103 research outputs found

    Temporal Characteristics of Boreal Forest Radar Measurements

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    Radar observations of forests are sensitive to seasonal changes, meteorological variables and variations in soil and tree water content. These phenomena cause temporal variations in radar measurements, limiting the accuracy of tree height and biomass estimates using radar data. The temporal characteristics of radar measurements of forests, especially boreal forests, are not well understood. To fill this knowledge gap, a tower-based radar experiment was established for studying temporal variations in radar measurements of a boreal forest site in southern Sweden. The work in this thesis involves the design and implementation of the experiment and the analysis of data acquired. The instrument allowed radar signatures from the forest to be monitored over timescales ranging from less than a second to years. A purpose-built, 50 m high tower was equipped with 30 antennas for tomographic imaging at microwave frequencies of P-band (420-450 MHz), L-band (1240-1375 MHz) and C-band (5250-5570 MHz) for multiple polarisation combinations. Parallel measurements using a 20-port vector network analyser resulted in significantly shorter measurement times and better tomographic image quality than previous tower-based radars. A new method was developed for suppressing mutual antenna coupling without affecting the range resolution. Algorithms were developed for compensating for phase errors using an array radar and for correcting for pixel-variant impulse responses in tomographic images. Time series results showed large freeze/thaw backscatter variations due to freezing moisture in trees. P-band canopy backscatter variations of up to 10 dB occurred near instantaneously as the air temperature crossed 0⁰C, with ground backscatter responding over longer timescales. During nonfrozen conditions, the canopy backscatter was very stable with time. Evidence of backscatter variations due to tree water content were observed during hot summer periods only. A high vapour pressure deficit and strong winds increased the rate of transpiration fast enough to reduce the tree water content, which was visible as 0.5-2 dB backscatter drops during the day. Ground backscatter for cross-polarised observations increased during strong winds due to bending tree stems. Significant temporal decorrelation was only seen at P-band during freezing, thawing and strong winds. Suitable conditions for repeat-pass L-band interferometry were only seen during the summer. C-band temporal coherence was high over timescales of seconds and occasionally for several hours for night-time observations during the summer. Decorrelation coinciding with high transpiration rates was observed at L- and C-band, suggesting sensitivity to tree water dynamics.The observations from this experiment are important for understanding, modelling and mitigating temporal variations in radar observables in forest parameter estimation algorithms. The results also are also useful in the design of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar missions with interferometric and tomographic capabilities. The results motivate the implementation of single-pass interferometric synthetic aperture radars for forest applications at P-, L- and C-band

    Radar Imaging in Challenging Scenarios from Smart and Flexible Platforms

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    Wide-Angle Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar: Focused Image Formation and Aliasing Artifact Mitigation

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    Traditional monostatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) platforms force the user to choose between two image types: larger, low resolution images or smaller, high resolution images. Switching to a Wide-Angle Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (WAM-SAR) approach allows formation of large high-resolution images. Unfortunately, WAM-SAR suffers from two significant implementation problems. First, wavefront curvature effects, non-linear flight paths, and warped ground planes lead to image defocusing with traditional SAR processing methods. A new 3-D monostatic/bistatic image formation routine solves the defocusing problem, correcting for all relevant wide-angle effects. Inverse SAR (ISAR) imagery from a Radar Cross Section (RCS) chamber validates this approach. The second implementation problem stems from the large Doppler spread in the wide-angle scene, leading to severe aliasing problems. This research effort develops a new anti-aliasing technique using randomized Stepped-Frequency (SF) waveforms to form Doppler filter nulls coinciding with aliasing artifact locations. Both simulation and laboratory results demonstrate effective performance, eliminating more than 99% of the aliased energy

    Space-time adaptive processing techniques for multichannel mobile passive radar

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    Passive radar technology has reached a level of maturity for stationary sensor operations, widely proving the ability to detect, localize and track targets, by exploiting different kinds of illuminators of opportunity. In recent years, a renewed interest from both the scientific community and the industry has opened new perspectives and research areas. One of the most interesting and challenging ones is the use of passive radar sensors onboard moving platforms. This may offer a number of strategic advantages and extend the functionalities of passive radar to applications like synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging and ground moving target indication (GMTI). However, these benefits are paid in terms of motion-induced Doppler distortions of the received signals, which can adversely affect the system performance. In the case of surveillance applications, the detection of slowly moving targets is hindered by the Doppler-spread clutter returns, due to platform motion, and requires the use of space-time processing techniques, applied on signals collected by multiple receiving channels. Although in recent technical literature the feasibility of this concept has been preliminarily demonstrated, mobile passive radar is still far from being a mature technology and several issues still need to be addressed, mostly connected to the peculiar characteristics of the passive bistatic scenario. Specifically, significant limitations may come from the continuous and time-varying nature of the typical waveforms of opportunity, not suitable for conventional space-time processing techniques. Moreover, the low directivity of the practical receiving antennas, paired with a bistatic omni-directional illumination, further increases the clutter Doppler bandwidth and results in the simultaneous reception of non-negligible clutter contributions from a very wide angular sector. Such contributions are likely to undergo an angle-dependent imbalance across the receiving channels, exacerbated by the use of low-cost hardware. This thesis takes research on mobile passive radar for surveillance applications one step further, finding solutions to tackle the main limitations deriving from the passive bistatic framework, while preserving the paradigm of a simple system architecture. Attention is devoted to the development of signal processing algorithms and operational strategies for multichannel mobile passive radar, focusing on space-time processing techniques aimed at clutter cancellation and slowly moving target detection and localization. First, a processing scheme based on the displaced phase centre antenna (DPCA) approach is considered, for dual-channel systems. The scheme offers a simple and effective solution for passive radar GMTI, but its cancellation performance can be severely compromised by the presence of angle-dependent imbalances affecting the receiving channels. Therefore, it is paired with adaptive clutter-based calibration techniques, specifically devised for mobile passive radar. By exploiting the fine Doppler resolution offered by the typical long integration times and the one-to-one relationship between angle of arrival and Doppler frequency of the stationary scatterers, the devised techniques compensate for the angle-dependent imbalances and prove largely necessary to guarantee an effective clutter cancellation. Then, the attention is focused on space-time adaptive processing (STAP) techniques for multichannel mobile passive radar. In this case, the clutter cancellation capability relies on the adaptivity of the space-time filter, by resorting to an adjacent-bin post-Doppler (ABPD) approach. This allows to significantly reduce the size of the adaptive problem and intrinsically compensate for potential angle-dependent channel errors, by operating on a clutter subspace accounting for a limited angular sector. Therefore, ad hoc strategies are devised to counteract the effects of channel imbalance on the moving target detection and localization performance. By exploiting the clutter echoes to correct the spatial steering vector mismatch, the proposed STAP scheme is shown to enable an accurate estimation of target direction of arrival (DOA), which represents a critical task in system featuring few wide beam antennas. Finally, a dual cancelled channel STAP scheme is proposed, aimed at further reducing the system computational complexity and the number of required training data, compared to a conventional full-array solution. The proposed scheme simplifies the DOA estimation process and proves to be robust against the adaptivity losses commonly arising in a real bistatic clutter scenario, allowing effective operation even in the case of a limited sample support. The effectiveness of the techniques proposed in this work is validated by means of extensive simulated analyses and applications to real data, collected by an experimental multichannel passive radar installed on a moving platform and based on DVB-T transmission

    Ground moving target indication with synthetic aperture radars for maritime surveillance

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    The explosive growth of shipping traffic all over the World, with around three quarters of the total trade goods and crude oil transported by sea, has raised newly emerging concerns (economical, ecological, social and geopolitical). Geo-information (location and speed) of ocean-going vessels is crucial in the maritime framework, playing a key role in the related environmental monitoring, fisheries management and maritime/coastal security. In this scenario space-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote sensing is a potential tool for globally monitoring the oceans and seas, providing two-dimensional high-resolution imaging capabilities in all-day and all-weather conditions. The combination of ground moving target indication (GMTI) modes with multichannel spaceborne SAR systems represents a powerful apparatus for surveillance of maritime activities. The level of readiness of such a technology for road traffic monitoring is still low, and for the marine scenario is even less mature. Some of the current space-based SAR missions include an experimental GMTI mode with reduced detection capabilities, especially for small and slow moving targets. In this framework, this doctoral dissertation focuses on the study and analysis of the GMTI limitations of current state-of-the-art SAR missions when operating over maritime scenarios and the proposal of novel and optimal multichannel SAR-GMTI architectures, providing subclutter visibility of small (reduced reflectivity) slow moving vessels. This doctoral activity carries out a transversal analysis embracing system-architecture proposal and optimization, processing strategies assessment, performance evaluation, sea/ocean clutter characterization and adequate calibration methodologies suggestion. Firstly, the scarce availability of multichannel SAR-GMTI raw data and the related restrictions to access it have raised the need to implement flexible simulation tools for SAR-GMTI performance evaluation and mission. These simulation tools allow the comparative study and evaluation of the SAR-GMTI mode operated with current SAR missions, showing the reduced ability of these missions to detect small and slow boats in subclutter visibility. Improved performance is achieved with the new multichannel architecture based on non-uniformly distributed receivers (with external deployable antennas), setting the ground for future SAR-GMTI mission development. Some experimental multichannel SAR-GMTI data sets over the sea and acquired with two instruments, airborne F-SAR and spaceborne TerraSAR-X (TSX) platforms, have been processed to evaluate their detection capabilities as well as the adequate processing strategies (including channel balancing). This doctoral activity presents also a preliminary characterization of the sea clutter returns imaged by the spaceborne TSX instrument in a three-level basis, i.e., radiometric, statistical and polarimetric descriptions using experimental polarimetric data. This study has shown that the system-dependent limitations, such as thermal noise and temporal decorrelation, play a key role in the appropriate interpretation of the data and so should be properly included in the physical backscattering models of the sea. Current and most of the upcoming SAR missions are based on active phase array antennas (APAA) technology for the operation of multiple modes of acquisitions. The related calibration is a complex procedure due to the high number of different beams to be operated. Alternative internal calibration methodologies have been proposed and analyzed in the frame of this doctoral thesis. These approaches improved the radiometric calibration performance compared to the conventional ones. The presented formulation of the system errors as well as the proposed alternative strategies set the path to extrapolate the analysis for multichannel SAR systems.L'increment continu del tràfic marítim arreu del món, amb gairebé tres quartes parts del total de mercaderies i cru transportats per mar, porta associats uns impactes canviants a nivell econòmic, ambiental, social i geopolític. La geo-informació (localització i velocitat) dels vaixells té un paper fonamental en el monitoratge ambiental, la gestió de la pesca i la seguretat marítima/costanera. Els radars d'obertura sintètica (SAR, sigles en anglès) embarcats en satèl·lits són una eina molt potent per al monitoratge global dels oceans i dels mars, gràcies a la seva capacitat de generar imatges d'alta resolució amb independència de les condicions meteorològiques i de la llum solar. La detecció de blancs mòbils terrestres (GMTI, sigles en anglès) combinada amb sistemes multicanal SAR és fonamental per a la vigilància de les activitats marítimes. El nivell de maduresa d'aquesta tecnologia per monitorar tràfic rodat és baix, però per al cas marítim encara ho és més. Algunes missions SAR orbitals inclouen el mode GMTI, però amb unes capacitats de detecció reduïdes, especialment per a blancs petits i lents. En aquest marc, la tesi doctoral es centra en l'estudi i anàlisi de les limitacions GMTI dels actuals sistemes SAR operant en entorns marítims, proposant noves configuracions SAR-GMTI multicanal optimitzades per a la detecció de vaixells petits (emmascarats pels retrons radar del mar) i que es mouen lentament. La present dissertació doctoral du a terme un estudi transversal que abasta des de la proposta i optimització de sistemes/configuracions, passant per l'avaluació de les tècniques de processat, fins a l'estudi del rendiment de la missió, caracterització del mar i la valoració de noves metodologies de calibratge. En primer terme, diverses eines de simulació flexibles s'han implementat per poder avaluar les capacitats GMTI de diferents missions tenint en compte la poca disponibilitat de dades multicanal SAR-GMTI. Aquests simuladors permeten l'estudi comparatiu de les capacitats GMTI de les missions SAR orbitals actuals, demostrant les seves reduïdes opcions per identificar vaixells emmascarats pels retorns del mar. En el marc de l'activitat de recerca s'han processat dades experimentals SAR-GMTI multicanal de sistemes aeris (F-SAR) i orbitals (TerraSAR-X), per tal d'avaluar les seves capacitats de detecció de blancs mòbils sobre entorns marítims, proposant les estratègies de processat i calibratge més adients. Com a part de l'activitat de recerca doctoral, s'ha portat a terme una caracterització preliminar dels retorns radar del mar adquirits amb el sensor orbital TerraSAR-X, amb tres nivells d'anàlisi (radiomètric, estadístic i polarimètric). Aquest estudi demostra que aspectes com el soroll tèrmic i la decorrelació temporal, dependents del propi sensor i de l'entorn dinàmic del mar, poden limitar la correcta interpretació de les dades, i per tant, s'han d'incloure en els models físics dels mecanismes de dispersió del mar. Les missions SAR tant actuals com futures es basen en l'explotació de la tecnologia de les agrupacions d'antenes de fase activa (APAA) per operar diferents modes d'adquisició. El procés de calibratge associat és molt complex atès el gran nombre de feixos que es poden utilitzar. En el marc de la tesi doctoral s'han proposat i avaluat metodologies alternatives de calibratge intern per aquests sistemes, amb un millor rendiment en comparació amb les tècniques convencionals. Aquestes estratègies de calibratge, juntament amb la corresponent formulació dels errors de sistema, estableixen les bases per a l'estudi i avaluació en sistemes multicanal SA

    Project MEDSAT: The design of a remote sensing platform for malaria research and control

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    Project MEDSAT was proposed with the specific goal of designing a satellite to remotely sense pertinent information useful in establishing strategies to control malaria. The 340 kg MEDSAT satellite is to be inserted into circular earth orbit aboard the Pegasus Air-Launched Space Booster at an inclination of 21 degrees and an altitude of 473 km. It is equipped with a synthetic aperture radar and a visible thermal/infrared sensor to remotely sense conditions at the target area of Chiapas, Mexico. The orbit is designed so that MEDSAT will pass over the target site twice each day. The data from each scan will be downlinked to Hawaii for processing, resulting in maps indicating areas of high malaria risk. These will be distributed to health officials at the target site. A relatively inexpensive launch by Pegasus and a design using mainly proven, off-the-shelf technology permit a low mission cost, while innovations in the satellite controls and the scientific instruments allow a fairly complex mission

    Coherent Change Detection Under a Forest Canopy

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    Coherent change detection (CCD) is an established technique for remotely monitoring landscapes with minimal vegetation or buildings. By evaluating the local complex correlation between a pair of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images acquired on repeat passes of an airborne or spaceborne imaging radar system, a map of the scene coherence is obtained. Subtle disturbances of the ground are detected as areas of low coherence in the surface clutter. This thesis investigates extending CCD to monitor the ground in a forest. It is formulated as a multichannel dual-layer coherence estimation problem, where the coherence of scattering from the ground is estimated after suppressing interference from the canopy by vertically beamforming multiple image channels acquired at slightly different grazing angles on each pass. This 3D SAR beamforming must preserve the phase of the ground response. The choice of operating wavelength is considered in terms of the trade-off between foliage penetration and change sensitivity. A framework for comparing the performance of different radar designs and beamforming algorithms, as well as assessing the sensitivity to error, is built around the random-volume-over-ground (RVOG) model of forest scattering. If the ground and volume scattering contributions in the received echo are of similar strength, it is shown that an L-band array of just three channels can provide enough volume attenuation to permit reasonable estimation of the ground coherence. The proposed method is demonstrated using an RVOG clutter simulation and a modified version of the physics-based SAR image simulator PolSARproSim. Receiver operating characteristics show that whilst ordinary single-channel CCD is unusable when a canopy is present, 3D SAR CCD permits reasonable detection performance. A novel polarimetric filtering algorithm is also proposed to remove contributions from the ground-trunk double-bounce scattering mechanism, which may mask changes on the ground near trees. To enable this kind of polarimetric processing, fully polarimetric data must be acquired and calibrated. Motivated by an interim version of the Ingara airborne imaging radar, which used a pair of helical antennas to acquire circularly polarised data, techniques for the estimation of polarimetric distortion in the circular basis are investigated. It is shown that the standard approach to estimating cross-talk in the linear basis, whereby expressions for the distortion of reflection-symmetric clutter are linearised and solved, cannot be adapted to the circular basis, because the first-order effects of individual cross-talk parameters cannot be distinguished. An alternative approach is proposed that uses ordinary and gridded trihedral corner reflectors, and optionally dihedrals, to iteratively estimate the channel imbalance and cross-talk parameters. Monte Carlo simulations show that the method reliably converges to the true parameter values. Ingara data is calibrated using the method, with broadly consistent parameter estimates obtained across flights. Genuine scene changes may be masked by coherence loss that arises when the bands of spatial frequencies supported by the two passes do not match. Trimming the spatial-frequency bands to their common area of support would remove these uncorrelated contributions, but the bands, and therefore the required trim, depend on the effective collection geometry at each pixel position. The precise dependence on local slope and collection geometry is derived in this thesis. Standard methods of SAR image formation use a flat focal plane and allow only a single global trim, which leads to spatially varying coherence loss when the terrain is undulating. An image-formation algorithm is detailed that exploits the flexibility offered by back-projection not only to focus the image onto a surface matched to the scene topography but also to allow spatially adaptive trimming. Improved coherence is demonstrated in simulation and using data from two airborne radar systems.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 202

    GNSS reflectometry for land remote sensing applications

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    Soil moisture and vegetation biomass are two essential parameters from a scienti c and economical point of view. On one hand, they are key for the understanding of the hydrological and carbon cycle. On the other hand, soil moisture is essential for agricultural applications and water management, and vegetation biomass is crucial for regional development programs. Several remote sensing techniques have been used to measure these two parameters. However, retrieving soil moisture and vegetation biomass with the required accuracy, and the appropriate spatial and temporal resolutions still remains a major challenge. The use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) reflected signals as sources of opportunity for measuring soil moisture and vegetation biomass is assessed in this PhD Thesis. This technique, commonly known as GNSS-Reflectometry (GNSS-R), has gained increasing interest among the scienti c community during the last two decades due to its unique characteristics. Previous experimental works have already shown the capabilities of GNSS-R to sense small reflectivity changes on the surface. The use of the co- and cross-polarized reflected signals was also proposed to mitigate nuisance parameters, such as soil surface roughness, in the determination of soil moisture. However, experimental evidence of the suitability of that technique could not be demonstrated. This work analyses from a theoretical and an experimental point of view the capabilities of polarimetric observations of GNSS reflected signals for monitoring soil moisture and vegetation biomass. The Thesis is structured in four main parts. The fi rst part examines the fundamental aspects of the technique and provides a detailed review of the GNSS-R state of the art for soil moisture and vegetation monitoring. The second part deals with the scattering models from land surfaces. A comprehensive description of the formation of scattered signals from rough surfaces is provided. Simulations with current state of the art models for bare and vegetated soils were performed in order to analyze the scattering components of GNSS reflected signals. A simpli ed scattering model was also developed in order to relate in a straightforward way experimental measurements to soil bio-geophysical parameters. The third part reviews the experimental work performed within this research. The development of a GNSS-R instrument for land applications is described, together with the three experimental campaigns carried out in the frame of this PhD Thesis. The analysis of the GNSS-R and ground truth data is also discussed within this part. As predicted by models, it was observed that GNSS scattered signals from natural surfaces are a combination of a coherent and an incoherent scattering components. A data analysis technique was proposed to separate both scattering contributions. The use of polarimetric observations for the determination of soil moisture was demonstrated to be useful under most soil conditions. It was also observed that forests with high levels of biomass could be observed with GNSS reflected signals. The fourth and last part of the Thesis provides an analysis of the technology perspectives. A GNSS-R End-to-End simulator was used to determine the capabilities of the technique to observe di erent soil reflectivity conditions from a low Earth orbiting satellite. It was determined that high accuracy in the estimation of reflectivity could be achieved within reasonable on-ground resolution, as the coherent scattering component is expected to be the predominant one in a spaceborne scenario. The results obtained in this PhD Thesis show the promising potential of GNSS-R measurements for land remote sensing applications, which could represent an excellent complementary observation for a wide range of Earth Observation missions such as SMOS, SMAP, and the recently approved ESA Earth Explorer Mission Biomass.La humedad del suelo y la biomasa de la vegetaci on son dos parametros clave desde un punto de vista tanto cient co como econ omico. Por una parte son esenciales para el estudio del ciclo del agua y del carbono. Por otra parte, la humedad del suelo es esencial para la gesti on de las cosechas y los recursos h dricos, mientras que la biomasa es un par ametro fundamental para ciertos programas de desarrollo. Varias formas de teledetección se han utilizado para la observaci on remota de estos par ametros, sin embargo, su monitorizaci on con la precisi on y resoluci on necesarias es todav a un importante reto tecnol ogico. Esta Tesis evalua la capacidad de medir humedad del suelo y biomasa de la vegetaci on con señales de Sistemas Satelitales de Posicionamiento Global (GNSS, en sus siglas en ingl es) reflejadas sobre la Tierra. La t ecnica se conoce como Reflectometr í a GNSS (GNSS-R), la cual ha ganado un creciente inter es dentro de la comunidad científ ca durante las dos ultimas d ecadas. Experimentos previos a este trabajo ya demostraron la capacidad de observar cambios en la reflectividad del terreno con GNSS-R. El uso de la componente copolar y contrapolar de la señal reflejada fue propuesto para independizar la medida de humedad del suelo de otros par ametros como la rugosidad del terreno. Sin embargo, no se pudo demostrar una evidencia experimental de la viabilidad de la t ecnica. En este trabajo se analiza desde un punto de vista te orico y experimental el uso de la informaci on polarim etrica de la señales GNSS reflejadas sobre el suelo para la determinaci on de humedad y biomasa de la vegetaci on. La Tesis se estructura en cuatro partes principales. En la primera parte se eval uan los aspectos fundamentales de la t ecnica y se da una revisi on detallada del estado del arte para la observaci on de humedad y vegetaci on. En la segunda parte se discuten los modelos de dispersi on electromagn etica sobre el suelo. Simulaciones con estos modelos fueron realizadas para analizar las componentes coherente e incoherente de la dispersi on de la señal reflejada sobre distintos tipos de terreno. Durante este trabajo se desarroll o un modelo de reflexi on simpli cado para poder relacionar de forma directa las observaciones con los par ametros geof sicos del suelo. La tercera parte describe las campañas experimentales realizadas durante este trabajo y discute el an alisis y la comparaci on de los datos GNSS-R con las mediciones in-situ. Como se predice por los modelos, se comprob o experimentalmente que la señal reflejada est a formada por una componente coherente y otra incoherente. Una t ecnica de an alisis de datos se propuso para la separacióon de estas dos contribuciones. Con los datos de las campañas experimentales se demonstr o el bene cio del uso de la informaci on polarim etrica en las señales GNSS reflejadas para la medici on de humedad del suelo, para la mayor a de las condiciones de rugosidad observadas. Tambi en se demostr o la capacidad de este tipo de observaciones para medir zonas boscosas densamente pobladas. La cuarta parte de la tesis analiza la capacidad de la t ecnica para observar cambios en la reflectividad del suelo desde un sat elite en orbita baja. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la reflectividad del terreno podr a medirse con gran precisi on ya que la componente coherente del scattering ser a la predominante en ese tipo de escenarios. En este trabajo de doctorado se muestran la potencialidades de la t ecnica GNSS-R para observar remotamente par ametros del suelo tan importantes como la humedad del suelo y la biomasa de la vegetaci on. Este tipo de medidas pueden complementar un amplio rango de misiones de observaci on de la Tierra como SMOS, SMAP, y Biomass, esta ultima recientemente aprobada para la siguiente misi on Earth Explorer de la ESA

    Approches tomographiques structurelles pour l'analyse du milieu urbain par tomographie SAR THR : TomoSAR

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    SAR tomography consists in exploiting multiple images from the same area acquired from a slightly different angle to retrieve the 3-D distribution of the complex reflectivity on the ground. As the transmitted waves are coherent, the desired spatial information (along with the vertical axis) is coded in the phase of the pixels. Many methods have been proposed to retrieve this information in the past years. However, the natural redundancies of the scene are generally not exploited to improve the tomographic estimation step. This Ph.D. presents new approaches to regularize the estimated reflectivity density obtained through SAR tomography by exploiting the urban geometrical structures.La tomographie SAR exploite plusieurs acquisitions d'une même zone acquises d'un point de vue légerement différent pour reconstruire la densité complexe de réflectivité au sol. Cette technique d'imagerie s'appuyant sur l'émission et la réception d'ondes électromagnétiques cohérentes, les données analysées sont complexes et l'information spatiale manquante (selon la verticale) est codée dans la phase. De nombreuse méthodes ont pu être proposées pour retrouver cette information. L'utilisation des redondances naturelles à certains milieux n'est toutefois généralement pas exploitée pour améliorer l'estimation tomographique. Cette thèse propose d'utiliser l'information structurelle propre aux structures urbaines pour régulariser les densités de réflecteurs obtenues par cette technique