive, human control. We evaluate our system through a user study and discuss how these concepts generalize to other fabrication tools

    Carl Schaefer, War Artist, 1903–1995

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    Designing Women: Essentializing Femininity in AI Linguistics

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    Since the eighties, feminists have considered technology a force capable of subverting sexism because of technology’s ability to produce unbiased logic. Most famously, Donna Haraway’s “A Cyborg Manifesto” posits that the cyborg has the inherent capability to transcend gender because of its removal from social construct and lack of loyalty to the natural world. But while humanoids and artificial intelligence have been imagined as inherently subversive to gender, current artificial intelligence perpetuates gender divides in labor and language as their programmers imbue them with traits considered “feminine.” A majority of 21st century AI and humanoids are programmed to fit female stereotypes as they fulfill emotional labor and perform pink-collar tasks, whether through roles as therapists, query-fillers, or companions. This paper examines four specific chat-based AI --ELIZA, XiaoIce, Sophia, and Erica-- and examines how their feminine linguistic patterns are used to maintain the illusion of emotional understanding in regards to the tasks that they perform. Overall, chat-based AI fails to subvert gender roles, as feminine AI are relegated to the realm of emotional intelligence and labor

    Three Big Ideas for a Future of Less Work and a Three-Dimensional Alternative

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    The objective of this study is to examine how entrepreneurs in North Rinkeby perceive the Enterprise zone (EZ) program suggested by the Swedish government. The purpose of implementing an enterprise zone program is to revive the economic and social condition of deprived areas. This study analyzes the perception of this proposal by examining it on a regional level.  What are the entrepreneurs’ knowledge about the proposed policy and their perception on how it will influence their decisions of employment or relocation? The method of the research is a case study of North Rinkeby area, which is one of the areas under consideration for becoming part of the proposal.  Survey questionnaires were conducted in North Rinkeby, and the neighboring areas Tensta and Bromsten. 38 respondents were surveyed regarding their perception of how the enterprise zone proposal would influence factors such as employment and entrepreneurial start-ups. The results show that many of the entrepreneurs in the North Rinkeby area are in favor of a proposal such as the Enterprise zone program which the government have suggested. Many of the respondents had little or no knowledge of the proposal of the enterprise zone program. Many of entrepreneurs found that the proposal to be unfair in terms of competition between firms in North Rinkey and its neighboring areas. At a regional level many of the entrepreneurs welcomed the proposal and agreed that if it were to be implemented, it would have a growth enhancing effect for many firms. This in turn, would lead to a positive change in firm’s employability and profitability. The respondents also thought that the proposal would increase the amount of start-ups in North Rinkeby if it were to be implemented. The investigators of this proposal have argued that relocation to the chosen area would be large from the neighboring areas. The result were mixed among entrepreneurs in the neighboring areas as how they view the relocation factor.  Even though the enterprise zone program was recently rejected, many of the entrepreneurs in all of the three areas perceived this proposal as welfare enhancing

    Market-oriented product development as an organizational learning capability: findings from two cases

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    Conceptualizing market orientation at the level of the product development process is relevant, because market orientation is a highly critical factor for new product success and this conceptualization can be used as a starting-point to transform the whole organization into a more market oriented one. Market-oriented product development appears to be more than carrying out a number of marketing activities in a product development process. Using concepts from resourcebased theory and organizational learning theory, we draw up a conceptual framework of marketoriented product development as an organizational learning capability substantiated by findings from two case studies. This capability encapsulates the values and norms, knowledge and skills, technical and managerial knowledge systems, which enable learning about markets through information processing behavior in product development and improve this market learning behavior. This conceptualization stimulates research on operationalizing market orientation in the managerial context of a critical business process and research on enhancing the degree of market orientation.
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