74 research outputs found

    Automatic Safe Data Reuse Detection for the WCET Analysis of Systems With Data Caches

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    Worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis of systems with data caches is one of the key challenges in real-time systems. Caches exploit the inherent reuse properties of programs, temporarily storing certain memory contents near the processor, in order that further accesses to such contents do not require costly memory transfers. Current worst-case data cache analysis methods focus on specific cache organizations (LRU, locked, ACDC, etc.). In this article, we analyze data reuse (in the worst case) as a property of the program, and thus independent of the data cache. Our analysis method uses Abstract Interpretation on the compiled program to extract, for each static load/store instruction, a linear expression for the address pattern of its data accesses, according to the Loop Nest Data Reuse Theory. Each data access expression is compared to that of prior (dominant) memory instructions to verify whether it presents a guaranteed reuse. Our proposal manages references to scalars, arrays, and non-linear accesses, provides both temporal and spatial reuse information, and does not require the exploration of explicit data access sequences. As a proof of concept we analyze the TACLeBench benchmark suite, showing that most loads/stores present data reuse, and how compiler optimizations affect it. Using a simple hit/miss estimation on our reuse results, the time devoted to data accesses in the worst case is reduced to 27% compared to an always-miss system, equivalent to a data hit ratio of 81%. With compiler optimization, such time is reduced to 6.5%

    Gerenciamento explícito de memória auxiliar a partir de arquivos-objeto para melhoria da eficiência energética de sistemas embarcados

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2010Memórias de rascunho (Scratchpad Memories - SPM) tornaram-se populares em sistemas embarcados por conta de sua eficiência energética. A literatura sobre SPMs parece indicar que a alteração dinâmica de seu conteúdo suplanta a alocação estática. Embora técnicas overlay-based (OVB) operando em nível de código-fonte possam beneficiar-se de múltiplos hot spots para uma maior economia de energia, elas não conseguem explorar elementos de programa oriundos de bibliotecas. Entretanto, quando operam diretamente em binários, as abordagens OVB conduzem a uma menor economia, frequentemente exigem hardware dedicado e às vezes impossibilitam a alocação de dados. Por outro lado, a economia de energia reportada por todas as técnicas, até o momento, ignora o fato de que, em sistemas que possuem caches, estas deverão ser otimizadas antes da alocação para SPM. Este trabalho mostra evidência experimental de que, quando métodos non-overlay-based (NOB) são utilizados para manipulação de arquivos binários, a economia de energia em memória, por conta da alocação em SPM, varia entre 15% a 33%, e média, e é tão boa ou melhor do que a economia reportada para abordagens OVB que operam sobre binários. Como esta economia (ao contrário dos trabalhos correlatos) foi medida após o ajuste-fino das caches - quando existe menos espaço para otimização -, estes resultados estimulam o uso de métodos NOB, mais simples, para a construção de alocadores capazes de considerar elementos de bibliotecas e que não dependam de hardware especializado. Este trabalho também mostra que, dada uma capacidade CT de uma cache pré-ajustada equivalente, o tamanho ótimo de SPM reside em [CT//2, CT] para 85% dos programas avaliados. Finalmente, mostram-se evidências contra-intuitivas de que, mesmo para arquiteturas baseadas em cache contendo SPMs pequenas, é preferível utilizar-se a granularidade de procedimentos à de blocos básicos, exceto em algumas poucas aplicações que combinam elementos frequentemente acessados e taxas de faltas relativamente altas

    Efficient and Effective Multi-Objective Optimization for Real-Time Multi-Task Systems

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    Embedded real-time multi-task systems must often not only comply with timing constraints but also need to meet energy requirements. However, optimizing energy consumption might lead to higher Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET), leading to an un-schedulable system, as frequently executed code can easily differ from timing-critical code. To handle such an impasse in this paper, we formulate a Metaheuristic Algorithm-based Multi-objective Optimization (MAMO) for multi-task real-time systems. But, performing multiple WCET, energy, and schedulability analyses to solve a MAMO poses a bottleneck concerning compilation times. Therefore, we propose two novel approaches - Path-based Constraint Approach (PCA) and Impact-based Constraint Approach (ICA) - to reduce the solution search space size and to cope with this problem. Evaluations showed that PCA and ICA reduced compilation times by 85.31% and 77.31%, on average, over MAMO. For all the task sets, out of all solutions found by ICA-FPA, on average, 88.89% were on the final Pareto front

    Resource and thermal management in 3D-stacked multi-/many-core systems

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    Continuous semiconductor technology scaling and the rapid increase in computational needs have stimulated the emergence of multi-/many-core processors. While up to hundreds of cores can be placed on a single chip, the performance capacity of the cores cannot be fully exploited due to high latencies of interconnects and memory, high power consumption, and low manufacturing yield in traditional (2D) chips. 3D stacking is an emerging technology that aims to overcome these limitations of 2D designs by stacking processor dies over each other and using through-silicon-vias (TSVs) for on-chip communication, and thus, provides a large amount of on-chip resources and shortens communication latency. These benefits, however, are limited by challenges in high power densities and temperatures. 3D stacking also enables integrating heterogeneous technologies into a single chip. One example of heterogeneous integration is building many-core systems with silicon-photonic network-on-chip (PNoC), which reduces on-chip communication latency significantly and provides higher bandwidth compared to electrical links. However, silicon-photonic links are vulnerable to on-chip thermal and process variations. These variations can be countered by actively tuning the temperatures of optical devices through micro-heaters, but at the cost of substantial power overhead. This thesis claims that unearthing the energy efficiency potential of 3D-stacked systems requires intelligent and application-aware resource management. Specifically, the thesis improves energy efficiency of 3D-stacked systems via three major components of computing systems: cache, memory, and on-chip communication. We analyze characteristics of workloads in computation, memory usage, and communication, and present techniques that leverage these characteristics for energy-efficient computing. This thesis introduces 3D cache resource pooling, a cache design that allows for flexible heterogeneity in cache configuration across a 3D-stacked system and improves cache utilization and system energy efficiency. We also demonstrate the impact of resource pooling on a real prototype 3D system with scratchpad memory. At the main memory level, we claim that utilizing heterogeneous memory modules and memory object level management significantly helps with energy efficiency. This thesis proposes a memory management scheme at a finer granularity: memory object level, and a page allocation policy to leverage the heterogeneity of available memory modules and cater to the diverse memory requirements of workloads. On the on-chip communication side, we introduce an approach to limit the power overhead of PNoC in (3D) many-core systems through cross-layer thermal management. Our proposed thermally-aware workload allocation policies coupled with an adaptive thermal tuning policy minimize the required thermal tuning power for PNoC, and in this way, help broader integration of PNoC. The thesis also introduces techniques in placement and floorplanning of optical devices to reduce optical loss and, thus, laser source power consumption.2018-03-09T00:00:00

    A survey of emerging architectural techniques for improving cache energy consumption

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    The search goes on for another ground breaking phenomenon to reduce the ever-increasing disparity between the CPU performance and storage. There are encouraging breakthroughs in enhancing CPU performance through fabrication technologies and changes in chip designs but not as much luck has been struck with regards to the computer storage resulting in material negative system performance. A lot of research effort has been put on finding techniques that can improve the energy efficiency of cache architectures. This work is a survey of energy saving techniques which are grouped on whether they save the dynamic energy, leakage energy or both. Needless to mention, the aim of this work is to compile a quick reference guide of energy saving techniques from 2013 to 2016 for engineers, researchers and students

    Restoring the Broken Covenant Between Compilers and Deep Learning Accelerators

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    Deep learning accelerators address the computational demands of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), departing from the traditional Von Neumann execution model. They leverage specialized hardware to align with the application domain's structure. Compilers for these accelerators face distinct challenges compared to those for general-purpose processors. These challenges include exposing and managing more micro-architectural features, handling software-managed scratch pads for on-chip storage, explicitly managing data movement, and matching DNN layers with varying hardware capabilities. These complexities necessitate a new approach to compiler design, as traditional compilers mainly focused on generating fine-grained instruction sequences while abstracting micro-architecture details. This paper introduces the Architecture Covenant Graph (ACG), an abstract representation of an architectural structure's components and their programmable capabilities. By enabling the compiler to work with the ACG, it allows for adaptable compilation workflows when making changes to accelerator design, reducing the need for a complete compiler redevelopment. Codelets, which express DNN operation functionality and evolve into execution mappings on the ACG, are key to this process. The Covenant compiler efficiently targets diverse deep learning accelerators, achieving 93.8% performance compared to state-of-the-art, hand-tuned DNN layer implementations when compiling 14 DNN layers from various models on two different architectures

    Heterogeneous parallel virtual machine: A portable program representation and compiler for performance and energy optimizations on heterogeneous parallel systems

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    Programming heterogeneous parallel systems, such as the SoCs (System-on-Chip) on mobile and edge devices is extremely difficult; the diverse parallel hardware they contain exposes vastly different hardware instruction sets, parallelism models and memory systems. Moreover, a wide range of diverse hardware and software approximation techniques are available for applications targeting heterogeneous SoCs, further exacerbating the programmability challenges. In this thesis, we alleviate the programmability challenges of such systems using flexible compiler intermediate representation solutions, in order to benefit from the performance and superior energy efficiency of heterogeneous systems. First, we develop Heterogeneous Parallel Virtual Machine (HPVM), a parallel program representation for heterogeneous systems, designed to enable functional and performance portability across popular parallel hardware. HPVM is based on a hierarchical dataflow graph with side effects. HPVM successfully supports three important capabilities for programming heterogeneous systems: a compiler intermediate representation (IR), a virtual instruction set (ISA), and a basis for runtime scheduling. We use the HPVM representation to implement an HPVM prototype, defining the HPVM IR as an extension of the Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) IR. Our results show comparable performance with optimized OpenCL kernels for the target hardware from a single HPVM representation using translators from HPVM virtual ISA to native code, IR optimizations operating directly on the HPVM representation, and the capability for supporting flexible runtime scheduling schemes from a single HPVM representation. We extend HPVM to ApproxHPVM, introducing hardware-independent approximation metrics in the IR to enable maintaining accuracy information at the IR level and mapping of application-level end-to-end quality metrics to system level "knobs". The approximation metrics quantify the acceptable accuracy loss for individual computations. Application programmers only need to specify high-level, and end-to-end, quality metrics, instead of detailed parameters for individual approximation methods. The ApproxHPVM system then automatically tunes the accuracy requirements of individual computations and maps them to approximate hardware when possible. ApproxHPVM results show significant performance and energy improvements for popular deep learning benchmarks. Finally, we extend to ApproxHPVM to ApproxTuner, a compiler and runtime system for approximation. ApproxTuner extends ApproxHPVM with a wide range of hardware and software approximation techniques. It uses a three step approximation tuning strategy, a combination of development-time, install-time, and dynamic tuning. Our strategy ensures software portability, even though approximations have highly hardware-dependent performance, and enables efficient dynamic approximation tuning despite the expensive offline steps. ApproxTuner results show significant performance and energy improvements across 7 Deep Neural Networks and 3 image processing benchmarks, and ensures that high-level end-to-end quality specifications are satisfied during adaptive approximation tuning