24 research outputs found

    Feedback and Cooperation in Wireless Networks

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    The demand for wireless data services has been dramatically growing over the last decade. This growth has been accompanied by a significant increase in the number of users sharing the same wireless medium, and as a result, interference management has become a hot topic of research in recent years. In this dissertation, we investigate feedback and transmitter cooperation as two closely related tools to manage the interference and achieve high data rates in several wireless networks, focusing on additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) interference, X, and broadcast channels. We start by a one-to-many network, namely, the three-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Gaussian broadcast channel, where we assume that the transmitter obtains the channel state information (CSI) through feedback links after a finite delay. We also assume that the feedback delay is greater than the channel coherence time, and thus, the CSI expires prior to being exploited by the transmitter for its current transmission. Nevertheless, we show that this delayed CSI at the transmitter (delayed CSIT) can help the transmitter to achieve significantly higher data rates compared to having no CSI. We indeed show that delayed CSIT increases the channel degrees of freedom (DoF), which is translated to an unbounded increase in capacity with increasing signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). For the symmetric case, i.e. with the same number of antennas at each receiver, we propose different transmission schemes whose achievable DoFs meet the upper bound for a wide range of transmit-receive antenna ratios. Also, for the general non-symmetric case, we propose transmission schemes that characterize the DoF region for certain classes of antenna configurations. Subsequently, we investigate channels with distributed transmitters, namely, Gaussian single-input single-output (SISO) K-user interference channel and 2×K X channel under the delayed CSIT assumption. In these channels, in major contrast to the broadcast channel, each transmitter has access only to its own messages. We propose novel multiphase transmission schemes wherein the transmitters collaboratively align the past interference at appropriate receivers using the knowledge of past CSI. Our achievable DoFs are greater than one (which is the channel DoF without CSIT), and strictly increasing in K. Our results are yet the best available reported DoFs for these channels with delayed CSIT. Furthermore, we consider the K-user r-cyclic interference channel, where each transmitter causes interference on only r receivers in a cyclic manner. By developing a new upper bound, we show that this channel has K/r DoF with no CSIT. Moreover, by generalizing our multiphase transmission ideas, we show that, for r=3, this channel can achieve strictly greater than K/3 DoF with delayed CSIT. Next, we add the capability of simultaneous transmission and reception, i.e. full-duplex operation, to the transmitters, and investigate its impact on the DoF of the SISO Gaussian K-user interference and M×K X channel under the delayed CSIT assumption. By proposing new cooperation/alignment techniques, we show that the full-duplex transmitter cooperation can potentially yield DoF gains in both channels with delayed CSIT. This is in sharp contrast to the previous results on these channels indicating the inability of full-duplex transmitter cooperation to increase the channel DoF with either perfect instantaneous CSIT or no CSIT. With the recent technological advances in implementation of full-duplex communication, it is expected to play a crucial role in the future wireless systems. Finally, we consider the Gaussian K-user interference and K×K X channel with output feedback, wherein each transmitter causally accesses the output of its paired receiver. First, using the output feedback and under no CSIT assumption, we show that both channels can achieve DoF values greater than one, strictly increasing in K, and approaching the limiting value of 2 as K→∞. Then, we develop transmission schemes for the same channels with both output feedback and delayed CSIT, known as Shannon feedback. Our achievable DoFs with Shannon feedback are greater than those with the output feedback for almost all values of K

    DoF Analysis of the MIMO Broadcast Channel With Alternating/Hybrid CSIT

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    We consider a K-user multiple-input singleoutput (MISO) broadcast channel (BC) where the channel state information (CSI) of user i(i = 1,2, .. ., K) may be instantaneously perfect (P), delayed (D), or not known (N) at the transmitter with probabilities λ P i , λ D i , and λ N i , respectively. In this setting, according to the three possible CSI at the transmitter (CSIT) for each user, knowledge of the joint CSIT of the K users could have at most 3K states. In this paper, given the marginal probabilities of CSIT (i.e., λ P i , λ D i , and λ N i ), we derive an outer bound for the degrees of freedom (DoF) region of the K-user MISO BC. Subsequently, we tighten this outer bound by considering a set of inequalities that capture some of the 3K states of the joint CSIT. One of the consequences of this set of inequalities is that for K ≥ 3, it is shown that the DoF region is not completely characterized by the marginal probabilities in contrast to the two-user case. Afterwards, the tightness of these bounds is investigated through the discussion on the achievability. Finally, a two user multiple-input multipleoutput BC having CSIT among P and N is considered in which an outer bound for the DoF region is provided, and it is shown that in some scenarios, it is tight

    On the Optimal Feedback Rate in Interference-Limited Multi-Antenna Cellular Systems

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    We consider a downlink cellular network where multi-antenna base stations (BSs) transmit data to single-antenna users by using one of two linear precoding methods with limited feedback: 1) maximum ratio transmission (MRT) for serving a single user or 2) zero forcing (ZF) for serving multiple users. The BS and user locations are drawn from a Poisson point process, allowing expressions for the signal-to-interference coverage probability and the ergodic spectral efficiency to be derived as a function of system parameters, such as the number of BS antennas and feedback bits, and the pathloss exponent. We find a tight lower bound on the optimum number of feedback bits to maximize the net spectral efficiency, which captures the overall system gain by considering both of downlink and uplink spectral efficiency using limited feedback. Our main finding is that, when using MRT, the optimum number of feedback bits scales linearly with the number of antennas, and logarithmically with the channel coherence time. When using ZF, the feedback scales in the same ways as MRT, but also linearly with the pathloss exponent. The derived results provide system-level insights into the preferred channel codebook size by averaging the effects of short-term fading and long-term pathloss.1111Ysciescopu

    Interference management techniques in large-scale wireless networks

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    In this thesis, advanced interference management techniques are designed and evaluated for large-scale wireless networks with realistic assumptions, such as signal propagation loss, random node distribution and non-instantaneous channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). In the first part of the thesis, the Maddah-Ali and Tse (MAT) scheme for the 2-user and 2-antenna base station (BS) broadcast channel (BC) is generalised and optimised using the probabilistic-constrained optimisation approach. With consideration of the unknown channel entries, the proposed optimisation approach guarantees a high probability that the interference leakage power is below a certain threshold in the presence of minimum interference leakage receivers. The desired signal detectability is maximised at the same time and the closed-form solution for the receiving matrices is provided. Afterwards, the proposed optimisation approach is extended to the 3-user BC with 2-antenna BS. Simulation results show substantial sum rate gain over the MAT scheme, especially with a large spatial correlation at the receiver side. In the second part, the MAT scheme is extended to the time-correlated channels in three scenarios, in which degrees of freedom (DoF) regions as well as achievability schemes are studied: 1) 2-user interference channel (IC) using imperfect current and imperfect delayed CSIT; 2) K-user BC with K-antenna BS using imperfect current and perfect delayed CSIT; 3) 3-user BC with 2-antenna BS using imperfect current and perfect delayed CSIT. Notably, the consistency of the proposed DoF regions with the MAT scheme and the ZF beamforming schemes using perfect current CSIT consents to the optimality of the proposed achievability schemes. In the third part, the performance of the ZF receiver is evaluated in Poisson distributed wireless networks. Simple static networks as well as dynamic networks are studied. For the static network, transmission capacity is derived whereby the receiver can eliminate interference from nearby transmitters. It is shown that more spatial receive degrees of freedom (SRDoF) should be allocated to decode the desired symbol in the presence of low transmitter intensity. For the dynamic network, in which the data traffic is modelled by queueing theory, interference alignment (IA) beamforming is considered and implemented sequentially. Interestingly, transmitting one data stream achieves the highest area spectrum efficiency. Finally, a distance-dependent IA beamforming scheme is designed for a generic 2-tier heterogeneous wireless network. Second-tier transmitters partially align their interferences to the dominant cross-tier interference overheard by the receivers in the same cluster. Essentially, the proposed IA scheme compromises between enhancing the signal-to-interference ratio and increasing the multiplexing gain. It is shown that acquiring accurate distance knowledge brings insignificant throughput gain compared to statistical distance knowledge. Simulation results validate the derived expressions of success probabilities as well as throughput, and show that the distance-dependent IA scheme significantly outperforms the traditional IA scheme in the presence of path-loss effect

    Quelques Aspects des Réseaux Multi-Cellules Multi-Utilisateurs MIMO : Délai, Conception d'Emetteur-Récepteur, Sélection d'Utilisateurs et Topologie

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    In order to meet ever-growing needs for capacity in wireless networks, transmission techniques and the system models used to study their performances have rapidly evolved. From single-user single-antenna point-to-point communications to modern multi-cell multi-antenna cellular networks there have been large advances in technology. Along the way, several assumptions are made in order to have either more realistic models, but also to allow simpler analysis. We analyze three aspects of actual networks and try to benefit from them when possible or conversely, to mitigate their negative impact. This sometimes corrects overly optimistic results, for instance when delay in the channel state information (CSI) acquisition is no longer neglected. However, this sometimes also corrects overly pessimistic results, for instance when in a broadcast channel (BC) the number of users is no longer limited to be equal to the number of transmit antennas or when partial connectivity is taken into account in cellular networks.We first focus on the delay in the CSI acquisition because it greatly impairs the channel multiplexing gain if nothing is done to use the dead time during which the transmitters are not transmitting and do not yet have the CSI. We review and propose different schemes to use this dead time to improve the multiplexing gain in both the BC and the interference channel (IC). We evaluate the more relevant net multiplexing gain, taking into account the training and feedback overheads. Results are surprising because potential schemes to fight delay reveal to be burdened by impractical overheads in the BC. In the IC, an optimal scheme is proposed. It allows avoiding any loss of multiplexing gain even for significant feedback delay. Concerning the number of users, we propose a new criterion for the greedy user selection in a BC to benefit of the multi-user diversity, and two interference alignment schemes for the IC to benefit of having multiple users in each cell. Finally, partially connected cellular networks are considered and schemes to benefit from said partial connectivity to increase the multiplexing gain are proposed.Afin de répondre au besoin sans cesse croissant de capacité dans les réseaux sans fil, les techniques de transmission, et les modèles utilisés pour les étudier, ont évolués rapidement. De simples communications point à point avec une seuleantenne nous sommes passé aux réseaux cellulaires de nos jours: de multiples cellules et de multiples antennes à l’émission et à la réception. Progressivement, plusieurs hypothèses ont été faites, soit afin d’avoir des modèles réalistes, mais aussi parfois pour permettre une analyse plus simple. Nous examinons et analysons l’impact de trois aspects des réseaux réels. Cela revient parfois à corriger des résultats trop optimistes, par exemple lorsque le délai dans l’acquisition des coefficients des canaux n’est plus négligé. Cela revient parfois à corriger des résultats trop pessimistes, par exemple, lorsque dans un canal de diffusion (BC) le nombre d’utilisateurs n’est plus limité au nombre d’antennes d’émission ou lorsque la connectivité partielle est prise en compte dans les réseaux cellulaires. Plus précisément, dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur le délai dans l’acquisition des coefficients des canaux par l’émetteur puisque sa prise en comptedétériore grandement le gain de multiplexage du canal si rien n’est fait pour utiliser efficacement le temps mort au cours duquel les émetteurs ne transmettent pas et n’ont pas encore la connaissance du canal. Nous examinons et proposons des schémas de transmission pour utiliser efficacement ce temps mort afin d’améliorer le gain de multiplexage. Nous évaluons le gain de multiplexage net, plus pertinent, en tenant compte le temps passé à envoyer symboles d’apprentissage et à les renvoyer aux transmetteurs. Les résultats sont surprenant puisque les schémas contre le retard de connaissance de canal se révèle être impraticables à cause du cout du partage de la connaissance des canaux. Dans les réseaux multi-cellulaires, un schéma de transmission optimal est proposé et permet de n’avoir aucune perte de gain de multiplexage même en cas de retard important dans la connaissance de canal. En ce qui concerne le nombre d’utilisateurs, nous proposons un nouveau critère pour la sélection des utilisateurs de les configurations à une seule cellule afin de bénéficier de la diversité multi-utilisateurs, et nous proposons deux schémas d’alignement d’interférence pour systèmes multi-cellulaires afin de bénéficier du fait qu’il y a généralement plusieurs utilisateurs dans chaque cellule. Enfin, les réseaux cellulaires partiellement connectés sont étudiés et des schémas bénéficiant de la connectivité partielle pour augmenter le gain de multiplexage sont proposés

    Capacity limits of bursty interference channels

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThis dissertation studies the effects of interference burstiness in the transmission of data in wireless networks. In particular, we investigate the effects of this phenomenon on the largest data rate at which one can communicate with a vanishing small probability of error, i.e., on channel capacity. Specifically, we study the capacity of two different channel models as described in the next sections. Linear deterministic bursty interference channel. First, we consider a two-user linear deterministic bursty interference channel (IC), where the presence or absence of interference is modeled by a block- independent and identically distributed (IID) Bernoulli process that stays constant for a duration of T consecutive symbols (this is sometimes referred to as a coherence block) and then changes independently to a new interference state. We assume that the channel coefficients of the communication and interference links remain constant during the whole message transmission. For this channel, we consider both its quasi-static setup where the interference state remains constant during the whole transmission of the codeword (which corresponds to the case whether the blocklength N is smaller than T) and its ergodic setup where a codeword spans several coherence blocks. For the quasi-static setup, we follow the seminal works by Khude, Prabhakaran and Viswanath and study the largest sum rate of a coding strategy that provides reliable communication at a basic (or worstcase) rate R and allows an increased (opportunistic) rate ΔR in absence of interference. For the ergodic scenario, we study the largest achievable sum rate as commonly considered in the multi-user information theory literature. We study how (noncausal) knowledge of the interference state, referred to as channel state information (CSI), affects the sum capacity. Specifically, for both scenarios, we derive converse and achievability bounds on the sum capacity for (i) local CSI at the receiverside only; (ii) when each transmitter and receiver has local CSI, and (iii) global CSI at all nodes, assuming both that interference states are independent of each other and that they are fully correlated. Our bounds allow us to identify regions and conditions where interference burstiness is beneficial and in which scenarios global CSI improves upon local CSI. Specifically, we show the following: • Exploiting burstiness: For the quasi-static scenario we have shown that in presence of local CSI, burstiness is only beneficial if the interference region is very weak or weak. In contrast, for global CSI, burstiness is beneficial for all interference regions, except the very strong interference region, where the sum capacity corresponds to that of two parallel channels without interference. For the ergodic scenario, we have shown that, under global CSI, burstiness is beneficial for all interference regions and all possible values of p. For local CSI at the receiver-side only, burstiness is beneficial for all values of p and for very weak and weak interference regions. However, for moderate and strong interference regions, burstiness is only of clear benefit if the interference is present at most half of the time. • Exploiting CSI: For the quasi-static scenario, local CSI at the transmitter is not beneficial. This is in stark contrast to the ergodic scenario, where local CSI at the transmitter-side is beneficial. Intuitively, in the ergodic scenario the input distributions depend on the realizations of the interference states. Hence, adapting the input distributions to these realizations increases the sum capacity. In contrast, in the quasi-static case, the worst-case scenario (presence of interference) and the best-case scenario (absence of interference) are treated separately. Hence, there is no difference to the case of having local CSI only at the receiver side. Featuring global CSI at all nodes yields an increased sum rate for both the quasi-static and the ergodic scenarios. The joint treatment of the quasi-static and the ergodic scenarios allows us to thoroughly compare the sum capacities of these two scenarios. While the converse bounds for the quasi-static scenario and local CSI at the receiver-side appeared before in the literature, we present a novel proof based on an information density approach and the Verd´u-Han lemma. This approach does not only allow for rigorous yet clear proofs, it also enables more refined analyses of the probabilities of error that worst-case and opportunistic messages can be decoded correctly. For the converse bounds in the ergodic scenario, we use Fano’s inequality as the standard approach to derive converse bounds in the multi-user information theory literature. Bursty noncoherent wireless networks. The linear deterministic model can be viewed as a rough approximation of a fading channel, which has additive and multiplicative noise. The multiplicative noise is referred to as fading. As we have seen in the previous section, the linear deterministic model provides a rough understanding of the effects of interference burstiness on the capacity of the two-user IC. Now, we extend our analysis to a wireless network with a very large number of users and we do not approximate the fading channel by a linear deterministic model. That is, we consider a memoryless flat-fading channel with an infinite number of interferers. We incorporate interference burstiness by an IID Bernoulli process that stays constant during the whole transmission of the codeword. The channel capacity of wireless networks is often studied under the assumption that the communicating nodes have perfect knowledge of the fading coefficients in the network. However, it is prima-facie unclear whether this perfect knowledge of the channel coefficients can actually be obtained in practical systems. For this reason, we study in this dissertation the channel capacity of a noncoherent model where the nodes do not have perfect knowledge of the fading coefficients. More precisely, we assume that the nodes know only the statistics of the channel coefficients but not their realizations. We further assume that the interference state (modeling interference burstiness) is known non-causally at the receiver-side only. To the best of our knowledge, one of the few works that studies the capacity of noncoherent wireless networks (without considering interference burstiness) is by Lozano, Heath, and Andrews. Inter alia, Lozano et al. show that in the absence of perfect knowledge of the channel coefficients, if the channel inputs are given by the square-root of the transmit power times a power-independent random variable, and if interference is always present (hence, it is non-bursty), then the achievable information rate is bounded in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). However, the considered inputs do not necessarily achieve capacity, so one may argue that the information rate is bounded in the SNR because of the suboptimal input distribution. Therefore, in our analysis, we allow the input distribution to change arbitrarily with the SNR. We analyze the asymptotic behavior of the channel capacity in the limit as the SNR tends to infinity. We assume that all nodes (transmitting and interfering) use the same codebook. This implies that each node is transmitting at the same rate, while at the same time it keeps the analysis tractable. We demonstrate that if the nodes do not cooperate and if the variances of the path gains decay exponentially or slower, then the achievable information rate remains bounded in the SNR, even if the input distribution is allowed to change arbitrarily with the transmit power, irrespective of the interference burstiness. Specifically, for this channel, we show the following: • The channel capacity is bounded in the SNR. This suggests that noncoherent wireless networks are extremely power inefficient at high SNR. • Our bound further shows that interference burstiness does not change the behavior of channel capacity. While our upper bound on the channel capacity grows as the channel becomes more bursty, it remains bounded in the SNR. Thus, interference burstiness cannot be exploited to mitigate the power inefficiency at high SNR. Possible strategies that could mitigate the power inefficiency of noncoherent wireless networks and that have not been explored in this thesis are cooperation between users and improved channel estimation strategies. Indeed, coherent wireless networks, in which users have perfect knowledge of the fading coefficients, have a capacity that grows to infinity with the SNR. Furthermore, for such networks, the most efficient transmission strategies, such as interference alignment, rely on cooperation. Our results suggest that these two strategies may be essential to obtain an unbounded capacity in the SNR.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Multimedia y Comunicaciones por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Rey Juan CarlosPresidente: Ignacio Santamaría Caballero.- Secretario: David Ramírez García, David.- Vocal: Paul de Kerre

    Advanced interference management techniques for future generation cellular networks

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    The demand for mobile wireless network resources is constantly on the rise, pushing for new communication technologies that are able to support unprecedented rates. In this thesis we address the issue by considering advanced interference management techniques to exploit the available resources more efficiently under relaxed channel state information (CSI) assumptions. While the initial studies focus on current half-duplex (HD) technology, we then move on to full-duplex (FD) communication due to its inherent potential to improve spectral efficiency. Work in this thesis is divided into four main parts as follows. In the first part, we focus on the two-cell two-user-per-cell interference broadcast channel (IBC) and consider the use of topological interference management (TIM) to manage inter-cell interference in an alternating connectivity scenario. Within this context we derive novel outer bounds on the achievable degrees of freedom (DoF) for different system configurations, namely, single-input single-output (SISO), multiple-input single-output (MISO) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Additionally, we propose new transmission schemes based on joint coding across states that exploit global topological information at the transmitter to increase achievable DoF. Results show that when a single state has a probability of occurrence equal to one, the derived bounds are tight with up to a twofold increase in achievable DoF for the best case scenario. Additionally, when all alternating connectivity states are equiprobable: the SISO system gains 11/16 DoF, achieving 96:4% of the derived outer bound; while the MISO/MIMO scenario has a gain of 1/2 DoF, achieving the outer bound itself. In the second part, we consider a general G-cell K-user-per-cell MIMO IBC and analyse the performance of linear interference alignment (IA) under imperfect CSI. Having imperfect channel knowledge impacts the effectiveness of the IA beamformers, and leads to a significant amount of residual leakage interference. Understanding the extent of this impact is a fundamental step towards obtaining a performance characterisation that is more relevant to practical scenarios. The CSI error model used is highly versatile, allowing the error to be treated either as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or as independent of it. Based on this error model, we derive a novel upper bound on the asymptotic mean sum rate loss and quantify the DoF loss due to imperfect CSI. Furthermore, we propose a new version of the maximum signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (Max-SINR) algorithm which takes into account statistical knowledge of the CSI error in order to improve performance over the naive counterpart in the presence of CSI mismatch. In the third part, we shift our attention to FD systems and consider weighted sum rate (WSR) maximisation for multi-user multi-cell networks where FD base-stations (BSs) communicate with HD downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) users. Since WSR problems are non-convex we transform them into weighted minimum mean squared error (WMMSE) ones that are proven to converge. Our analysis is first carried out for perfect CSI and then expanded to cater for imperfect CSI under two types of error models, namely, a norm-bounded error model and a stochastic error model. Additionally, we propose an algorithm that maximises the total DL rate subject to each UL user achieving a desired target rate. Results show that the use of FD BSs provides significant gains in achievable rate over the use of HD BSs, with a gain of 1:92 for the best case scenario under perfect CSI. They also demonstrate the robust performance of the imperfect CSI designs, and confirm that FD outperforms HD even under CSI mismatch conditions. Finally, the fourth part considers the use of linear IA to manage interference in a multi-user multi-cell network with FD BSs and HD users under imperfect CSI. The number of interference links present in such a system is considerably greater than that present in the HD network counterpart; thus, understanding the impact of residual leakage interference on performance is even more important for FD enabled networks. Using the same generalised CSI error model from the second part, we study the performance of IA by characterising the sum rate and DoF losses incurred due to imperfect CSI. Additionally, we propose two novel IA algorithms applicable to this network; the first one is based on minimising the mean squared error (MMSE), while the second is based on Max-SINR. The proposed algorithms exploit statistical knowledge of the CSI error variance in order to improve performance. Moreover, they are shown to be equivalent under certain conditions, even though the MMSE based one has lower computational complexity. Furthermore for the multi-cell case, we also derive the proper condition for IA feasibility