6,133 research outputs found

    Cambiamento climatico tra evidenze scientifiche e analisi economica

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    In questo elaborato finale viene trattato il tema del cambiamento climatico utilizzando un approccio economico-scientifico e cercando di proporre una panoramica della letteratura sul tema. Nella prima parte dell’elaborato vengono definiti dal punto di vista scientifico il concetto di cambiamento climatico e i vari effetti che sta generando. Successivamente, vengono analizzate le implicazioni economiche che comporta il cambiamento climatico, utilizzando vari studi condotti da figure di spicco della comunitĂ  economica. Nella seconda parte della trattazione viene fatta una critica ad alcuni aspetti dei modelli, descritti in precedenza, e ne vengono proposti altri, piĂč recenti, che mirano a risolvere il cambiamento climatico utilizzando piĂč strategie contemporaneamente. Infine, la conclusione cerca di riassumere quanto detto nell’elaborato cercando di mettere in evidenza anche le potenziali opportunitĂ  offerte dal cambiamento climatico

    Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies In Italy. An Economic Assessment

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    In this paper, the economic value of the impacts of climate change is assessed for different Italian economic sectors and regions. Sectoral and regional impacts are then aggregated to provide a macroeconomic estimate of variations in GDP induced by climate change in the next decades. Autonomous adaptation induced by changes in relative prices and in stocks of natural and economic resources is fully taken into account. The model also considers international trade effects. Results show that in Italy aggregate GDP losses induced by climate change are likely to be small. However, some economic sectors (e.g. tourism) and the alpine regions will suffer significant economic damages.Impacts, Climate Change, Adaptation, GDP Losses, Tourism

    Cambiamento climatico, inquinamento atmosferico e aumento delle allergie respiratorie: solo una coincidenza o qualcosa di piĂč? [Climate change, air pollution, and increase of respiratory allergies: just a coincidence or something more?].

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    It is well known that the prevalence of respiratory allergies has increased over time. At the same time, climate change has become part of our everyday life. The resulting question is whether this 'allergic epidemic' is linked to this aspect. It is assumed that the causes of the increase of respiratory allergies are mainly related to environmental factors and lifestyle: first, the improvement of social and health conditions and related hygiene hypothesis; secondly, lifestyle change and anthropogenic activities, which have caused an alteration in the balance normally existing between soil, water, and atmosphere, giving rise to the phenomena of climate change. In fact, it has been demonstrated that they can influence beginning, duration, and intensity of the pollen season, as well as the allergenicity of pollen. The consequence is both an increase in frequency and intensity of allergic symptomatology in subjects previously affected by allergy, and a promotion of the sensitization of the airways to allergens present in the atmosphere in predisposed subjects. Several intervention strategies aiming to mitigate climate change and reduce anthropogenic emissions and, consequently, respiratory allergies are possible and can be implemented on an individual and social level. It follows that the allergist cannot solve the problem of the progressive increase of respiratory allergies on his own. Anyway, his role can have both clinical and educational purposes with a special commitment to reduce health impact due to environmental risk factors. KEYWORDS: respiratory allergies; allergenic potential of pollen; climate change; pollution

    1. Presentazione (SYLLABUS)

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    Coesione Territoriale in ESPON

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    Il documento presenta il concetto 'Coesione territoriale' attraverso il suo uso nei progetti di ricerca applicata finanziati nell'ambito del Programma ESPON 2013: ARTS, DEMIFER, ESPON Climate, TIPTAP, TERCO, TIGE

    La complessitĂ  della valutazione della CO2 nella pianificazione dei trasporti

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    La riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 Ăš fondamentale per valutare la sostenibilitĂ  nella pianificazione dei trasporti. Tuttavia, la maggior parte dei piani di mobilitĂ  non Ăš ancora riuscita a trovare una metodologia condivisa per internalizzare tali emissioni e renderle uno dei parametri in grado di influenzare attivamente le scelte finali sulle politiche e sulle misure da adottare. In particolare, risulta estremamente complesso dapprima quantificare, quindi attribuire un prezzo economico unitario alle emissioni di CO2. Il presente contributo indaga le problematiche relative alla loro monetizzazione, mostrando le metodologie attualmente in uso e il vasto grado di incertezza scientifica ed economica che le caratterizzano. Attraverso una meta-analisi compiuta su una raccolta di circa settecento casi, si Ăš arrivati a limitare l’enorme intervallo attualmente esistente (fino a sei ordini di grandezza) e predire un modello in grado di definire un valore economico basato sugli obiettivi stabiliti preliminarmente dai decisori politici. In tale modo, la CO2 puĂČ essere inclusa attivamente nelle decisioni relative alle misure da intraprendere per una corretta allocazione delle risorse pubbliche, garantendo ai decisori una maggiore trasparenza nelle scelte

    I cambiamenti climatici: la sfida del XXI secolo

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    There is a large gap between the actions required to avoid a dangerous warming of the planet, and those already decided to contrast it. The more time passes, the more the pessimistic visions obtain valid motivations and reasons. In order to radically change in few decades an energetic system and a predatory attitude towards the planet’s resources, it is necessary to recognize the climate crisis as a systemic one, as a problem of justice and equity for the future generations. The climate science should help to understand the importance of this challenge, by emphasizing the consequences of today’s decisions for the future generations. To recover our reasons to deal with posterity, both as individuals and community, is a bigger endeavor. To understand the importance of the climate change requires not only more knowledge, but also the acceptance of the planetary limits, the redefinition of human expectations, and also a level of emotional understanding that is not sufficient today
