11 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian: ini adalah untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis Mobile Learning yang layak dan efektif sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa. Dari tujuan yang ditentukan, maka rumusan masalahnya : 1) Diperlukan uji kelayakan media Mobile Learning berbasis Android materi sistem saraf untuk siswa kelas XI jurusan MIPA di SMA Negeri 1 Kota Mojokerto yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. 2) Diperlukan uji efektifitas media Mobile Learning berbasis Android materi sistem saraf untuk siswa kelas XI jurusan MIPA di SMA Negeri 1 Kota Mojokerto yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Spesifikasi produk yang diharapkan adalah mengembangkan media. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah kelas XI MIPA 2 yang berjumlah 32 orang dengan jumlah siswa laki-laki sebanyak 13 orang dan siswa perempuan sebanyak 19 orang. .Dalam penelitian ini .menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Tahapan model ADDIE yaitu 1)Analysis 2)Design 3)Development 4)Implementation 5)Evaluation. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data wawancara Ahli Materi diperoleh perhitungan nilai sebesar 100% termasuk dalam kategori (baik sekali). Dan Ahli Media perhitungan nilai sebesar 100% termasuk dalam kategori (baik sekali). Sedangkan hasil angket uji coba produk kepada siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Kota Mojokerto hasil prosentase uji coba perorangan 90,83% (baik sekali), hasil presentase uji coba kelompok kecil 86,25%. (baik sekali), serta hasil presentase pada uji coba kelompok besar 86,5%. (baik sekali). Dari hasil analisis data hasil test pembelajaran menggunakan media Mobile Learning terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dengan pembelajaran yang tidak menggunakan media Mobile Learning. Diperoleh hasil dari uji tanda. Untuk membuktikan Ho ditolak atau diterima, maka Chi kuadrat hitung tersebut dibandingkan dengan Chi Kuadrat table. Dengan dk = 1 berdasarkan dk = 1 dan kesalahan 5% (0,05), maka harga Chi kuadrat table = 3,841. Harga Chi Kuadrat hitung 30,031. Dengan demikian Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima.. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa media Mobile Learning efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar materi Sistem Saraf di kelas XI SMAN 1 Kota Mojokerto. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, M-Learning, Sistem Saraf


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    Tujuan dari penelitian: ini adalah untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis Mobile Learning yang layak dan efektif sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa. Dari tujuan yang ditentukan, maka rumusan masalahnya : 1) Diperlukan uji kelayakan media Mobile Learning berbasis Android materi sistem saraf untuk siswa kelas XI jurusan MIPA di SMA Negeri 1 Kota Mojokerto yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. 2) Diperlukan uji efektifitas media Mobile Learning berbasis Android materi sistem saraf untuk siswa kelas XI jurusan MIPA di SMA Negeri 1 Kota Mojokerto yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Spesifikasi produk yang diharapkan adalah mengembangkan media. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah kelas XI MIPA 2 yang berjumlah 32 orang dengan jumlah siswa laki-laki sebanyak 13 orang dan siswa perempuan sebanyak 19 orang. .Dalam penelitian ini .menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Tahapan model ADDIE yaitu 1)Analysis 2)Design 3)Development 4)Implementation 5)Evaluation. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data wawancara Ahli Materi diperoleh perhitungan nilai sebesar 100% termasuk dalam kategori (baik sekali). Dan Ahli Media perhitungan nilai sebesar 100% termasuk dalam kategori (baik sekali). Sedangkan hasil angket uji coba produk kepada siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Kota Mojokerto hasil prosentase uji coba perorangan 90,83% (baik sekali), hasil presentase uji coba kelompok kecil 86,25%. (baik sekali), serta hasil presentase pada uji coba kelompok besar 86,5%. (baik sekali). Dari hasil analisis data hasil test pembelajaran menggunakan media Mobile Learning terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dengan pembelajaran yang tidak menggunakan media Mobile Learning. Diperoleh hasil dari uji tanda. Untuk membuktikan Ho ditolak atau diterima, maka Chi kuadrat hitung tersebut dibandingkan dengan Chi Kuadrat table. Dengan dk = 1 berdasarkan dk = 1 dan kesalahan 5% (0,05), maka harga Chi kuadrat table = 3,841. Harga Chi Kuadrat hitung 30,031. Dengan demikian Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima.. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa media Mobile Learning efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar materi Sistem Saraf di kelas XI SMAN 1 Kota Mojokerto. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, M-Learning, Sistem Saraf

    The Learning Impacts of a Concept Map based Classroom Response System

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    Concept map is a powerful tool to achieve meaningful learning. In order to improve the capabilities of traditional classroom response systems to foster students’ higher-order thinking, in this study we propose an innovative Concept Map based Classroom Response System characterized by interactivity, diagnosticity and enjoyment, and empirically evaluate its effectiveness on improving students\u27 cognitive and affective levels in learning. This research entails important pedagogical implications and demonstrates the appropriateness of applying the system into higher education

    Mobile learning and communication: educational change?; a systematic review

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    Purpose The authors of this research present a study on Mmobile learning (ML) and the communication processes that are generated in different educational and professional contexts through a systematic review. Design/methodology/approach This is descriptive research that analyzes a total of 201 results present in Web of Science and SCOPUS, with the criteria established by the PRISMA protocol, giving special relevance to the following categories: country of origin, date of publication, main objectives, methodological design, variables analyzed and considered, size and details of the samples; and their respective scientific contributions in relation to their area of research. Findings The results show significant methodological discrepancies with respect to the established criteria. Five blocks of action are apparent: technical issues, influence on learning, impact on satisfaction and motivation, impact on communicative processes and new forms of interaction. Originality/value The value of this research lies on offering a critical view based on an in-depth analysis of the existing scientific production between ML and communication in education


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    ResumenLa demanda creciente de inscripción de alumnos de Licenciatura en las Instituciones de Educación Pública genera la necesidad de nuevas modalidades de conducción del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. En éste trabajo se desarrolla el BAOC (Big Academic Open Course), cursos escolarizados para grupos grandes, su objetivo fue ofrecer una modalidad alternativa para cubrir la demanda creciente de alumnos inscritos en cursos de Ingeniería en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana con grupos grandes. Sus características se fundamentan en el b-learning y los MOOC aplicado a cursos escolarizados. Su principal ventaja es que optimiza los recursos físicos y humanos para atender un mayor número de estudiantes, rompiendo el paradigma de tiempo-espacio. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un índice de aprobación medio del 68%, mientras que el índice de retención medio es del 61 %. El 88% de alumnos consideran útil la modalidad y al 76% le gustaría tomar otros cursos en esta modalidad.Palabras Claves: Aprendizaje cooperativo, b-learning, modalidad de conducción del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, MOOC.NUMERICAL METHODS IN UAM AZCAPOTZALCO ENGINEERING: BAOC (BIG ACADEMIC OPEN COURSE)AbstractThe growing demand for enrollment of undergraduate students in public education institutions generates the need for new ways of conducting the teaching and learning process. This paper develops the proposal of Semi-faceted School Courses for Large Groups: Big Academic Open Course (BAOC). The objective was to offer an alternative modality to cover the growing demand of students enrolled in Engineering courses at the Autonomous Metropolitan University with large groups. Its characteristics are based on b-learning and the MOOC applied to school courses. Its main advantage is that it optimizes the physical and human resources to attend a greater number of students, breaking the time-space paradigm. The results obtained show an average approval rate of 68%, while the average retention rate is 61%. 88% of students consider the modality useful and 76% would like to take other courses in this modality.Keywords: b-learning, conduction of the teaching-learning process, cooperative learning, MOOC

    Understanding Technology Mediated Learning in Higher Education: A Repertory Grid Approach

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    Given the considerable opportunities that Web 2.0 technologies are seen to present for the enhancement of learning and teaching, understanding what motivates today’s students to use this technology in their learning is crucial. Drawing from technology mediated learning (TML) and Uses and Gratifications (U&G) perspectives, this study investigates university students’ motivations for using Web 2.0 technologies in learning. The Repertory Grid Interview technique (RGT) is used to interview 16 participants and capture their technology use motivations. A grounded approach was used to resolve eleven categories of motivations: Access and Content Control, Accessibility, Communication Efficiency, Communication Mode, Communication Quality, Course Management, Information Seeking, Interaction, Learning Capability, Managing Contents, and Self-Disclosure. The findings suggest that today’s students have different motivations for using technologies when it comes to learning

    The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students' learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis

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    AbstractMobile devices such as laptops, personal digital assistants, and mobile phones have become a learning tool with great potential in both classrooms and outdoor learning. Although there have been qualitative analyses of the use of mobile devices in education, systematic quantitative analyses of the effects of mobile-integrated education are lacking. This study performed a meta-analysis and research synthesis of the effects of integrated mobile devices in teaching and learning, in which 110 experimental and quasiexperimental journal articles published during the period 1993–2013 were coded and analyzed. Overall, there was a moderate mean effect size of 0.523 for the application of mobile devices to education. The effect sizes of moderator variables were analyzed and the advantages and disadvantages of mobile learning in different levels of moderator variables were synthesized based on content analyses of individual studies. The results of this study and their implications for both research and practice are discussed

    Modelo de educación de la inteligencia colectiva

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    The research carried out is part of the field of study of Collective Intelligence (CI) with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Higher Education. The heart of this research was focused on the study, design and construction of electronic tools according to the paradigms of CI, to be applied in Higher Education. As an instrument for the implementation of these tools, an educational model with a collective work approach was designed. The research strategy used was Design-Based Research (DBR), because it investigates a phenomenon in its real context, iterative and incremental, and it is especially recommended for the field of education. DBR in each experimental cycle updates literature, model and tools. Empirical studies were conducted in four universities and fields of study in Latin America and Europe. The refinements demanded by the research strategy provided the scientific and empirical evidence to design ICT tools that meet the requirements of CI. In addition, the results indicate that the educational model and the tools have generated a positive perception in teachers and students about the effects on the teaching-learning process. Based on this fact, the experimental cycles present significant contributions to the research carried out around the CI with ICT tools in Higher Education.La investigación realizada se enmarca en el campo de estudio de la Inteligencia Colectiva (IC) con el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicaciones (TIC) en la Educación Superior. El corazón de ésta investigación estuvo enfocada en el estudio, diseño y construcción de herramientas electrónicas acorde a los paradigmas de IC, para ser aplicadas en la Educación Superior. Como vía de instrumentación de dichas herramientas, se diseñó un modelo educativo con enfoque de trabajo colectivo. La estrategia de investigación que se utilizó fue la Investigación Basada en el Diseño (DBR), porque investiga un fenómeno en su contexto real, es iterativa e incremental, y está especialmente recomendada para el ámbito de la educación.DBR en cada ciclo experimental actualiza literatura, modelo y herramientas. Los estudios empíricos se realizaron en cuatro universidades y campos de estudio en Hispanoamérica y Europa. Los múltiples refinamientos exigidos por la estrategia de investigación, proporcionaron la evidencia científica y empírica para diseñar herramientas TIC que cumplan con los requisitos de IC. Además, los resultados indican que el modelo educativo y las herramientas han generado una percepción positiva en docentes y estudiantes sobre los efectos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Basados en este hecho, los ciclos experimentales presentan aportes significativos a las investigaciones que se realizan en torno a la IC con herramientas TIC en la Educación Superior

    Modelo de educación de la inteligencia colectiva

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    The research carried out is part of the field of study of Collective Intelligence (CI) with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Higher Education. The heart of this research was focused on the study, design and construction of electronic tools according to the paradigms of CI, to be applied in Higher Education. As an instrument for the implementation of these tools, an educational model with a collective work approach was designed. The research strategy used was Design-Based Research (DBR), because it investigates a phenomenon in its real context, iterative and incremental, and it is especially recommended for the field of education. DBR in each experimental cycle updates literature, model and tools. Empirical studies were conducted in four universities and fields of study in Latin America and Europe. The refinements demanded by the research strategy provided the scientific and empirical evidence to design ICT tools that meet the requirements of CI. In addition, the results indicate that the educational model and the tools have generated a positive perception in teachers and students about the effects on the teaching-learning process. Based on this fact, the experimental cycles present significant contributions to the research carried out around the CI with ICT tools in Higher Education.La investigación realizada se enmarca en el campo de estudio de la Inteligencia Colectiva (IC) con el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicaciones (TIC) en la Educación Superior. El corazón de ésta investigación estuvo enfocada en el estudio, diseño y construcción de herramientas electrónicas acorde a los paradigmas de IC, para ser aplicadas en la Educación Superior. Como vía de instrumentación de dichas herramientas, se diseñó un modelo educativo con enfoque de trabajo colectivo. La estrategia de investigación que se utilizó fue la Investigación Basada en el Diseño (DBR), porque investiga un fenómeno en su contexto real, es iterativa e incremental, y está especialmente recomendada para el ámbito de la educación.DBR en cada ciclo experimental actualiza literatura, modelo y herramientas. Los estudios empíricos se realizaron en cuatro universidades y campos de estudio en Hispanoamérica y Europa. Los múltiples refinamientos exigidos por la estrategia de investigación, proporcionaron la evidencia científica y empírica para diseñar herramientas TIC que cumplan con los requisitos de IC. Además, los resultados indican que el modelo educativo y las herramientas han generado una percepción positiva en docentes y estudiantes sobre los efectos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Basados en este hecho, los ciclos experimentales presentan aportes significativos a las investigaciones que se realizan en torno a la IC con herramientas TIC en la Educación Superior.Postprint (published version

    Modelo de educación de la inteligencia colectiva

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    The research carried out is part of the field of study of Collective Intelligence (CI) with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Higher Education. The heart of this research was focused on the study, design and construction of electronic tools according to the paradigms of CI, to be applied in Higher Education. As an instrument for the implementation of these tools, an educational model with a collective work approach was designed. The research strategy used was Design-Based Research (DBR), because it investigates a phenomenon in its real context, iterative and incremental, and it is especially recommended for the field of education. DBR in each experimental cycle updates literature, model and tools. Empirical studies were conducted in four universities and fields of study in Latin America and Europe. The refinements demanded by the research strategy provided the scientific and empirical evidence to design ICT tools that meet the requirements of CI. In addition, the results indicate that the educational model and the tools have generated a positive perception in teachers and students about the effects on the teaching-learning process. Based on this fact, the experimental cycles present significant contributions to the research carried out around the CI with ICT tools in Higher Education.La investigación realizada se enmarca en el campo de estudio de la Inteligencia Colectiva (IC) con el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicaciones (TIC) en la Educación Superior. El corazón de ésta investigación estuvo enfocada en el estudio, diseño y construcción de herramientas electrónicas acorde a los paradigmas de IC, para ser aplicadas en la Educación Superior. Como vía de instrumentación de dichas herramientas, se diseñó un modelo educativo con enfoque de trabajo colectivo. La estrategia de investigación que se utilizó fue la Investigación Basada en el Diseño (DBR), porque investiga un fenómeno en su contexto real, es iterativa e incremental, y está especialmente recomendada para el ámbito de la educación.DBR en cada ciclo experimental actualiza literatura, modelo y herramientas. Los estudios empíricos se realizaron en cuatro universidades y campos de estudio en Hispanoamérica y Europa. Los múltiples refinamientos exigidos por la estrategia de investigación, proporcionaron la evidencia científica y empírica para diseñar herramientas TIC que cumplan con los requisitos de IC. Además, los resultados indican que el modelo educativo y las herramientas han generado una percepción positiva en docentes y estudiantes sobre los efectos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Basados en este hecho, los ciclos experimentales presentan aportes significativos a las investigaciones que se realizan en torno a la IC con herramientas TIC en la Educación Superior