16 research outputs found

    QoS Based Capacity Enhancement for WCDMA Network with Coding Scheme

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    The wide-band code division multiple access (WCDMA) based 3G and beyond cellular mobile wireless networks are expected to provide a diverse range of multimedia services to mobile users with guaranteed quality of service (QoS). To serve diverse quality of service requirements of these networks it necessitates new radio resource management strategies for effective utilization of network resources with coding schemes. Call admission control (CAC) is a significant component in wireless networks to guarantee quality of service requirements and also to enhance the network resilience. In this paper capacity enhancement for WCDMA network with convolutional coding scheme is discussed and compared with block code and without coding scheme to achieve a better balance between resource utilization and quality of service provisioning. The model of this network is valid for the real-time (RT) and non-real-time (NRT) services having different data rate. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the network using convolutional code in terms of capacity enhancement and QoS of the voice and video services.Comment: 10 Pages, VLSICS Journa

    Enhancing Wireless Video Transmissions in Virtual Collaboration Environments

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    This paper introduces the virtual collaboration environment and discusses the problems encountered in wireless video transmissions of the participating users. Different schemes are proposed and evaluated to address various problems encountered in the wireless access links of the virtual collaboration system for enhancing the perceived visual quality. The schemes include radio network resource optimization, optimal joint source and channel rate allocation and error resilience enhancement using SVC-MDC. These schemes have been shown to offer a strong potential to be incorporated in a virtual collaboration system for quality enhancement

    Middleware-Controlled Resource consumption for Location Traffic in Cellular Networks

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    Location is valuable information for services implemented in wireless networks. Location systems often use the infrastructure of cellular networks that have already been deployed. Accordingly, location systems spend resources of the network they use. This paper proposes a middleware to reduce the consumption of network resources and optimize the location traffic that is being carried. This middleware, called MILCO (Middleware for Location Cost Optimization), selects the optimum location technique depending on the request, i.e. the location technique that satisfies the quality of service (QoS) required and minimizes the resource operating expense. In addition, MILCO takes advantage of ongoing and carried location processes to reduce the overall expenditure of resources. Our results show that MILCO can reduce location-process failures and improve latency figures for location provisioning and resource use in cellular networks such as UMTS

    Controle de admissĂŁo e de fluxo em sistemas sem fio

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    Orientador: Michel Daoud YacoubDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho apresenta um novo algoritmo de Controle de Admissão de Chamadas (CAC) que funciona em conjunto com o Controle de Fluxo na interface aérea com o objetivo de proporcionar a diferenciação de classes de modo e?ciente. Assim, o mecanismo proposto busca melhorar a utilização da interface aérea a partir da introdução de uma estratégia de bloqueio gradual onde os usuários de menor prioridade têm suas taxas de transmissão reduzidas ao invés de serem diretamente eliminados do sistema. O parâmetro de decisão do CAC e do Controle de Fluxo é a banda efetiva disponível na interface aérea. O algoritmo toma medidas próativas de acordo com a carga do sistema visando manter a qualidade requerida por cada classe. Isto é conseguido com a utilização de três limiares de decisão para os algoritmos de CAC e controle de ?uxo, sendo que o sistema toma medidas distintas de acordo com o limiar . Três classes foram consideradas: Premium, Ouro e Prata. O algoritmo foi implementado e simulado no software MatLab. Os resultados mostram que a diferenciação de classes é atingida e os níveis de bloqueio são iguais ou menores que no caso onde utilizase apenas um limiar e sem diferenciação de classesAbstract: The current work presents a new multithreshold CAC algorithm that works along with a ?ow control mechanism in order to offer full class differentiation. Furthermore the proposed scheme aims to improve the air interface utilization by introducing a softblocking strategy where the lower classes users have their transmission rates truncated before completely stopped. The decision parameter for the CAC and Flow control is the Air Interface Effective Bandwidth. The algorithm takes proactive steps according to the system load in order to keep the quality level required by each class. That is done by introducing three thresholds for the CAC and Flow Control algorithms, in this way the system takes different actions according to the load it is experiencing in each decision moment. Three classes were considered, premium, gold, and silver. The proposed mechanism was implemented in simulated in the Matlab software. Results show that the class differentiation is achieved and the blocking rates remain on the same levels than in the one threshold caseMestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Performance Analysis of UMTS Network Based on Capacity and Coverage

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    UMTS je treća generacija mobilnih mreža koja omogućuje bolje performance mreže u odnosu na predhodne s obzirom na zračno sučelje između pristupne mreže i jezgrene mreže, kvalitetu usluge, pokrivenost, kapacitet, itd. S UMTS-om je uvedeno mnogo novih multimedijskih usluga. Sa većom propusnošću UMTS omogućuje nove usluge kao što su video konferencija ili IPTV. Konekcije u domeni komutacije paketa koriste internet protokol, što znači da je virtualna veza uvijek na raspolaganju u bilo kojoj točki u mreži. U mreži treće generacije potrebne su funkcije kontrole pristupa i kontrola zagušenja kako bi se osigurala kvaliteta usluge i povećala propusnost sustava. Cilj ovog rada je prikazi analize kapaciteta i pokrivenosti. Analiza pokrivenosti prikazuje broj korisnika u UMTS ćeliji sa sektorizacijom i bez sektorizacije. Analiza kapaciteta prikazuje koliko korisnika može biti posluženo u UMTS ćeliji u scenarijima s određenim kombinacijma prometa i karakteristikama mobilnosti.UMTS is the third generation mobile networks that enables better network performance than its predecessor in the form of air interface between access network and the core network, quality of service, coverage, capacity, etc. With UMTS, many new multimedia services are introduced. The higher bandwidth of UMTS also enables other new services like video conferencing or IPTV. A packet-switched connection uses the internet protocol, meaning that a virtual connection is always available to any other end point in the network. In third generation networks admission control and congestion control are required to guarantee the quality of service and to maximise the system throughput. The aim of this study was to review analysis of capacity and coverage. Coverage analysis review number of users in UMTS cell with sectorisation and without sectorisation. Capacity analysis shows how many users can be safely supported in the UMTS cell in scenarios with certain traffic mix and mobility characteristics

    Performance Analysis of UMTS Network Based on Capacity and Coverage

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    UMTS je treća generacija mobilnih mreža koja omogućuje bolje performance mreže u odnosu na predhodne s obzirom na zračno sučelje između pristupne mreže i jezgrene mreže, kvalitetu usluge, pokrivenost, kapacitet, itd. S UMTS-om je uvedeno mnogo novih multimedijskih usluga. Sa većom propusnošću UMTS omogućuje nove usluge kao što su video konferencija ili IPTV. Konekcije u domeni komutacije paketa koriste internet protokol, što znači da je virtualna veza uvijek na raspolaganju u bilo kojoj točki u mreži. U mreži treće generacije potrebne su funkcije kontrole pristupa i kontrola zagušenja kako bi se osigurala kvaliteta usluge i povećala propusnost sustava. Cilj ovog rada je prikazi analize kapaciteta i pokrivenosti. Analiza pokrivenosti prikazuje broj korisnika u UMTS ćeliji sa sektorizacijom i bez sektorizacije. Analiza kapaciteta prikazuje koliko korisnika može biti posluženo u UMTS ćeliji u scenarijima s određenim kombinacijma prometa i karakteristikama mobilnosti.UMTS is the third generation mobile networks that enables better network performance than its predecessor in the form of air interface between access network and the core network, quality of service, coverage, capacity, etc. With UMTS, many new multimedia services are introduced. The higher bandwidth of UMTS also enables other new services like video conferencing or IPTV. A packet-switched connection uses the internet protocol, meaning that a virtual connection is always available to any other end point in the network. In third generation networks admission control and congestion control are required to guarantee the quality of service and to maximise the system throughput. The aim of this study was to review analysis of capacity and coverage. Coverage analysis review number of users in UMTS cell with sectorisation and without sectorisation. Capacity analysis shows how many users can be safely supported in the UMTS cell in scenarios with certain traffic mix and mobility characteristics

    Performance Analysis of UMTS Network Based on Capacity and Coverage

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    UMTS je treća generacija mobilnih mreža koja omogućuje bolje performance mreže u odnosu na predhodne s obzirom na zračno sučelje između pristupne mreže i jezgrene mreže, kvalitetu usluge, pokrivenost, kapacitet, itd. S UMTS-om je uvedeno mnogo novih multimedijskih usluga. Sa većom propusnošću UMTS omogućuje nove usluge kao što su video konferencija ili IPTV. Konekcije u domeni komutacije paketa koriste internet protokol, što znači da je virtualna veza uvijek na raspolaganju u bilo kojoj točki u mreži. U mreži treće generacije potrebne su funkcije kontrole pristupa i kontrola zagušenja kako bi se osigurala kvaliteta usluge i povećala propusnost sustava. Cilj ovog rada je prikazi analize kapaciteta i pokrivenosti. Analiza pokrivenosti prikazuje broj korisnika u UMTS ćeliji sa sektorizacijom i bez sektorizacije. Analiza kapaciteta prikazuje koliko korisnika može biti posluženo u UMTS ćeliji u scenarijima s određenim kombinacijma prometa i karakteristikama mobilnosti.UMTS is the third generation mobile networks that enables better network performance than its predecessor in the form of air interface between access network and the core network, quality of service, coverage, capacity, etc. With UMTS, many new multimedia services are introduced. The higher bandwidth of UMTS also enables other new services like video conferencing or IPTV. A packet-switched connection uses the internet protocol, meaning that a virtual connection is always available to any other end point in the network. In third generation networks admission control and congestion control are required to guarantee the quality of service and to maximise the system throughput. The aim of this study was to review analysis of capacity and coverage. Coverage analysis review number of users in UMTS cell with sectorisation and without sectorisation. Capacity analysis shows how many users can be safely supported in the UMTS cell in scenarios with certain traffic mix and mobility characteristics

    An intelligent-agent approach for managing congestion in W-CDMA networks

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    PhDResource Management is a crucial aspect in the next generation cellular networks since the use of W-CDMA technology gives an inherent flexibility in managing the system capacity. The concept of a “Service Level Agreement” (SLA) also plays a very important role as it is the means to guarantee the quality of service provided to the customers in response to the level of service to which they have subscribed. Hence there is a need to introduce effective SLA-based policies as part of the radio resource management. This work proposes the application of intelligent agents in SLA-based control in resource management, especially when congestion occurs. The work demonstrates the ability of intelligent agents in improving and maintaining the quality of service to meet the required SLA as the congestion occurs. A particularly novel aspect of this work is the use of learning (here Case Based Reasoning) to predict the control strategies to be imposed. As the system environment changes, the most suitable policy will be implemented. When congestion occurs, the system either proposes the solution by recalling from experience (if the event is similar to what has been previously solved) or recalculates the solution from its knowledge (if the event is new). With this approach, the system performance will be monitored at all times and a suitable policy can be immediately applied as the system environment changes, resulting in maintaining the system quality of service