486 research outputs found

    A computer assisted analysis of literary text: from feature analysis to judgements of literary merit

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyUsing some of the tools developed mainly for authorship authentication, this study develops a toolbox of techniques towards enabling computers to detect aesthetic qualities in literature. The literature review suggests that the style markers that indicate a particular author may be adapted to show literary style that constitutes a "good" book. An initial experiment was carried out to see to what extent the computer can identify specific literary features both before and after undergoing a "corruption" of text by translating and re-translating the texts. Preliminary results were encouraging, with up to 90 per cent of the literary features being identifi ed, suggesting that literary characteristics are robust and quanti fiable. An investigation is carried out into current and historic literary criticism to determine how the texts can be classified as "good literature". Focus groups, interviews and surveys are used to pinpoint the elements of literariness as experienced by human readers that identify a text as "good". Initially identified by human experts, these elements are confirmed by the reading public. Using Classics as a genre, 100 mainly fiction texts are taken from the Gutenberg Project and ranked according to download counts from the Gutenberg website, an indicator of literary merit (Ashok et al., 2013). The texts are equally divided into five grades: four according to the download rankings and one of non- fiction texts. From these, factor analysis and mean averages determine the metrics that determine the literary quality. The metrics are qualified by a model named CoBAALT (computer-based aesthetic analysis of literary texts). CoBAALT assesses texts by Jane Austen and D. H. Lawrence and determines the degree to which they conform to the metrics for literary quality; the results demonstrate conformity with peer reviewed literary criticism

    Multimodal sentiment analysis in real-life videos

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    This thesis extends the emerging field of multimodal sentiment analysis of real-life videos, taking two components into consideration: the emotion and the emotion's target. The emotion component of media is traditionally represented as a segment-based intensity model of emotion classes. This representation is replaced here by a value- and time-continuous view. Adjacent research fields, such as affective computing, have largely neglected the linguistic information available from automatic transcripts of audio-video material. As is demonstrated here, this text modality is well-suited for time- and value-continuous prediction. Moreover, source-specific problems, such as trustworthiness, have been largely unexplored so far. This work examines perceived trustworthiness of the source, and its quantification, in user-generated video data and presents a possible modelling path. Furthermore, the transfer between the continuous and discrete emotion representations is explored in order to summarise the emotional context at a segment level. The other component deals with the target of the emotion, for example, the topic the speaker is addressing. Emotion targets in a video dataset can, as is shown here, be coherently extracted based on automatic transcripts without limiting a priori parameters, such as the expected number of targets. Furthermore, alternatives to purely linguistic investigation in predicting targets, such as knowledge-bases and multimodal systems, are investigated. A new dataset is designed for this investigation, and, in conjunction with proposed novel deep neural networks, extensive experiments are conducted to explore the components described above. The developed systems show robust prediction results and demonstrate strengths of the respective modalities, feature sets, and modelling techniques. Finally, foundations are laid for cross-modal information prediction systems with applications to the correction of corrupted in-the-wild signals from real-life videos

    Algorithmic Reason

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    Are algorithms ruling the world today? Is artificial intelligence making life-and-death decisions? Are social media companies able to manipulate elections? As we are confronted with public and academic anxieties about unprecedented changes, this book offers a different analytical prism to investigate these transformations as more mundane and fraught. Aradau and Blanke develop conceptual and methodological tools to understand how algorithmic operations shape the government of self and other. While disperse and messy, these operations are held together by an ascendant algorithmic reason. Through a global perspective on algorithmic operations, the book helps us understand how algorithmic reason redraws boundaries and reconfigures differences. The book explores the emergence of algorithmic reason through rationalities, materializations, and interventions. It traces how algorithmic rationalities of decomposition, recomposition, and partitioning are materialized in the construction of dangerous others, the power of platforms, and the production of economic value. The book shows how political interventions to make algorithms governable encounter friction, refusal, and resistance. The theoretical perspective on algorithmic reason is developed through qualitative and digital methods to investigate scenes and controversies that range from mass surveillance and the Cambridge Analytica scandal in the UK to predictive policing in the US, and from the use of facial recognition in China and drone targeting in Pakistan to the regulation of hate speech in Germany. Algorithmic Reason offers an alternative to dystopia and despair through a transdisciplinary approach made possible by the authors’ backgrounds, which span the humanities, social sciences, and computer sciences

    AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence with Biased or Scarce Data (AIBSD)

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    This book is a collection of the accepted papers presented at the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence with Biased or Scarce Data (AIBSD) in conjunction with the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2022. During AIBSD 2022, the attendees addressed the existing issues of data bias and scarcity in Artificial Intelligence and discussed potential solutions in real-world scenarios. A set of papers presented at AIBSD 2022 is selected for further publication and included in this book

    Algorithmic Reason

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    Are algorithms ruling the world today? Is artificial intelligence making life-and-death decisions? Are social media companies able to manipulate elections? As we are confronted with public and academic anxieties about unprecedented changes, this book offers a different analytical prism to investigate these transformations as more mundane and fraught. Aradau and Blanke develop conceptual and methodological tools to understand how algorithmic operations shape the government of self and other. While disperse and messy, these operations are held together by an ascendant algorithmic reason. Through a global perspective on algorithmic operations, the book helps us understand how algorithmic reason redraws boundaries and reconfigures differences. The book explores the emergence of algorithmic reason through rationalities, materializations, and interventions. It traces how algorithmic rationalities of decomposition, recomposition, and partitioning are materialized in the construction of dangerous others, the power of platforms, and the production of economic value. The book shows how political interventions to make algorithms governable encounter friction, refusal, and resistance. The theoretical perspective on algorithmic reason is developed through qualitative and digital methods to investigate scenes and controversies that range from mass surveillance and the Cambridge Analytica scandal in the UK to predictive policing in the US, and from the use of facial recognition in China and drone targeting in Pakistan to the regulation of hate speech in Germany. Algorithmic Reason offers an alternative to dystopia and despair through a transdisciplinary approach made possible by the authors’ backgrounds, which span the humanities, social sciences, and computer sciences

    HandSight: A Touch-Based Wearable System to Increase Information Accessibility for People with Visual Impairments

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    Many activities of daily living such as getting dressed, preparing food, wayfinding, or shopping rely heavily on visual information, and the inability to access that information can negatively impact the quality of life for people with vision impairments. While numerous researchers have explored solutions for assisting with visual tasks that can be performed at a distance, such as identifying landmarks for navigation or recognizing people and objects, few have attempted to provide access to nearby visual information through touch. Touch is a highly attuned means of acquiring tactile and spatial information, especially for people with vision impairments. By supporting touch-based access to information, we may help users to better understand how a surface appears (e.g., document layout, clothing patterns), thereby improving the quality of life. To address this gap in research, this dissertation explores methods to augment a visually impaired user’s sense of touch with interactive, real-time computer vision to access information about the physical world. These explorations span three application areas: reading and exploring printed documents, controlling mobile devices, and identifying colors and visual textures. At the core of each application is a system called HandSight that uses wearable cameras and other sensors to detect touch events and identify surface content beneath the user’s finger. To create HandSight, we designed and implemented the physical hardware, developed signal processing and computer vision algorithms, and designed real-time feedback that enables users to interpret visual or digital content. We involve visually impaired users throughout the design and development process, conducting several user studies to assess usability and robustness and to improve our prototype designs. The contributions of this dissertation include: (i) developing and iteratively refining HandSight, a novel wearable system to assist visually impaired users in their daily lives; (ii) evaluating HandSight across a diverse set of tasks, and identifying tradeoffs of a finger-worn approach in terms of physical design, algorithmic complexity and robustness, and usability; and (iii) identifying broader design implications for future wearable systems and for the fields of accessibility, computer vision, augmented and virtual reality, and human-computer interaction

    Investigating Obfuscation as a Tool to Enhance Photo Privacy on Social Networks Sites

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    Photos which contain rich visual information can be a source of privacy issues. Some privacy issues associated with photos include identification of people, inference attacks, location disclosure, and sensitive information leakage. However, photo privacy is often hard to achieve because the content in the photos is both what makes them valuable to viewers, and what causes privacy concerns. Photo sharing often occurs via Social Network Sites (SNSs). Photo privacy is difficult to achieve via SNSs due to two main reasons: first, SNSs seldom notify users of the sensitive content in their photos that might cause privacy leakage; second, the recipient control tools available on SNSs are not effective. The only solution that existing SNSs (e.g., Facebook, Flickr) provide is control over who receives a photo. This solution allows users to withhold the entire photo from certain viewers while sharing it with other viewers. The idea is that if viewers cannot see a photo, then privacy risk is minimized. However, withholding or self-censoring photos is not always the solution people want. In some cases, people want to be able to share photos, or parts of photos, even when they have privacy concerns about the photo. To provide better online photo privacy protection options for users, we leverage a behavioral theory of privacy that identifies and focuses on two key elements that influence privacy -- information content and information recipient. This theory provides a vocabulary for discussing key aspects of privacy and helps us organize our research to focus on the two key parameters through a series of studies. In my thesis, I describe five studies I have conducted. First, I focus on the content parameter to identify what portions of an image are considered sensitive and therefore are candidates to be obscured to increase privacy. I provide a taxonomy of content sensitivity that can help designers of photo-privacy mechanisms understand what categories of content users consider sensitive. Then, focusing on the recipient parameter, I describe how elements of the taxonomy are associated with users\u27 sharing preferences for different categories of recipients (e.g., colleagues vs. family members). Second, focusing on controlling photo content disclosure, I invented privacy-enhancing obfuscations and evaluated their effectiveness against human recognition and studied how they affect the viewing experience. Third, after discovering that avatar and inpainting are two promising obfuscation methods, I studied whether they were robust when de-identifying both familiar and unfamiliar people since viewers are likely to know the people in OSN photos. Additionally, I quantified the prevalence of self-reported photo self-censorship and discovered that privacy-preserving obfuscations might be useful for combating photo self-censorship. Gaining sufficient knowledge from the studies above, I proposed a privacy-enhanced photo-sharing interface that helps users identify the potential sensitive content and provides obfuscation options. To evaluate the interface, I compared the proposed obfuscation approach with the other two approaches – a control condition that mimics the current Facebook photo-sharing interface and an interface that provides a privacy warning about potentially sensitive content. The results show that our proposed system performs better over the other two in terms of reducing perceived privacy risks, increasing willingness to share, and enhancing usability. Overall, our research will benefit privacy researchers, online social network designers, policymakers, computer vision researchers, and anyone who has or wants to share photos online

    Alexa, Should I Trust You? A Theory of Trustworthiness for Artificial Intelligence

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    As people turn to AI driven technologies for help with everything from meal planning to choosing a mate, it is increasingly important for individuals to gauge the trustworthiness of available technologies. However, most philosophical theories of trustworthiness focus on interpersonal trust and are inappropriate for non-agents. What, then, does it mean for non-agents such as AI driven technologies to be trustworthy? I distinguish two different forms of trustworthiness: naive trustworthiness and robust trustworthiness. An agent is naively trustworthy to the extent that it would be likely to meet the truster’s expectations with respect to a given domain. An agent is robustly trustworthy to the extent that it would be likely to meet the truster’s needs with respect to a given domain. I argue that it is possible for AI driven technologies to be both naively and robustly trustworthy, but this trustworthiness is not a stable feature of trustees. Instead, it is relative to a trusters’ expectations and vulnerabilities. In chapter one, I argue that current accounts of trustworthy AI obscure the dynamics of trust relationships that are important for individual decision-making. I then argue that unquestioning trust characterizes many of the risks associated with human-AI relationships and sets the bar for trustworthiness at the appropriate level. In chapter two, I argue that vulnerability both precedes and follows from trust relationships. I demonstrate how these different sources of vulnerability create a tension for people seeking to be trustworthy. Sometimes, the actions that mitigate the vulnerabilities that follow from trust reinforce the vulnerabilities that precede trust. Does the trustworthy agent do what they have been trusted to do, even if that reinforces harmful vulnerabilities that motivated the trust? Or does the trustworthy agent break trust when that trust is ill-conceived? In addressing this tension, I distinguish two kinds of trustworthiness. Naive trustworthiness requires an agent to act as entrusted, regardless of the context or consequences. Robust trustworthiness requires an agent to act so as to minimize vulnerabilities that both precede and follow from trust relationships when those vulnerabilities are harmful. In chapter three, I argue that robust trustworthiness is not a stable feature, but is sensitive to the particular trust-context. When people trust, that trust is limited to a particular domain, determined by the truster’s expectations of the trustee. Sometimes, however, a truster’s expectations are misplaced or too vague and meeting them may harm the truster. In cases like these, the robustly trustworthy agent may break trust in order to avoid such harm. However, it is not an easy matter to determine when the expectations comprising a trust domain are misplaced or otherwise inappropriate. In cases where the truster and trustee disagree regarding what the appropriate expectations are and how they should be met, I argue that it is not necessarily the case that either is making a mistake. I call these cases of “faultless broken trust”. When faultless broken trust occurs, the truster should not continue trusting the trustee. The robustly trustworthy agent, then, is trustworthy in contexts where trust breaking is not faultless. In chapter four, I demonstrate how the concepts of naive trustworthiness and robust trustworthiness apply to human relationships with AI-infused technologies. I argue that black-box AI technologies pose a particular problem for naive trust- worthiness. I then argue that robustly trustworthy AI must be aimed at legitimate needs and must not require that people adapt to the limitations of AI technologies in harmful ways

    PaLM 2 Technical Report

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    We introduce PaLM 2, a new state-of-the-art language model that has better multilingual and reasoning capabilities and is more compute-efficient than its predecessor PaLM. PaLM 2 is a Transformer-based model trained using a mixture of objectives. Through extensive evaluations on English and multilingual language, and reasoning tasks, we demonstrate that PaLM 2 has significantly improved quality on downstream tasks across different model sizes, while simultaneously exhibiting faster and more efficient inference compared to PaLM. This improved efficiency enables broader deployment while also allowing the model to respond faster, for a more natural pace of interaction. PaLM 2 demonstrates robust reasoning capabilities exemplified by large improvements over PaLM on BIG-Bench and other reasoning tasks. PaLM 2 exhibits stable performance on a suite of responsible AI evaluations, and enables inference-time control over toxicity without additional overhead or impact on other capabilities. Overall, PaLM 2 achieves state-of-the-art performance across a diverse set of tasks and capabilities. When discussing the PaLM 2 family, it is important to distinguish between pre-trained models (of various sizes), fine-tuned variants of these models, and the user-facing products that use these models. In particular, user-facing products typically include additional pre- and post-processing steps. Additionally, the underlying models may evolve over time. Therefore, one should not expect the performance of user-facing products to exactly match the results reported in this report
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