217 research outputs found

    A Novel Self-Intersection Penalty Term for Statistical Body Shape Models and Its Applications in 3D Pose Estimation

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    Statistical body shape models are widely used in 3D pose estimation due to their low-dimensional parameters representation. However, it is difficult to avoid self-intersection between body parts accurately. Motivated by this fact, we proposed a novel self-intersection penalty term for statistical body shape models applied in 3D pose estimation. To avoid the trouble of computing self-intersection for complex surfaces like the body meshes, the gradient of our proposed self-intersection penalty term is manually derived from the perspective of geometry. First, the self-intersection penalty term is defined as the volume of the self-intersection region. To calculate the partial derivatives with respect to the coordinates of the vertices, we employed detection rays to divide vertices of statistical body shape models into different groups depending on whether the vertex is in the region of self-intersection. Second, the partial derivatives could be easily derived by the normal vectors of neighboring triangles of the vertices. Finally, this penalty term could be applied in gradient-based optimization algorithms to remove the self-intersection of triangular meshes without using any approximation. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations were conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of our proposed method compared with previous approaches. The experimental results show that our proposed penalty term can avoid self-intersection to exclude unreasonable predictions and improves the accuracy of 3D pose estimation indirectly. Further more, the proposed method could be employed universally in triangular mesh based 3D reconstruction

    Seamless, Static Multi-Texturing of 3D Meshes

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    In the context of 3D reconstruction, we present a static multi-texturing system yielding a seamless texture atlas calculated by combining the colour information from several photos from the same subject covering most of its surface. These pictures can be provided by shooting just one camera several times when reconstructing a static object, or a set of synchronized cameras, when dealing with a human or any other moving object. We suppress the colour seams due to image misalignments and irregular lighting conditions that multi-texturing approaches typically suffer from, while minimizing the blurring effect introduced by colour blending techniques. Our system is robust enough to compensate for the almost inevitable inaccuracies of 3D meshes obtained with visual hull–based techniques: errors in silhouette segmentation, inherently bad handling of concavities, etc

    Hashing Neural Video Decomposition with Multiplicative Residuals in Space-Time

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    We present a video decomposition method that facilitates layer-based editing of videos with spatiotemporally varying lighting and motion effects. Our neural model decomposes an input video into multiple layered representations, each comprising a 2D texture map, a mask for the original video, and a multiplicative residual characterizing the spatiotemporal variations in lighting conditions. A single edit on the texture maps can be propagated to the corresponding locations in the entire video frames while preserving other contents' consistencies. Our method efficiently learns the layer-based neural representations of a 1080p video in 25s per frame via coordinate hashing and allows real-time rendering of the edited result at 71 fps on a single GPU. Qualitatively, we run our method on various videos to show its effectiveness in generating high-quality editing effects. Quantitatively, we propose to adopt feature-tracking evaluation metrics for objectively assessing the consistency of video editing. Project page: https://lightbulb12294.github.io/hashing-nvd

    Enhanced Gradient-Based Local Feature Descriptors by Saliency Map for Egocentric Action Recognition

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    Egocentric video analysis is an important tool in healthcare that serves a variety of purposes, such as memory aid systems and physical rehabilitation, and feature extraction is an indispensable process for such analysis. Local feature descriptors have been widely applied due to their simple implementation and reasonable efficiency and performance in applications. This paper proposes an enhanced spatial and temporal local feature descriptor extraction method to boost the performance of action classification. The approach allows local feature descriptors to take advantage of saliency maps, which provide insights into visual attention. The effectiveness of the proposed method was validated and evaluated by a comparative study, whose results demonstrated an improved accuracy of around 2%

    Active skeleton for bacteria modeling

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    The investigation of spatio-temporal dynamics of bacterial cells and their molecular components requires automated image analysis tools to track cell shape properties and molecular component locations inside the cells. In the study of bacteria aging, the molecular components of interest are protein aggregates accumulated near bacteria boundaries. This particular location makes very ambiguous the correspondence between aggregates and cells, since computing accurately bacteria boundaries in phase-contrast time-lapse imaging is a challenging task. This paper proposes an active skeleton formulation for bacteria modeling which provides several advantages: an easy computation of shape properties (perimeter, length, thickness, orientation), an improved boundary accuracy in noisy images, and a natural bacteria-centered coordinate system that permits the intrinsic location of molecular components inside the cell. Starting from an initial skeleton estimate, the medial axis of the bacterium is obtained by minimizing an energy function which incorporates bacteria shape constraints. Experimental results on biological images and comparative evaluation of the performances validate the proposed approach for modeling cigar-shaped bacteria like Escherichia coli. The Image-J plugin of the proposed method can be found online at http://fluobactracker.inrialpes.fr.Comment: Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualizationto appear i
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