155 research outputs found

    Big Data for the Real-Time Analysis of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory

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    Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è quello di progettare e sviluppare un framework che supporti l'analisi in tempo reale nel contesto del Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). CTA è un consorzio internazionale che comprende 1420 membri provenienti da oltre 200 istituti da 31 Nazioni. CTA punta ad essere il più grande e più sensibile osservatorio ground-based di raggi gamma di prossima generazione in grado di gestire un'elevata quantità di dati e un'alta velocità di trasmissione, compresa tra i 0,5 e i 10 GB/s, con una rate di acquisizione nominale di 6 kHz. A tale riguardo, è stata sviluppata la RTAlib in grado di fornire un'API semplice e ad alte prestazioni per archiviare o fare caching dei dati generati durante la fase di ricostruzione e analisi. Per far fronte alle elevate velocità di trasmissione di CTA, la RTAlib sfrutta il multiprocesso, il multi-threading, le transazioni ed un accesso trasparente a MySQL o Redis per far fronte a diversi casi d’uso. Tutte queste funzionalità sono state testate ottenendo risultati entro i requisiti richiesti. In particolare, con la libreria sviluppata si riesce a fare caching di dati con Redis, con processi scrittori e lettori che lavorano in parallelo, ad una rate di 8 kHz in scrittura e 30 kHz in lettura. Il team in cui ho lavorato ha basato sui principi dell'approccio Scrum e DevOps il proprio processo di sviluppo del software, in particolare dalle unit test fino alla continuous integration, utilizzando tools ad accesso pubblico su GitHub oppure tramite Jenkins. Grazie a questo approccio si è puntato ad avere una elevata qualità del codice fin dall’inizio del progetto, e questo è risultato uno degli approcci più importanti per ottenere i risultati raggiunti

    Building Universal Digital Libraries: An Agenda for Copyright Reform

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    This article proposes a series of copyright reforms to pave the way for digital library projects like Project Gutenberg, the Internet Archive, and Google Print, which promise to make much of the world\u27s knowledge easily searchable and accessible from anywhere. Existing law frustrates digital library growth and development by granting overlapping, overbroad, and near-perpetual copyrights in books, art, audiovisual works, and digital content. Digital libraries would benefit from an expanded public domain, revitalized fair use doctrine and originality requirement, rationalized systems for copyright registration and transfer, and a new framework for compensating copyright owners for online infringement without imposing derivative copyright liability on technologists. This article\u27s case for reform begins with rolling back the copyright term extensions of recent years, which were upheld by the Supreme Court in Eldred v. Reno. Indefinitely renewable copyrights threaten to marginalize Internet publishing and online libraries by entangling them in endless disputes regarding the rights to decades- or centuries-old works. Similarly, digital library projects are becoming unnecessarily complicated and expensive to undertake due to the assertion by libraries and copyright holding companies of exclusive rights over unoriginal reproductions of public domain works, and the demands of authors that courts block all productive digital uses of their already published but often out-of-print works. Courts should refuse to allow the markets in digital reproductions to be monopolized in this way, and Congress must introduce greater certainty into copyright licensing by requiring more frequent registration and recordation of rights. Courts should also consider the digitizing of copyrighted works for the benefit of the public to be fair use, particularly where only excerpts of the works are posted online for public perusal. A digital library like Google Print needs a degree of certainty - which existing law does not provide - that it will not be punished for making miles of printed matter instantly searchable in the comfort of one\u27s home, or for rescuing orphan works from obscurity or letting consumers preview a few pages of a book before buying it. Finally, the Supreme Court\u27s recognition of liability for inducement of digital copyright infringement in the Grokster case may have profoundly negative consequences for digital library technology. The article discusses how recent proposals for statutory file-sharing licenses may reduce the bandwidth and storage costs of digital libraries, and thereby make them more comprehensive and accessible

    Copyright in the Internet with reference to Malaysia

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    This thesis examines selected legal issues of copyright law in respect of the internet. The thesis focuses on Malaysian and UK Copyright law concerning; accessing web pages; linking; framing and caching. Since the internet is in use globally, law at an international, regional and national level have been examined in order to find solutions to these selective issues. At the regional level, European Union law is analysed. The Information Society Directive covers two of the selected issues (accessing web pages and caching). However there are still gaps in the Information Society Directive regarding the two other issues of framing and linking. In UK Copyright law, since the UK has implemented the Information Society Directive, a new section has been added to the Amendment Act, which covers accessing web pages and caching, but the UK Statutes do not expressly cover framing and linking. However, linking may be allowed under the general rule of implied licence. The Malaysian Copyright (Amendment) Act of 1997 has provided for the internet where a new section has been created that is the right to control the communication of copyright works to the public. However, there is no specific legislative provision on transient copies (accessing web page and caching) under this Act. However, accessing web pages may be covered under another provision which permits copies to be made in any form or version. Caching however is provided for under another provision. In the USA, provision on safe harbour provides the ISP with protection against action of infringement. The US Copyright law covers all the selected issues except framing. The conclusion reached in this thesis is that Malaysian law provides legislative solutions only for some of the selected copyright issues in respect of the internet but, in general, it is still inadequate and needs to be improved

    Performance analysis of a database caching system in a grid environment

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    Tese de mestrado. Engenharia Informática. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    How to accelerate your internet : a practical guide to bandwidth management and optimisation using open source software

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    xiii, 298 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.Libro ElectrónicoAccess to sufficient Internet bandwidth enables worldwide electronic collaboration, access to informational resources, rapid and effective communication, and grants membership to a global community. Therefore, bandwidth is probably the single most critical resource at the disposal of a modern organisation. The goal of this book is to provide practical information on how to gain the largest possible benefit from your connection to the Internet. By applying the monitoring and optimisation techniques discussed here, the effectiveness of your network can be significantly improved

    Sixth Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies Held in Cooperation with the Fifteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems

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    This document contains copies of those technical papers received in time for publication prior to the Sixth Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies which is being held in cooperation with the Fifteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems at the University of Maryland-University College Inn and Conference Center March 23-26, 1998. As one of an ongoing series, this Conference continues to provide a forum for discussion of issues relevant to the management of large volumes of data. The Conference encourages all interested organizations to discuss long term mass storage requirements and experiences in fielding solutions. Emphasis is on current and future practical solutions addressing issues in data management, storage systems and media, data acquisition, long term retention of data, and data distribution. This year's discussion topics include architecture, tape optimization, new technology, performance, standards, site reports, vendor solutions. Tutorials will be available on shared file systems, file system backups, data mining, and the dynamics of obsolescence

    The Rising Preference to Real-Time Broadcasting Effects upon Traditional Multi-Media Broadcasting Solutions

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    Originally the Internet was a research-based arena but today the applications available are greatly diversified and extremely advanced. Media broadcasting on a real time basis is that which characterizes many providers business base in service, applications, soft and hardware needs. Today\u27s engineers are driven toward making provisions of new and superior applications to make the Internet stronger and more serviceable. Along with the new dimension of today\u27s Internet come new challenges. Videoconferencing and video broadcasting are mainstream entrant applications. These applications specifically those of videoconferencing and broadcasting place previously unheard of demands on the response-load of the network effecting data in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in data delivery. The new analog type delivery used today has opened the Internet up for new usefulness. This work explores the changes and the new technologies unleashed as well as observing how other advantages in IP networks still need to be realized, making determination of the roadblocks in achieving a competitive advantage in IP networks and evaluate the developments in broadcasting; determining other resources that need to be realized and identifying the chances that traditional broadcasting technology will revolutionize and catch up with IP broadcasting. Finally this work will assess what it would take to achieve the development of broadcasting technologies

    Shaping future low-carbon energy and transportation systems: Digital technologies and applications

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    Digitalization and decarbonization are projected to be two major trends in the coming decades. As the already widespread process of digitalization continues to progress, especially in energy and transportation systems, massive data will be produced, and how these data could support and promote decarbonization has become a pressing concern. This paper presents a comprehensive review of digital technologies and their potential applications in low-carbon energy and transportation systems from the perspectives of infrastructure, common mechanisms and algorithms, and system-level impacts, as well as the application of digital technologies to coupled energy and transportation systems with electric vehicles. This paper also identifies corresponding challenges and future research directions, such as in the field of blockchain, digital twin, vehicle-to-grid, low-carbon computing, and data security and privacy, especially in the context of integrated energy and transportation systems
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