10 research outputs found

    The Relationships between Social Media Adoption and Homestay Performance in Malaysia

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    Social media has become the most popular marketing tool in the tourism industry. It has been determined that the advent of social media has allowed tourists from all around the world to directly get in touch and communicate with tourism organizations despite their location. However, there is limited research on the adoption of social media as a marketing tool in the Homestay program. Therefore, Kampungstay and Homestay Association Malaysia (MKHA) in collaboration with Tourism Malaysia has developed a platform known as www.jomhomestay.my to promote the program. Despite this effort, the findings stated that the homestay program has limited resources for social media and a limited ability to recognize it. Thus, this paper is to examine the relationships between social media adoption and homestay performance. The originality of the study will act as a roadmap for future research, assisting in the creation of the most productive homestay business plan and providing empirical data for this research


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh networking dan collaboration melalui whatsapp group terhadap kinerja karyawan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam CU Dharma Prima Kita dan CU Dharma Bakti menggunakan purposive sampling. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 37 karyawan. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa networking dan collaboration berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Maka dari itu, dengan meningkatkan networking dan collaboration dapat meningkatkan kinerja karyawan

    Navigating the Digital Workplace: The Impact of Social Media Use on Thriving and Job Performance with a Focus on Self-Regulation

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between social media use, thriving, and job performance given self-regulation as a moderating factor. The increasing social media use by employees in the workplace provides both opportunities and challenges, which may cause its impact on performance outcomes to be highly variable. Moreover, the relationship between social media use and performance outcomes is complex, suggesting that there may be contextual variables influencing the significance of this relationship. Data for this study were collected from 274 academics at Delta State University, Delta State, Nigeria, and subjected to the partial least square [PLS] analytical protocol for structural equation modeling. The PLS results demonstrated that social media use and thriving have a positive and significant link that can be explained partly by the mediational pathway of thriving. Second, self-regulation interaction with social media use triggers thriving, which can be viewed as a significant antecedent of job performance. The study recommended that managers should encourage the regulated use of social media to ensure it stays effective for the realisation of desirable work benefits. This calls for the training of staff to enable them to address conceptions and misconceptions of social media use and develop competencies and strategies for the regulated and productive use of social media applications. Keywords: Learning, Job Performance, Self-Regulation, Social Media, Thriving, Vitalit

    Instagram Resmi Blogu Ne Söylüyor?: Maxqda İle İçerik Analizi

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, Instagram resmi bloğunun kullanım pratiklerini ortaya koymaktır. Çalışma, Instagram’ın bir şirket olarak kendisini yeni medya ortamında nasıl temsil ettiğini ortaya koyması açısından, alandaki önemli bir boşluğu doldurmaya adaydır. Mevcut araştırma, “Instagram resmi blog yazılarının temaları ve alt kategorileri nelerdir?”, “Instagram’a getirilen yeni özellikler kullanıcılarda neyi teşvik etmektedir?” ve “Instagram’a gelen yeni özellikler yakınsama bağlamında ne söylemektedir?” sorularına yanıt aramaktadır. Bu soruları yanıtlamak amacıyla blog yazıları içerik analizinin altında yer alan tematik incelemeye tabi tutulmuştur. Analiz neticesinde 3 ana tema ortaya çıkmıştır. Bunlar; kurumsal, ilişkisel ve filantropik temalarıdır. Ana temalar kendi içinde alt temalara ayrılmaktadır. Çalışmada bu kategoriler yakınsama bağlamında ele alınarak, Instagram’ın blogları kullanım amacı tartışmaya açılmıştır


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    We aim to shed light on this issue by reviewing the roots and development of the locus of control theory. Moreover, we will introduce how we can use this development, in theory, to provide a new research direction in the tourism service field. A theory-based review was conducted to investigate the locus of control theory roots and its potential implications in the tourism industry using the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) list to explore the current literature. We followed the PRISMA methodology to collect the data from the Scopus database as well as Google Scholar and ResearchGate. The study found that the locus of control theory has its roots in social psychology and has been developed over the years to explain individual differences in behavior and decision-making. In the tourism service field, we found that understanding the locus of control can help service providers tailor their services to meet the needs and expectations of different types of tourists. This will contribute to attribution literature in psychological aspects and tourism literature with a deep understanding of how tourists behave and interpret differently

    Práticas de Recursos Humanos: o Caso do Acolhimento Inovador na hes - sistemas informáticos

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    A área de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) tem-se mostrado cada vez mais importante no meio organizacional, apresentando-se com um carater fundamental na estratégia da empresa. Atualmente, a área da GRH, tem tido um vasto reconhecimento na produtividade dos colaboradores, através das suas inúmeras práticas. As inovações verificadas nos dias de hoje, visam, essencialmente, a produtividade e os processos de GRH não são exceção quer seja para a atração e retenção do talento ou para a atualização de processos anteriormente burocráticos. Idealizar um processo de acolhimento com caráter inovador possibilita o acompanhamento e o relacionamento entre colegas e chefia . Além disso, permite ao novo colaborador perceber a cultura organizacional, quais as suas tarefas e os seus objetivos, de forma a manter-se empenhado e focado na sua tarefa tornando-se um colaborador efetivo da empresa. Consequentemente, este trabalho reflete o estágio curricular realizado na hes-sistemas informáticos, no âmbito do Mestrado de Gestão. O estágio foi desenvolvido no Departamento de Recursos Humanos da organização hes-sistemas informáticos, com o objetivo de idealizar e implementar o Descritivo e Analise de Funções, melhorar o processo de Recrutamento e Seleção, criação de um processo de Acolhimento Inovador, Avaliação de Desempenho, apoio nas tarefas administrativas e o registo de um conjunto de ideias para a melhoria continua da empresa

    Perspectiva temporal de la personalidad y riesgos psicosociales en trabajadores del sector naval

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Ciencias Sociais e do Comportamento. 5037V01[Resumo] A exposición ao risco ambiental, especialmente ao risco psicosocial na contorna laboral é un dos maiores retos para a seguridade e a saúde laboral dos traballadores dos estaleiros. Este traballo de investigación, pretende analizar qué factores persoais e organizativos están relacionados co compromiso laboral, a satisfacción laboral, risco de desenvolver burnout, así como a perspectiva de orientación temporal (ZTPI) como variable psicolóxica fundamental. A orientación ao pasado, presente e futuro permite analizar en detalle ao conducta, xa que abarca todos os aspectos do comportamento humano entre os traballadores dos estaleiros da industria militar naval do norte de España. Realizáronse tres estudos observacionales e correlacionales de tipo transversal sobre mostras diferenciadas (n1=497; n2=644; n3=567) constituídas por persoas adultas traballadores en estaleiros e noutros sectores en Galicia. Os resultados sinalan que os traballadores do sector naval teñen un maior risco de padecer burnout, así como os factores persoais e ambientais inflúen no compromiso organizacional e a satisfacción laboral.[Resumen] La exposición al riesgo ambiental, especialmente al riesgo psicosocial en el entorno laboral es uno de los mayores retos para la seguridad y salud laboral de los trabajadores de los astilleros. Este trabajo de investigación, pretende analizar qué factores personales y organizativos están relacionados con el compromiso laboral, la satisfacción laboral, riesgo de desarrollar burnout, así como la perspectiva de orientación temporal de Zimbardo (ZTPI) como variable psicológica fundamental. La orientación al pasado, presente y futuro permite analizar en detalle la conducta, ya que abarca todos los aspectos del comportamiento humano entre los trabajadores de los astilleros de la industria militar naval del norte de España. Se realizaron tres estudios observacionales y correlacionales de tipo transversal sobre muestras diferenciadas (n1=497; n2=644; n3=567) constituidas por personas adultas trabajadores en astilleros y en otros sectores en Galicia. Los resultados señalan que los trabajadores del sector naval tienen un mayor riesgo de padecer burnout, así como los factores personales y ambientales influyen en el compromiso organizacional y la satisfacción laboral.[Abstract] Exposure to environmental risk, especially psychosocial risk in the work environment is one of the biggest challenges for the occupational safety and health of shipyard workers. This research work aims to analyze what personal and organizational factors are related to work commitment, job satisfaction, risk of developing burnout, as well as Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI), time orientation as a fundamental psychological variable. The orientation to the past, present and future allows to analyze in detail the behavior, since it covers all aspects of human behavior among workers in the shipyards of the military industry in northern Spain. Three cross-sectional observational and correlational studies were carried out on differentiated samples (n1=497; n2=644; n3=567) made up of adult workers in shipyards and in other sectors in Galicia. The results indicate that workers in the naval sector have a higher risk of suffering from burnout, as well as personal and environmental factors influence organizational commitment and job satisfaction

    Are social media bad for your employees? : effects of at-work break activities on recovery experiences, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction

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    Despite the alleged importance of work breaks, little is known about antecedents and consequences of social media break activities besides non-social media break activities. Since individuals use social media to contact friends and families, find information, and be entertained, this study theorized that engaging in social media break activities while at work can help employees to experience psychological detachment and relaxation during work hours. The purpose of this study was to explore this growingly popular topic of social media use at work by focusing on job demands that may explain why employees perceive social media are vital for them at work. Further, this study seeks to understand when and how employees use social media at work to experience recovery, which, in turn, increases their job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Questionnaires were collected from current hospitality non-managerial and managerial employees in the United States. Structural equation modeling was employed to analyze data. Results of the study confirm that at-work break activities including social and non-social media break activities can be a channel for employees to experience recovery and deal with job demands. Moreover, the results suggest that when employees reported their perceptions of recovery experiences, positive perceptions had a positive impact on job satisfaction and life satisfaction. The findings also indicate that employees who are happy at work have a high life satisfaction. The results fill an empirical gap in the theoretical literature on at-work break activities and recovery. This study offers further insight and empirical evidence about the positive outcomes of both social and non-social media break activities to researchers, practitioners, and human resource professionals.Includes bibliographical reference

    The Effect of Twitter Dissemination on Cost of Equity: Evidence from Financial and Carbon Information

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    Ph. D. ThesisThe recent development of communication technology through social media, more particularly Twitter, has changed the way that firms communicate with investors. This channel has created an opportunity for firms to disseminate their information to investors on a real-time basis directly. This thesis aims to investigate whether firms can influence their cost of equity (COE) by broadly disseminating their information over Twitter. Employing a sample of non-financial firms with a Twitter account, listed on the US NASDAQ stock exchange over the period 2009-2015, the thesis comprises several objectives. The first objective investigates the effect of firms’ dissemination of financial information (iDisc) over Twitter on the cost of equity. The results find evidence that firms’ dissemination of financial information over Twitter (iDisc) significantly reduces the cost of equity. These results are pronounced for less visible firms that are relatively small in size, have a low analyst following and a small number of investors. Highly visible firms are less likely to benefit from iDisc influencing their cost of equity as other communication channels may have widely disseminated their financial information. Additionally, further tests are employed to investigate the influence of news magnitude on the examined relationship. The findings of the additional tests show a significant negative association between iDisc and cost of equity. The second objective is to investigate whether firms’ dissemination of carbon-related information over Twitter, referred to as iCarbon, influences their cost of equity. The study finds that iCarbon is significantly and negatively associated with COE. Also, additional tests are applied to investigate whether Bloomberg's environmental (ENV) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure scores influence the relationship between iCarbon and cost of equity. The findings show a consistent negative association between iCarbon and cost of equity after determining the effect of ENV and ESG score. The findings of the thesis encourage managers to consider the benefits of directly disseminating financial and carbon information to stakeholders and potential investors over Twitter to reduce firm equity financing.Saudi Cultural Bureau and King Faisal Universit